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new home, PKMN, & music
The dust is slowly settling in our new apartment (lol), & we’ve been having a lot of cozy September rain since we moved in. So, time for more rainy Pokémon fun, of course! 🌧️

Rain (Vaporeon) always sits with her mate, Sasha (the mister’s Glaceon). Skye & Sora (Altaria & Castform) are on my desk next to my “Rain Dance” mug, & meet our newest addition, Cirrus (Cinccino)! Cirrus clouds are those wispy, upper atmosphere clouds resembling hair, the word “cirrus” meaning “hair”.
Our new area has a lot of open skies, so I have a better view for cloud spotting (lots of cumulus & nimbostratus lately) - that’s been nice ☁️
Also been listening to a lot of cozy, rainy, video game music, so here’s a couple of my rainy rec’s if that’s also your vibe 🎧

insaneintherainmusic - amazing video game jazz arrangements as well as a few of his own compositions (some for indie games!). He has a LOT of Pokémon arrangements - I’ve been listening to his “Year of Sinnoh” playlist a lot while making DxP REWRITE ⛈️🎷
Rainy Day Video Games Music - extended versions of cozy video music with a gentle rain track over it - very anti-anxiety. I especially like these tracks from Undertale: “Quiet Water”, “It’s Raining Somewhere Else”, & “Good Night”
shadowatnoon - like the previous channel, but with playlists of tracks instead of one extended track (some with a rain track, some not). Unfortunately, she’s been struck with copyright for some of her best ones (not to mention theft, Smile Together), but someone made an archive for her. My favorites are “rain dance” (a Pokémon mix), “drifting away” (a Kirby mix), & “dreamland” (a general Nintendo music mix).
Happy vibing! 🩵