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"My Dog Ate Your Christmas Present || Bucky Barnes X Reader Drabble

"My dog ate your christmas present”  || Bucky Barnes x reader drabble


Words: 774

Warnings: none

SUMMARY: Bucky's dog ate the present for reader. Bucky had to invent something ad hoc.

Author: Beast.

A/N: Drabble written for @caplansteverogers writing challenge. I hope you don't mind me changing the character I was supposed to write about.


Shit, shit, shit!” Bucky was running over his room looking for something, when Steve stepped in.

„Hey, pal, what's up?” Captain asked.

Bucky only waved his hand slightly.  “I have a problem here...” James laughed nervously. “I mean, just look at this mess”  he pointed at the corner.

Steve frowned but looked at the direction his pal has pointed.

He noticed Bucky's dog. The animal was laying on the floor eating a colorful decorative gift paper.

“Is this...?” Rogers gave Bucky a look. “Yes. It it.” Bucky sat on the bed slipping hands in his hair. “What I'll do now?” man wailed loudly. “This one time I thought it'll be nice. That I'll make HER happy. It's Christmas time... And again I failed.”

“Hey, hey!” Steve took a seat next to his friend and wrapped arm around him. “Hush, bud, don't worry. We still have time. We can make it up.”

“How?” Bucky spreaded his arms in a gesture of helplessness. “We have only an hour to Christmas Eve. I won't find anything proper for her now.”

Steve sighed. “So maybe just tell her the truth? She's gonna understand I bet.”

Bucky looked at his dog. “Boof!” animal barked happily waving its tail. “Hey, you. Yes, you! I wouldn't be so happy if I'd be on your place, mate! Hey, I'm talking to you!” Bucky snarled deeply rolling his eyes while dog got up and rushed briskly to his owner. German shepherd sat in front of the bed and put its head on Bucky's laps.

“C'mon, Champo!” Bucky sighed, but finally he ruffled dog's fur. “Who was a bad boy?” Dog looked at man with his huge eyes.

“Haha, just look at him, Bucky!” Steve smirked and also pated dog's head. “Can those eyes lie?”

Bucky cocked his brows looking at Steve. “Eh. Only this time! Bad boy! Bad doggo!”

Champo wagged his tail happily and barked again.


When gifts were given, Bucky still had his eyes on you.

“Hey! Does everyone have a gift?!” Tony yelled loudly outshouting others. He briefly looked at you and frowned a bit. “Hey! Bucky! You were responsible for dispensation of presents! Where is the one for Y/N?!”

Bucky blushed slightly and desperately glanced at Steve, who only gave him a nod.

You blinked when Bucky approched you. “Y/N, let me explain...” he stuttered a bit.

You lowered your head shrugging. “It's okay, Bucky. I know you had a lot on your shoulders lately. I'm not mad at all. It's okay.”

He slipped his metal palm under your chin and forced you to pick your head up and to look into his eyes. “It's not like that, Y/N. I didn't forget.” Bucky took your face into his hands. "My dog ate your Christmas present."

 You blinked few times. “E... Excuse me?” you enquired. “Just what you've heard” Bucky mumbled quietly. “I left it on my bed. When I came back I found him eating your present.”

You slowly put your hand up covering your mouth.

“Y/N, everything's alright?” man narrowed his brows.

You bursted into laugh. “Oh, God! Bucky!”

As confused as he was at that moment, Bucky tilted his head slightly. “Have I done something wrong?”

“No! Of course not!” you giggled happily. “I just thought you forgot!”

Bucky blushed once again ruffling his hair. “I haven't. This time it was just an unfortunate coincidence.”

You smiled at him brightly stroking his cheek. “My lovely unlucky fellow” you chuckled gaily.

Bucky looked at the rest of Avengers over his shoulder. They were sitting at the long table, drinking and eating and enjoying their presence in that special time of the year. Bucky looked you deep in the eye, then he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him

“B.. Bucky? What are you doing?” you asked nervously looking around. “Someone can spot us!” “I. Don't. Care” he smiled widely at you, then he leant down and kissed you deeply.

“Woooaaah!” Tony rose from his seat, he was glancing at you two. “Can you see this, guys!? Barnes has girlfriend!” he clapped his hands eagerly. The rest of the team was cheering loudly and cheerfully, whistling.

Bucky broke the kiss and pressed his rough lips to your nose. “Taking I don't have any reserve present for ya, so here I am. I'm gonna be your Christmas gift” man whispered into your ear.

You felt like your cheeks were blushing fastly, so you nodded. “Yes, please!” you nuzzled to him purring softly.

Rest of the Christmas dinner went quietly in a wonderful atmosphere.You and Bucky didn't have to hide anymore. Now you were a real couple.

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More Posts from Thepaperpanda

7 years ago

Don’t Let Go || Part I


Words: 1118

Warnings: none

SUMMARY: You're being saved from death by Captain America himself. Is this a beginning of a serious relationship?

Author: Ailo


Cold. Everything is cold, and glow in a weird light.

You feel hands on your back, warmth seeping out from them and right into your shirt. “Hang on.” You can’t make out the last words, everything is a blur and your head, your head hurts like that one morning after you drank yourself under the table. Your whole body is shaken by shivers, you can’t seem to be able to stop shivering, even when you try to take deep breaths to settle your shoulders.

So cold… You're being lifted up. You know because your vision suddenly swarms, and you feel nauseous. “Stop that…” you say weekly to the one responsible for your sudden unwelcome state. You’re resting against something hard, bulky, warm, that beats in rhythm… You realize you’re being carried bride-style, the person’s arms you were in on your back and under your knees. You snuggle into the warmth, burrowing your face and the cold tip of your nose in the person’s neck. The one carrying you takes a sudden breath, heart-beat accelerating slightly against your side for a moment before returning back to its normal, steady beating. You don’t speak. Neither does the other, who just walks. Walks where exactly ? You can’t recall a destination being set, just being picked up and carried away.. and not in Disney princess style, as you can’t seem to be able to muster enough strength to open your tired eyes. Somewhere along the way, the other’s body heat having warmed you up during the walk, you fall asleep, gripping the person’s shirt tightly into your hands, like a man at sea would a life line. And you fall, fall slowly into slumber, the steady beating of the heart acting like a lullaby, the steady and regular pace of the other rocking you to sleep. And then everything turns to hell. You’re being put down to rest against a tree, the sound of gunshots ringing in your head. “Don’t worry” says a voice. You open your eyes, trying to get a glance of the person who you know has been taking care of you. “Everything is going to be all right… I’ll come find you after I get them off of our backs…” You can’t even nod, can’t even voice your acknowledgment to the person. You try harder to get your sight to focus and put a face on the voice. A man. That you can make out of the blur. The voice is that of a man. Yellow… a blond, then. His hair are disheveled… And then, out of nowhere, two blue orbs pop out. A blond with blue eyes then. A pretty shade of blue, at that, the color not cold but warm and making you want to trust those eyes… A smile, trying to hide the worry and the marks of fatigue on the man’s face. “I promise I’ll be back soon.” And then, nothing. He disappears from your vision. You can see the grey sky, heavy clouds announcing rain… It’s pretty, standing against the luscious green of the trees around you… Gunshots again. Yells. The sound of hand to hand combat. Bullets resonating against something metallic… You hope your blue eyed savior is alright. The gunshots stop. You start counting… 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi… You lose count after 13, when the first drops of rain fall down onto your face. Suddenly he is here again. Takes you back into his arms. “Miss me ?” he asks jokingly. “We’ll be safe soon.” You don’t care. Now you know you’ll be alright. You close your eyes, let out a content sigh and bury your nose in the man’s neck once more, drifting back to sleep, only this time completely letting go…

You hear a door opening and closing seconds later. You feel good… you’re on something soft… a mattress… You’re warm again, your head doesn’t hurt as much as before… There is a weight on your right hand. You open your eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the sunlight peaking through the curtains… You are faced by a wall. A white one.

A hospital then.

You turn your gaze to the right. The blond man is here, hands over your smaller one, head resting upon his arms. Has he been here since you were brought in?


He looks cute, with his hair still a mess. You move your left hand you put it in his hair. He wakes up, startled by the contact. Now that you can see his face, all disoriented from waking up, you decide he is even cuter. No… handsome is more the appropriate word. He his handsome. “Hi.”

“Hello.” You smile. He takes both your hands in his larger ones, gripping them tightly. “How are you?” he asks, looking you straight into the eyes. “Better than before. Thank you for saving me..” God, how cheesy you must sound.

Even to you it sounds like a line from the romantic comedies you used to watch with your friends in high-school. You’re cut in your train of thought, when you notice him blushing. “What about you? How are you?” “Fine.” he says, shrugging. “Did you eat?” “Yes, I had the nurse bring me a tray earlier…” “Why didn’t you leave?” you frown a bit. “Sorry?” he looks taken-aback. “Why are you still here?” you ask again. You mentally hit yourself for your choice of words as soon as you see his expression change, he now looks lost, like a puppy who had just been kicked by its owner. “I can leave if…” he tries to rise from his seat, hesitating. “I didn’t mean it like that, I just… I don’t understand why you’d choose to stay here while we don’t know each other.”

Fuck, you cursed in your thoughts. You are kinda pitiless to him now. And that man has saved your life.. He stiffens. “I… I don’t know… you just… I wanted to make sure…” “It’s alright.” You say softly, getting one your hands out from his grasp. You slowly put it on his cheek. “Thank you.” It’s his turn to smile now. And that smile is the cutest thing you've ever seen.

From the moment, I first saw you, knew my heart could not be free, man’s heart skips a beat, when those thoughts forms deep in his mind as he observes you carefully with his blue eyes. I couldn't left you there to die.

He remains silent however for a second.

“I've never asked you for your name..” blonde man esquires.

“Y/N” you say simply. “And does my savior has a name though?” you ask quietly, breaking the silence.

“Of course” he scoffs, blue eyes lighting up his face. “Steve. Steve Rogers.”



Pandies🐼:  @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan@choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9  @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila

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7 years ago
Wow Wow Wow!Oh My God! I Love It! I Love It So Much! Its So Romantic! And So Sweet!You Did A Great Job.

Wow wow wow!  Oh My God! I love it! I love it so much! it’s so romantic! and so sweet! You did a great job. Your story has great descriptions and it’s full of emotions! You are amazing! Thank you so much for your participation.

~Greetings from Panda Squad. 🐼❤️ 

Wow Wow Wow!Oh My God! I Love It! I Love It So Much! Its So Romantic! And So Sweet!You Did A Great Job.

Commander of his heart ~ James Barnes x Reader romantic one shot

Words: 1400

A/N: It’s just some fluffy/romantic story for my lovely Pandas & their challenge! @thepaperpanda

Summary: Action takes place before events from World War II. Bucky & Reader have a romantic dinner, but what happens later make Reader happy like never before.

Commander Of His Heart ~ James Barnes X Reader Romantic One Shot

You put on red dress to your knees and black high hills. You make your hair into a braid and check yourself in a mirror for one last time. Smokey eyes, red lips, contoured eyebrows. You can admit you look sexy. You also hope HE’S GONNA LIKE IT.

You are ready for your date with the most incredible and interesting man you know. James Barnes.

You arrive on the place before the time. You are a perfectionist and you are always on the time.

You have a long black coat on you, it’s a chilly evening on Brooklyn.

When you hear footsteps nearby, your muscles tense.

It only deepens when a pair of familiar hands is placed on your shoulders.

“Excuse me, ma'am, you got lost?” Strong voice whispers straight into your ear.

You feel a shiver running down your spine, and you smile in the darkness of the street.

“Maybe. Do you want to help me find a proper way?” You reach your hand back to stroke his nape.

You hear him purring deeply.

“Your ask is my command, ma'am,” he giggles softly turning you around to face him.

And you melt within a second only by looking him in the eyes.

James is ao handsome and you literally can’t take your eyes of him.

He has short dark hair, but they look so fluffy.

His eyes are in the color of a stormy ocean.

And that smile on his lips…

You feel little weakness in your knees, fortunately he offers you his arm.

“Shall we, doll?” His voice is so deep and you can’t resist, you nod.

“With a pleasure, handsome.”

He takes you to a cosy restaurant.

You’ve been there few times before, and you’re glad he picked this place.

He’s a real gentleman.

First, he takes your coat and his own jacket, he carries them to the cloakroom.

Subsequently, James moves chair backwards for you a bit and push it gently forward shortly after.

He takes a seat in front of you, on the opposite side of the table, that mischievous smile is still present on his lips.

After the waiter took your orders, you smirk at Barnes.

“You look fabulous,” James says, and you know he’s telling the truth.

You blush.

“Thank you, Buck…” In this moment your voice is as soft and quiet as a warm summer breeze.

The waiter brings a bottle of the most expensive champagne.

Bucky waves his hand briefly to give man a signal to go away, so waiter nod and disappears between other guests.

“I’m happy you agreed to meet with me,” he’s still smiling and with every second your heart is melting faster.

You’re playing with lock of your hair playfully.

“How could I say ‘no’, huh?” You wink at him.

Bucky laughs audibly sipping on his champagne. He reaches for your hand above the table and you both tangle fingers together.

Your heart’s skipping a beat strongly in your chest.

“I’ve never met someone like you before, Y/N,” Bucky’s eyes are glistening in the light of lamps hanging under the ceiling. “You’re the best. Smart and beautiful, and yet so shy,” brunette lowers his tone, “it turnes me on.”

He teases the bottom of your hand and you can’t help but chuckle softly.

“Oh, Bucky!” You raise your glass. “To us.”

“To us,” he repeats, then sips his alcohol to the bottom.

The dinner goes amazing.

You both are happy by spending time with each other. You talk and laugh, enjoying meals.

When the orchestra starts playing the waltz, Bucky gets up and asks you to dance.

He has his strong arms wrapped around your waist while one of your hands is placed on his shoulder, and other on the chest.

You nuzzle you cheek to his neck.

“It feels amazing, Bucky,” you whisper. “Thank you for all of this.”

You hear him breathing out loudly.

“No need to thank me. It’s you who made my evening the most wonderful ever.”

Barnes is rocking with you in his muscular arms to the rhythm of the music.

You can give everything to make this moment never end.

You close your eyes and inhale his scent.

He smells splendidly. It’s a mix of nice perfumes, sipped alcohol, cigarettes and something more, which you can’t name, but somewhere in the back of your head this smell is associated with freedom and sense of security.

You both are like that for few next minutes, until the song is over.

Then he leads you back to your table. You end dinner and another bottle of champagne.

“It’s getting late, my dear,” you say with sadness. “I have to go back home. I start work earlier tomorrow, besides I bet you also want to rest a bit before next day on duty, don’t you, soldier?” You slip hand under your chin to rest it on your palm.

Bucky gives a small nod.

“You’re absolutely right, doll. Let’s go.”

You both get outside.

The night is cold, little cloudlets of vapor are exhaled with every word you speak.

“You live close enough so we can take a walk there,” Bucky suggests and you eagerly agree.

He offers you his arm and you take it.

He chooses the walk by the promenade at the Hudson river. You both are walking slowly holding hands.

“I’m so glad we’re together, Bucky,” you say openly when you stop for a while to look at the river illuminated with city lights. “You know, I’ve never had a real relationship. My friends were warning me of you. But I didn’t listen.”

He wraps arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him.

“I’m glad, too. My girl is the most adorable doll in the whole world,” he leans down to you and crushes his lips on yours. He tastes wonderful. You give kiss back.

Bucky looks you deep in the eyes.

“You came down on me like summer rain, wearing nothing but your love Y/N. The shivers I get when you call my name, can’t explain this, Y/N.”

You feel like tears are forming in the corners of your eyes, and one of the run down your rosy cheek. James wipes it with thumb.

Oh, you are so in love with this guy!

“I want to see every sunrise in your eyes, Y/N. I want to see every sunset on your smooth skin,” Bucky caresses your cheeks gently, then he places next lovingly kiss on your lips.

You wrap arms around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss.

“You’ve changed my life, Buck.”

He smirks and laughs subtly.

Suddenly he takes two steps backwards.

“Bucky?” You ask confused.

The familiar smile is still present on his lips when he reaches to the internal pocket of his jacket. He pulls a little square box, and it’s when your heart stops.

Since that moment you feel like you’d be watching the movie in slow motion.

“BUCKY,” you cover your mouth seeing how man slowly kneels down on one knee.

He opens the box and you can see a beautiful ring with a crystal in your favorite color, namely red.

“We’ve been through a lot for last year, Y/N. You mean a world to me. I want to have you by my side forever. Beside, every soldier needs a commander of heart. Will you grant me this honor and will you marry me, Y/N?”

You feel how your knees get weak, but you manage to keep yourself in a place.

“Bucky… Of course! Of course, my love!”

You give him your hand and he places the ring on your finger. You pull hand to your face to look at it.

“Oh God.. Bucky.. The ring is resplendent! You shouldn’t have…”

He doesn’t let you end your sentence giving you a long passionate kiss.

You purred into it happily.

Bucky accompanies you to your flat to make sure you are safe.

You stand in front of your doors, and you find a courage in yourself. Well. Bucky is now your fiancĂŠ, so why not?!

“Will you stay the nigh” You bite your lower lip looking shyly at him, but when you notice sparks in his blue eyes, you’re sure you made a good decision.

“With a pleasure, Y/N,” he responds.

You both get to your flat. You lock the door.

You good know it’s gonna be the best night of your life.

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7 years ago
Omg! I Love It Soo Much!I Love How Well Written It Is! And How Nice And Cute Peter Is! And This Puppy!

Omg! I love it soo much! I love how well written it is! and how nice and cute Peter is! and this puppy! awwww! This was AMAZING! Thank you so much for your participation.

~Greetings from Panda Squad. 🐼❤️ 

Omg! I Love It Soo Much!I Love How Well Written It Is! And How Nice And Cute Peter Is! And This Puppy!

A good deed - Peter Parker drabble

Summary: Peter was set for a meeting with Tony. But something dragged him out of his way there..

A/N: Hi. I’ve made this drabble for @thepaperpanda writing challenge. It’s my first attempt since long time, so sorry for any mistakes!

Words: 615

Peter was walking down the alley in the Central Park being happy like never before.

He had to meet with his mentor, Mr Stark, for their weekly training.

Peter was prepared. Ok, last time be failed a bit by screwing up on the entire line. But it was not his fault! It was Tony who gave him wrong building plans. Or maybe he read them wrong? Nevermind!

It wasn’t important at the moment.

Peter continued his walk whistling happily. It was until he spotted some movement in a nearby bushes.

He stopped and first looked around. But he saw no one suspicious. Frowning, Peter headed straight into bushes direction. He got even more confused when he heard some strange noises.

Peter got at the spot and crouched. His spider-sense was tingling at the base of his skull, alerting him to possible danger.

With little hesitation and caution, Peter reached and moved several branches to the side.

What a relief he experienced when he saw, that a small puppy was stuck between the bushes.

“Oh, hi there, pup!” A bright smile crawled onto Peter’s lips.

He slipped hands between the branches and aa carefully as it was possible pulled few of them up.

“Come here, buddy,” Peter took the puppy in his hands and pulled little dog out of its ‘trap’.

Spidey put puppy on the grass and looked over it.

But puppy galloped right through the next bushes right into the arenaceous alley. Then without a backward glance dog ran off to sniff all the trees and lampposts along the way.

“Hey! Little one!” Peter ran after the puppy and on the last moment he caught dog and pulled it up. “Hey! No! First we gotta find your owner, mate. I see you have a collar, lemme check…”

Puppy barked happily waving its tail and bit Parker’s hand.

“Hey!” Peter laughed softly checking the charm at the collar. “So your name is Jack and you live kinda near from here..” Peter muttered. “I’ll bring you home, Jack. But don’t bite me, you little fugitive,” he laughed sortly while puppy was waving its tail still trying to bite Peter’s fingers with its little sharp fangs.

On his way at the address from puppy’s collar, Peter got a text from Tony.

[TONY: Where R U Peter?]

Parker sighed and sat at the nearest bench. He texted back.

[Gonna be late, gotta do something first. Wait 4 me.]

Peter got up and with a puppy under his arm, he headed to one of the skyscrapers.

Puppy was still trying to get out of Peter’s grasp squeaking quietly.

“Hush, Jack, no one is hurting you, mate,” Peter rubbed dog’s back. It helped because puppy licked top of Parker’s palm barking happily again.

When Peter arrived on the 9th floor, he walked to the flat number 890 and he knocked few times.

Door has been opened by a little girl in a pink dress.

“Hello?” she whispered quietly.

“Hi!” Peter sent her a smile. “I think this little gentleman belongs to you.”

Parker pulled puppy from under his jacket and handled it to the girl.

Her chin trembled and she sobbed loudly. Few tears fell down on her dress.

“Me and my mummy were looking for Jack! He got lost few hours ago! Oh, Jack!” She grabbed puppy and hugged him tight to her little chest. “Thank you, Sir! Thank you for your help! Mummy! Mummy! Jack’s back!”

Girl ran inside the flat leaving door open. When she and her mother came back, there was no one in front of the door.

Peter was walking down the street whistling happily and smiling. At least he made a little good deed.

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7 years ago

What have I done !? || Bucky x reader one shot

What Have I Done !? || Bucky X Reader One Shot

Words: 1133

Warnings: major character's death, slight cursing, a lot of sadness & angst

SUMMARY: Bucky’s still in a shock after a misadventure, as a result of which Captain America has died. Reader's trying to comfort him, even when the fault is on Bucky’s side...

Author: Rouge

A/N: story has been written for the writing challenge made by @letsimagineitall

What Have I Done !? || Bucky X Reader One Shot

It was painful to see him like this. All you could do was embrace him and let the torrent of his tears to soak through your shirt. You could feel him clench his fists, not knowing whether to be mad or to give up hope all together. You could hear him silently screaming, suffocating with each breath he took holding onto his pride. You ran your fingers through his hair, time and time again, in an attempt to calm the silent war within his mind. "Everything's gonna be alright, Buck." You slowly stroked his muscular shoulder trying to comfort him as much as it was possible.

"Go away, Y/N!" Bucky pushed your hand away aa he rose from the couch and went apace to the huge window with a view on the city below. He leant his metal forearm against the glass and let out a loud sigh wiping his tears off. You hesitated. You weren't sure how will he react, when you will try to get close to him again. You good knew he was a ball of anger now. But you found a courage and slowly rose from the couch. You headed towards him. "Don't, Y/N." It sounded like an order, so you stopped immediately. "Bucky.. Darling..." "Shut your fucking mouth, Y/N!" Bucky yelled loudly and went out of the room. Instinctively, you've followed him. He slammed into the bathroom door. Bucky didn't care if you saw. He just broke down. The sobs punched through, ripping through his muscles, bones, and guts. Man pressed his forehead against the grimy stall door and began to let his heart yank in and out of his chest. His life crumbled in his fingertips. You weren't scared at that point. You knew you have to do everything. To calm him down. "Bucky" you mumbled quietly as you approached him. Your hand was placed on his nape where you stroked him. "Calm. Down. And talk with me." You were kinda surprised, when he didn't pull away from you. And when he sank onto his knees, you did same, embracing his shoulders. He sobbed into your chest unceasingly, hands clutching at your shirt. You held him in silence, rocking him slowly as his tears soaked your chest. A tiny lapse let him pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, before he collapsed again, his howls of misery worsening. The pain must have come in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths, before hurling him back into the outstretched arms of his grief. "Hush, Buck... It wasn't your fault, darling" you said in the most mild tone you could ever make. "I wanna disappear" he whispered quietly as he breathed heavily. "You should be pretending you don't know me. You should stay away from me. I'm dangerous. It would be better if you would just erase me from your life, Y/N.." "I can't just forget you. That's not how it works" you told him unhesitatingly. He closed his eyes, his head has rested on your laps. As you were stroking his nape, you let your thoughts flow at ease.

Two days before was the saddest day ever. Bucky has killed Captain America. It was nothing more but a misadventure. Both men were on the mission to Serbia. There, they branch has been attacked by enemies. They were taken by surprise. Bucky managed to escape from under the firing. Of course, he was trying to come back for Steve. He found his pal, when Captain was attacked by heavily armed enemy soldier. Trying to help his friend, Bucky took the aim and shot. He was aiming to the foe. But the other one was much faster. Guy pulled Captain ahead, using him as a shield. The bullet went straight through Captain's chest, piercing his aorta. The second man disappeared, when the chaos has reigned. Bucky, being in panic and shock, was about to do something to save his friend. But it was too late…

 “B.. Buck…”

 “Hush.. Oh God, hush, Steve. You need to stay conscious. Do you hear me? Focus. Natasha!! For fuck’s sake! Quickly!”

 Steve choked with his own blood.

 “Oh God! Steve! STEVE! Motherfucker, don't ya dare to close those eyes!”

 Steve reached hand placing it in Bucky’s metal arm.

 “Don't…. D… Blame.. Yourself..”

 “Shut up, pal. You need to stay calm. Everything's gonna be alright!”

 Steve closed his eyes.

Bucky pressed the wound on his friend’s chest with his bionic hand.

 “No! No! No! Rogers, you old prick, don't do this to me!! Natasha!!! You fucking bitch, move your fucking ass up here! Steve's dying!”

 “Buck.. Cold.”

 Huge tears rolled over Bucky’s cheeks.

 “Steve. I beg you. Stay with me. You have to stay with me, brother. I won't make this without you! We’re brothers under the Sun.. Remember?”

 “Mmmmhmm… Ah.. ..It's burning..”

Captain's voice was nothing but a quiet whisper, although his lips seemed to not move at all.

 “Hush, Steve, I'm with you, pal.. Oh God, what I've done..”

 “...mmmmm.. I've… Accepted it.. Don't…. Buck… It… Feels… Like…….. Mmm.. Home..”

 “Steve?! Dear God!! Steven!?”

 Captain's chest stopped to move.

 “I won't forget you…” Bucky, trembling all over his body, reached with his metal fingers to Steve's eyes and he slowly closed them down. “You'll never be replaced… Forgive me..”

Captain America has passed away in Bucky's arms.

"I'm a monster. How can you even look at me?" his voice has broke down. "I'm a fucking murderer. It will be better if you will forget me. Forget us." "I won't." This time you hissed angrily. "You know I love you. No matter what. We are a couple. I'll be with you for good and for bad." He nuzzled to your knees. "Look. Imma mess. I've let all those people down.. I've let myself down. I've killed Captain. I've killed my friend.. I've murdered him..." You wanted to slap him in the face. He was pissing you out with blaming himself. It was an accident. And everyone knew it. "I will never leave your side. We're in this together." As you touched his yet wet cheek, he shivered under your touch. "Will.. You won't leave?" he raised his chin to look you in the eye. "Never. And I won't forget you. You're the best thing in my life." He nodded.

You woke up in the middle of the night after a terrifying nightmare. Instinctively and blindly, you touched the second part of your bed.

You let out a sigh of relief, when your hand rested on his bionic limb. He was there. He didn't run away. It was a sign. That he was trusting you. That was the most important. You knew a hard time was about to come. But you were prepared. Not only for yourself. Mostly for him.

What Have I Done !? || Bucky X Reader One Shot

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7 years ago

Stutter || Loki x Steve Rogers one shot


Words: 740

Warnings: none

SUMMARY: Loki sits in a glass cell. Steve Rogers tries to understand Loki’s motivations, but the God of Mischief has other plans towards Captain.

Authors: Rouge and Cass


Steve looked around as he entered the rather big room with a cage made of glass on the middle. At first he shot his blue eyes closed because of a bright light filling the room.

 Loki smiled awfully. “Captain Rogers. Welcome into my little glass prison. What have I done to deserve such a GREAT honor?” black haired man said looking at Steve with soft frown.

Steve swallowed hardly, but he did his best to remain calm. "I came to ask who exactly do you think you are? Who gave you a right to just come here and start a fight? What do you want?"

“Me? I’m Loki, the God of Mischief, and you? Who exactly do you think you are to fight against God? Just a man dressed in a flag. Funny” Loki muttered.

 Steve blinked and he rushed his steps in the direction of the glass.

“Listen to me now, Loki. I don't know you, but I know you're trying to make a mess here, and forgive me, but it's not gonna happen. At least not when I'm here. I'm responsible for those people” Steve clenched his teeth and leant his forearm against the cold surface.

 Loki only laughed and walked closer to the glass. “Too bad that one of you already is under my control. Watch out, Captain, or you will start to stutter because of your huge anger.”  

 Steve automatically frowned, observing every single move of the black haired man. "Are you threatening me?" blonde man asked strongly.

Loki shrugged with small, mischievous smile on his lips. “No.. No, no, of course no… How could I try to threaten such a…. Great and brave man like you.” Man said and snapped his fingers. “I’m only… warning you Captain.”

 Steve hit the glass with fist.

“Tell me, what the hell you want!”

“I wanna rule this world! You, humans, are so pathetic… so fragile, so naive. You were made to be ruled, to be slaves!” Loki growled softly, smile has never left his lips. Steve wanted to raise his voice, but suddenly he started to choke. After few moments he managed to calm his breath down. But when he was about to say a thing, he found another obstacle.

“I…. I… I wi.. wi.. will never le… le.. let you t… t.. to do thi.. i.. this!”

Loki laughed softly.

“You see? I told you, Captain, be careful with your voice and anger.” Man walked to glass even closer and looked at Steve carefully, raising his eyebrow.

“Protector of Midgard have problems with his speech? Or maybe it’s something from your previous life, huh, Mr Captain?”


Steve grunted few times.

“I.. I… W.. w… w… what have y… y… you done to.. to me?!” Captain took a step back, looking around in a panic, he didn't know what was happening.

 Loki turned around and simply walked away from glass. God slowly sat on a ground and watched panicked man, he had to admit this was so much fun to him. “Me? How could I do anything? I’m closed in this glass cage, which were built for your green monster-friend. I did nothing.”

 Steve choked even more.

“Loki! S…. S.. Stop it n.. Now!” Steve growled.

 Suddenly, another person came into the room. It was no one else but Thor.

 “Loki. Stop it now” he raised his voice, looking straight at his brother.

Loki blinked.

“Oh! And here he is, my dear brother.”

Man got up and looked at his ‘older brother. “Hello brother. I haven't seen you in a while.” Black haired man only smiled and looked at Steve. “Oh brother,I didn't do anything bad” He shrugged.

 Thor smirked wryly.

“Loki. I won't repeat twice.”

Tall man was crumpling Mjolnir in his hands. “Give him his voice back. Now” Thor pointed at Steve.

 Loki frowned softly and snapped his fingers again. He rolled his eyes. "You know how to spoil my fun time, brother.”

 When within few seconds Steve was able to talk normally again, he shook Thor’s hand.

“Thanks” Captain coughed a bit. “I was afraid I won't be able to talk without stutter ever again” man laughed nervously.

Then he looked at Loki.

“And you…” he snapped. “We will see if you're gonna be so brave if nothing will be separating us from each other.”

  "I will be brave when you will start to s... s... s-stutter again, Mr Captain" Loki smiled at Steve meanly.



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