Fazbear Frights Books - Tumblr Posts
Alr, so idk how these work, but I want someone, anyone, to ask me about a Fazbear Frights character and I'll just give a whole ass character analysis on them because I am genuinely obsessed with the series. Also please ask specific questions about a character because I have read the entire series 3 times and am rereading it again currently lmao.
I got bored and decided, fuck it, we ball, and drew Pete and Foxy from Step Closer. Absolutely love that story, but Pete is not my favourite character in the world.
I don't even know what led me to drawing him lmao. I hate eye gore, and it makes me super uncomfy lmao.
⚠️TW! Mild Eye Gore⚠️

Pete is kinda basic tbh. But chill.
Guess who got bored again (to the tune of Look Who's Inside Again by Bo Burnham)
Anyways. I drew Alec. The redeemed at the last possible second, absolute trash man. Anyways. I don't think he's ok.

Lonely Freddy was not one of my favourite stories, but it was good.
Also if you have a specific story you want me to draw, lmk in Asks or Comments. I'll try to @ you when it's done ♥️
Did some more art lol.
I saw someone make a goofy version of Moon tackling Pit Bonnie so I wanted to make my own take on it.

So here it is.
I refer to it as: "GET BACK IN THE BALLPIT!!!"
Awww this is so cute of them!!!! Definitely a good representation.

Julius and Mary Jo
this was made in a rush and it’s 2 in the morning for me
Forgot I can post art lol
Here's one of Millie being goth and dramatic.

Tried a new style for it. She's not my favourite character but she's still cool.
What are your Julius headcannons and Also does something bad happen to Julius in the tales from th pizzaplex and aldo does he get redemption arc!?
Hello viviliqu I know it's you lol.
I don't think abt him too often but ig here we go.
Headcanons for Julius:
- keeps his hair long to defy his parents
- does not have a good relationship with them (I do think this is mentioned in the book but I don't feel like checking)
- absolutely cracked at first person shooters games
- did drama for 1 year and secretly enjoyed it but never speaks about it
- Not LGBTQ+ (as a lot of people think he is) but isn't gonna beat you up if you are gay (unless you're Reed ofc, but that's not BC he's gay)
- was severely jealous of Reed and that's why he targetted him a lot (I want to say this is also briefly mentioned but I can't remember)
- like Alec, didn't understand what "bad" was until people started to call him it when he acted up
- anger management issues (womp womp)
Does something bad happen to him in my fic (Ghosts in the Pizzaplex)?
Not yet, but I only have chunks planned so it may change in the future. To be honest I think he already got his punishment and deserves a second chance, but how a lot of people give him that second chance I dislike so I'm doing it a different way. He does however get involved in the issues to come and may get damaged, but nothing permanent planned.
Does Julius get a redemption arc in said fic?
He does and you can see it slowly happening after he is forcibly befriended by Mary Jo. It's small at first but I am planning on a mostly full recovery towards the end and him trying to make things up to the people he's hurt/annoyed/caused issues for (Reed, Delilah, Dirk, Monty, Vanessa, etc).
Lmao feel free to keep asking things about the other characters too, or about specific things that have happened if you want to. I enjoy talking abt it lol.
And a fun little bonus!!! ✨✨✨
Art I made of them a little bit ago. Can't remember if I posted it lol so here it is.

I was sleep deprived when I started it and just went with it lol.
Oh that's like not true at all but ok-
Also I haven't read the graphic novels because I'm mad about how they fucked up Toby's death (he doesn't kill himself and they severely messed up his personality) and how they designed Stanley.
Omg I did not realise you were the creator of Beyond the Frights when I first saw your name-
I read a bunch of that a while ago and meant to catch up. It was super good from memory.
I came here to tell you I'm gonna finally do the character analysis on Oscar (wasn't it?) within the next week (finally going to force myself to do it and not forget lol).
Anyone else you want me to analyse while I'm at it?
HWHDWHSHHS?? Yeah I'm the Creator of Beyond the Frights, and dw- I haven't really updated it that much in the Last two Months, so you didn't miss a whole lot. Thank you tho!!
And Uhhhh- Maybe an Analysis on Raj and Isaac would be Fun If you're going to be Deep Diving into Out of Stock anyway
Plus I neeeeeeeed more people to understand my Vision about how they're Actually not the Same at all and Aren't Copies of other characters-
yeah and yeah, just curious
Alr slay
Saddest character I've written for Ghosts in the Pizzaplex.
That's a hard one.
The most obvious answer is Toby. He's had so much happen to him in canon.and I've continued off of that and traumatised the poor kid more.
Mary Jo is another obvious answer. She has a canonical sad backstory and how she speaks about in the fic is casual, even though she definitely understands the gravity of the situation.
Delilah and Hudson both have their issues but aren't necessarily sad, more just tired of getting hit in the face by life and death.
Jeremiah might have to be the saddest. His canon was atrocious and I took it a bit far with the backstory arc with Laurence, and especially now that he's back, he's often forgotten or left out since newer ghosts show up. (My fault BC I forget abt him sometimes, but y'know).
Does that answer your question? Also you're welcome to not anonymous yourself. I love knowing who reads and enjoys the fic, and feel free to ask more questions about it. Maybe just make sure to add a bit like "For Ghosts in the Pizzaplex" so I know what you're talking about lol.
I know I don't follow you but like- Maybe an Analysis on Oscar? Idk he's just one of my favorite characters =]
Out of Stock deep dive for @namedoggo (still finding it super awesome that a fellow Faz Frights fanfiction writer who I love is asking me for analysis!!!) because they asked for Isaac and Raj too at a later date!!
Also I'm so sorry for the delay my motivation suddenly spiked so here ya go!!!
Oscar Avila:
Our main protagonist of the story!
Basic info:
- Pretty broke family
- Lost his dad at a young age to an infection
- Helps his mom at the Royal Oaks Nursing Home
- Likes Freddy's
- Has the nickname "Little Man"
- Loves his mom
- Wrong thing right reason
- Decent sense of fairness/justice
- Really good friends - Honestly like they are super cool and he does recognise it a few times
He seems like a good enough kid, with some wonky morals, but a good heart. He genuinely does love his friends, even if it's hard to see. He loves his mom too, and tried to be there for her, but he also needs a childhood. He's trying his best and the book seems to be his breaking point. Oscar is one of those characters you feel bad for, and can sympathize with, but still kinda looks at and be like "bro??? What the fuck???"
A bit more in depth:
- Feels like his childhood was stolen
- Often says he has "almost" of stuff he wants/strived for
- Has a decent relationship with Mr. Devereaux
He's just a little guy with a lot of issues. He often overlooks that his friends are really good and they aren't an "almost". He says almost for a lot of things, and lists about the baseball and getting a phone, etc. He's still a good kid, just a bit misguided, especially with his father's death and how he feels like he lost his childhood to help his mom and be the "man of he house". Mr. Devereaux seems like the "wise sage" (looney) of the story, but he's trying his best and Oscar doesn't appreciate him, but I feel like a lot of people wouldn't, but he still seems to like being around him for a bit. He just wants something for himself because he seems to believe that everything is just out of his reach.
- Good guy
- Weird mom
- Honestly kinda chill
- Blunt and direct (Very Cool)
- Seems like the reasonable one
Honestly he doesn't get too much development, but it's clear he's the a chill guy. Seems like the smart/reasonable one of the group. Does have a very weird mom though and I do want to mention that because wtf is she on?? Her punishment for the sister is insane.
- Has a brother
- Tbh seems like a good guy
- Again there's not a lot on him
- A tad bit dumb compared to the others
- Easier to get a bit spooked
Ok so I don't like Isaac as much as Raj, more because he seems a bit dense, but he's still a good friend. He risks it for his buddy and, while not quite registering when Oscar gets electrocuted, seems like he does love his friends.
They are great friends and it's good to see such a good bond in the FNaF books. They are honestly great people, of not a bit young and misguided, but they tried their darndest. They also are one of the few books with all main characters surviving so congrats.
I do however have to point out that they are sophomores, which is around 15-16, and I have noticed a LOT of ship content for a pair, or all three of them. I understand that they are a few of the most known characters, mostly from people not reading the full series, but please refrain from shipping minors, at least when interacting with this post, as they are not a canon ship.
I try to keep all my AU stuff out of the way so this is all based on actual plot points from the book.
Would you mind doing a character analysis of Toby? This guy has so many layers and it’s driving me crazy-
Toby Billings analysis for the anon!! Also you don't have to anon!!!
Please I want to know who the Toby fan is, of the few people I know of who know him, a lot of people misinterpret him...
Thanks for asking about him!!! He's my favourite little guy!
⚠️TW: Mentions of SH and Suic!de (Canon to the story)⚠️
Basic info:
- Youngest of two
- Competitive (For a reason)
- Loves Arcade Games
- Constantly second to his older brother
- Friends with Reggie (we love Reggie on this blog)
- Occasionally has something in his mouth (toothpick)
- Nickname "Tobes" from Connor
- Bullied by his brother, blatantly
- Short fuse (also for a reason)
- Ignored by is dad unless he does something wrong.
- Not super good at school
- Basically ignored by teachers because he never lived up to his brother's shadow (kinda ironic)
- Tabitha? Was she meant to be a love interest? Not done well.
- Does not want therapy
- High School
- No friends anymore
- Nightmares :(
Ok so I clearly have a favourite because I analysed him a lot more in depth but also he's such a character. Just his basic stuff is pretty bad tbh. Lots of isolation and bullying in his own home. Doesn't seem to want help, or know how to ask for it. Does allow Tabitha to help but clearly dislikes it. The short fuse definitely comes from him watching his brother throw tantrums when he didn't win, and growing up in that household, he probably picked that up. There's a lot of issues there.
- Self image issues
- Low self esteem
- Basically abused/neglected
- Barely hesitates to harm himself to get rid of the rabbit
- Seems to go into a bit of a depressive state after Shadow Bonnie is sewn into him
- (⚠️TW⚠️)Is completely willing to scratch off his skin, and almost drown himself to get rid of the shadow
- Literally makes a list of how to get rid of it and the only thing he refused to do is to burn it off
- Cannot eat because of Shadow Bonnie
- Refuses to let Connor win, even when he tries to call off the competition
- Cracks his knuckles when he's nervous
- Doesn't trust people
- He isolated himself (which is his opinion, from other clues in the book, I feel like it was mutual)
- (⚠️TW⚠️) Literally kills himself to win
Oh boy. So a few little personality quirks, cute. But also omg the poor kid. He's very much hurt at home, no one cares. Isolates himself, but it is also probably a self preservation technique because he was definitely in some type of abuse/neglect situation. His willingness to hurt and kill himself shows a lot of underlying issues he most likely was already going through and Shadow Bonnie just brought it to a head. He suffers a lot of physical and mental trauma throughout the book and relates it back to previous trauma from before the incident.
- Mother left when he was around 5
Woo mother issues. We actually get a heck in on her in The Breaking Wheel where she is Reed and Julius's robotics teacher. She seems like she may have some mental health issues herself, with how she acts and treats them, which may explain why Toby had some underlying issues.
- Honorable mention that Reggie likes Tabitha
Toby is just a little guy and I want him to have a happy home life and I want him to be happy. He's such a guy. Scott really did him dirty tbh. But he's also a well developed character with a lot of layers and mental illness.
Tried to keep any AU and fanfiction stuff out of this.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.