Childhood Art - Tumblr Posts
I have a lot of Sonic OCs from when I was a kid and didn’t understand what a Mary Sue was, it’s time to redesign them instead of doing productive things I think.

Here they are, they are bad. Can you tell I liked watching Guy Fieri shows on Food Network?
!!TW Demonic Imagery!!
I found my old travel journal and thank the lord I have grown and matured and found God because 9 year old me had problems…

Like…what even is this? I’m glad I’m healed from whatever tempted me to draw such violence.
Oh, here we are again 👋
Honestly my entire life is absorbed by my stories and I give myself headaches from thinking about them. If you're like me, maybe we would get along, idk.
Anyways, this time my world building is more about the environment.
All The Screams is a story I wrote in highschool to display my feelings of what I deemed was a "curse" that bad things always seemed to happen to me. I don't mean like I lost my pencils, I mean I would sometimes have to redo entire assignments thanks to my teacher losing my work 🤦
That stuff bothered me as a kid so instead of rebelling, I became a nerd and made this story.
Little Miss Ann was so invested in this story she even drew stuff for it.
Prepare for amateur art from a highschooler though I pretty much didn't get any better than this
(as usual) Cassie

Kyo (I never finished him 😔)

Curil (who's the most badass one)

Quana in her two different forms

During the course of the story, these guys meet up in a variety of ways, most uniquely is Quana who is a fairy spirit who acts as a parasite.
Then I made monsters

That last one is the main antag, and in order to not spoil anything (in case anyone wants to ever read this), it's meant to be a creature that has no form, it changes from time to time, but when I got my 1st phone, this is the very first thing I did with a drawing app 🤓
These monsters are very important to the story. They frequently become obstacles for the crew and sometimes they need to find something in order to progress.
So, I clearly need more monsters and plethora more of fauna and flora, but while this story digs its grave in my mind, this is all I can do.
< Kingdom of Bumalia
The Demonic Repentance >