Calum Hood X Reader - Tumblr Posts
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I love this!!!!

Pairing: Calum Hood/ Reader
Requested By: N/A (kinda by Sham, I think she mentioned this like 58 months ago.)
Word Count: 8,277
Summary: Tattoo!Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with a tattoo of the first word their soulmate will say to them when they meet. But what happens when you don’t know that they’re your soulmate and you lose them?
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Singers and actors
Andrew Garfield
Calum Hood (from 5 Seconds of Summer)
Dominic Fike
Timothée Chalamet
Damiano David (from Måneskin)

Mafia!Calum x Reader
Plot: Calum shuts Y/N out because he's convinced it's the only way to keep them safe. Little does he know, his actions end up causing even more damage than he anticipated.
Warnings: None!

"You say it's hard to tell what I've been thinking lately, but behind closed doors, I'm a fool for your love”

Calum POV
The sound of the front door slamming sent a knife through my heart. Pulling my head out of my hands felt nearly impossible as regret wasted no time seeping into my body. the words I spat at them meant nothing, I just wanted to keep them away from me for their sake. I grab a pack of beers to drink my woes away as I think of them, Y/N. Hopefully the taste and drown them put my head for the night.
As I lay between the sheets of this California king, the scent of their eucalyptus shampoo filled my nostrils. I wish life was simpler, just for them, because I'll be damned if I let them live in fear but it would also break my heart more if they feared me. I feel tears form in the corners of my eyes at the thought, I let them fall as I clapped the lights off and closed my eyes as I hoped to dream of their Angelic voice, the one drastically different from the wobbly one that rung through my loft earlier
I wasn't strong enough to stop the waterfall as I sat in my car. I just wanted his heart, but it had seemed so far away these past few weeks. It didn't feel like Calum, It was a stranger that didn't recognize me. Nothing could have prepared me for today, I expected to easily get a simple answer to what was wrong but the words he spewed like venom shattered my heart. As I dried my face, I drove home with Calum on my mind every second of the drive.
The soapy water slipped down my body as I tried to relax in the shower. Trying to forget was just something I couldn't do. It felt a bit pathetic but how could I ignore him? He makes me feel euphoric and loved. I just wonder why'd he push me away, especially if he managed to confess the same feeling of love while trying to say he hated me.
It's 11:45 pm as I lay here with my phone in hand, the texting screen of his contact being the only light in the room. Thoughts like 'What if he blocks my number' along with thoughts of what should be said run through my mind, eventually I settle on one thing and hit send. A simple "I love you" rested as delivered on the screen for a few minutes before I shut it off. The fear of his answer had taken over me so I turned around and closed my eyes, slowly but surely drifting off to sleep.

Next day

Calum POV
'1:43 pm' the clock reads as I check my watch. I knew Y/N texted me but I couldn't get myself to open it, It felt shameful, especially since I let the words "I hate you" utter from my lips towards them. The urge to pick up my phone was strong but I knew I had to let my discipline be stronger, so I left it. Everything within the last 30 minutes of this meeting had been a blur but the only thing that I had properly retained was that we were targets, while that was a big problem I couldn't stop placing the feelings for Y/N in my heart above that.
We took a lunch break as there was more to talk about later. I walked into their favorite cafe out of habit, I could've sworn a tint of eucalyptus lingered in the air. Her best friend Elena stood behind the counter smiling at me. “I didn't expect to see you here” she beamed though it had a questioning undertone. “What do you mean?” I inquired, my mind couldn't have possibly been prepared for what she would say next.
The radio blasted through my ears as I drove through the city with all my belongings in the back of my car. The fact that he didn't respond or read it was enough confirmation for me. I wanted to visit my comfort spot one last time before I left back home. As I closed the car door and walked under the large apple tree, memories of the past 8 months flooded my mind. His touch, taste, and scent filled my senses. I longed for it all, I longed for him.
Deep down a part of me wanted to hate him and his stupidly gorgeous face but another part of me loved him, so much that I'd give my life for him if he needed it. The tears started to flow quickly, I sat down on the dead grass and pushed my knees and head into my chest. I sobbed quietly, secretly wanting to feel his arms around me again. Just me and this apple tree forest surrounded the area, but still, it felt empty. I felt empty.
Calum POV
Y/N heading back home? That can’t be true right? My mind raced with thoughts of them. I whipped my phone out to finally read the text message, a simple “I love you.” highlighted in blue on my screen. I had to look for them, follow them. I don't want them to leave, especially because of me.
Transportation by foot since I didn't bring my car was my only option today, worry about not making it fast enough took up my spirit’s freedom as I’ve been to Sunshine National now or their fourth favorite spot in the city as they say. There was only one last chance to find her and that was the apple forest, she showed it to me a while ago, it's her favorite place to be during stressful times. The ring of my cellphone cut me out of my thoughts briefly as I saw it was Michael, my right-hand man.
“Dude, Where the fuck are you?” the pink-haired man questioned. “Busy, why?” I said blankly. An irritated sigh left the other’s lips following my last response. “Busy doing fucking what? You've left me here with a bunch of guys asking where the boss is.” I was seeing the hill to the forest and happiness consumed me as I saw their unique colored car there as well. I let out him as I searched for a response finally I let out something for the pinkie on the phone, “Tell them it's canceled and to go home” I clicked the red button quickly as I saw Y/N, my Y/N to be frank.
I yelled out for them but received nothing. I jogged my way to the weeping soul under the tree, the same scent of my tainted bed sheets filled my nose again. It brought me a warming comfort, as I placed my arm around them. Their head popped up to look at me, being in utter shock. As if it was an instinct I connected the space between us, crashing our lips together. To my surprise, they kissed back. I pulled away so we could catch our breaths, and as soon as I did they began to speak, I let out a hush sound to keep them silent. I couldn't help it anymore. It was becoming painful to hold the contents of my heart. I held Y/N close and looked into their eyes with tears filling mine, “Don't ever leave. I know I seemed off but that's because I kept trying to shut you out. I won't ever do that again, I was a fool to my feelings.” I let the tears stream down my face, they made me feel comfortable enough to do so, and they made me feel warm. I placed my head into their neck, their soft hands reaching up to comb through my hair. “I was such an idiot thinking I wanted you out of my life.” I spoke in a squeaky, drained voice.
“when in reality, behind closed doors, I'm a fool for your love.”
© all rights reserved. My work is not to be translated, altered, or reposted without my knowledge and permission.

celebrity crush | 1/??
a/n: multiple parts in the works as this will be a series. (this somehow ended up as a marvel! reader x elizabeth olsen)

summary: actress! reader somehow manages to bring up her crush on calum hood in every interview
pairing(s): mentions of fem! reader x calum hood, reader x best friend/cast mate! elizabeth olsen
warning(s): swearing?
you and elizabeth each sat in relatively uncomfortable stools as the crew set up their cameras. a white background was placed behind you, matching lizzie’s black and white outfit. you, on the other hand, wore a navy blue ribbed corset that was lined with a flowery lace and cream colored pants.
“hi i’m elizabeth olsen,” lizzie started
“and i’m y/n l/n,”
“and we’re going to do the wired autocomplete..” she stopped for a second to think.
“interview” you supplied for her
“interview.” she nodded
the video cut of as you guys laughed and was replaced with a white screen stating the basis of the interview.
lizzie was handed a white board while you were handed another, “i’ll hold yours and you can hold mine.” she suggested, grabbing your board and placing in her lap.
“okay, you go first.” you agreed and immediately went to rip of the first slip of paper.
“where is elizabeth olsen...?” you started
“from!” elizabeth read once the paper was removed, “that’s a lot nicer than ‘where’s elizabeth olsen.’ los angeles.” she shrugged.
“where did elizabeth olsen go to college? ”
“she’s a nyu gal.” you sung and ripped off the next slip.
“and i graduated.” she stated smugly with a smile. “5 and a half years.”
you giggled, “smug bitch.” you whispered without any malice. elizabeth laughed and pulled of the next slip herself.
“why was elizabeth olsen in edinburg? i was filming avengers there. as was y/n.”
“when was lizzie born? february 16, 1989, same year as taylor swift. hashtag i love taylor swift.” you answered
lizzie laughed, “y/n does this weird thing where she says the word hashtag out loud and she thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world.”
“it is the funniest thing in the world.” you defended, “i just want to clarify: i’m not like being serious when i say it.” you the board down and held your hands up. “okay next question!”
“when did elizabeth olsen start acting? that’s a bigger question because i think my first professional job was when i was really young but i don’t really start acting then i don’t think.” she stopped to think, “i would say my sophomore year of college when i started understudying.”
“that’s lovely,” you turned to lizzie and she grabbed your board off her lap.
“okay, where is y/n l/n from?”
“the bronx, new york,” you said playing with one of the paper slips you ripped off lizzie’s board.
“she’s a city gal,” lizzie impersonated your slight new york accent before laughing.
“oh god,” you muttered and leaned over to peal of the next paper seeing as lizzie was too busy laughing at her own ‘joke’. “you’re the only one laughing lizzie.” you shook your head with a slight chuckle, “anyway, how old is y/n l/n. i’m twenty.”
lizzie pulled off the next slip, “is y/n l/n dating calum hood.”
“yes” you said and quickly pulled another slip.
“no” elizabeth answered immediately after and gave you a look.
“i’m my head we’re dating.” you elaborated
“so no, they’re not dating.” lizzie confirmed
“we could be.” you looked into the camera and winked.
lizzie sighed, “next question, is y/n l/n blue.”
elizabeth snorted and shook her head but pulled off the last slip, “when did y/n l/n start acting.”
“well my first acting job was actually for marvel in 2009. i was like 10 or 11 or something ”
“yeah, y/n somehow got a lead role in her own marvel movie when she was 10 with zero acting experience.”
“guess i’m just that good.” you flipped your hair behind your shoulder jokingly.
they continued will a few more boards before they went through them all.
“this has been our wired autocomplete interview.” lizzie finished with a smile.
“make sure you watch avengers: infinity war on april 23th and if calum hood is watching... please date me.”
and the video cut off.
celebrity crush | 2/??
a/n: the first interview is mostly based off of dove cameron and ava max’s interviews with popbuzz

summary: actress! reader somehow manages to bring up her crush on calum hood in every interview
pairing(s): calum hood x reader, platonic! reader x tom holland
warning(s): swearing? slight mentions of kinks
“She’s at it again mate,” Ashton smirked as he carried his laptop over to Calum who was sat on the sofa. He flipped open the computer and hit play on y/n y/l/n’s newest interview.
“C’mon, I don’t wanna-” Calum rubbed his hand over is face and shook his head.
Ashton ignored him and turned up the volume to drown out his protest. “Shhh.. watch.”
“Hey guys, I’m y/n y/l/n and this is the Pop Buzz Tower of Truth.” You spoke as the title popped up on screen.
“I think I’m gonna end up tipping it before I can even get one block out,” You said as you tried to carefully pull of a wooden block.
“That will never work,” Calum heard a voice from off camera say and recognized it as Tom Holland. He tried not to frown as you laughed and mocked him.
“Y’know what, we’re leaving that one.” You laughed, leaving the original block alone and easily pulling out another block.
“There we go. Okay, what was the last movie or tv show that make you cry? Dead Poets Society. I love Dead Poets Society so much and Tom had never seen it so we watched it after finishing yesterdays interviews.” You placed the block on top of the tower. “And he cried.”
The camera crew laughed as Tom shouted a, “Hey!”
“Tell us one thing about you that we don’t know. Um, this is hard because I’m always saying stuff that I shouldn’t be. Um, I’m an Oxford comma worshiper.” You said, unsure whether or not that’s interesting enough.
“Oxford comma?” A crew member behind the camera questioned.
“Yeah, y’know, the comma that comes before ‘and’ when making a list. I hate that people don’t use it because then I get all confused. Like if I were to write ‘Lizzie, Tom, and Robert are going to the party’ and I don’t add a comma before ‘and’ then it seems like Tom and Robert would be arriving at the party together. But some people who don’t use the Oxford comma could mean that all three people were showing up separately so I never know. Y’know what I mean?”
The camera crew were all silent after her rant and Calum chuckled a bit to himself. He thought it was cute that you were so passionate about the smallest things. Ashton looked over to him as Calum admired you through the screen. He wasn’t an idiot. He knew Calum secretly liked how much you talked about him.
“No,” Tom responded honestly
“Ugh,” You rolled your eyes dramatically and looked into the camera, “See, these are the type of guys you got to look out for: Un-grammarly men.” You joked.
“Un-grammarly isn’t a thing.” Tom laughed.
“Well if it were a thing, you’d be one.” You fired back at Tom.
“Anyway, who is your favorite artist right now? Um, probably Wallows, I love them and their music.”
“I was really expecting Calum Hood to be honest.” Tom shouted from across the room.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I just forgot about him like that. I love you Calum Hood. I love 5sos.” You held up your hands into a heart shape and moved your hands from side to side.
You then dropped them and grabbed another block. “Sorry, I keep forgetting that people are actually going to see these interviews. Like, he could literally see this. Dude, I hope he doesn’t.” You paused, “Oh god, do you think he knows about my crush on him?” You had been mentioning him for years and it had never once occurred to you that he could actually see these.
Calum laughed at the irony of the situation. Here he was watching a video of you saying you hoped he’d never see said video.
“This is humiliating.” You mumbled though you didn’t seem to actually care, “Who was your first celebrity crush? Oh uh, definitely Andrew Garfield. I remember when I first watched the Social Network and I was like obsessed. My friend and I both watched it over 10 times within like two months. And then would continuously make Mark Zuckerberg jokes. But of course, Calum Hood now owns my heart.” You put the block on top of the tower. “I’m actually doing really good, I thought I’d knock it down by now.”
“Describe in detail the worst date you’ve ever been on. Okay so I was like fifteen right, and, well I’m not even sure if this counts as a date. I think he considered it a date so I guess it was but basically we were in the car, he was sixteen so he could drive. We were in the drive through, we had already ordered, and he started feeling around in is pockets and I was like oh god, cause I knew what was about to happen. He was like, ‘oh no i think i lost my wallet’, and I was like its fine I’ll pay. I really didn’t mind. I ended up paying, we got our drinks and without missing a beat, we hadn’t even pulled out of the drive through, he was like’oh here’s my wallet.’ I really didn’t mind paying for my coffee, I wouldn’t mind paying for both of our coffees. But him going out of his way to lie, and then not even lie well, was so irritating.” She placed the block on the top and picked up a new one.
“What is the most useless idem you’ve ever purchased? Um, I bought a seven foot giraffe while I saw drunk once.” The block was added to the top, the tower now taller than you. “He’s in my living room if you wanted to know.”
You grabbed the next block carelessly, immediately regretting it when the tower fell behind you, “Oh shit, well I guess we’re done then.” You said nonchalantly, looking at the blocks on the floor. “I don’t think I’ll be playing this again anytime soon. Love you guys,” You held up your hands, “Love you Calum Hood.” You winked before the outro began to play.
“She must really love you, Cal.” Ashton poked Calum’s cheek annoyingly, “She’s got no shame.”
Calum wouldn’t admit it, but as soon as he got home he looked you up again. He clicked on the same video Ashton showed him and scrolled through the comments.
y/nscalumhoodkink: MOMOMOMOMOMOM
datemey/n: Queen of Jenga
ashtonfletchersbitch: Y/N LITERALLY IS ME
5esohes: no because y/n y/l/n and calum hood together is my kink
noemptywalletshere: not only does y/n own this fandom, but my ass too
He couldn’t help but laugh at the comments no matter how interesting they were. But something in the back of his head kept yelling at him. She doesn’t acting like you. Shes just likes your music, nothing more. He sighed and clicked out of the video and was about the close his laptop when his cursor handed on a video.
Y/n Y/l/n foaming at the mouth while talking about Calum Hood for 5 minutes straight.
He clicked on it a little too quickly and waited for it too load.
“Calum Hood choke me challenge.” You stuck out your tongue and threw up a peace sign with an innocent look plastered on here face.
“Bro imagine if Calum Hood saw this?” “Oh he would definitely fall for you after this video”
The third thing to pop up was a tweet from 2015 just saying: #marrymecalumhood
“Calum Hood send me hand pics. This is a demand, not a request.”
Calum continued to watch the entire video. Normally, the thirsty comments would have made him uncomfortable, but them coming from you made his heart race and cheeks flush.
God, what was happening to him?

in which she’s with him but she wants him.
this is a draft from years ago. probably gonna be posting drafts a lot cause i just recently lost someone and can’t really bring myself to write. it’s based off the song Pierre by Ryn Weaver.
You trailed your finger across your lover's chest as slowly as you could without waking him up. His chest rose and fell with his breaths as you traced the MMXII on his collarbone, his breathing stuttered as his eyes fluttered open. His eyes were still squinted when he turned to look at you.
“Hey, what are you doing up?” Calum usually always wakes up before you. He’d leave a sticky note to your headboard saying how much he loved you and a little smiley face but today was different. It was one of the rare days where you both had off - you weren’t shooting for your movie and he didn’t have to go into the studio with the boys.
“I thought because we had this day to ourselves we could spend it in.” A small smile lit up your face. You straddled his waist and settled on his thighs as your hands trailed down his chest. “I can make us breakfast.” Calum sighed out an ‘mhmm’ in agreement. “Then we can watch a movie.” A small nod this time. You leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Or we can start this day off right with some lazy morning sex?” You were quickly thrown onto your back as Calum trailed kisses down your neck, giggles and squeals leaving your mouth.
You shot awake from the familiar dream looking over to the other side of the bed where your boyfriend lay. His chocolate curls, pale skin, and pouty lips. You gave a quick kiss to the freckle next to his mouth and made your way to the bathroom, after wrapping the sheet around your naked body. You washed up quickly, hopping into the shower and applying light makeup. You left a sticky note on the headboard - just like he used to do... no. You shook your head as if to get the thought to go away. It’s been a year since you’ve broken up, you’re happy with the way it ended but you wish it hadn’t ended at all.
“Y/N it’s not working anymore.” Calum sighed.
“I know.” The tears were streaming down your face, you were trying not to break in front of him. You wanted to seem strong for him, afterall, he was being strong for you.
“We can’t give each other what we need.”
“I know.”
“We barely see each other. Y/N we need people who can give us emotional stability and we’re obviously not doing that for each other.”
“Don’t you think I know that Calum!” You raised your voice. “I know Calum, I know ok?”
“I love you.”
“I know.” A kiss to your forehead, timid footsteps and then the close of your door, only then did you break down. The tears came faster, the sobs drowned out the Los Angeles traffic. It hurt. You thought you had forever but maybe you were wrong. It was only supposed to be a fling, he knew you had someone waiting for you back home, he knew you were taking a break from the relationship and trying to find yourself. But you two fell hard. He was right, you two barely saw each other and when you did all you two did was have sex. The days you two went out you would be bombarded with paparazzi. It wasn't new but when you two got together it was like they multiplied in numbers. You were a new actress rising to fame and dating a very famous bassist.
When you walked onto set for the new movie you were shooting you ran into your manager. “Just the person I was looking for.” Joan said as she gently grabbed your arm. She was a woman in her mid 40’s who bragged about her children and grandchildren all day. While she could be annoying you loved her, she was the motherly figure you never had. “So there’s an event happening very soon and they have requested for you to be there.”
“They?” You questioned.
“The organizers. They want you to come take some pictures to boost it up. I think it’s a charity event but I can’t be too sure. Anyways, we’ve already called your designer and he’s on his way. He said he has some new dresses he wants you to try on but they do have to be fitted.” She pointed at you with the pen in her hands before checking something off her list. “Okay, that's it they want for the scene.” She speedily walked away before turning over her shoulder and yelling; “Bring Dylan!” You nodded at her with a thumbs up before making your way over to the director and asking what she wanted from you.
“We’re shooting the rain scene so I need you in hair in makeup.” You walked to the makeup artist and hairstylist as they sat you in the chair your mind trailed off.
Paris, he had taken you to Paris. It was a surprise, he just appeared at your house and told you to pack a bag and next thing you knew you were on a plane to Paris. The only downside; it was raining but somehow Calum still made it the time of your life. You were running in a field Calum not far behind you. When he caught up to you one arm slipped onto your lower back while the other slipped under your legs. He hoisted you up into the and you let out a scream of joy, your own arms wrapping around his neck. You threw your head back in laughter Calum leaving kisses on your chin.
“I love you.” It was muffled as he whispered it into your neck but you heard it and froze. The L word. Calum felt you go stiff and he looked into your eyes. He couldn’t decipher the emotions swimming through the Y/E/C orbs. He gently placed you back on your legs as you continued to stare at him. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, Calum knew you had trouble opening up, the lack of an emotional outlet as a child might have done that for you. “I- it just came out. I understand if you don’t feel the sa- '' Calum was cut short as your lips met with his, the rain dripping from his curls onto your face, your hair getting soaked onto your face. Your lips moved in perfect harmony against each other. Your finger trailed up his chest and threaded through his hair, his large hands splaying against your lower back and hip. Your lips broke apart with a soft ‘smack’ as you panted against each other's lips.
“I love you too.” The smile that broke across his face could brighten up the whole world. His lips met yours again and he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. That night when you got to the hotel room it wasn’t like your usual nights spent together. Instead of fierce lips and rushed hands trying to get each other naked it was soft lips and gentle hands. That night there was no sex only gentle kisses and cuddles as you fell asleep in eachother’s arms.
“All done.” Dan the stylist on set said after Rita the makeup artist finished touching up your makeup.
The day went on well, you’d gotten an extra scene done by the time you got home Dylan was sitting at the dining table scrolling through twitter. “Hey baby.” He said as you approached him and gave him a peck to his lips.
“Hey, how was your day?” You asked as you got a glass of fruit punch from the fridge.
“Good, got to spend some time with my mom and dad saw my sister.”
“That’s good. Joan told me earlier today that there’s this charity event she wants me to go to. She didn’t give me a date but with her scattered brain I wouldn’t blame her for forgetting in the moment. Anyway, I’m sure she’ll text me later but she did say she wanted me to bring you along with me. Just wanted to check and make sure it was good for you.” You brought the cup to your lips and took a sip of the red juice.
“Yeah just let me know I’m sure I can be there.” He gave a small smile before standing from the table and walking to you. “I have to go but I just wanted to see you when you got off, ran out on me this morning.” You rolled your eyes jokingly.
“I didn’t run out on you, I had to get to work.” You grabbed his collar and pulled his lips to yours, kissing him gently. “Now go home, you look exhausted.” He chuckled and kissed you again before heading out the door. You looked at the clock reading 10 p.m you decided it was a good enough time to go to sleep. Grabbing your phone from your bag you checked the notification realizing that Joan texted you.
Joan 9:42 p.m
Meet me at the fashion studio tomorrow at one. Gotta get fitted for the event ;)
You seriously regret telling her how to use emoticons. Getting undressed down to your underwear you pulled out a random shirt pulling over your head and walked to the bathroom ready to do your normal night routine before catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The shirt was his.
You walked out of your bedroom knuckling at your eyes and yawning only to stop at the smell of waffles and bacon. Turning to your kitchen you saw Calum standing over a pot with sizzling bacon in it next to him the waffle iron. “What are you doing here?” He turned around at the sound of your voice, taking in the sight of you.
“You gave me a key, remember?” Letting out a small ‘oh’ you walked over to him. “Is this my shirt?” He said pinching to baby blue fabric that stopped right below your hips.
“No. It’s mine.” You gave a cheeky smirk and kissed his cheek. “Food smells amazing, baby.”
“Go sit down.”
“Go sit down, I'll make your plate for you.”
“Ok.” You turned from him on your way to the dining table when you felt a little tap on your buttcheek. You let out a cackle at him and he wolf whistled.
You felt the tears on your lash line trying to fall over you quickly swept them away and sniffled before pulling out your cleanser. You laid in bed that night thinking of him the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Your last thought of him before you fell asleep was his back as he walked out your front door.
It was now 1:30 the next day and you sat and Chris tightened the slip dress around your waist. The lavender fabric was loose around your chest, got tighter on your mid section and flowed around your mid thighs, a small slit on the left side. Dylan would be wearing a black suit with a matching lavender tie. You didn’t know who would be at this event but you knew some big names were coming. “So they want you there by 5:00 p.m. It's going until midnight, which is enough time for you to get some good pictures of you chatting around with people.” Joan explained.
“Ok do I need to stay the entire night?” You asked.
“Well it’d be best if you did it’s a charity event, Y/N, you don’t want to look bad.”
“Ok, got it, stay all night.” Chris pinched you with the needle he was using to bring in the fabric by accident and you flinched. “Dude you keep doing that I’m going to pass out from blood loss.” You joked. Chris scoffed at you and kept on with his work. By the time the dress was done you felt like you couldn’t breathe. It was so tight but it brought out your figure. “So it’s this Thursday at five and I will stay all night. Anything else I need to know?”
“Nope.” Joan replied, popping the ‘p’.
4:30 and you were 15 minutes away from the building the charity event was taking place in. Dylan sat beside you, his hand on your thigh as you were looking out the window. The extravagant houses were more appealing than your apartment, even though you could afford them you’d rather live somewhere more homey. Pulling up outside paparazzi were already flashing pictures at everyone. Dylan gripped your hand comfortingly, leading you into the building.
“Dylan, Y/N how’s the relationship?” One paparazzo asked.
“Have things gotten better since the break?” Another questioned. Dylan continued to pull you into the opposite direction and that's when you saw him. He was standing between Ashton and Luke signing autographs and taking pictures. He smiled and waved to the camera as he walked in your direction. You kept calm but on the inside you were panicking. When your eyes locked you could see his eyes slightly widen, his eyes dropping down to your heel clad feet then slowly trailing back up to your face. You tried to pretend like nothing was happening for Dylan. Of course he knew about your fling with Calum, it was all over twitter he would have to live under a rock to not know.
But you didn’t want him to have to face the reality that you fell in love with another man. You loved Dylan you truly did but you’re not quite sure you were still in love with him. After you and Calum had broken it off you came back to Dylan, claiming you were finally ready to get back to where you were but maybe you just didn’t want to be alone. But he took you in with open arms and that night you stayed up catching up on things you missed out on in the 8 months you were apart. The group of tall aussies continued in your direction. When they approached you you could see they were trying to make it seem as normal as possible. All of them gave you a quick hug and shook Dylan's hand. Calum was the last to come up as he found a way to maneuver to the back of the line when they were on their way over.
“Uh- hi- hey.” He coughed out.
“Hey.” You gave a nervous chuckle. Gazing up at him you felt your eyes soften. His brown curls framing his face, his eyes held an emotion that you couldn’t quite read but he held your gaze. You two slowly leaned for a hug and it wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be in fact you melted into his warm embrace. At some point you had to unwind your hands from his neck so it wouldn’t be awkward. You cleared your throat as you moved back to stand next to Dylan. Calum put his hand to shake your current lover's hand. It was one firm shake then they disconnected and Calum moved back to his group.
Throughout the entire night you could feel Calum's eyes on you. You weren’t sitting that far from each other, each time you would go to look at him his eyes would dart forward. The event went well, you met a few celebrities you idolised and they were all so sweet. As you and Dylan hopped back into your car you pulled out your phone and went straight to twitter. You wanted to see what people thought of tonight but when you opened the app the first thing you saw was not what you were expecting
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Look at the way they look at eachother. She may be with Dylan but it’s Calum she belongs with. Calum was the love of her life, Dylan is the love for the rest of her life.
It was a picture of you and Calum. Your eyes locked on each other and you could see the emotion on both of your faces. You tried to turn away from Dylan so he wouldn’t see. You didn’t want to hurt him. But he could see the reflection off the glass of the window. It hurt but he knew he and Y/N weren’t working out anymore. He was being selfish by keeping you in the relationship so he knew what he had to do. He has to let you go. No matter how much it hurts him he knows he’s hurting you more by keeping you with him. He looked to you with a teary eyed gaze before turning back to the road.
When he walked you to the front door you walked in and immediately took off your shoes but Dylan stood in the door eyeing you. “You’re not gonna come in?” You asked after realizing he wasn’t standing with you.
“We need to talk.” He sighed.
“Oh. Ok..?” He continued to eye you from the door.
“It’s not working anymore.”
“Y/N it’s not working anymore.”
“What?” You were stunned, the word barely escaped your lips.
“You’re not happy.”
“Wh- what are you talking about Dylan of course I’m happy.” You didn’t know if you were trying to convince him or yourself.
“No you’re not and it’s ok.” He stepped forward. “I know what will make you happy and that's not me.”
“Dylan, stop it. Of course I’m happy. You make me happy so can we just go eat and go to sleep, please?” You were begging. You didn’t want to do this.
“You can’t keep lying to yourself, baby. We can’t keep doing this, we’re only hurting each other. I saw how you looked at him.”
“I saw it Y/N, it’s how you used to look at me and, God, do I wish I was him but I’m not. You know I’m not so I’m willing to put my own happiness on the line so you can have yours. Go to him, go live out that fairytale dream you used to tell me about when you couldn’t sleep at night. Go be happy.” Tears were trekking down both of your faces as Dylan brought his hands up to hold your face. He gently swept them away with his thumbs and leant forward to place a kiss on your forehead. He backed away slowly and then he was out of the door. Your eyes darted around your apartment and then you realized it; you were completely alone. You crumpled to a heap on the floor and let the sobs wrack your body, you muffled the loud cries you wanted to let out into your hand.
It felt like an eternity but in reality it was 15 minutes you sat crying and shaking on your floor. Your eyes looked around your apartment and you crawled your way over to the boots you kept by your door. You pulled them on and grabbed your keys off of the dish your niece made you that you kept on the small coffee table by the door. You ran to your car as it started pouring outside. Rain pelting your skin. You started the car and drove to the only place your body would let you go. It wasn’t a long drive, only 20 minutes. How you two never ran into each other was baffling. When you pulled up to the driveway the clock in your car read 1:22 a.m. Almost two in the morning and you were praying to any god that he was awake. That he would answer the door.
When you reached the door your dress was stuck to your body, your hair stuck up in all directions. Your fist hit the door repeatedly and you heard him shuffling and yelling out ‘I’m coming’ before he opened the door. He froze, he took in your appearance as you did his. He changed out of the outfit he was wearing earlier. Now clad in sweatpants and a t-shirt. “Hey what’s-”
“I love you.” You blurted out.
“Huh?” He was dumbfounded.
“I love you, it’s been you since the moment we met and it will always be you. You can tell me to go and I will but I had to tell you. I love you.” You stared at each other for a moment before you felt him envelope you in a hug. Your arms hastily wrapped around him before you melted against him.
“I love you too.” He pulled back to look at you. “I love you so much.” You don’t know who leaned in first - maybe it was you - but your lips met softly. He pulled you into his house and you spent the night under the covers with hushed whispers, sweet nothings and promises that poured from both of your mouths.
You would not want it to end any other way.
hoped you liked it ig.