Character Explaination - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I meant to only write a paragraph or so on Jene and WHOOPS my hand slipped (and so did my MADD)

Jene is 13 and a few months younger than Áine, they met on tumblr because that's the website I'm best rehearsed with. Jene was raised by strict parents who pushed her to go above and beyond. Her parents came from a bad background and though they loved her a lot, they always wanted her to be the best in everything and come on top of other kids academically and in many other fields.

Jene felt sometimes when her parents went hard on her, that they didn't love who she was and only loved her if it meant she could reach every one of their high expectations and would allow them to parade her as their perfect trophy child. In reality hey loved her as any parent would do, but they deliberately didn't express that because they believed that she wouldn't push herself as hard if they did. This lack of connection between them and her made Jene insecure and instilled the fear that people would stop loving her if she was honest towards them, and was what first led to her compulsive lying problem.

Jene's parents deliberately set their goals too far out of her reach so Jene would need to push herself to achieve them, believing that the extra training would strenghen their child and allow her to withstand any kind of challenge she may encounter in life. Instead, her constant inability to satisfy her parents led to Jene having a defeatist attitude. She eventually grew to pretend to agree to something, only to decide it was too hard for her and that attempting to do it was causing her pain.

Jene's parents were headstrong, so Jene learned not to argue with them and just lie her way out of situations she didn't like.

At the moment, Jene doesn't have a good relationship with her parents. They've caught onto her lying and faking, and don't have a lot of trust in Jene but are also despairing about how well their child would do in the scary, unknown future when she would rather lie and be 'lazy' rather than put in genuine hard work, and they fear that she will be a criminal when she grows up. Jene thinks this assumption is ridiculous and a breach of trust because she's never deliberately tried to harm someone before, but it's not like she can convince them otherwise now... Jene is facing a situation similar to the boy who called wolf, in that when she tries to talk to her parents about her actual disorders and suffering, they can't be sure whether or not she's lying or not again.

Jene's parents would keep her away from social situations to focus instead on academics, 'grown-up things' and world issues, believing that fraternising with other children would slow her down. In doing this, they unintentionally delayed the development of her social skills. Jene has trouble asking for help from the school therapist as a result, and also trouble making friends. Áine is the dearest friend she has due to Áine's easygoingness and need for company, though Jene doesn't want to tell Áine the truth about why she can't talk with her as much as she wants.

One thing that brings the pair into conflict later is the way how [SPOILER]

Jene is a compulsive liar more than a pathological liar, meaning that she does it out of impulse and doesn't plan them all through.

Jene frequently worries other people find her boring and studious, because of her lack of experience in life. Another reason why she wants to hang out with Áine is that she believes that she can learn to have more of a 'personality' and be creative by doing so, and that her 'boringness' would be cancelled out as a result.

Jene's lying is forshadowed when she tries to lie a couple of times to get Áine out of the pizzeria, but due to Áine being such a close friend of hers, she can't bring herself to follow up on her lies much and ends up backpedaling on them without giving away that she was lying.

Áine next!

Looking good bestie! ✨

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6 months ago

Would you mind doing a character analysis of Toby? This guy has so many layers and it’s driving me crazy-

Toby Billings analysis for the anon!! Also you don't have to anon!!!

Please I want to know who the Toby fan is, of the few people I know of who know him, a lot of people misinterpret him...

Thanks for asking about him!!! He's my favourite little guy!


⚠️TW: Mentions of SH and Suic!de (Canon to the story)⚠️

Basic info:

- Youngest of two

- Competitive (For a reason)

- Loves Arcade Games

- Constantly second to his older brother

- Friends with Reggie (we love Reggie on this blog)

- Occasionally has something in his mouth (toothpick)

- Nickname "Tobes" from Connor

- Bullied by his brother, blatantly

- Short fuse (also for a reason)

- Ignored by is dad unless he does something wrong.

- Not super good at school

- Basically ignored by teachers because he never lived up to his brother's shadow (kinda ironic)

- Tabitha? Was she meant to be a love interest? Not done well.

- Does not want therapy

- High School

- No friends anymore

- Nightmares :(

Ok so I clearly have a favourite because I analysed him a lot more in depth but also he's such a character. Just his basic stuff is pretty bad tbh. Lots of isolation and bullying in his own home. Doesn't seem to want help, or know how to ask for it. Does allow Tabitha to help but clearly dislikes it. The short fuse definitely comes from him watching his brother throw tantrums when he didn't win, and growing up in that household, he probably picked that up. There's a lot of issues there.

- Self image issues

- Low self esteem

- Basically abused/neglected

- Barely hesitates to harm himself to get rid of the rabbit

- Seems to go into a bit of a depressive state after Shadow Bonnie is sewn into him

- (⚠️TW⚠️)Is completely willing to scratch off his skin, and almost drown himself to get rid of the shadow

- Literally makes a list of how to get rid of it and the only thing he refused to do is to burn it off

- Cannot eat because of Shadow Bonnie

- Refuses to let Connor win, even when he tries to call off the competition

- Cracks his knuckles when he's nervous

- Doesn't trust people

- He isolated himself (which is his opinion, from other clues in the book, I feel like it was mutual)

- (⚠️TW⚠️) Literally kills himself to win

Oh boy. So a few little personality quirks, cute. But also omg the poor kid. He's very much hurt at home, no one cares. Isolates himself, but it is also probably a self preservation technique because he was definitely in some type of abuse/neglect situation. His willingness to hurt and kill himself shows a lot of underlying issues he most likely was already going through and Shadow Bonnie just brought it to a head. He suffers a lot of physical and mental trauma throughout the book and relates it back to previous trauma from before the incident.

- Mother left when he was around 5

Woo mother issues. We actually get a heck in on her in The Breaking Wheel where she is Reed and Julius's robotics teacher. She seems like she may have some mental health issues herself, with how she acts and treats them, which may explain why Toby had some underlying issues.

- Honorable mention that Reggie likes Tabitha

Toby is just a little guy and I want him to have a happy home life and I want him to be happy. He's such a guy. Scott really did him dirty tbh. But he's also a well developed character with a lot of layers and mental illness.

Tried to keep any AU and fanfiction stuff out of this.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

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