Cate Blanchett - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
The Sound Of Her Footsteps Was Like A Stream Falling Gently Downhill Over Cool Stones In The Quiet Of
The Sound Of Her Footsteps Was Like A Stream Falling Gently Downhill Over Cool Stones In The Quiet Of

The sound of her footsteps was like a stream falling gently downhill over cool stones in the quiet of night.

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2 years ago


1. The Mirror of Venus by Edward Coley Burne-Jones 2. Mary Virgin stained glass window St Matthew’s church Butterleigh, Devon after sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, by William H Chadwick, by Morris & Co., by George Frederick Titcomb (1928) 3. King Arthur Asks the Lady of the Lake for the Sword Excalibur, illustration by Walter Crane (1911) 4. The Valkyrie’s Vigil by Edward Robert Hughes (before 1915)

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7 months ago
THE LORD OF THE RINGSset Design Appreciation: Lothlorien's Haven
THE LORD OF THE RINGSset Design Appreciation: Lothlorien's Haven
THE LORD OF THE RINGSset Design Appreciation: Lothlorien's Haven
THE LORD OF THE RINGSset Design Appreciation: Lothlorien's Haven
THE LORD OF THE RINGSset Design Appreciation: Lothlorien's Haven
THE LORD OF THE RINGSset Design Appreciation: Lothlorien's Haven
THE LORD OF THE RINGSset Design Appreciation: Lothlorien's Haven

THE LORD OF THE RINGS set design appreciation: ― Lothlorien's Haven

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7 months ago
THE LORD OF THE RINGS Set Design Appreciation: The Mirror Of Galadriel
THE LORD OF THE RINGS Set Design Appreciation: The Mirror Of Galadriel
THE LORD OF THE RINGS Set Design Appreciation: The Mirror Of Galadriel
THE LORD OF THE RINGS Set Design Appreciation: The Mirror Of Galadriel
THE LORD OF THE RINGS Set Design Appreciation: The Mirror Of Galadriel
THE LORD OF THE RINGS Set Design Appreciation: The Mirror Of Galadriel

THE LORD OF THE RINGS set design appreciation: ― The Mirror of Galadriel

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Women don’t want a husband, they want seven other women to join them on a heist to steal a heavily guarded Cartier diamond necklace at the Met Gala.

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5 years ago
Its Here Folks, The Ultimate Battle To See Who The Tumblr Gays Think Is The Hottest Middle Aged Actress

it’s here folks, the ultimate battle to see who the tumblr gays think is the hottest middle aged actress !!

side note: i classify middle aged as around 35-55. if you don’t agree with my choices you can make your own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

another side note: it won’t let me tag the last two but y'all know them anyway

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6 years ago
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight

Cate Blanchett as Lou Miller in Ocean’s Eight  ✨ ✨ ✨

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6 years ago
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight
Cate Blanchettas Lou Miller InOceans Eight

Cate Blanchett as Lou Miller in Ocean’s Eight  ✨ ✨ ✨

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10 years ago
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet
"As Random And As Subjective As This Award Is, It Means A Great Deal In A Year Of Extraordinary, Yet

"As random and as subjective as this award is, it means a great deal in a year of extraordinary, yet again, extraordinary performances by women... And thank you to the audiences who went to see [Blue Jasmine] and perhaps those of us in the industry who are still foolishly clinging to the idea that female films with women at the center are niche experiences. They are not. Audiences want to see them and, in fact, they earn money. The world is round, people!" — Cate Blanchett on championing women in cinema during her 2014 Oscar Best Actress acceptance speech. +++ Various fierce and flawless heroines in female-centric feature films Audrey Tautou as Amélie Poulain (Amélie) Quvenzhané Wallis as Hushpuppy Doucet (Beasts Of The Southern Wild) Björk as Selma Ježková (Dancer In The Dark) Jamie Chung as Eden (Eden) Greta Gerwig as Frances Halladay (Frances Ha) Tilda Swinton as Emma Recchi (I Am Love) Léa Seydoux as Emma + Adèle Exarchopoulos as Adèle (Blue Is The Warmest Colour) Zhang Ziyi as Sayuri Nitta (Memoirs Of A Geisha) Brit Marling as Sarah Moss/Jane Owen (The East) Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander + Élodie Yung as Miriam Wu (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo)

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10 years ago
"Will You Still Love MeWhen I'm No Longer Young And Beautiful?Will You Still Love MeWhen I Got Nothing
"Will You Still Love MeWhen I'm No Longer Young And Beautiful?Will You Still Love MeWhen I Got Nothing
"Will You Still Love MeWhen I'm No Longer Young And Beautiful?Will You Still Love MeWhen I Got Nothing
"Will You Still Love MeWhen I'm No Longer Young And Beautiful?Will You Still Love MeWhen I Got Nothing
"Will You Still Love MeWhen I'm No Longer Young And Beautiful?Will You Still Love MeWhen I Got Nothing
"Will You Still Love MeWhen I'm No Longer Young And Beautiful?Will You Still Love MeWhen I Got Nothing
"Will You Still Love MeWhen I'm No Longer Young And Beautiful?Will You Still Love MeWhen I Got Nothing
"Will You Still Love MeWhen I'm No Longer Young And Beautiful?Will You Still Love MeWhen I Got Nothing

"Will you still love me When I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me When I got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will I know that you will Will you still love me When I'm no longer beautiful...?" — Lana Del Rey +++ The bittersweet ending to the love story of Benjamin Button and Daisy Fuller...

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5 months ago

This is such an ingenious idea and a great way of re-thinking old favourites and classics!

I am imagining Tangled (2010) in a live-action and holy...

Perhaps this is too niche, but I would adore Emma D'Arcy as Flynn Rider/Eugene. Olivia Cooke would also eat as Rapunzel and leave no crumbs behind, I am sure.

The two have amazing chemistry and I don't think I can ever let go of this now. Just imagine the roguishly handsome D'Arcy doing the smolder on your screen. And I would want Rapunzel to be a red-head in this rendition. Especially with wavy/curly hair. Just to reflect the diversity of colours and textures and perhaps be able to make a throwaway comment about her strands turning into a menace because of the humidity sometimes.

And D'Arcy's Flynn would be all, "It isn't already a menace?"

To which Cooke's Rapunzel could go, "Oh, you have seen nothing yet. I am sure I could sustain an entire eco-system up there if I just let it sit."

Flynn D'Arcy: "Whoa. And you aren't doing that now? How dare you deprive folks of a wonderful home like this? So very selfish."

Rapunzel Cooke: "Hah. Not everyone can be as good as you now, can they?"

Flynn D'Arcy: "Touché."

I want D'Arcy's Eugene to be non-conforming as well. Short haired, dressing up in "men's" clothes and being extremely privy to weapons and how to operate them. A frying pan would be the natural next step.

Kate Winslet will be Gothel. And since the Sun can bless the world with a magic flower, Pascal and Maximus can talk to Rapunzel. And she can understand them. Hence, Pascal will be voiced by Bella Ramsey. And Maximus will carry Peter Dinklage's baritone.

The bar's patrons with speaking roles can be played by Simon Beale, the concert pianist, and Pedro Pascal, the man who wants a love connection. While the ones not saying anything will be cameos from the rest of the cast of House of the Dragon. I really want the mime to be Ewan Mitchell. I don't know why, but something tells me he would be extremely good. Vladimir, the guy collecting ceramic unicorns, has to be Matt Smith. Rhys Efans, the cupid old man in a diaper.

The Stabbington brothers can be the Sprouse twins. Rapunzel's parents, Cate Blanchett and Keanu Reeves.

And you know what, I might just write a fanfic about this now. With the face claims and everything. 'Cause I want it too much and am pretty sure this will never come into being otherwise.

So I had a fascinating conversation with a friend on the train to and from PAX, and I thought it might be interesting to throw the premise of our conversation out there.

So my question to the lovely people of tumblr is:

If there had to be remake of your favourite nostalgic movie, what would be your ideal remake? Who would be your ideal cast, director, etc?

My friend and I ended up coming up with our ideal Labyrinth remake. Details below!

So our vision was a gender swapped version starring Tilda Swinton as Jareth and Timothee Chalamet as Sarah. Let Tilda channel David Bowie and fuck around with gender. Let Timothee be a waifish fantasy nerd who's also into going to the Ren Fair whenever he can.

Obviously there can be exciting new things to be done with the magic and effects, but ultimately there would still be a reliance on practical effects and puppets/muppets like in the original. Let Jim Henson's Creature Shop and Weta work together to create the creatures and effects.

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1 year ago
Carol (2015) Dir. Todd Haynes
Carol (2015) Dir. Todd Haynes
Carol (2015) Dir. Todd Haynes
Carol (2015) Dir. Todd Haynes
Carol (2015) Dir. Todd Haynes
Carol (2015) Dir. Todd Haynes

Carol (2015) dir. Todd Haynes

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2 years ago
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (2008) Dir. David Fincher
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (2008) Dir. David Fincher

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) dir. David Fincher

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