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7 months ago

Purugly’s Spell for Intimidation and Protection (Pokemon Inspired)

“It binds its body with its tails to make itself look bigger. If it locks eyes, it will glare ceaselessly.” -Pokedex Entry

Puruglys Spell For Intimidation And Protection (Pokemon Inspired)

A glamour spell to protect oneself from threats and danger by making oneself appear intimidating and not worth it to approach.

You Will Need:


Cinnamon Incense

Black Salt

Black or dark colored nail polish


Cleanse yourself and your area and if needed ground your energy. Set up a nice clear space where you can safely do your spell without worry of spilling anything or burning yourself with the incense. Make sure you are comfortable as well where you are practicing, do not wear long flowing sleeves to prevent fire dangers. Place your incense inside of a proper holder and your black salt around it in a circle. Take your garnet(s) and place them before you, if you are using chips or more than one then place them as it feels right for you. If desired you may play music that makes you feel powerful, focused and/or pumped up, heavy drum sounds or thunderstorm sounds can also help.


Once you are set up light your incense and allow its smoke to burn throughout the spell

Open your nail polish as you begin the spoken part of the spell “I am not one to mess with, I am not one to toy with, I am one to respect and fear. If you cross me and try to dominate, I will stop you with my leer. My eyes and nails are black as shadows, my heart is beating and strong. You shall not harm me, you shall not scare me, you shall respect me all day/night long.”

As you are saying this (or your own version of it) paint your nails of your hand. Once done with the chant and nail painting blow upon them focusing on your intent to appear intimidating like a great shadowy feline to those who try to approach you. Wave your nails a few times in the smoke of the incense.

Repeat process above on second hand.

Once both hands are painted end the spell as you see fit and rest, you deserve it.

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A Chant for Protecting Yourself and Taking your Power Back

To all those who need recovery after a psychic/karmic attack, feel as though you are powerless and you need that little extra magical push, or merely for those who have had a not-so-good day,

this is for you.

Take back what belongs to you, little witch. 

Your voice can mend. 

“Calling upon the powers from

North, South, East, and West,

The four corners of the Earth, I take my power back.

Forsake all who threaten to do harm upon me,

I signal the universe to protect me,

and sever me from their toxicity.

Grant me the power to rise above where they had thought I had been sent to fall.

I thank the powers of North, South, East, and West,

The gifts of the Earth and the stars above;

powers of earth, water, fire, and air

with good to all, 

reverse harm that has been done,

by the grace of my own magic,

this spell is done.”

*The following is optional as I am aware that not all witches have access to certain materials. However, making use of the following can accelerate and/or strengthen the intended outcome if you do possess them. You can always replace or add materials as you please; make my spell your spell.


-Sage/Perovskia/Palo Santo


-Onyx, amethyst, smoky quartz (regular quartz may suffice as well)

Candle Color(s):

-Black; for banishing and breaking curses

-White; purification from negative energies

Tarot Cards:

-Nine of Wands


-The Moon

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🔎Storm’s Lost Items Chant 🔍

Storms Lost Items Chant

A small chant I like to do whenever I’ve lost an Item and am trying to find it:

“By all the powers that are and will be,

Help me find (insert item) please.”


Still continue to look for the item as you say this ofc


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5 years ago

Here are a few manifestations I will be repeating:

✨The money I spend will come back to me doubled.

✨Love is attracted to me.

✨My heart is warm for myself and others.

✨My spirituality will hold me and guide me through life.

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5 years ago

Quickie sleep chant I made up on the fly… use to enchant a beverage.

I’ll fall sound asleep at the end of this glass,

No fuss, no muss, straight into the dark.

I’ll wake refreshed on the first alarm,

With a spring in my step and joy in my heart.

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