Chauvinism - Tumblr Posts
I was scrolling Instagram Reels and everything was fine, until I saw a video of a Ukrainian girl dubbing anime.
Honestly, I forgot what a pleasure is communication with not all Russians
She’s a cool girl but why she doesn’t speak Russian?
Well, I don’t know. Because other languages exist? Oh, wait
And now write in a human language
Explanation: a human language is any other language that is not Ukrainian, cause you know, Ukrainian language is an animal language
The Ukrainian language is a rural Russian. That’s why a lot of people find it funny. We haven’t been to the village, haven’t heard «бурак» (a twisted Ukrainian word for beetroot) and «кавун» (a Ukrainian word for watermelon).
The good old Russian belief that Ukrainian is a language of uneducated people from the countryside
South Slavic forms of Russian are quite similar to each other, do you also laugh at Serbian language or South Western Czech language?
It seems this person was trying to talk some sense into the previous user but South Western Czech is a South Slavic form of Russian????
Actually, no politics or something, but Ukrainian sounds somehow, I don’t know, like a rural language
A few moments later
500k dead pigs. It’s not enough, we need more
What did happened to ‘no politics’?
It’s common for Russians to call Ukrainians pigs, by the way
The most useless dubbing
It’s useless because it’s Ukrainian. Nothing new
Who might find the rural language, which only makes you laugh and smile, useful? You, even the Ukrainians themselves, don’t speak it
There are only two types of Russians: who thinks that no people speak Ukrainian in Ukraine, and who thinks that evil people who speak Ukrainian violate rights of Russian speakers in Ukraine
Weird, I’m so accustomed to reading such comments for all these years that I don’t have any emotional response to the insults.
you guys know that the reason "nazi punks fuck off" was a phrase that was coined is because there were a lot of nazis in the punk scene. right. like that's why they have to say that. because there are nazis there...
like. "punk" does not necessitate being "progressive" or "radical" or "politically left" or whatever. plenty of "punks" have incredibly famously been literal actual nazis. when you say things like "you can't be punk and racist!" or whatever that is just like. factually untrue. because "punk" isn't a political movement it's just a Vibe and an Aesthetic and Music Scene. I'm sorry but the Revolution is not being fomented at basement shows.
Anarchist moralist idealist analysis will assert that the Proletariat will win on the backs of Guts and Grit and Gusto and Gumption alone. By golly we will win the class war with our dual weapons of Being Morally Correct and Some Spit And Elbow Grease.
What are you going to do when the full might of the imperial hegemony comes bearing down on your little white CHAZ spinoff project? Who will build the tanks? Who will man the supply lines? Who will launch the nuclear submarines? The Revolution isn't won on the basis of Who Is More Moral. It's won with steel and millet and gunpowder and barley and rice and weapons grade plutonium and vaccines and intercontinental ballistic missiles.
You have become drunk on the all powerful victory of Friendship and Good Vibes from your star wars movies and anime cartoons. It is an insult to the people who fought and died in actual revolutions to liberate their colonized nations from the yoke of Capital. You people are profoundly unserious. Your idealist notions are a genuine liability to the survivability of the global anti-imperialist movement and should be treated accordingly and with the requisite seriousness.
G-guh! Is this? Is this the famed might of Liberal Theory?? Gwaaaugh!!!
I do not think we are on the same side of this because I do not perceive the world as having a Badness Quotient that needs to be mitigated and which proliferates and spreads like that fucking diagram from Lilo and Stitch. Because I don't have the political analysis skills of the fucking DisneyChannel core audience. #Hufflepuffcore #Hopepunk ass bullshit.
This is The Liberal's Lenin.