Cha Cha Cha - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
This Little Finnish Man With His Ridicolously Big Green Arms Has Cha Cha Cha'd His Way Into My Heart!
This Little Finnish Man With His Ridicolously Big Green Arms Has Cha Cha Cha'd His Way Into My Heart!

This little finnish man with his ridicolously big green arms has cha cha cha'd his way into my heart!

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7 months ago

Yk Choliszt kinda reminds me of those highschool dance pairs, specifically cha cha for mine(Well they were not really highschool more like 6-grade)

Yk Choliszt Kinda Reminds Me Of Those Highschool Dance Pairs, Specifically Cha Cha For Mine(Well They

(Pls correct me if I did anything inappropriately)

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1 year ago

*sadly cha cha chas to bed*

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Okay oooone more Cha Cha Cha post. 'Cause have we talked about stuff about that song that I recognize that could never come through to an international audience?

He's from Vantaa. I grew up there in a different time, it's a working class area.

Finnish ballroom culture leans heavily on Latin American dances, and cha cha is one especially associated with fun and parties in a kind of an uncool way, like a conga line, which the act also references.

Finnish drinking culture is drinking too much. Finnish party culture is also drinking too much. You wanna have fun, get prepared for alcohol poisoning.

Finnish songs tend to be sad or angry. Ballroom songs are sometimes the exception, though they can be melancholy too. Finns are kind of stiff and keep their problems to themselves, and Finnish masculinity means showing anger and competitiveness and being funny and clever, but hiding gentleness or vulnerability or need or anything too queer. It's the opposite of Latin heat, it's Nordic chill.

The way to break this is through getting shitfaced. That's what the song is about. You have locked yourself up inside yourself, all your rage and your gentleness have been held in check, you can't take another minute of it, but you know now you can drink. And you drink until finally the rigidity releases its hold. You are free. You are gentle. You are happy. You're not afraid of this world anymore.

The ugliness of the costume, the kind of a comedic reference to Latin culture is not, like, a pisstake on Latin music, but a reference to the bland imitation of it in Finnish ballroom culture. He is mocking himself and his own awkwardness and the specific culture he comes from (I could even say specifically Vantaa), while addressing this experience of being locked inside yourself, needing to drink so it will be socially acceptable or possible for you to defy that which is expected of a Finnish man.

It's not cringe if you were plastered. And when you're plastered, you're brave enough to be cringe.

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1 year ago

I don't hate her. Her song has been stuck in my head since the final. I just think it's so FUCKING UNFAIR! She had already won and the public chose someone else. Her win it's just about politics.

I don't hate her. I hate the jury and the fact that Käärijä was stolen. That's all.

Friendly reminder: don't hate Loreen.

If you want to hate something hate the juries for being an unnecessary and often biased part of the whole concept of Eurovision.

Friendly Reminder: Don't Hate Loreen.
Friendly Reminder: Don't Hate Loreen.
Friendly Reminder: Don't Hate Loreen.
Friendly Reminder: Don't Hate Loreen.

He doesn't hate her, neither should we.

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1 year ago

Eurovision 2023

Trying to process my thoughts about last night in the form of a tumblr post...

Firstly, which songs are stuck in my head today? Well, Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä (Finland), natch, but also Promise by Voyager (Australia), and Who the hell is Edgar? by Teya and Selena (Austria)


Croatia's Let 3 made it to the left of the board! Yesss!

I'd normally be the first person to criticise the BBC, but I actually feel they did a good job considering. Admittedly my expectations going into this were kinda low, but they didn't make it too, erm, BBC 😅

Also, Hannah Waddingham. New favourite Eurovision presenter. Clearly feeling very protective of Julia Sanina. Presence, crowd control ("We don't boo in this house"). Queen.

Abolishing the jury vote from the semi-finals was a big success. Not all of my favourites got through (sorry Iceland 😢 ), but we had some amazing performers reach the finals that I'm not convinced would have in previous years.


There were a number of artists whos performances in the final were not as good as in the semis... I'm thinking particularly Serbia and Australia, which were two of my favourites coming into the final.

Why did Germany and Spain score so badly? I keep telling myself that part of the answer to that is the old thing about the way the points work, if a song is everyone's 11th favourate out of the 26 entries, it'll get zero points, but still... I feel these were objectively two of the best performances of the night, both technically and in terms of everything else. Still very annoyed by this, they were two of my favourites. At least no-one got nil points this year.

On a related note, who was voting for Israel and Poland?! I know that musical taste is a personal thing (believe me, I know :D ) but Poland's song had no energy to it, and the highlight picked for Iceland was the dance break, with no singing...


I'm not sure what else I can add about the winner/second place that hasn't already been said. We love out green cha cha cha-ing blorbo. Europe loves him. The legend of Käärijä will live on!

Related, I felt that Loreen's performance in the reprise was much better than during the main part of the competition... what happened?

Norway put in a very technical performance, and I really want to like it, but as I've been saying all week, there wasn't enough texture, not enough light and shade to the song as it was peformed. We were also missing the growl in Alessandra's vocals from the semi.

Where was the audience interaction? I get that the focus is always going to be getting votes from home, so a lot of the staging will focus on that, but it's still a live music event, and it was disappointing to only notice Belgium and Germany playing to the crowd.

I've yet to listen to the recorded versions of the songs yet (that's my lunch time listening this week), but from what I hear from @itseverydaybear some of the songs that didn't make a great impression in the semis sound much better. I suspect there will be some sleeper hits in there...

Anyhow, catch you later, just going to listen to The HARDKISS and Jann (Poland televoter's choice to represent them this year - once again for those at the back, time to abolish juries...!)

As a bonus, here's Lord of the Lost covering Queen of Kings (they have even more covers on their youtube chanel, it's worth a look!)

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1 year ago



maybeeeeeee just maybeeeeee bojan is next

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1 year ago

It’s been a year and I still think about CHA CHA CHA, I have not thought about tattoo

u think eurovision is a competition between european countries but it's a actually a competition between the jury and the people

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1 year ago

I love him so much HE DESERVE ALL JUST LOOK AT HIM?? GIVE HIM A WORLD BCAUSE HE SO KIND AND SWEET I CAN'T ( i so sad because i believe he would win this Eurovision and he blame himself and apologies he didn't win oh nooo my baby 🥹🥹🥹)

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1 year ago
Se Lhtee Tanssimaan

se lähtee tanssimaan

(sketch and a photo with slightly different colours below the cut)

Se Lhtee Tanssimaan
Se Lhtee Tanssimaan

this painting was a rollercoaster, i really unsure of the colours at multiple points in the process and had to start over at one point. stumbling upon a youtube short by scott christian sava made me finish this painting lmao

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8 months ago


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1 year ago

Ča Ča Ča

Vot mittuine nedäli da päivät tagan, ah Interessannu pina colada da linna Ildu on vie nuori da aigua kumata Jiähine ulgokuori on aigu tuhota

Pien kahtel käil kiini juomizis muga Ča ča ča ča ča ča ča ei En smieti huondestu ku tartun kruuškah muga Ča ča ča ča ča ča ča ei Tahton olla segazin da välly huolis muga Ča ča ča ča ča ča ča ei Da sit jatkan kuni en ni pyzy stuulas muga —

Eräs pina colada on jo tagan, ah Yhtelläh on vie ilve minul vagavu, jeah, jeah, je je jeah Ildu on vie nuori da aigua kumata Jiähine ulgokuori on aigu tuhota Parkiettu kuččuu minuu ku en ni ole lukus, ah Muga ča ča ča olen tulos, ah

Pien kahtel käil kiini juomizis muga Ča ča ča ča ča ča ča ei En smieti huondestu ku tartun kruuškah muga Ča ča ča ča ča ča ča ei Tahton olla segazin da välly huolis muga Ča ča ča ča ča ča ča ei Da sit jatkan kuni en ni pyzy stuulas muga vou

Da lähten pläššimäh Muga ča ča ča Ga en ni varua tädä muailmua a-haa Muga ča ča ča Ku valatan piälegi šampanskoil a-haa

Ča ča ča, vil'čusilmin jo kačon vai Da pagin sammaldau, ku tämä toine puoli minus vallan suau, a-haa Ča ča ča, en ni argen nenga piäze bauhumah En ni, ga nygöi pläšin vai nygöi pläšin vai Da lähten pläššimäh

Muga ča ča ča Ga en ni varua tädä muailmua a-haa Muga ča ča ča Ku valatan piälegi šampanskoil a-haa Muga ča ča ča Ča ča ča ča ča ča ča! Muga ča ča ča Ča ča ča ča ča ča ča! Ča ča ča ča ča ča ča!

Alguperäine pajo: Käärijä — Cha Cha Cha Kiändäi:
Translation of 'Cha Cha Cha' by Käärijä from Finnish to Karelian

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1 year ago

I see 👍

I know that's the favorite, let's see what the hype is about

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