Cats Broadway - Tumblr Posts

Gonna do weekly Cringetober posts instead of daily cause it's easier (Also combining some prompts for double cringe)
Days 2-7: Self Insert, Complicated Fit, Angel v Devil, Neko, Pinterest base
(Skipped Ms Paint cause drawing with a mouse hurts my weak baby hands lol)
making an analysis on the trash puppet version of mungojerrie and rumpleteazer btw,,, if you even care </3
my beloved trash puppets
(ft. OBC cryptid Misto)

Some images of Grizabella from CATS: The Book of the Musical
scanned in by me bc the only versions I’ve seen of these online have been low quality or have watermarks on them
Broadway Gruberstrap my beloved

Why must he be so handsome? A definite cure for the blues 🤍🖤
In my humble opinion, the broadway (pre 2016 revival) and hamburg costumes for Cats are the best I’ve ever seen. I can’t explain it, they’re so strikingly different in a way I haven’t seen from any other replica productions of Cats. They have so much character it’s crazy. They’re so solid and good. I could stare at a picture of them for hours

Memory - by ME
(Batman Returns x Cats the musical)