Fazbear Frights - Tumblr Posts
What if Pitbon met Oswald when he was a baby?


Based on the Fazbear Frights story “Prankster”

Some into the pit art I made! This is basically if ever pit bonnie was called to school and found Dylan and the others bullying and teasing Oswald hehh
That belly of Oswald's father is giving me feelings...

Found this in the files, it's cute :3

Something about FNAF 3 and Fazbear Frights taking place in 2023 in our current social media landscape
I'm going to turn this into a reality

You're going Into The Pit, I'm going Into Your Mom
Where is the lemonade clown

New FNAF clown Jackie from secret of the Mimic!!
Suprised i haven't seen this before

in the pit. straight up evading ‘it’. and by it. haha well let’s jusr say… the eight foot tall metal rabbit impersonating my loved ones

Diversity Win!
Mat from In the Flesh is intersex!
We don’t stan homophobia in this pizzeria
Meg: I’m just saying, since you took Alec in, he's been different.
Lefty: Different how?
Meg: He's drinking coffee.
Lefty: He's almost a young adult, he can make his own decisions, he's much happier.
Meg: Not to mention he has a boyfriend-
Lefty: Homophobic.
Meg: I’m not, I just don’t think he should be with a man, it's unnatural.
Helpy: Homophobic.
Nightmarionne: What the fuck bitch? That's homophobic.
Funtime Freddy: I see now why Alec likes Lefty more, that's pretty homophobic to say.
Fazbear’s Fright: Into the Pit

Fazbears’s Fright: Fetch

Fazbear’s Fright: Step Closer

LOL I've seen a few ppl compare my last post to springtrap and deliah, which is really cute, but my au is a little different. <3 idm too much bc I love spring and deliah. Just thought it'd be cool to point of the differences.

First off, the girls name is Carley and she isn't the only kid springtrap' adopts' . Springtrap is also still in the fnaf 3 location for the most part, and all the aftons still exist in this au. Michael afton is especially important the entire time, as he's the one who keeps an eye on him.
Carley is a kid who basically befriends spring at the fazbear fright location and usually visits during the day when she can , and when she can nag her parents enough to go back. Most ppl think springtrap is just some sort of actor of sorts rather than u know. A dead corpse so her parents aren't too upset of him wandering over to him.
Mike sometimes works in the day in this au as will is a little active in the daytime and when the place is open, but he's a lot more powerful and active in the night . That's partly why he befriends carley bc he basically can't do too much in the day anyway.
As for the night, Will usually spends time with a lot of the spirits of the kids he killed in this au. I haven't decided how or why they are stuck in fazbears fright in this au, but I will eventually. Most of the kids' souls don't completely remember what happened and how they died while some others do. Specifically, cassidy and Gabriel, I think may remember the most, so are very much cautious of william. They've tried warning their friends, but most of them dont listen and try to spend time with springtrap anyway . Cass and Gabriel still spend time with will, though, despite being more aware of who he is, though, that's just in case he tries anything. Souls can still be damaged it just takes a lot to do it, and typically, you have to be a spirit yourself as well (which will technically is).

As I said before mike is in this au and he is the one taking care of the place and will beat william to hell if he hurts any of the kids that go there , or the kids souls that he's looking after. He's very suspicious of Williams intentions the entire time and doesn't understand why he suddenly is being "good" . He seems to lighten up at times, though, when william is genuinely trying to be decent to the kids

As for the reason he's being nice , for the most part, it's because he's bored and doesn't have much else to do . Originally, he disliked the kids a fair bit, especially the souls bc he found them irritating , though they grew on him a little. Will though is still very much unstable at times with his behaviour and its pretty unclear if he WANTS to be good or bad anymore , it's more or less what is more entertaining which can cause a hell of a lot of issues.....

Okay so I drew this alittle while ago but I completely forgot about it and so I decided I might as well freshen it up and finish it 😼
I added a little springtrap thing I made cause I felt there was too much space in the background
I am honestly so surprised with how the shading and rendering came out lol I saw some art on pinterest with this amazing line work (ofc the artist wasn’t credited, it was just a reupload, so I can’t say for sure who the artist even is 😭) and I thought it would be cool to add that type of line work to it :)

You turn away, I’ll be right beside you🫣

Into the Pit - (Fan-Made Fazbear Frights Poster)
I haven't posted real art here in a bit I have to keep the economy going