Caranthir X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Feanorians: Being Their Soulmate...

Different soulmate troupes with the Feanorians.
Requested by Anon
Hi animatorweirdo!
Can I send in a request for different soulmate tropes for the Feanorians and when they find their soulmate? (for example, tropes like the red-string of fate, timer countdown, having a tattoo that symbolizes them on your body, etc).
Thank you so much and I can't wait to see what you come up with!!
(Author note: I didn't do Curufin and the twins as I could not come up with anything with them. )
Warnings: mentions of the book events, mentions of Maedhros's captivity, loss of a hand, separation, reluctance, the oath, doom, and rejection.
Maedhros — Tattoo
- Maedhros would have a small tattoo on the back of his right hand, right below his thumb and index finger. He would have been confused the first time it appeared, but then he would be excited when his parents or someone else told him it was the mark of his soulmate.
- He had been given a tattoo that represented his soulmate. His soulmate would bear a tattoo on the same spot that represented him and he would know once he had seen them.
- Growing up in Valinor he would check people’s hands to see if they had a tattoo on the same spot as him.
- If you two met in Valinor, he would find a small star on the back of your right hand below your thumb and index.
- He would be delighted to have finally found you, and most likely would have not hesitated to get to know you and start a relationship with you. His family would be happy for him.
- However, if you two met in Middle Earth. His feelings about finding his soulmate would be much more complicated.
- For example, the great enemy mocking the mark of his soulmate and threatening to find them would have left him reluctant to ever find his soulmate. Losing his right hand would have solidified his decision.
- He would stare at his missing hand from time to time, remembering the mark of his soulmate. He would hope his soulmate would never find him as his reputation would certainly tarnish theirs.
- If you two did manage to meet, he would feel strange pulling toward you. If you two clicked very well, he would mistake it for simple crushing or fondness. However, that would not be the case when he sees the star on your right hand.
- Realizing you were his soulmate would cause him to distance himself away from you, startled and anxious to realize you were his one. He would then make a hard decision, to either give himself this chance to feel your love or push you away and possibly save you from the doom that followed him.
- If he decided to embrace the fact and allow himself to be selfish just once, Maedhros would not reveal you were soulmates but enjoy your company. He would have decided to enjoy it while it lasted because relationships would not last during wars. His feelings for you would have grown but he would have kept it as a good friendship, and it would have hurt less when you two had to separate.
- If he decided to distance himself and cut ties with you, his soul would ache for your presence and he would feel miserable for causing you to feel sad and confused by his sudden distance. He would have most likely been harsh and explained that you two couldn’t talk to each other, growing the drift between you.
- Making you leave would be the hardest decision he had ever made. However, it would ease his soul to know you would not be doomed by him and his oath.
- If there was a chance Eru took pity on you, he would either allow you to meet again in better circumstances or let you have someone else for a soulmate.
Maglor — Red string of fate
- (Because I think Maglor would love tragic love stories, the red string of fate would be fitting for him.)
- Maglor would be blooming with excitement when one day he saw a red string attached to his finger. He would have read all about the red string of fate and would have most likely been eager to go on an adventure to find his soulmate, the red string being his guide. Unfortunately, he was too young to go on his own.
- Growing up, he would occasionally check on the red string to see if his soulmate was nearby as the red string would extend or become more clear when his soulmate was near.
- If you two met on Valinor, it would have happened during a party or one of his performances. He would be surprised to see the red string suddenly become visible and lead his eyes upon you. However, it would not have been an unwelcome surprise and he would have jumped on the first chance to talk with you.
- His search would finally be over after meeting you and his family would have to suffer his constant serenading of finding his soulmate.
- However, if you met on Middle Earth, his feelings would be slightly reluctant, but not opposed to it.
- After the whole kin slaying and burning of the boats, he would have wished he would not find his soulmate. The red string went more distant, but he would be surprised to find the red string showing itself more one day.
- He would be curious to find them and one day when he met you, he would feel happy.
- He would be more open about revealing being his soulmate and having a relationship with you. However, since he and his kin were at war with Morgoth, the relationship would have to be kept as a secret.
- However, if he decided you two would be better off without each other. He would send you away with good wishes and hopes that fate would allow you to meet again, and thus ends the tragic love story.
Celegorm — Dreams/Led by your pets
- As a hunter, I think Celegorm would have a prophetic dream about an animal that would lead him to his soulmate.
- In his dreams, he would see an animal he is meant to find and follow to find his soulmate. He is a free spirit so he might find the dreams and the thought of having a soulmate slightly annoying.
- However, if he came to meet with the said animal from his dreams he would not be opposed to following it and seeing what would happen. And when that happens, Huan would go missing and ignore his calls.
- He would then find you with the animal and Huan who had led you to him. Perhaps that time, he would be more open and excited when he locked his eyes with you, especially if you two met in the woods of Valinor and the animal turned out to be your companion.
- However, if you met in Middle Earth, I do not think Celegorm would not hesitate to have a relationship with you. If you both were hunters I think the relationship would go pretty smoothly.
- But, if the oath comes between you, Celegorm might let you go in order for you to be safe from danger, or if you do not agree, and that he made it clear he would not give up the oath even for you.
- Separation from you might cause him to become slightly more violent, but the thought of you being somewhere safe might ease it just a bit.
Caranthir — Timer
- A timer would suit Caranthir.
- He would have been very confused when one day he found a clock drawn on his hand and it would not go away no matter how much he washed.
- It would take both his parents to explain he had received a soulmate clock, which tells how long it would take to meet his soulmate: the more hours and minutes the farther away and the less how close his soulmate is.
- The idea would not wrap around his head for a while, especially if the clock showed several hours, which only meant his soulmate was nowhere near.
- He would be thrilled to find out when his clock reveals fewer minutes and would look around in curiosity till he found you.
- I think he would be slightly shy, but would not avoid you. If you two click and you show your timer, then it would be the start of a beautiful relationship.
- However, if you two met on Middle Earth, he would be skeptical about having a relationship with you.
- Seeing there was no hope after his reputation as a kin slayer and war with Morgoth, he saw it would be best not to seek out his soulmate.
- So, imagine the shock he would feel when he finds his timer running toward the end and eventually finding you.
- In some parts of his soul he would have been thrilled, but due to his unfortunate circumstances, he might avoid revealing about being your soulmate. However, due to the tugging in his soul, he might make a friendly relationship with you.
- He would feel ease from his anger, and it would slightly hurt him to know he might have to separate from you.
- He would enjoy it while it lasted, before sending you off with heartfelt goodbyes.
Celebrimbor — A strand of hair
- Celebrimbor would be surprised to find a strand of his hair had turned into a different color, but would be delighted when he learned it was the clue of his soulmate and that his soulmate would have a strand of his hair color.
- He would not mind walking around with the new color and sometimes styling it while searching for the one who had his hair color.
- If you two met on Valinor, it would be joyful.
- However, if you two met on Middle Earth, his feelings on the matter would have died down.
- But when he suddenly meets you one day and sees the dark strand of hair across your hair. He became frightened as he could feel tugging from within his very soul.
- He should feel happy by his kin’s standards. He had been blessed by chance to meet his soulmate, but his past and the reputation of his house had left him reluctant. He had hidden the color of your hair in hopes he might not accidentally meet you or anyone who might figure out who his soulmate is. In his mind, you were not worthy to get tarnished by his house’s past, but fate, of course, has worked against him.
- However, if you were not intimidated by his past, Celebrimbor’s fear might vanish and he might entertain the idea of getting to know you. It would take a lot of time to convince himself to finally reveal your hair color on his hair, and wait for your reaction as your hair colors would match and return to normal.
- If you were happy by the reveal, Celebrimbor might then be confident enough to have a relationship with you. However, he would let you go if you weren't eager by the reveal and decided to leave. He would not blame you, but he would feel a painful aching for your presence and heartache for your rejection.

Pairing = Caranthir x Reader
Genre = General audiences
General ratings = fluff (pure fluff <3)
Content warnings = none
Reader’s gender = no explicit gender
Word count = 1,9k
Notes = I’m baaaack! I hope you enjoy this fic! Love you all <3 Here are some words you should know before you read = nityanésa means ‘little sister’, yonya means ‘my son’, ammë means ‘mother’

Caranthir had always been a grumpy elf. However, those who knew him knew that this was a facade. Caranthir, in reality, was a gentle and thoughtful elf. He became embarrassed when you called him out on it and would snap at you while blushing, but he secretly felt proud. He took good care of you and you knew it, even if he didn’t like to acknowledge it.
You were lazing about in Nerdanel’s workshop, waiting for Caranthir and his mother. She had asked you and her son to pose for her so that she could sculpt you both together. It had been an honor to be asked and so of course you accepted. You were giddy about spending an entire afternoon with Caranthir, for you had had a big crush on him since you two met.
You came out of your thoughts as you heard voices coming your way, recognizing Nerdanel and Caranthir’s voices.
“Come on, yonya, it isn’t that much of a big deal!”
“You don’t understand ammë, it’s (Y/N)!”
“What is wrong with (Y/N)?”
“Nothing! And that’s the problem!”
They both stopped arguing as they saw you sitting and looking at them awkwardly. You hoped they weren’t mad you had accidentally overheard them talking about you. Caranthir seemed to blush and frowned, looking at the floor. Nerdanel smirked and gestured for the two of you to take place. You were sitting on a chair, practically glued to Caranthir’s side.
The whole of the afternoon, you talked to Nerdanel and Caranthir, having a good time overall. You laughed a lot and smiled until your cheeks hurt.
When you had said your goodbyes to the mother and son, you went to the market to buy something to eat. You spent a good amount of time there, watching as Laurelin waned and Telperion waxed. When you came home, you were surprised to see beautiful and delicate flowers sitting in front of your door. A letter was attached to their stems. You took it, curious and read the words ‘Pretty flowers for an even more pretty elf’.
You blushed and looked around for any clue of who the sender was. You were a bit disappointed to find that the sender had left no clue as to who they were.
The next morning, you went back to Nerdanel’s workshop, to continue the statue. You were surprised to find Caranthir already there and holding something. You peered curiously at him before approaching.
“Hello, Moryo.”
He jumped a little, seemingly coming out of his thoughts. He blushed hard as he saw you.
“Hello, (Y/N)” he smiled gently.
He seemed to want to say something, before he simply blushed and held out his hand. In it was your favorite fruit. You looked at him, surprised.
“For me..?”
He simply nodded his head in response. You smiled and took the fruit, thanking him.
Nerdanel arrived then and you spent the rest of the day chatting with the both of them. Curiously, Caranthir seemed chattier today.
When you arrived home, you were surprised to see a box in front of your door. Excited, you quickly got inside your house and sat at the dinner table. You quickly opened the box, gasping as you saw what was inside. A beautiful gold necklace sat in the box and it was decorated with beautiful rubies. You reverently picked it up and put it on. It fit you like a glove. You smiled at yourself in the mirror, giddy at the fact you were given a gift by a ‘secret admirer’
The next day when you arrived at Nerdanel’s workshop, you were surprised to see that she was already there, sweeping the dust.
“Lady Nerdanel..?”
“Oh! Hello dear! Today I am not going to continue to sculpt. My husband is taking me out on a date in the countryside!”
You smiled, happy for her, but also disappointed you wouldn’t have an excuse to spend time with Caranthir. Nerdanel smirked as if she had read your thoughts and said :
“You can always ask Moryo to hang out with you, dear.”
You blushed, feeling as if she had seen right through you. You nodded and left quickly, searching for your crush. You found him sitting in the gardens, weaving. You called out to him, excited to see him again.
“Good morning, Moryo!”
He was startled and hid what he was working on behind his back. You tilted your head, confused, but let it go.
“Good morning, (Y/N)… what are you doing here?”
You rubbed the back of your neck, suddenly sheepish.
“Your mother told me that she wouldn’t sculpt us today, but I thought that maybe… we could, like.. still hang out…together..?”
You almost cringed at your awkwardness. Caranthir was becoming alarmingly redder by the second.
“I… would love to.”
You smiled, relieved that you hadn’t made a fool of yourself in front of him.
You had a wonderful day with Caranthir. He had bought you food in town and you had gone to see an art exhibition. You were surprised to find that Caranthir was actually hilarious and knew exactly what jokes to make to make you laugh. You had found your thoughts strayed more than once, your eyes falling to his beautiful smile. You wanted to kiss him so bad. Your cheeks hurt with how much you were smiling.
Before parting, Caranthir gave you a beautiful hair ornament. It was beautiful and was clearly of professional making.
“Moryo! This is beautiful!”
“I’m glad you like it, (Y/N)..”
You looked at Caranthir, confused when you saw him sheepishly avoiding your eyes. You looked back at the ornament and finally realized that the style it was made in looked a lot like Curufin’s style. You blushed, realizing that Caranthir must have asked his brother to create something for you. Your heart fluttered and swelled with affection.
“I love it, Moryo…”
Before leaving, you took your courage in your hands and chastely kissed Caranthir on his cheek, before basically running away, giddy.
Today was the day, you decided. It had been two months since Nerdanel had started to sculpt you and her fourth son. You and Caranthir had gotten closer as the days had passed and you were confident you were good friends. Well, you couldn’t be sure for certain because you and Caranthir hadn’t really talked about what you were.
While you walked towards Fëanor and his family’s home, you thought back about how you would confess your feelings to Caranthir. The night before, you had brainstormed ideas by yourself and chosen your words carefully. You really hoped your confession would not destroy your blooming friendship with your crush. You thought back to Caranthir, his handsome face, seemingly soft lips, his long and luscious hair, his intense yet gentle eyes, and-
“Hello Nityanésa!”
You were startled out of your thoughts by Celegorm’s voice, calling to you from the entrance of his home. Celegorm had always been like a big brother to you and teased you often about your crush on his brother. By the way he was dressed, you guessed that he was going to hunt.
“Hello, Tyelko.”
Said elf smirked and looked at you with a weird glint in his eyes.
“Good luck!” He said, before walking away.
You looked at him, mouth hanging open in shock. Was your decision to confess to Caranthir written all over your face? How did he know?! Or perhaps he didn’t and was trying to-
You were once again startled out of your thoughts as the twins ran past you, shouting a quick greeting while going down the stairs. You didn’t have the time to respond that they were gone.
You took a deep breath and went to find Caranthir in the library, as you had both agreed on meeting there yesterday. When you opened the doors, you heard Fëanor talk with Caranthir. Curious, you stayed still.
“Do not worry, yonya. Everything will be fine.. I have seen the way she looks at you.”
“If you say so, dad…”
You decided to let your presence be known as you heard Fëanor start to walk towards the doors. As he walked outside, he smiled at you kindly. When you looked towards Caranthir, he was blushing and looking at you in a way that made your heart skip multiple beats. You had not realized before, but what you felt wasn’t a simple crush. You were in love with Caranthir. He had carved himself a place in your heart and lived permanently in your mind. You had fallen hard and fast.
You looked into Caranthir’s eyes and you swore you could cry. So much adoration and love was in them, it made you overwhelmed.
“Hello, Moryo..”
“Hello, (Y/N)…”
You both looked at each other in silence. When you opened your mouth to speak, Caranthir beat you to it.
“(Y/N), you have been a constant in my life these last few months and I’ve enjoyed every single second I passed by your side. You are a wonderful person and beautiful inside and out. I… don’t really know how to say this poetically, but I fell in love with you, (Y/N). I love you.”
You looked at Caranthir, admiring the blush that graced his face, ears and neck. You then smiled and talked.
“I love you too, Moryo. You are an handsome and extremely kind elf. I love everything about you.”
When you were finished, Caranthir took your hands and gently pulled you to a table near a window, before sitting down. Something was hidden under a piece of cloth and you peered curiously at it. Caranthir gestured for you to remove the cloth and you did, before gasping loudly.
Under the cloth was a weaved red and gold tunic. It was intricate and one of the most beautiful piece of clothing you had ever seen. On top of that, it was extremely soft and seemed comfortable.
“I wanted to give you a gift and I finished this yesterday, so I thought I could give it to you today.. if you don’t like it, it’s fine, I can always-”
You spoke before he could get even redder.
“I love it! It’s so beautiful! Did you make this?”
Caranthir nodded at your question. You beamed at him and got up, before moving slowly to him.
“Moryo, would you like to be in a relationship with me?”
“Of course!” He quickly said, eyes wide and full of joy.
You smiled at him before leaning in, hearing him take a sharp inhale of breath.
“Can I kiss you..?” You whispered so that the atmosphere would not be ruined.
“..yes, please.” He murmured.
You leaned in and kissed Caranthir, butterflies exploding in your stomach and your heart beating faster. Caranthir gently put his hand on the back of your neck, deepening the kiss and making you feel hot. You broke the kiss however, when you heard a small thud outside the window. You and Caranthir looked at each other, before looking outside, only to find Caranthir’s brothers spying on you.
“I told you not to stand so close to the window, idiot” said an amused Maglor.
“Shut up, I didn’t ask for your opinion” responded an irritated Celegorm.
“Well, you got your answer. Now pay up.” intervened Maedhros.
You watched, aghast, as the brothers exchanged money, some laughing, some grumbling.
You looked back at Caranthir, who was both embarrassed and fuming. You laughed and kissed his cheek, before leaning onto his chest while he slightly relaxed. Yes, Caranthir was a sweetheart. Your sweetheart.

End notes = please forgive me if you see any mistakes 🙇♀️
@theladyvanya (please do tell me if you’d like to stop being tagged in my stories <3)
Sex with Caranthir (Headcannons) - NSFW :

Caranthir likes being taken care of
Tell him how handsome he is, how good he makes you feel, how your love for him is all consuming, he loves it
Poor baby has some self-esteem issues, so hearing those compliments while being intimate boosts his confidence
He always keeps his hands on your hips, no matter the position
He likes the contact (and leverage) this gives him
Especially loves to watch you ride him, practically in a trance as he watches your tits/dick bounce up and down
Will hide his face in your neck if the compliments become too much, and cum right then and there
Likes fingering your pussy/asshole after coming, as he often does so before you can
« I’m going to be the one taking care of you now, alright melmë (love)? »
Basically worships you
Adores you and tells you so, encouraging you to cum as he works on your clit/dick with his mouth
Aftercare is top tier with him
He’ll almost bend himself over for your needs
You want a bath? He’s on it
You’re thirsty? Would you prefer water or wine?
You want a massage? He’s more than happy to give you one!
Ends up sleeping with his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat as your hand cards through his hair
