Chaos Attempting To Be Therapy :] - Tumblr Posts
Tell those people to stfu. They cant decide how you’re described. Only you can choose how you want to be described. I describe myself as chaotic and crazy because I accept people calling me that, but if you describe yourself as something else and someone calls you an idiot or insane, ignore them the best you can. You don’t deserve to be judged, and no one does. People don’t just choose what other people are described as or what they are like. You are special in your own way. If they keep saying that and they are your friends, leave them. If they have changed and started respecting you BEFORE you made this post, I wouldn’t be friends with them as much. You are perfect in just the way you, shape, body, and the way your mind is. (Did that sentence make any sense-) You are special and different from everyone else, and if they don’t understand human emotions, then tell them to shove a stick up their ass and loose their virginity to a snake-
If it’s still going on, just stay strong and try not to punch them in the face :)
I hate myself. :DDDDDDD
"Weirdo" - Justice
"Jerk" - Alex
"Horrible at art" - Lewis
"Mistake" - .....
"don't put so much on yourself" - Alex
"if you want to be a bitch then leave me" - Alex
"Rat" - Alex
"you just try to get support over nothing" - Alex
"you god damn disgusting rat" - Alex
"fuck you worthless bitch" - Alex..
"why are you like this" - Alex.....
"a liar"
"idc what you say"
"no one listens to you"
"you don't matter to me"
"you were a cold blooded snake that chewed people out"
'I don't want to see your ugly ass again"
"k¡ll ur self"
"Your stupid"
"Ur dumb"
"And your mean to me"
"You always say "I've changed" but you never change"
"you NEVER started a conversation I always had to say something"
"you were always scared to do anything "
"your abusive to me and it made me depressed"
"Stfu special ed kid. That's why you laugh at your own thoughts"
"Bro thinks she's cool"
Most of it is old but.... I really act like this...............?