Jujustsu Kaisen X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

BARRACUDA . toji fushiguro

BARRACUDA . Toji Fushiguro

in which a hopelessly broke college student finds herself searching for a job in the most desolate of places, only to end up as a ring girl for the notorious underground fight club, jujutsu headquarters.

series warnings: underground fighter!toji fushiguro, female reader, slight age gap relationship, swearing, angst, violence, gore, mentions of drinking alcohol, smoking and drugs, eventual smut

total wc: 3.0k of estimated 20k

BARRACUDA . Toji Fushiguro

— CHAPTER ONE . desperate measures 3.0k

when your search for a job falls short for what feels like the millionth time in a row, you’re just about ready to give up until an odd proposition makes itself known to you.

— CHAPTER TWO . crowd pleaser

the time has come for you to have finally landed a job, though you don’t particularly want to think about how you acquired said job. now that your first day has arrived, you realise that your in for a lot more than you expected.

more coming soon…

BARRACUDA . Toji Fushiguro

© 2023, reniberries. please do not copy any of my writing or repost to other websites.

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1 year ago

BARRACUDA . toji fushiguro

BARRACUDA . Toji Fushiguro

when your search for a job falls short for what feels like the millionth time in a row, you’re just about ready to give up until an odd proposition makes itself known to you.

chapter warnings: underground fighter!toji fushiguro, swearing, hurtful thoughts, lewd comments from men, mentions of drinking alcohol, smoking and drugs, attempted theft

total wc: 3.0k

BARRACUDA . Toji Fushiguro

— CHAPTER ONE . desperate measures

At this point, you wholeheartedly believed that the world was playing some kind of sick and twisted game on you.

It laughed at you, dangling the one thing you truly desired right in front of your face, only to snatch it away at the very last second, like taking a child’s favourite toy from them just as they’ve picked it up.

You were the child, so full of excitement and hope at the idea of starting new, being able to pick yourself off the ground, and the world was the adult who’d come into the room and decided you were undeserving of the toy in front of you. It picked up all that you desired, and placed it on top of a shelf that you were too small to get to.

Try as you might, you simply could not reach it. Well, metaphorically anyway.

In this moment, that’s exactly how you felt, clambering across the couch to reach your phone that had lit up with the notification of an unknown caller. Like every time before, you allowed yourself to feel excited. As though this was the very moment things would start to fall into place, and all the bad memories of the past would fade away as you paved the way for your new life.

And yet, you were let down, again.

The way your face immediately falls alerts your roommate, Sherri, to the conclusion of the phone call, hearing a repeatedly distinctive phrase that she knew you’d come to despise over time.

“I regret to inform you, but…” you’d hung up before the man on the other side had enough time to finish his sentence. The exasperated sigh you released from between your lips held a heartbroken tone, and all you could do was shake your head when Sherri quietly asks if you’re okay.

It hadn’t always been like this. Three months ago you were more than content working a few hours every week as a waitress in a small but well-known restaurant called ‘Alexie’s’, where you’d actually met Sherri, and although the management wasn’t the best at times, and you were sure the chef had a stick shoved further up his ass then you could’ve imagined, it was still something.

The job had given you something to do when you weren’t attending your nursing classes, or writing essays, and it worked like a charm at taking your mind away from your personal life when things went wrong.

Sure, some customers were complete and utter dickheads, expecting five star service and for you to wait on them hand and foot, but the majority of people were nice and the pay was more than worth dealing with some crappy person coming in and demanding you seat them and their eighteen other friends immediately, despite being fully booked.

You were heartbroken when the owner had set up a staff meeting to inform you and everyone else that the restaurant was unable to stay open.

Things had never been this bad before, and honestly, there wasn’t much you weren’t willing to do if it guaranteed you a job. Not when the cost of living had skyrocketed and all but royally fucked you over.

Sherri had been an angel throughout this situation you’d found yourself in, though you were slightly jealous the day she came back from an interview with the local supermarket, telling you how they’d happily hired her on the spot. She had been your rock to stick on while your life turned completely upside down, even going as far as offering to cover next months rent.

But you still needed to feed yourself each week, still needed to pay for the bus fare on your way into college, and even worse, you still needed to pay back the money you owed to your parents.

If moving back into your parents house was an option, you might’ve resorted to it considering how desperate things had become. But that wasn’t an option, and it never would be.

You couldn’t allow that to happen.

Not only was it impossible, seeing as they were living in an entirely different country, but you’d intentionally created that distance in order to get as far away from them as possible. Moving halfway across the world in order to escape them and their overbearing ruling that they held over your head was the first thing you’d done after graduating high school, and you weren’t about to go back on the promise you’d made to them that day.

Telling your mother and father that they would never see you again should’ve been heartbreaking. You should’ve been crying or screaming at them, and maybe, in a perfect world, they would have told you to stay, or that they didn’t want you to leave.

But again, the world was seldom perfect, and after the past few months, you truly were finding that fact out for yourself.

It was Sherri’s sweet voice that snapped you out of your daydream, still clutching your phone to your ear as you kneeled on the couch. “Why don’t we go out tonight? It might make you feel better.”

You let out another sigh, ready to shoot her offer down even though the suggestion was extremely tempting after the dreaded phone call, “Sherri, I can barely afford the bus right now, I can’t—”

She grinned before interrupting you, a sly look that you couldn’t decide if you liked or not.

“You really think I’d suggest that if I didn’t have a plan?” She raised a questioning eyebrow up at your form, “Lukah’s working tonight, do you know what that means?”

With a shrug, you settled back into the couch and pulled a blanket over your knees, staring back at your roommate and waiting for her to continue.

She leaned towards you from the opposite end, “free drinks!” She exclaimed, and moved her hands around as if her point had been obvious from the start.

“Didn’t he just start a new job though? We’ll end up getting him fired if he’s caught giving out free drinks,” Sherri giggled as if you’d said the funniest thing, and then her expression began to shift into something slightly more serious.

She hesitated to reply, and when Sherri got quiet, it could only mean trouble. “Well, the place he started working at, it's not exactly in the most... uh," it was if she was struggling to find the right words to say without scaring you away. "...Desirable of places, so he doesn't think his boss will care much," she finished with.

An eyebrow raised as you stared at her, wordlessly asking the short girl to elaborate. "It's in the Jujutsu District."

Ah, you thought, that would explain why she'd been slightly more reluctant to tell you.

The Jujutsu District was pretty notorious throughout the city, and especially with the younger population seeing as a large majority of clubs and bars could be found spread out around the area. You'd been a couple times, mainly to the small pubs that laid just on the outskirts, as most locals were well aware that it was smarter to stay clear of the place. It was no secret that the kinds of deals that typically went on out there were far from legal, though even the police had deemed the place a 'no-go zone' and were rarely seen patrolling anywhere near it.

But even you couldn't say no to a few free drinks after being so down on luck, and so, within a few seconds of dubiously nodding your head in agreement with Sherri, she was yanking on your arms to pull you away from the couch and into her room.

And within an hour and a half, the two of you had made your way out of the apartment hand-in-hand.

The club was filled to the brim, drenching you in a light sheen of sweat that glistened across your skin. Music blared in through your ears from every direction and created a dull ache that stretched across your forehead. You couldn't put your finger on the name of the song that was currently playing, although it brought an odd sense of déjà vu along with it.

Truthfully, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like going out with your friends. There was something so exciting about getting ready for the club and dancing the night away, smearing shimmery eyeshadow across your lids and lining them with a distinctive wing of eyeliner. The clothing you’d thrown on hugged every inch of your body, but it was hard to care about your slight discomfort when the edge of a glass was lifted to your mouth, lips lined and covered in a colour so signature to your look.

Lukah was a godsend, sneaking both you and Sherri drinks over the counter every time either of you walked up to the bar, and just like Sherri had said, it didn't seem like his manager couldn't give two shits.

Sherri grabbed your wrist after you placed the shot glass back down on the bar, void of whatever liquor Lukah had offered the two of you. Leading you over to the sea of bodies on the dance floor, you could barely hear your roommate when she said "c'mon, my favourite song just came on!"

It was borderline provocative the way you and Sherri danced together. Her back was pressed to the front of your body, arms lifted and wrapped around your neck, and the way your hips swung against each other to the beat of the music was enough to gain more than a little attention from the boys that littered around the dance floor.

Neither of you bothered to entertain those who tried to approach either of you. Either, they came on way too cocky for their own good, or were sporting some serious baby face, and that was enough for you to shake your head, waiting for them to do the walk of shame back to their friends.

One man had come up to Sherri and asked for her number, only to continue bothering her even after she'd told him no multiple times. After the third decline and narrowly avoiding his grabby hands heading for her hand, Sherri twisted her head around and planted a delicate kiss on the corner of your mouth, exclaiming loudly that she "couldn't wait to get home and get you alone," and that was enough for him to briskly walk away.

It was no surprise honestly, as not only did you look and feel beautiful, but Sherri looked like a supermodel in her little black dress and heels. Plus, you could admit that the male attention did help a little in lightening the mood you'd been in before the two of you left the house.

"Do you wanna get another drink?" Sherri shouted over the music.

You shook your head, "I'm gonna get some air, I'll meet you at the bar." She gave you quizzical look, as to question why. You lifted your hand out in front of you, a white lighter and pack of Marlboro Gold's held within it.

Making your way outside was much more difficult of a task than you had expected, shoving your way through the endless amounts of bodies that had filled the club, probably knocking a drink or vape out from someones grasp as you went on your way.

The cold November air caused a shiver to crawl its way over your barely clothed body after you exited the building, and it felt heavenly as it washed away the sweat that had started accumulating across your skin. A flicker of light shone against your eyes, along with the sound of flint sparking from the lighter held in your right hand and a deep inhale.

Several bodies littered outside of the club, some clearly had the same idea as you, cigarettes clutched between their two fingers as they chatted away to their friends, others were still waiting in line to be let in, ID's held out for the large bouncer to take a look at, and there was even a couple who'd clearly had too much to drink, snogging away in a corner as if they weren't in the company of others.

It was quite a surreal feeling, as you leant against the cold brick wall, bringing your hand up to your face to take another inhale of the stick held in them. Three hours ago, you'd almost been reduced to tears, feeling like the world truly had it out for you, yet now, you couldn't help but enjoy the dizzy feeling crawling up your spine, making you sway slightly.

Your problems hadn’t been solved with the sip of an alcoholic drink, far from it in fact. They would still be there to plague your thoughts tomorrow morning, even as you battled the headache you knew was coming, but at least in this very moment, as you let the tipsy feeling encompass your body, you could relax.

That feeling didn't last for long.

Just as you'd closed your eyes, smoke pillowing out from your parted lips, you felt a violent tug on the bag attached to your shoulder.

The stranger takes another pull on your right arm, causing you to drop the half-smoked cigarette onto the floor and the burgundy handbag falls out of your grasp.

“Hey!” Your voice is slightly slurred, an effect of the alcohol you’d consumed minutes prior, however the anger and small hint of fear is clearly heard in your words. It takes you a few seconds to register the tall man running away from you, clad in dark jeans and a hoodie pulled over his head, and your bag clutched in his hands.

Before you even realise what you’re doing, you start running after him. “Hey, jackass!” You repeat, “give me pack my purse!”

Your voice echoes through the street, yet it seems like everyone around you is too far gone to even notice or care.

Discomfort surrounds the heels of your feet, but it doesn’t stop you from giving up the chase as the man turns left into a dark alleyway. You’d chastise yourself later for the self preservation you seemed to lack in that very moment, completely ignorant to the dangerous connotations of following a strange man into a secluded area such as this, in the middle of the night. But that purse has everything you owned at the minute, your phone, wallet and any small amount of cash you currently had, and you couldn’t just let it slip from your arms.

He twists his head to look at you, as if shocked to see that you were actually following him.

It was at this moment that someone stepped out in front of him, and as soon as the thief got closer to the mysterious stranger, they threw their arms out and shoved him down to the ground.

Your bag went flying from his hands and onto the pavement.

Even from where you were standing, you could hear the thief’s harsh intakes of breath, winded from how hard he had hit the ground, and your saviour stepped over the man’s body.

He picked up your bag from the ground, slowly making his way over to you.

Finally, it dawned on you that while he had saved you from losing quite literally everything you owned, that didn’t make him any less dangerous than the man who’d stolen from you in the beginning, and as he stepped towards you, panic started to make its way up your spine.

“Don’t come any closer!” You screamed at him. His steps faltered, but he didn’t stop moving, “I have a knife!” You didn’t, and it was probably pretty obvious that you’d lied as his eyes raked over your body, searching for anything that remotely resembled a weapon.

You could hear him release a small laugh as he came even closer, holding out your purse for you to take. “I believe this is yours?”

Gingerly, your hands clasped around the strap, pulling it towards your chest and releasing a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” you said, and began to quickly check that everything was still left inside, untouched.

He watched as you did so, a dark, thin eyebrow raised in questioning.

It was here, as the moonlight lit up his face, that you got a good look at your saviour. He was tall, big enough to feel imposing as he stood several feet away from you, with long black hair that cascaded down his back in a way that made you slightly jealous. He looked down at you with some of the most alluring brown eyes you’d ever seen, almost hazel with the way the street lamps highlighted his face from behind you.

A kind smile lulled you into a false sense of security as he opened his mouth to speak. “What kind of idiot runs after a guy like that in the middle of the night?” His tone was teasing, coinciding with the smirk he wore.

“Well,” you snorted sarcastically, “everything I own is in this bag. If I’d let him take it, I wouldn’t have anything left.” Maybe you should’ve been slightly nicer to the man that had just saved your life’s savings, but at the moment you couldn’t take any chances, not when you were so obviously isolated from the main street that was littered with drunks, druggies and the like.

He laughed at your comment, but shrugged and held out his hands, as if to say ‘there you go’.

You let out an awkward cough, trying to fill the silence. “I’m, uh… gonna go now, my friend is waiting for me back at the club,” you held out a thumb to point behind you, as if he’d know exactly where you’d meant despite the several buildings behind you filled with dancing strangers.

He nodded without saying anything else, and you took that as permission to make your leave.

Just as you’d turned your back on him, started to make your way back towards the club, his voice rung out again and stopped you in your tracks.

“Maybe I could help you out.”

BARRACUDA . Toji Fushiguro

authors note: so, the first chapter of barracuda is officially finished! this is the largest piece of writing i’ve done in a very long time and while i’m probably being overly critical, i do think at some point i will go back and edit it once the series is finished! but, let me know how you feel about this and if you liked it! i am very excited to see where this story goes. reni xx

BARRACUDA . Toji Fushiguro

© 2023, reniberries. please do not copy any of my writing or repost to other websites.

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5 months ago



cw: mdni, yandere behaviors, obsession, stalking, delusional choso, kidnapping, possible spelling/grammar errors

pairing: yandere!choso x fem!reader

wc: 0.4k approx.


yandere!choso who initially was confused about his feelings for you. you made his heart beat so fast and his stomach feel all woozy, he’s never experienced anything like this before.

yandere!choso who doesn’t know why he has such a strong urge to protect you. something inside of him needs to protect you, to keep you out of harm’s way.

yandere!choso who despite never talking to you, knows everything about you. he’s absolutely obsessed with every little thing you do. even something as simple as applying lipgloss has him completely mesmerized.

yandere!choso who gets all of his information about you by keeping a close eye (stalking) you. how foolish you are to keep your curtains open like that. anyone could look in, in fact it’s as if you’re inviting people to do so.

yandere!choso who eventually deludes himself into believing that you like him back, why else would you let him follow you around? and that one time you two made eye contact act the grocery store, sure enough you felt that too. that spark when you met his gaze.

yandere!choso who (after a bit of reassurance from yuuji that morning) approaches you as you’re leaving your usual coffee shop and suddenly declares his love for you. surely you won’t reject it, you love him too, right?

yandere!choso who is taken aback when you said you didn’t even know him, going so far as to calling him a weirdo. what do you mean you don’t know him? he’s been watching you for so long, there’s no way you haven’t picked up on the fact that he was stalking you? you can’t reject him like this, not after he’s waited so long.

yandere!choso who knows he has to have you no matter what and suddenly pulls you into the parking lot behind the coffee shop. he’s thankful that everyone’s already at work and the streets are clear.

yandere!choso who quickly knocks you out and places you into his trunk. he really didn’t want to resort to this but you’ve left him no choice. he knows you’ll fall in love with him eventually.


©giyusdarling 2024 — do not modify, reupload, or steal


Tags :
5 months ago
Cw: Mdni, Begging, Desperate Choso, Possible Spelling/grammar Errors, Not Proofread
Cw: Mdni, Begging, Desperate Choso, Possible Spelling/grammar Errors, Not Proofread
Cw: Mdni, Begging, Desperate Choso, Possible Spelling/grammar Errors, Not Proofread

cw: mdni, begging, desperate choso, possible spelling/grammar errors, not proofread

Cw: Mdni, Begging, Desperate Choso, Possible Spelling/grammar Errors, Not Proofread
Cw: Mdni, Begging, Desperate Choso, Possible Spelling/grammar Errors, Not Proofread

thinking about… how desperate choso is for you. he’s a pathetic mess, literally begging for you to let him put it inside. his cock is completely swollen, it hurts him so bad to not be inside you

he’s whining about how good of a boy he’ll be. just let him feel you already, he can’t take this much more.

it’s hard to deny him when he’s begging so sweetly, and plus you don’t think you can resist him much longer either.

Cw: Mdni, Begging, Desperate Choso, Possible Spelling/grammar Errors, Not Proofread

©giyusdarling 2024 — do not modify, reupload, or steal

Cw: Mdni, Begging, Desperate Choso, Possible Spelling/grammar Errors, Not Proofread

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2 years ago

Hi there :)

I am a writer, new to the Tumblr community but very excited to share my works with you all. I will be using this blog to write original stories with my own characters, head cannons, drabbles, fan fiction, and much more! For fan fiction I will be writing for:



Bungo stray dogs

Angles of Death

Jujustu Kaisen


Adventure time

The owl house 


Mandela Catalouge

Dead by daylight

Detroit become human

Angles of Death

Madness Combat

Iplier egos

That is all I feel comfortable writing for now, but as my interests expand so will my writing list. I am currently not taking request but I plan to as my blog hopefully grows. I look forward to sharing with you all, have a good day/night :)  

Tags :
7 months ago
Hunter And Hunted (jjk)

hunter and hunted (jjk)

college (summer) break au: a fic in this y/n is pining over Yuji's older brother Sukuna, while unbeknownst to her, Choso is doing the same thing for her. contents: sukuna x reader, choso x reader, modern college AU, yuji and choso are brothers, sukuna and yuji are brothers, eventual smut warning as I'm planning for this to come in parts

index part one | part three

part two word count: 1,357

“y/n what do you want from the soba place down the street? I’m placing an order for all of us.” Yuji was kind enough to let you stay at his place, and that was all you asked, but you had no idea he’d go to great lengths to make you feel at home during your stay.

“get me the kitsune soba, I heard they actually have good tofu.” you respond, not looking up from your phone. “how much do I owe you, I’ll send you the money now before you pay.”

a stray pillow smacks you in the side of the face suddenly, causing you to finally look up at Yuji sitting on the other end of the couch. “it’s on me, and don’t you dare think about looking up the prices and sending me the money anyways, because I will kick you out.”

you feign hurt feelings, even sticking your lip out to pout. “oh Yuji, how could you? you would kick me out on the streets, a poor defenseless girl?” you whine, tilting your head to add to the effect.

“if you try paying for your dinner then yes.” he points a stern finger at you. “don’t test me.”

“I’m sure y/n could make some good money on the streets.” Sukuna’s sudden voice startles you, and you look to the kitchen to find him standing by the fridge. is he serious right now?

“I don’t know, Sukuna. all those tattoos and I’d think women would be fighting each other to pay for your shitty services.” you bite back. you knew Sukuna was demeaning towards women, but towards you? his brother’s best friend? not going to lie, kind of stung a little.

your retaliation made him shut the fridge door and begin to stalk over the where you sat, his eyes narrowed. “oh, shitty services huh? wanna put your money where your mouth it?” he threatened, leaning onto the arm of the couch, thus towering over you.

“I don’t know, I’m not sure I could find a spare quarter sitting around. that’s what it costs for your services right?” your eyes locked with his, finding a challenge behind them. “I’m sure I could find some in this couch right now, Suki.”

at the sound of that nickname, you watch his nostrils flare slightly. “well start digging, y/n. I’m waiting.” and that was that. the final dig, to see if you’d continue playing his game.

“Sukuna, what do you want from the soba place?” Yuji interrupted, his voice somewhat tense. you’d almost forgotten he was here.

the older brother’s eyes didn’t tear away from yours before he said “I’m going out. don’t wait up.” with his response, he pushed off the couch and went straight out the front door, letting out a huff before slamming it.

“what the fuck is his deal? how did you get the nice genes?” you sighed, leaning back onto the cushion and returning to your phone. Yuji didn’t say anything, just stared at you silently. you finally noticed, turning to question him. “what, did I do something wrong?”

“I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you stand up to Sukuna with confidence.” before you could respond, he started slow clapping, causing you to laugh. you bow repeatedly, soaking it in. “superb performance. ten out of ten.”

. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

After the food was delivered, you and Yuji sat on the couch to watch anime while eating. you fought over whether Bakugo or Midorya was the better character in My Hero Academia over and over, neither of you wanting to concede in your opinion. occasionally you had to smack his hand away from trying to sneak a bite from your food before you finally gave in and handed him the rest when you couldn’t finish it. the man was like a vacuum, you were terrified he’d eat your finger if you let him.

at some point in your heated character debates, Choso came home. Yuji tried to invite him to join but he said nothing and went upstairs to his room, blaring music following shortly.

you had tried to continue through the next episode, but you were getting more and more annoyed about not being able to hear the show over that damn noise. “is he going to turn it down ever? or blow his eardrums out?” you ask Yuji, but he just shrugs. “fine, then I’m taking care of it.”

you stormed up the stairs and straight to the black haired boys door, not hesitating to bang on it. when you received no response, you started hitting it harder, until finally the door swung open. Choso stood in the doorway, hair down and wearing nothing but sweatpants. sure, normally you’d get flustered but this time you were pissed off.

“where the hell are your manners?” you start, poking his bare chest with your pointer finger roughly. “we are trying to watch a damn show and I can’t even hear it over your music! I’m missing the best parts because you couldn’t care if you go deaf!”

he only stared back at you, mouth agape.

“turn it down, and don’t you dare make me come back up here.” you threatened before turning around to storm off. before you begin down the stairs, you turn around and point your finger at him again. “I will kick your ass.”

when you returned downstairs, Yuji was whistling and looking out the window, not wanting to meet your gaze.

“what? do you want to be next?” you asked him, your tone warning.

“nope, no way. you’re scary when you’re assertive.” Yuji responded, shaking his head and resuming the episode you were on. you took your seat back on the couch with a huff as you crossed your arms. you weren’t that scary, right?

evidently, just scary enough to only hear low music from Choso’s room the rest of the night, even after you’d gone to bed.

. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

the next morning, you were making yourself breakfast when Choso showed his face. “can I enter the kitchen or should I stand here in silence?” he asked you, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

you chuckled before responding, “of course, Cho. it’s your house, and I’m sorry I yelled at you last night. Sukuna had me on edge already and then with your music it was like I was losing my mind.”

“what did that asshole do this time?” Choso questioned as he leaned against the bar.

“just being a jerk as usual, testing boundaries like he does.” you told him, rolling your eyes as you scraped your scrambled eggs onto a plate. as you took a bite, Choso watched you intently. “what?”

“do I need to beat him up?” he asked, his face dead serious.

“oh, no!” you shook your head quickly, holding your hands up in front of you. “first of all, it wouldn’t do any good. second, I don’t want to have to patch up whoever is on the losing end.”

Choso only hummed in response before reaching over and grabbing a bit of your eggs with his fingers. he was too fast for you to smack his hand away, leaving you to follow his hand to where he was now putting the bite into his mouth and licking his lips. [you really should stop blushing; man was just trying to eat.]

“keep your dirty mitts off my food.” you teased, pushing your plate out of his reach.

“or what?” you paused at his words, trying to decide if you were going to compare him to Sukuna or just let yourself have a heart attack.

“or…” you desperately tried to come up with a witty comeback. “or, I’m stealing the speakers from your room.”

“I’d like to see you try.” Choso replied, a smirk playing on his lips as he reached for another morsel off your plate. this time, you were faster and smacked his hand. “oy!’

“if you’re hungry I’ll make you some eggs but stop eating with your damn hands.” you told him, and as you turned to grab ingredients you could hear him stealing your plate instead. well… there goes all your hard work.

Tags :
6 months ago
Hunter And Hunted (jjk)

hunter and hunted (jjk)

college (summer) break au: a fic in this y/n is pining over Yuji's older brother Sukuna, while unbeknownst to her, Choso is doing the same thing for her. contents: sukuna x reader, choso x reader, modern college AU, yuji and choso are brothers, sukuna and yuji are brothers, eventual smut warning as I'm planning for this to come in parts

chapter warnings: light suggestive teasing

index part one | part two | part four

part three word count: 1,246

Hunter And Hunted (jjk)

you were trying to have a nice day with the house to yourself. no boys around to make a mess or cause a ruckus. Yuji went to hang out with Megumi and Nobara, Sukuna was probably off committing a crime, and Choso went out to do whatever he’d muttered under his breath when you’d asked.  

it was nice to be in the living room, watching and following a yoga video on the tv while wearing your favorite workout set. while you appreciated being moved into the guest bedroom and make it feel homier, but it wasn’t quite as large as Yuji’s. so, you’d had to make the living room your work out space for the day. 

you were in the middle of a tough position (gandha bherundasana, or formidable face pose), when you heard a key turning in the front door. it almost broke your concentration, but you forced yourself to stick with it, silently hoping it was Yuji, or even Choso; just not Sukuna because you knew he’d make fun of you immediately.  

oh, the universe was certainly against you today. when Sukuna stepped into the living room and took in your awkward yoga pose, he scoffed in disbelief. 

“what the hell are you doing?” he asked, his lip curling in disgust. the cosmos was conspiring against you. 

“it’s a yoga pose called the formidable face pose,” you grunted, struggling to speak through your labored breathing. “you should try it; it’s actually pretty challenging.” 

Sukuna gave you a dismissive click of his tongue, shaking his head. “doesn’t look that hard to me.” 

a mischievous smirk played on your lips. “I bet you can’t even get to the point I'm at.” you knew Sukuna’s competitive nature would make him take the bait. 

true to form, Sukuna dropped onto the carpet beside you, cursing under his breath as he attempted to mimic the pose. you had since abandoned your position and sat cross-legged, watching him struggle as he followed the rewound video. 

you had to stifle a told you so when Sukuna, with impressive flexibility, managed to get into the pose faster than you had and held it effortlessly, barely breaking a sweat. “how the hell did you do that?” you asked, examining how his body bent with surprising ease. and examining his abs as his shirt rode up. 

“see? told you it wasn’t that hard. you’re just weak,” Sukuna replied with a smug grin. “maybe if ya spent less time stuffing your face, you’d be able to do it too.” 

in retaliation, you shoved your hands into his side, sending him tumbling over. “take that back, Ryomen Sukuna,” you snapped, delivering a sharp slap to his arm. 

before you could strike him again, Sukuna grabbed your wrist and rolled you beneath him. the sudden proximity made you acutely aware of the heat radiating from his body as he pinned you to the floor. his face was inches from yours, his wicked smirk the only thing between you as he hovered above. 

“make me.” he said lowly, and you squirmed slightly under his grasp.  

if his hands hadn’t had you pinned, his deep red eyes would’ve kept you fixed on the spot. his gaze dared you to respond, to make another move, and for fuck’s sake you couldn’t think of a comeback.  not with his beautiful lips right in front of you.

“did ya hear me, brat?” Sukuna said while getting closer, his nose brushing against yours. “I said. make. me.” 

you did the first thing that came to mind, something so childish and spontaneous that you knew you'd cringe when you looked back on it. you tilted your head and bit down on his nose. 

Sukuna froze, his eyes widening as your teeth made contact, the light pressure a stark contrast to the intensity of the moment. your face flushed a deep pink, a mix of embarrassment and nervousness. seizing the opportunity the distraction created, you scrambled out from beneath him, managing to scoot far enough away to put some distance between you. 

“I'm so sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” you blurted out, your voice trembling with mortification as you clamped a hand over your mouth, hoping to hide your red cheeks. Sukuna remained sitting there, blinking as if he was just now processing what had happened. after a moment of stunned silence, he snapped out of his daze, shaking his head as though to clear his thoughts. 

“if ya wanted to taste me you should’ve just asked, doll face.” and there he was, crude Sukuna coming back to the surface.  

“you’re a pig.” you growled as you stood from the ground. “I’m going to shower. you can keep watching the video if you want. oh, and I hope you twist yourself into a pretzel and get stuck, asshole.”  

“want me to join? you can taste more of me.” Sukuna hollered behind you, earning a quick middle finger over your shoulder before you slammed the bathroom door behind you. 

. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

“y-you did what to him?” Yuji burst out laughing, nearly choking on his food as you recounted the events in the living room. Your face flushed with embarrassment as you described the biting incident, carefully omitting Sukuna’s remarks to spare his pride. 

“y-you did what to him?” Yuji burst out laughing, nearly choking on his food as you recounted the events in the living room. your face flushed with embarrassment as you described the biting incident. carefully omitting Sukuna’s remarks to spare him. 

Yuji’s laughter slowly subsided, though a wide grin still lingered on his face. he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, still clearly amused by your mortification. “I can’t believe you actually bit him on the nose!” he said, shaking his head in disbelief. “that’s… that’s classic!” 

you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, burying your face in your hands. “I know, I know. it was a stupid, spur-of-the-moment thing. I was just so flustered, and it seemed like the only thing i could do.” 

Yuji leaned back, still chuckling. “hey, at least you got away from him, right? I bet he was just as shocked as you were.” 

“yeah,” you said, peeking through your fingers. “he looked like he was in a daze. I felt so embarrassed. I almost wished I could disappear right then and there.” 

Yuji grinned sympathetically. “don’t sweat it. we all have those moments. besides, it sounds like Sukuna was more stunned than anything. he’ll probably just laugh it off later, knowing him.” 

you gave a small, appreciative smile, feeling a bit better. “thanks, Yuji. I just hope he doesn’t hold it against me.” 

“don’t worry about it,” Yuji said, patting you on the back. “if anyone can take a bite on the nose, it’s Sukuna. and hey, at least you didn’t start a full-scale wrestling match or something. I don’t know that you would’ve won that one.” 

you laughed, the tension easing. “true. I suppose it could have been worse. I'll just have to find a way to make it up to him.” 

Yuji shook his head, still smiling. “no, I wouldn’t go so far as to do that. Sukuna can be... well, he can be an asshole. he probably deserved a little bloodshed.” 

with a final chuckle from your mouth, Yuji returned to his meal, and you joined in, feeling the embarrassment slowly fade into a lighter, more humorous memory.  

you just sincerely hoped Ryomen Sukuna wouldn’t find some way to retaliate.  

. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

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6 months ago
Hunter And Hunted (jjk)

hunter and hunted (jjk)

college (summer) break au: a fic in which y/n is pining over Yuji's older brother Sukuna, while unbeknownst to her, Choso is doing the same thing for her. contents: sukuna x reader, choso x reader, modern college AU, yuji and choso are brothers, sukuna and yuji are brothers, eventual smut warning as I'm planning for this to come in parts

chapter warnings/tags: drinking, stupid touchy men, physical violence (choso literally saves you with a punch) index part three | part five

part four word count: 1,532

Hunter And Hunted (jjk)

you couldn’t believe Yuji Itadori had managed to drag you out tonight. all you’d wanted was to snuggle up in bed and binge-watch tv, but no—your best friend was insistent on hitting a bar, with Megumi and Nobara in tow.

“you know I really hate here, right?” you said, sticking out your tongue as Yuji handed you a drink he’d bought.

“oh, that’s a shame,” Yuji teased, grinning as he took a sip from his own cup.

“come on, y/n, hang out with the cool kids tonight!” Nobara shouted, slinging an arm around your shoulders. Megumi rolled his eyes, but you were grateful for his presence, even if he seemed just as reluctant as you.

“let’s kick things off with some shots!” Yuji matched Nobara’s enthusiasm, grabbing your arm and dragging you towards the bar. the bartender looked like he was wishing for a trapdoor to open beneath him.

“what can i get for you guys?” the bartender asked, his voice dripping with irritation.

“four shots of… hmmm… tequila, please,” Nobara answered. you opened your mouth to protest, but the bartender was already grabbing the bottle and pouring the shots. clearly, he wanted you all to leave as quickly as possible. “put it on the Fushiguro tab.”

“seriously?” Megumi deadpanned from behind Yuji.

“before we take these, can someone please tell me if we have a plan to get home?” you asked, silently hoping one of them would have an answer. they all shook their heads, and you felt a wave of defeat as you clinked your shot glass with theirs and downed the tequila.

god, you’d forgotten how much you hated tequila.

of course, Yuji and Nobara kept you and Megumi well-supplied with shots and drinks all night, making sure you had enough alcohol in your system to stick around. at some point, you stopped resisting.

the alcohol had you feeling fantastic—loose and relaxed as you danced with your friends. the dj was blasting beats that would’ve put Choso’s set to shame, and you were sweating and swaying to the rhythm, practically grinding against Nobara.

“Yuji, I’m still mad at you!” you shouted over the music.

“oh no, what did I do? let me beg for your forgiveness,” Yuji replied with a dramatic pout and big, sappy puppy-dog eyes.

you waved him off, realizing he was a lost cause. in fact, you were a lost cause too. what time was it, anyway?

you decided to excuse yourself to the bathroom and checked your phone on the way—it was well past midnight. ugh, no time for a shower if you wanted any sleep tonight.

as you turned the corner towards the women’s restroom, you bumped into something solid. or rather, someone solid.

“hey, good lookin’,” a tall guy said, smirking down at you with eyes that seemed barely open.

“excuse me,” you muttered, trying to sidestep him. he grabbed your upper arm, and you bristled at the contact.

“wait, hang out w’ me for a minute,” he said, pulling you closer. just as you were ready to use the self-defense moves Yuji taught you, something else grabbed his attention long enough for you to wrench free and hurry towards the bathroom. he called out after you, “I’ll be right here waiting f’ you!”

as soon as you locked yourself in a stall, you pulled out your phone again. you tried calling Yuji—no answer. Nobara? also no answer. with a sigh, you dialed Megumi as a last-ditch effort, but got nothing.

you really didn’t want to go back out there and risk running into that guy again.

taking a deep breath, you pulled up the next contact on your list. you wanted to go home and get some sleep anyway; surely your friends wouldn’t mind.

“hello?” Choso’s voice was low and groggy, like he’d just woken up.

“Choso, can you come pick me up?” you asked quickly, trying to push aside the guilt in favor of self-preservation.

“where are you?” Choso replied, rustling noises in the background suggesting he was already getting up. “send me your location.”

you told him the name of the bar before hanging up and sharing your location. fortunately, the bar wasn’t far from Yuji’s place; Choso might just walk over.

while you waited in the stall, you could still hear the man shouting outside the bathroom door. he wasn’t shouting at you, but he was close enough to be unsettling. you decided to stay put until Choso arrived or one of your friends showed up to rescue you.

your phone pinged with a new message from Choso: found the three stooges. where are you?

you braced yourself as you unlocked the stall door and pushed out of the bathroom, focusing on your footsteps and silently praying the guy you’d run into wouldn’t notice you.

“oi! there you are!” fuck. you felt his hand grip your arm again, and you turned to face the skeezy guy. “was just telling my friends how smokin’ hot you are—let them see!”

you glanced past him to see three other guys, all bigger than you and sharing the same drunken, leering expressions.

“alright, they’ve seen me. now let me go,” you said through gritted teeth, tugging at your arm in an attempt to free it.

“hold on a minute, let me buy you a drink,” the guy slurred, nearly stumbling into you as he pulled your arm.

“I said, let me go,” you snapped, pulling against him with more force. where were your friends?

“hey, no need to be bitch so why don’t you shut your pretty mouth and-”

“I believe she told you to let her go.” you froze at the low, threatening voice that spoke up behind you. daring a glance over your shoulder, you saw Choso, eyes dark and body tense as he eyed the man who had a hold of you.

to you, he looked like your knight in shining armor.

“’scuse us, man, we’re just on our way t’ the bar,” the guy said, trying to wave Choso off. but your eyes pleaded with Choso for help.

“i don’t think she wants to go with you,” Choso said firmly, stepping forward and grabbing the guy’s hand on your arm. “now, let her go.”

“what’s your problem, man?” the guy snapped, glaring at Choso. “this bitch isn’t even that good-looking.”

you blinked, and in an instant, Choso’s fist connected with the guy’s face. your arm was freed, and you looked down at the guy, clutching his probably broken nose.

“don’t call her that,” Choso growled. before the guy’s friends could react, Choso took your hand and started pulling you away from the scene.

“y/n, where’d you run off to?” Nobara slurred as Choso led you back to the group.

“whoa, what happened to your hand, Choso?” Yuji asked, noticing the blood on Choso’s knuckles.

“I’m taking y/n home,” Choso said firmly. “you either walk home or call me if you need anything.” he then grabbed Megumi’s shirt to get his attention. “you’re the responsible one—don’t let these two do anything stupid.”

once Megumi nodded in agreement, Choso began guiding you out of the bar, still holding your hand.

“thanks for stepping in back there,” you said once you were outside, away from the blaring music.

“you don’t need to thank me,” Choso replied, slowing to walk beside you.

you weren’t sure if he realized he was still holding your hand, but it felt comforting, so you decided not to mention it.

“I never took you for the type to resort to physical violence so quickly,” you teased, catching a blush on his face.

“it’s just what you do for the right people,” he said quickly, making you blush in return.

“I probably could’ve handled it myself, but you were a real knight in shining armor,” you joked, and Choso chuckled.

“yeah, I’m sure you might have done something even worse,” he said through his laughter.

. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

it wasn’t until you were back at the house that Choso noticed he was still holding your hand. his face turned bright red as he quickly let go, flustered and apologizing.

you excused yourself to change out of your bar clothes and returned to the kitchen in your pajamas to grab a large glass of water before bed.

“do you need anything before I head back to sleep?” Choso asked, handing you a glass he’d already filled. what a gentleman

“a bedtime story and a tuck-in,” you joked.

“only if you ask nicely,” Choso replied with a teasing smirk. you suddenly felt a wave of heat and laughed to push away your awkwardness.

“if I can’t fall asleep without it, I know where to find you,” you said, and although you meant it as a tease, you weren’t entirely sure it was just that.

Choso nodded, and you both said goodnight before heading to your separate rooms.

as you lay in bed, you tried to figure out if the warmth you felt was from the alcohol or from the interaction. you drifted off to sleep, comforted by the memory of the sweet, sweet memory of Choso breaking a stranger’s nose for you. Sukuna probably would’ve just killed him.

. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

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1 year ago

𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮

➪ 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧

no warnings

“Stop! Stop it, okay?! I-I don’t know why you keep wasting money on me, I’m not broke and I did fine without you before and I still can now! So, stop trying to buy my affections!”

Your words, spoken in haste, and a mixture of embarrassment, had done far more harm than you could’ve imagined.

Satoru had always been a gift-giver. As long as his eyes had been on you, he’d bought you gift after gift, despite your protests. Whether it was a meal at a restaurant far too expensive or a trinket that ‘reminded him of you’, he spared no expense. 

And while it was sweet in its own way, every time you watched him trade money for a gift, you felt an uncomfortable feeling twist in your stomach.

Since you were young, you’ve always taken care of yourself. Everything you had now came from years of hard work and suffering. You’d long learned not to trust gifts from others- it was almost certainly a trap.

For the life of you, you couldn’t figure out why Satoru insisted on spending so much on you, but you wanted it to stop. It felt… dishonest. Surely, he didn’t believe that an endless wallet was the only thing you cared about?

But as you watched his smile disappear and his eyes lose their glimmer, you faltered. Surely, his smile wasn’t trembling, your eyes were playing tricks, they had to be.

“O-oh, I see… I didn’t mean to insinuate that you couldn’t, I just… never mind. I’ll leave you alone,” He whispered weakly. He smiled but it didn’t fit his face in the slightest. It was watery and wobbly and just plain wrong.

Before you could evaluate your mistake, he was gone. “I’m sorry to say this, Yn, but… that was most disappointing.”

You whipped around, almost having forgotten that Nanami had also been accompanying you.

“What do you mean? Just because you don’t care if he spends all his money, doesn’t mean I don’t have to!”

The sorcerer shook his head, clicking his tongue. “That is not what I meant. You’re smart, smart enough to know that he isn’t buying your affections.”

You scoffed, arms crossed. “Well, why else?” Nanami looked away, sighing. “I understand that people have taken advantage of you, and lied, but that’s not Gojo. He cares deeply for you and this is his way of showing it. Granted, it might not be the ideal way, but it’s his way nonetheless.”

You paused, not quite knowing how to respond. “Well, it’s too late now-“

“So you would give up so easily? This might not be my place but, Yn, he doesn’t look at anyone else the way you look at him. And I can tell that you look at him the same way!”

Nanami’s impassioned outburst took you by surprise, it being uncharacteristic for the usually mild-mannered blonde. You gulped, trying to rid yourself of the lump in your throat.

“B-but what do I say? What if he wants nothing to do with me?”

Nanami rolled his eyes, placing his fist on his waist. “This is Gojo we’re talking about. He wants you still. Apologize to him and tell him how you feel, it’s glaringly obvious, by the way,” He added teasingly.

You buried your face in your hands, a mix of embarrassment and shame mixing in your chest. “Thanks, Kento, I’m sorry to ditch you like this,” You smile sheepishly. Nanami spared you a small smile and waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t be; I’ll be stopping by the bakery.” 

With that reassurance, you let out a quiet laugh before making your way to where Satoru was sure to be. Even though Satoru had a perfectly good (and spacious) apartment, whenever he was upset by something, he could be found in a small abandoned park, usually looking up at the sky, whether day or night. 

As you passed by a small dessert shop, the perfect way to apologize popped into your mind. 


Just as you expected, Satoru was seated criss-cross in the grass, eyes glued to the sky. Knowing he could see you, even from behind, you held out the small bag as a peace offering. 

From just a few feet away, you could hear his scoff. “Oh, so now you’re trying to ‘buy my affection’?” He grumbled petulantly.

You winced, but couldn’t deny that you had deserved it. Undeterred, however, you sat beside him and dropped the bag into his lap. 

He shot you a skeptical look before opening it up and rifling through it. “Kikifuku and mochi? You must be desperate for my forgiveness,” He mocked, popping a mochi ball into his mouth.

You let the bite in his words roll over you and instead nodded. “I am, but… I understand if you don’t. I lashed out at you for no reason, but I wanted to let you know that I didn’t mean it and I’m very sorry,” You confessed. 

You felt his eyes on you, and despite his sunglasses, you couldn’t bear to look into them, feeling too vulnerable. “Not forgive you? But you need me,” He grinned, a joking lilt in his voice. The corners of your lips lifted. “You’re right, I do,” You answered, catching him by surprise. 

You heard rustling and out of the corner of your eye, you saw him set the bag of sweets down, his expression more serious than a moment ago.

“Earlier was just a misunderstanding, Yn, I’m not leaving you behind,” He promised, reaching out to hold your chin between his fingers, his eyes peeking over the black rims of his shades as he turned your face towards his. 

“I know you have a hard time trusting others’ intentions, but I’ve never once believed you were that shallow, but I still don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Satoru smiled, letting his forehead rest against yours. “I’ll limit the gifts, but next time, don’t let your feelings build up. Let me love you the right way, yeah?” 

You felt so many things that it was nearly overwhelming, but most of all you felt a love that you couldn’t contain. You could scarcely process your actions before you were cupping Satoru’s face in yours and pressing your lips to his. 

Arguably not the way you envisioned this conversation going, but if the way the sorcerer held you tighter to him was anything to go by, he wasn’t complaining. His lips moved against yours in a way that nearly hypnotized you, robbing you of your ability to think or breathe. 

All too quickly, he was pulling back, a bright grin spreading across his face. “So, you need me, huh?” He teased. You groaned, already regretting your honesty. “Sat-” But his lips were already on yours again before you could complain. 

Maybe you didn’t regret it that much.

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1 year ago

𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮

➪ 𝐬𝐨 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐭. 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨

Clingy. Overbearing. Annoying.

The words had been spoken in a fit of anger, harsh and loud, but overall meaningless and facetious.

Unlike them, however, the apology that ensued was anything but. It was sincere, so why, why, couldn’t you shake your newfound insecurities?

Despite the encouragement you received, you couldn’t help but be hesitant to go back to normal. The last thing you’d wanted to do was start another argument about boundaries or a lack thereof, and your concerns translated into your actions.

He notices instantly. Nanami has always been attentive to your emotions, but he’s even more so after such a hurtful fight.

Understandably, he’s incredibly guilty at how his words affected you, but he doesn’t blame you. Apologies are only the first step of many, after all.

“Darling? I’m home!” You peered up from your book, a small smile on your face. “Hey, love! I made dinner, it’s in the fridge.”

His smile softened. “Eat with me?” You fiddled awkwardly with your fingers. “O-oh, I already ate, so I’m going to finish this chapter real quick.”

His face fell, surprise and hurt clouding his eyes as he nodded slowly. “Alright then… I’ll be quick then.” You settled on a simple smile before looking back down at your book. Had you not been so quick to look back to your book, however, you would’ve missed the way his eyes narrowed in contemplation.

Not much changed after that. You were withdrawn and non-responsive for the night, and Nanami only became more concerned as the hours trudged by. It was only when you headed to the bedroom by yourself that his emotions made an appearance.

To his surprise and disappointment, you had shut off the light and already looked to be asleep. The two of you had always made it a point to turn in together.

“Yn, darling… what’s going on…?” You didn’t know how to respond, so you settled for a noncommittal grunt, but it was instantly clear that your lover wasn’t going to let it go. “You’ve been quite distant lately. Can we talk about it?” 

You hesitated before turning over to face him, but you still couldn’t lift your gaze to his. He let out a short sigh before resting a gentle hand on your cheek. “You can tell me anything you’re feeling, this is a safe space. Your comfort will always be my top priority,” Nanami promised. 

You blew out a breath and sat up so that you could give him your full attention. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shut you out,” You began, squeezing the blonde’s hand. “Don’t apologize,” Nanami interjected kindly. You flashed him a small smile before continuing. 

“It’s just… I know you apologized and we already reconciled from our… fight, but I was worried that I might upset you again if I was clingy,” You admitted weakly. His face seemed to crumble at your words, but before you could take them back, his palm was cupping your cheek in a gentle grip. 

“I said many things that I regret, my love, but apologizing was certainly not one of them. I spoke out of anger, but I didn’t mean any of it, that I can promise. Your affection and love are the things that I look forward to most, especially after work,” He promised, leaning in to look you directly in the eyes. 

Tears welled in your eyes, and you leaned into his hand, his words beginning to soothe the ache in your chest. Your relief was nearly palpable and Kento was quick to kiss the tears that fell, putting action behind his words, as he always did. 

“Can we… stay up a little later?” You sniffled, resting your head in the crook of his neck. You felt the vibrations in his chest as he chuckled, the feeling comforting you. “Would you like me to hold you?” He offered, seeing right through your flimsy request. 

“I guess I can let you since you claim to enjoy it so much,” You replied playfully. Kento’s chuckle turned into a laugh as he pulled you down to lay beside him. “It would be an honor, love,” He played along. 

You made yourself comfortable on his chest and interlaced your hands, a soft sigh leaving you. “Love you, Kento,” You murmured, finally feeling at peace. A kiss was pressed to the top of your head and the “I love you” he whispered was just loud enough to reach you as you felt yourself begin to drift off to sleep.

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1 year ago

𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭

➪ 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞? 𝐟𝐭. 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨

mdni, fingering + cunnilingus

I didn't expect sm attention on the poll pls it's my first nsfw </3

You couldn’t sleep. It was two in the morning and you had to get up early, and yet you hadn’t slept a wink. Not only that, but you were sure that your twisting and turning was going to bother Choso, if it hadn’t already. 

Your bed was spacious, but even with the extra room, the two of you were never very far from each other, even in sleep, and now was certainly no different. 

At the moment, his chest was at your back, with his arms snaked around your middle. His breathing was slow and you tried to allow it to lull you to sleep, but your mind was running at a hundred miles an hour and the stresses of the week weighed down on you. 

A sigh left your lips and you dragged a hand down your face before turning onto your other side. This wouldn’t be as big of a problem if you didn’t have such a long day, and week, ahead of you. You truly needed all the sleep you could get, but at this rate, it seemed like you weren’t going to win.

“Angel?” You startled at the sudden whisper, not even noticing that Choso had woken up. The back of his hand brushed your cheek and you felt his body move closer to you. “Did I wake you? I’m sorry, Cho,” You murmured, resting your head on his chest.

His hands rested behind your back and he shook his head. “It’s nothing… how come you’re still awake?” He questioned through a yawn. 

You pressed a soft peck to his chest and shrugged. “I haven’t really slept at all… I just can’t fall asleep,” You admitted. Large hands ran up and down your waist and you had to suppress a shiver at Choso’s unexpected handiness. 

“Do you want me to help you sleep?” Your lover offered, peppering soft kisses to your temple. Your eyebrows raised at the question, but you had to admit that you were a little curious. “It’s okay, baby, really I’ll probably just go get a cup of tea, but you should sleep-”

Hands cupped your cheeks, stopping you short. “Can I try my way? If it doesn’t work you can do that, but I think it will,” He murmured, shifting you so that he could lean over you. You blinked, a little blindsided, but you made a noise of agreement, nonetheless. 

“What are you going to do?” You gasped as you felt teeth nip at your neck, but he was immediately soothing it with open mouthed kisses and you had an inkling of what he was thinking

“Just relax for me, Angel, ‘m gonna to put you right to sleep,” He reassured you before moving the covers away so he could easily slide down your body. He lifted your (read: his) t-shirt up to your chest so he could kiss down the length of your torso all the way to your waistband. 

“Choso…” You sighed, feeling the heat pool in your stomach and the anticipation build in your core. He shushed you gently as he dragged his fingers along the skin of your inner thigh, seemingly entranced by you.

Without any further ado, to your relief, Choso was gently pulling down your shorts, but left them around just your left ankle, but he was distracting you with the kisses he was leaving on top of your panties. 

“S’ pretty for me,” He mumbled, his fingers carefully moving your underwear so they could join your shorts. Instantly his arms were underneath your thighs to pin them in place and he left a quick peck to them. 

If there was one thing you knew about Choso, it was that he was both relentless and patient, and he was no different in bed, if anything it was way more evident. When it came to making you feel good, he gave it all he had and it was obviously going to be the same. 

The first kiss to your clit made you squirm, but you were hardly prepared for when he began to suck on it as if he would die without it. A whine escaped your lips, but it went high pitched when you felt a long digit join his mouth and begin to prod at your hole. 

His lips left your bundle of nerves with a dirty ‘pop’, but you hardly had time to breathe before his thumb was replacing it and sending jolts through your entire body. At the same time, he licked a long stripe up your cunt, relishing in the way you choked on your own moan. 

“Taste s’ good,” He groaned, delving right back into you, tongue first. “C-Choso-!” You moaned as he began to eagerly lap at you like a man starved. 

Paired with the way he masterfully rubbed at your clit, he had you nearly seeing stars. “I hear you, Angel,” He replied, but you could almost hear the smirk in his voice. You could only fist your hand into his hair, almost as if holding onto dear life, as you felt your high approaching. 

“S-so close, Cho!” You cried, almost overwhelmed. You felt the ravenette hum, the sound sending vibrations through your already overstimulated cunt and it felt as though all coherency left you. 

“That’s it, Angel… cum for me,” He grinned, almost mesmerized by your reactions. Immediately following his words, he was replacing his finger with his tongue and your vision went white as a scream tore through you. 

Weak whines were swallowed by Choso’s mouth as he kissed you sweetly, letting you taste yourself on his lips. Despite his gentle treatment, his finger was still pressed over your clit, rubbing soothing circles as he worked you through your orgasm. 

The ravenette pulled away just enough to lean over you. The question was at the tip of your tongue, but you were too out of breath to voice it. “Such a pretty thing,” Choso praised sweetly, pushing his index finger past your lips. 

Despite your confusion, you sucked on it without complaint. You let your eyes shut, already feeling exhaustion washing over you. 

“You can give me one more, right? Wanna make sure you stay asleep,” He cooed. Your eyes shot open, just now understanding his intentions. As it was, your legs were still shaking from your last, you had no idea how he was going to pull another one from you.

“Baby, I d-” 

“Please? Promise I’ll make you feel so good,” He insisted, letting his lips brush against your neck as he spoke. The combination of the lust in his voice and the fingers trailing down your thigh seemed to reignite your desire once again.

“One more,” You agreed, and Choso didn’t waste a second. His lips attached to your neck and you moaned as he suckled hickies into your throat. 

“How many?” He asked, voice soft with affection. “...what?” You gasped, trying to clear your mind of pleasure to focus on his words. “Fingers. Should I start with one?” You squeezed your thighs together, unable to stem the rush of desire from his words. 

“Cho, please, need it,” You begged, pulling at his hand. His finger grazed your cunt, and he hummed in acknowledgement. “One or more, angel, need to know,” He persisted teasingly.

“More!” You cried out, shame all but gone, need replacing it. “Good girl,” He breathed out, but it was overshadowed by the prodding of his fingers at your hole. “Here’s one,” He whispered into your ear, slipping one finger in without pause.

You choked on your breath, your hand fisting itself in his loose hair. “Here’s two,” Choso continued, his middle finger joining his index finger’s mind numbing pace. 

His fingers, long and thick, seemed to hit every spot inside of you and you felt as though you were only a moment away from seeing stars. “Taking it s’ good, angel.” His words barely made it through the fog in your mind, and it was only harder when his thumb traced over your clit once again.

“Hope three is okay… couldn’t help myself,” Choso trilled, mouthing his words into the skin of your cheek. 

Tears lined your eyes, the pleasure moving over to the territory of overwhelming. A mix of Choso’s name and pitiful attempts at words left you as you reached your peak. Choso’s fingers didn’t slow down even a little bit, in fact, it felt as though he was reaching deeper inside of you.

“Let go, ‘m right here, baby.” His fond praise and his relentless pace brought you over the edge with a scream. 

His lips were over yours as he slowed down, his fingers leaving the warmth of your pussy. You sniffled, unable to stop your trembling, but Choso was already wiping your tears away with his thumb. “You did so good, angel, thanks for letting me take care of you,” He reassured you.

He placed a peck on your nose before moving down to pull your panties and shorts right back up, but not before leaving a kiss just below your navel. 

“Feeling tired, yet?” He asked cheekily. You huffed out a laugh, eagerly tucking yourself into the embrace he offered. “Thanks, Cho,” You offered, finally feeling tired enough to sleep.

requests are open and reblogs are appreciated!

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1 year ago

𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞

➪ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐭. 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨

mentions of drinking + intoxication

In hindsight, going to a frat party with Yuji being your only connection probably wasn’t the best idea. He meant well, really, he just got… distracted sometimes.

As popular as he was, people were clambering to talk to him and it was easy for the two of you to get separated. 

While you didn’t mind going to parties usually, tonight was different. It was the week before finals and the stress seemed to be piling up on your shoulder and dragging you down with it. 

Seeing you overworking yourself prompted your best friend to drag you out, insisting that some fun was exactly what you needed before locking in for next week.

It had honestly seemed like a good idea at the time, but now regret was swirling in your gut along with the shots Yuji had shoved into your hands, his grin wide. 

But now, he was nowhere to be seen and you were trapped in the sea of bodies and dizzy from the heat, the flashing lights, and the blasting music.

It was almost too much to handle and you knew you needed to get out of there, now. 

Stumbling and pushing past strangers, you barely managed to reach a secluded corner away from the speakers. Shaky hands pulled your phone out of your pocket and you quickly searched for Yuji’s number.

Crossing your fingers, you dialed it and waited for him to pick up, though you felt dumb for even hoping he would notice the ring over the noise. 

Sure enough, it eventually went to voicemail and you bit your lip, even more unsure of yourself. The only other option was to try and find him, you reasoned, rising to your feet. 

Immediately, however, your head spun and vision swam. You wobbled unsteadily on your feet for a moment before all but collapsing back into your chair.

You cursed yourself for letting Yuji convince you to ‘pre-game’ with him. His tolerance was unmatched, while yours was certainly not, and now it was hitting you all at once. 

“Hey! Come dance!” Your eyes lifted and you squinted, waiting for your vision to focus. Before you stood a boy you’d never seen before, his grin wild and his hand outstretched. He was conventionally attractive, with black hair-

Black hair. You waved the boy off and fumbled around for your phone once more. You pressed the contact right at the top of your message list and pressed the phone to your ear.

“Yn?” Your relief was so palpable you felt that you could cry at the sound of the familiar voice. 

“Choso? I need your help,” You murmured hoarsely.

It felt as though only five minutes had gone by when you felt a palm rest on your cheek. “Yn? Wake up.” The voice was quiet, but there was no chance that you would mistake Choso’s voice, even in your impaired state.

“Choso?” You called out, grabbing onto his arm. “It’s me,” He started, helping you up, “can you stand for me?” He asked, concern bleeding into his voice.

You took a moment to stabilize yourself with his help before nodding in agreement. “Alright, just hold onto me,” He instructed.

 With Choso’s help, you maneuvered through the mass of bodies and in no time, you were finally breathing in fresh air. 

You leaned into his side as you took a deep breath. “God, that idiot,” Choso hissed, holding you closer to his chest. “Can’t believe Yuji left you like that.” You looked up at the ravenette, brows furrowing. 

“Wasn’t his fault… he’s really popular so everyone was swarming him,” You insisted, not wanting Choso to be mad at his younger brother.

“Tch. I would’ve never left you like that,” He muttered, opening the car door for you. 

The sincerity in his tone caught you by surprise. You and Choso had always been close, but it was a different sort of closeness than the one you had with Yuji.

Fond smiles, heated gaze, and accidental touches plagued your relationship, and had for some time, but neither of you had addressed it before. 

Before you could respond to his words, Choso was lifting you into the passenger seat of his car. You felt a weird feeling in your stomach, but he was carefully closing the door before you could identify the feeling. 

“Do you remember how many drinks you had?’ Choso asked, reaching into his bag. You thought for a moment, back to when Yuji had begun pouring the shots. You shrugged with a hum. “I think like four shots?” You answered, sheepishly. 

Choso just chuckled, handing you a water bottle. “Lightweight. Drink some water, yeah? Gonna get you sobered up.”  

You accepted the bottle with a thanks and then Choso was rolling the window down before pulling away. “Thanks for coming, Cho… I know it’s late,” You whispered, putting the cap back on the water bottle. 

“That doesn’t matter, I’ll always come for you if you call,” He promised, fixing you with a meaningful stare. You couldn’t help your small smile at his words.

In the years you’d been close with Choso, he’d been a constant presence, whether it was providing you a safe space or being someone you could stay up late to talk to. 

You’d known for some time how different your feelings were for him versus Yuji, but your fear of being seen as a kid, despite only a two year age gap, kept you from acting on it the way that you wanted to. 

Even now, the alcohol affecting your state wasn’t able to give you the bravery you needed to tell him of the burning feelings you harbored for him. Still, you practically ached to touch him, and it seemed to outweigh your fear. 

Your sights landed on his hand that rested on the gearshift, and you exhaled deeply. Looking away, you let her hand rest over his. Your face felt warm, but you couldn’t deny that it felt like your hands were meant to be together. 

You could feel his eyes resting on you, but before you could coward out of the contact, his fingers moved so that your own could slot between his. 

The car ride was silent, but you couldn’t ignore the warmth in your chest. Maybe, just maybe, Choso felt a fraction of what you felt for him.

follow for more, requests are open and reblogs are appreciated!

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1 year ago

𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮

➪ 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐭. 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮

no warnings

“Stop! Stop it, okay?! I-I don’t know why you keep wasting money on me, I’m not broke and I did fine without you before and I still can now! So, stop trying to buy my affections!”

Your words, spoken in haste, and a mixture of embarrassment, had done far more harm than you could’ve imagined.

Satoru had always been a gift-giver. As long as his eyes had been on you, he’d bought you gift after gift, despite your protests. Whether it was a meal at a restaurant far too expensive or a trinket that ‘reminded him of you’, he spared no expense. 

And while it was sweet in its own way, every time you watched him trade money for a gift, you felt an uncomfortable feeling twist in your stomach.

Since you were young, you’ve always taken care of yourself. Everything you had now came from years of hard work and suffering. You’d long learned not to trust gifts from others- it was almost certainly a trap.

For the life of you, you couldn’t figure out why Satoru insisted on spending so much on you, but you wanted it to stop. It felt… dishonest. Surely, he didn’t believe that an endless wallet was the only thing you cared about?

But as you watched his smile disappear and his eyes lose their glimmer, you faltered. Surely, his smile wasn’t trembling, your eyes were playing tricks, they had to be.

“O-oh, I see… I didn’t mean to insinuate that you couldn’t, I just… never mind. I’ll leave you alone,” He whispered weakly. He smiled but it didn’t fit his face in the slightest. It was watery and wobbly and just plain wrong.

Before you could evaluate your mistake, he was gone. “I’m sorry to say this, Yn, but… that was most disappointing.”

You whipped around, almost having forgotten that Nanami had also been accompanying you.

“What do you mean? Just because you don’t care if he spends all his money, doesn’t mean I don’t have to!”

The sorcerer shook his head, clicking his tongue. “That is not what I meant. You’re smart, smart enough to know that he isn’t buying your affections.”

You scoffed, arms crossed. “Well, why else?” Nanami looked away, sighing. “I understand that people have taken advantage of you, and lied, but that’s not Gojo. He cares deeply for you and this is his way of showing it. Granted, it might not be the ideal way, but it’s his way nonetheless.”

You paused, not quite knowing how to respond. “Well, it’s too late now-“

“So you would give up so easily? This might not be my place but, Yn, he doesn’t look at anyone else the way you look at him. And I can tell that you look at him the same way!”

Nanami’s impassioned outburst took you by surprise, it being uncharacteristic for the usually mild-mannered blonde. You gulped, trying to rid yourself of the lump in your throat.

“B-but what do I say? What if he wants nothing to do with me?”

Nanami rolled his eyes, placing his fist on his waist. “This is Gojo we’re talking about. He wants you still. Apologize to him and tell him how you feel, it’s glaringly obvious, by the way,” He added teasingly.

You buried your face in your hands, a mix of embarrassment and shame mixing in your chest. “Thanks, Kento, I’m sorry to ditch you like this,” You smile sheepishly. Nanami spared you a small smile and waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t be; I’ll be stopping by the bakery.” 

With that reassurance, you let out a quiet laugh before making your way to where Satoru was sure to be. Even though Satoru had a perfectly good (and spacious) apartment, whenever he was upset by something, he could be found in a small abandoned park, usually looking up at the sky, whether day or night. 

As you passed by a small dessert shop, the perfect way to apologize popped into your mind. 


Just as you expected, Satoru was seated criss-cross in the grass, eyes glued to the sky. Knowing he could see you, even from behind, you held out the small bag as a peace offering. 

From just a few feet away, you could hear his scoff. “Oh, so now you’re trying to ‘buy my affection’?” He grumbled petulantly.

You winced, but couldn’t deny that you had deserved it. Undeterred, however, you sat beside him and dropped the bag into his lap. 

He shot you a skeptical look before opening it up and rifling through it. “Kikifuku and mochi? You must be desperate for my forgiveness,” He mocked, popping a mochi ball into his mouth.

You let the bite in his words roll over you and instead nodded. “I am, but… I understand if you don’t. I lashed out at you for no reason, but I wanted to let you know that I didn’t mean it and I’m very sorry,” You confessed. 

You felt his eyes on you, and despite his sunglasses, you couldn’t bear to look into them, feeling too vulnerable. “Not forgive you? But you need me,” He grinned, a joking lilt in his voice. The corners of your lips lifted. “You’re right, I do,” You answered, catching him by surprise. 

You heard rustling and out of the corner of your eye, you saw him set the bag of sweets down, his expression more serious than a moment ago.

“Earlier was just a misunderstanding, Yn, I’m not leaving you behind,” He promised, reaching out to hold your chin between his fingers, his eyes peeking over the black rims of his shades as he turned your face towards his. 

“I know you have a hard time trusting others’ intentions, but I’ve never once believed you were that shallow, but I still don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Satoru smiled, letting his forehead rest against yours. “I’ll limit the gifts, but next time, don’t let your feelings build up. Let me love you the right way, yeah?” 

You felt so many things that it was nearly overwhelming, but most of all you felt a love that you couldn’t contain. You could scarcely process your actions before you were cupping Satoru’s face in yours and pressing your lips to his. 

Arguably not the way you envisioned this conversation going, but if the way the sorcerer held you tighter to him was anything to go by, he wasn’t complaining. His lips moved against yours in a way that nearly hypnotized you, robbing you of your ability to think or breathe. 

All too quickly, he was pulling back, a bright grin spreading across his face. “So, you need me, huh?” He teased. You groaned, already regretting your honesty. “Sat-” But his lips were already on yours again before you could complain. 

Maybe you didn’t regret it that much.

Tags :
11 months ago

𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫

➪ 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐭. 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮

ive been an academic victim on the weekdays and a party girl on the weekends but im back hopefully

The obnoxious ringing of a phone alarm cut through the layers of sleep, forcing you to wake. Without opening your eyes, you already knew something was off. It was a Saturday, so you didn’t have an alarm set, meaning that it was something else. 

The sinister thought caused you to bolt upright, searching for the source of the annoying noise. You didn’t find a phone, but something far more startling greeted your eyes. 

Splayed out on the other side of the bed, was none other than your co-worker and friend, Geto Suguru. He laid on his stomach, face hiding in his elbow and hair spread out around him. If you weren’t so horrified and confused about everything about this, you would’ve taken a moment to appreciate such a pretty sight. 

You slowly backed out of your bed, trying to piece together the moments before this, but all you could pull from the depths of your memory was going to a bar with Shoko and Utahime. A chill went up your spine and you hurried to check your state of dress. 

Completely clothed, you thought in relief, but you noticed that they certainly weren’t the ones you’d gone out in. What had happened last night? And most importantly, why wasn’t Suguru getting up when it was his phone that was blaring so loudly? 

“Suguru!” You hissed, pushing at his shoulder, a raging headache beginning to take hold of you. Between the hangover that was making itself known, the continuous alarm, and your current situation, you were expecting an awful morning. 

A low groan left him and you paused at the sound. Had his voice always been that deep? Shaking yourself as if to physically rid yourself of your thought process, you pushed at him again. “Wake up, Suguru, your alarm is ridiculous,” You grumbled.

The ravenette didn’t move and, for a moment, you feared that he still wouldn’t wake up until you saw his head move to the side and his eyes peek out from under his hair. “‘Mornin’,” He rasped, lips curving into a smile. 

You had to take a pause, struck by not only his soft smile and morning voice, but the way he was hugging one of your pillows like he belonged there, comfortable in your bed. “Your alarm…” You deflected, covering your face to orient yourself. 

You heard a soft chuckle, some rustling, and then the screaming phone was finally shut off. “What do you remember from last night?” Suguru spoke, sitting up. You shook your head and crossed your arms, still awkward, even in your room. 

“Nothing besides initially going out,” You sighed, still racking your brain. “You’re not going to ask what I’m doing here?” He grinned, running a hand through his hair. You shifted on your feet and shot him a look. 

“I assumed that would go without saying…” Suguru’s grin widened at your words and he cocked his head as if questioning you. “Really? You don’t remember calling me and practically demanding that I come to help you out since apparently your getting black-out drunk was my fault?” 

You could only blink owlishly at him, already mortified because you knew exactly what he was getting at. During work, one of your coworkers had been all over Suguru, although there was obviously something between you two, even if that something was unlabeled. 

When he hadn’t fended her off, but instead indulged in it, you felt jealousy burn hotly in your system, before that gave way to defeat. Shoko had reasoned that the only way to get rid of it was to go out and find your own ‘distraction’. Utahime had largely been against the idea, but she didn’t want to pass up on a fun night, so she opted for being designated driver.  But, clearly, if you ended up with Surguru in your bed with you unable to remember how it had happened, something had gone very wrong. 

You shifted your weight from foot to foot, not at all knowing how to respond to him and his piercing gaze. “At first, I assumed it was drunken ramblings… but it was hard to ignore when you told me that I should only ever flirt with you…” He continued, a teasing lilt to his voice. 

“I didn’t mean to wake you and make you come all the way over here, but-”

“But you were jealous?” Suguru finished, running a hand through his hair, not even trying to bite back his smirk. 

And just like that, the butterflies fluttering in your stomach turned to a lead weight that made you uncomfortable. At first it seemed like Suguru was teasing you, but now it felt as though he was just here to mock you and your feelings. 

“As I was saying,” You muttered, looking away, “I’m sorry you came all the way here, but I’m fine now and you don’t have to stay,” You finished, making your way to your bedroom door to open it. 

“Hey, wait, you’re trying to get rid of me already?” The ravenette called out, catching your wrist in his hand. You just avoided his gaze, not knowing exactly what he was getting at. “You don’t think I’d do this for just anyone do you?” He murmured, stepping closer to you.

“I’m just confused,” You sighed, risking a glance at him. A small smile pulled at his lips and his hand moved from your wrist to your hand. “I should’ve made it clearer, the way I feel about you,” He started, pressing his lips to the palm of your hand.

Your face burned, but you didn’t turn away from his gaze. “Well, how do you feel…?” You asked quietly. His smile widened and he drew you impossibly closer to him. “Knowing that I’ll see you every day, makes waking up in the morning so much easier for me. We’ve been dancing around each other for a while now, but… I want to define what we have. I want you to be mine,” He asserted, his hands snaking around your waist.

The flutters in your chest were back with a vengeance, but before you could let embarrassment take hold, you were grabbing Suguru by his collar. 

His sound of surprise was almost immediately muffled by your lips as you pulled him closer. Words weren’t your strong suit, but you knew there was no way for him to misinterpret your actions. With hardly any hesitation, the ravenette was sinking into the kiss and taking control of it, his arms tightening around you. 

All too soon, however, it was over and you were met with his fond smile. “Can we go back to bed? I think we both deserve it,” He grinned pulling you closer to him. 

And who were you to turn down being held by your new lover?

requests are open and reblogs are appreciated!

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11 months ago

𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫

➪ 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐭. 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮

ive been an academic victim on the weekdays and a party girl on the weekends but im back hopefully

The obnoxious ringing of a phone alarm cut through the layers of sleep, forcing you to wake. Without opening your eyes, you already knew something was off. It was a Saturday, so you didn’t have an alarm set, meaning that it was something else. 

The sinister thought caused you to bolt upright, searching for the source of the annoying noise. You didn’t find a phone, but something far more startling greeted your eyes. 

Splayed out on the other side of the bed, was none other than your co-worker and friend, Geto Suguru. He laid on his stomach, face hiding in his elbow and hair spread out around him. If you weren’t so horrified and confused about everything about this, you would’ve taken a moment to appreciate such a pretty sight. 

You slowly backed out of your bed, trying to piece together the moments before this, but all you could pull from the depths of your memory was going to a bar with Shoko and Utahime. A chill went up your spine and you hurried to check your state of dress. 

Completely clothed, you thought in relief, but you noticed that they certainly weren’t the ones you’d gone out in. What had happened last night? And most importantly, why wasn’t Suguru getting up when it was his phone that was blaring so loudly? 

“Suguru!” You hissed, pushing at his shoulder, a raging headache beginning to take hold of you. Between the hangover that was making itself known, the continuous alarm, and your current situation, you were expecting an awful morning. 

A low groan left him and you paused at the sound. Had his voice always been that deep? Shaking yourself as if to physically rid yourself of your thought process, you pushed at him again. “Wake up, Suguru, your alarm is ridiculous,” You grumbled.

The ravenette didn’t move and, for a moment, you feared that he still wouldn’t wake up until you saw his head move to the side and his eyes peek out from under his hair. “‘Mornin’,” He rasped, lips curving into a smile. 

You had to take a pause, struck by not only his soft smile and morning voice, but the way he was hugging one of your pillows like he belonged there, comfortable in your bed. “Your alarm…” You deflected, covering your face to orient yourself. 

You heard a soft chuckle, some rustling, and then the screaming phone was finally shut off. “What do you remember from last night?” Suguru spoke, sitting up. You shook your head and crossed your arms, still awkward, even in your room. 

“Nothing besides initially going out,” You sighed, still racking your brain. “You’re not going to ask what I’m doing here?” He grinned, running a hand through his hair. You shifted on your feet and shot him a look. 

“I assumed that would go without saying…” Suguru’s grin widened at your words and he cocked his head as if questioning you. “Really? You don’t remember calling me and practically demanding that I come to help you out since apparently your getting black-out drunk was my fault?” 

You could only blink owlishly at him, already mortified because you knew exactly what he was getting at. During work, one of your coworkers had been all over Suguru, although there was obviously something between you two, even if that something was unlabeled. 

When he hadn’t fended her off, but instead indulged in it, you felt jealousy burn hotly in your system, before that gave way to defeat. Shoko had reasoned that the only way to get rid of it was to go out and find your own ‘distraction’. Utahime had largely been against the idea, but she didn’t want to pass up on a fun night, so she opted for being designated driver.  But, clearly, if you ended up with Surguru in your bed with you unable to remember how it had happened, something had gone very wrong. 

You shifted your weight from foot to foot, not at all knowing how to respond to him and his piercing gaze. “At first, I assumed it was drunken ramblings… but it was hard to ignore when you told me that I should only ever flirt with you…” He continued, a teasing lilt to his voice. 

“I didn’t mean to wake you and make you come all the way over here, but-”

“But you were jealous?” Suguru finished, running a hand through his hair, not even trying to bite back his smirk. 

And just like that, the butterflies fluttering in your stomach turned to a lead weight that made you uncomfortable. At first it seemed like Suguru was teasing you, but now it felt as though he was just here to mock you and your feelings. 

“As I was saying,” You muttered, looking away, “I’m sorry you came all the way here, but I’m fine now and you don’t have to stay,” You finished, making your way to your bedroom door to open it. 

“Hey, wait, you’re trying to get rid of me already?” The ravenette called out, catching your wrist in his hand. You just avoided his gaze, not knowing exactly what he was getting at. “You don’t think I’d do this for just anyone do you?” He murmured, stepping closer to you.

“I’m just confused,” You sighed, risking a glance at him. A small smile pulled at his lips and his hand moved from your wrist to your hand. “I should’ve made it clearer, the way I feel about you,” He started, pressing his lips to the palm of your hand.

Your face burned, but you didn’t turn away from his gaze. “Well, how do you feel…?” You asked quietly. His smile widened and he drew you impossibly closer to him. “Knowing that I’ll see you every day, makes waking up in the morning so much easier for me. We’ve been dancing around each other for a while now, but… I want to define what we have. I want you to be mine,” He asserted, his hands snaking around your waist.

The flutters in your chest were back with a vengeance, but before you could let embarrassment take hold, you were grabbing Suguru by his collar. 

His sound of surprise was almost immediately muffled by your lips as you pulled him closer. Words weren’t your strong suit, but you knew there was no way for him to misinterpret your actions. With hardly any hesitation, the ravenette was sinking into the kiss and taking control of it, his arms tightening around you. 

All too soon, however, it was over and you were met with his fond smile. “Can we go back to bed? I think we both deserve it,” He grinned pulling you closer to him. 

And who were you to turn down being held by your new lover?

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10 months ago

𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞

➪ 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐟𝐭. 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨

brief mention of blood + injury

You awoke quickly, eyes snapping open and jumping to sit up, before you could even understand what was going on. You listened, blinking tiredly, trying to discern what had interrupted your sleep.

A persistent knocking echoed through the quietness of your apartment and your eyes narrowed. There was no reason for anyone to be at your door at 2am, but still you hardly hesitated before grabbing your robe and stepping into your slippers.

Narrowed eyes looked through your peephole, but you saw no one. Within a moment your cursed technique was activated and you opened your door.

You hardly had time to react before a weight was falling into you, causing you to stumble back. Violence was your first reaction, but a tuft of white hair disarmed you immediately.


Satoru lay in your arms, eyes scrunched close and blood dripping from his nose. A different sort of panic ran through you and you quickly hauled him into your home.

“Satoru? Shit, are you- what’s going on?” You demanded, gently laying him down on your couch. Despite asking, you had a pretty good idea of what he was experiencing.

His skin boasted a sickly pallor and his face was scrunched in obvious pain, an expression that didn’t fit him at all. Besides his bloody nose (that didn’t look broken) he had no other injuries. External injuries, at least.

“Didn’t know where else t’ go,” he murmured weakly. You sucked in a breath of air as you tried desperately to get him on the couch without hurting him more.

“This is exactly where you should go, baby,” You refuted, laying the sorcerer on the couch, before moving him so he could lay his head on your lap.

He just hummed brokenly as your hands rested in his hair. Your hands glowed blue as you began to gauge and heal the damage to Satoru’s brain.

“Just relax, love. It’ll all be over soon, okay?” You whispered, trying to comfort your distraught lover. True to your words, your reversed technique worked quickly and you could feel his brain repairing itself.

Soon enough, his trembling ceased and his breathing evened out. Satoru blew out a deep breath and his eyes fluttered open, meeting yours.

“Almost done, baby. I have some sweets in the freezer you can have and then how about getting some rest?” You suggested, feeling like you could breathe again. It never got easier seeing him like this, and you were sure it never would.

Satoru always seemed above mortal problems, a god amongst men, but right now, he looked so fragile. Tears brimmed his eyes, drying blood coated the bottom half of his face, and he could hardly talk.

You shut your eyes for a moment, trying to regain control of your emotions. Satoru was fine now. He had come to you, and you had healed him, the same way you would whenever he needed you.

“Stay here, love, I’m going to get you cleaned up, yeah?” You carefully replaced your lap with a pillow before heading to your kitchen first. Digging in the freezer, you found a pack of kikifuku mochi, and you put two on a small plate.

You brought it back to him with a cup of water and you couldn’t miss the shake in his hands as he accepted it, but for his sake, you said nothing and instead laid a gentle kiss on his forehead.

When you came back with a damp towel, the mochi was already gone, unsurprisingly. The normalcy of it made you smile. With a feather light touch, you wiped the blood from his face and you felt him lean into the contact.

“Feeling better?” You asked, setting the towel to the side. Satoru let his eyes close as you held his face in your hands and hummed. “Thank you, for everything,” He whispered hoarsely.

You just smiled fondly before helping him to stand. As you led him to your bedroom, you felt his hand squeeze yours, a gesture of affection that you returned.

The second his head hit the pillow, you could tell how tired he was, not that you didn’t expect as much. Still fighting sleep, Satoru laid a kiss on your palm and whispered a declaration of love into your skin.

Less than an hour earlier, you were overwhelmed with worry for his condition, but now all you felt was an overwhelming love. If Satoru needed peace, you would make sure he could find it in your embrace, no matter what.

requests are open + reblogs are appreciated

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8 months ago

𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞

➪ 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐭. 𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢

warnings: brief, nondescriptive mention of throwing up

a/n: the end feels a little rushed but i've had in this in my drafts forever

A chest-rattling cough left you, one harsh enough that you collapsed backward onto your bed. You were supposed to be doing homework, but you’d had a virtually unshakeable cold, and it was making everything that much more difficult. 

Between classes, exorcizing curses, and extra work, you’d hardly had the time to recover and it had long since begun to take its toll. The buzzing of your phone broke you from your thoughts and you dug it out of your pocket with a pitiful sniffle. 

You weren’t surprised to see the text from your boyfriend, Megumi, especially since you’d been holed up in your room since classes had gotten out hours ago. His text, though short, radiated concern. 

‘Hey, is everything okay w you? You’ve been locking yourself in your room for the last few days… im getting worried.’

Ordinarily, his attention to you would make you swoon, but making him worry was the opposite of what you wanted. What you actually wanted was for your cold to go away quietly without anyone noticing. 

You were busy, but you couldn’t imagine that it compared to what Megumi faced, and you hated the idea of adding another thing to his plate when it was such a minuscule matter.

You quickly typed back a lame excuse about homework and how busy you were before tossing your phone to the other side of the bed. As you curled up with a soft wheeze, you rolled your eyes at the notion of studying. 

At this rate, nothing was getting done until tomorrow, most likely. You let your eyes close, hoping that when you awoke, you’d be feeling better. 


You shot up, wide awake before you could even process the act of waking up. Soft knocking cut through your daze, and you blinked, confused for a new reason. “Yn? Can I come in?” Megumi. Shaking your head to further orient yourself, you responded. “Come in!” 

As the door instantly realized that shaking your head had only made you more dizzy, but you didn’t have time to dwell on that now that your lover was already walking up to you. 

“Yn? I brought you some snacks and stuff… you’ve been really busy and I don’t remember you getting dinner,” Megumi murmured, holding out an adorable basket of fruits, crackers, a blanket, and face masks. 

You momentarily forgot your illness and quickly stood up to throw your arms around the ravenette’s neck. “You’re too sweet, love, I really appreciate it,” You grinned, leaning into him. Without even seeing his face, you knew that his cheeks were tinted pink as he held you close, but it only made him more endearing.

“It’s nothing,” he smiled, pulling away, “what are you working on?” You accepted the basket and turned to gesture to your (forgotten) work when it hit you. 

A wave of nausea washed over you, causing your head to spin and your stomach to churn. “Yn? Are you-” Before Megumi could even finish, you were stumbling over to your trashcan, bile rising quickly in your throat. 

You hardly made it in time, dropping to your knees just as you began to heave. Footsteps echoed behind you and then hands were holding back your hair and rubbing your back. 

“Shit, you’re okay, just breathe, love,” Megumi whispered, fear seeping into his voice. After what felt like an eternity the ordeal was over and you slumped backward into your boyfriend’s waiting arms. He tucked you into his chest and gently wiped your face with a tissue.

“Hey, hey, eyes on me, yeah?” He soothed, caressing your cheek, but his face turned stricken. “You’re burning up… have you been sick?” 

You averted your gaze, shame burning through you at not only throwing up in front of Megumi but also how quickly he saw right through you. “Just a little under the weather,” You mumbled, “I’m sorry you had to see that,” You added quietly.

Megumi scoffed, but not unkindly. “You should’ve told me, love. Have you taken anything? Well, I guess you haven’t since you haven’t even eaten,” He answered himself, looking right through you. “How long have you been feeling like this?” He asked suspiciously. 

You hesitated, but his eyes narrowed and you knew that there was no point in lying. “About a week,” You revealed. “That long-! Yn, why didn’t you say anything?” Megumi rushed, conflicted about what to do. 

“It’s just… everyone’s busy and has stuff to worry about, y’know? I didn’t want to add another thing to your plate. It really isn’t that big of a deal, I promise,” You insisted. 

“‘Not a big deal’?” Megumi echoed, frowning deeply, “Yn, you just threw up after being sick for a week. You don’t have to hide this stuff, especially not from me, okay? I don’t want you to be suffering all by yourself.” 

Not giving you a chance to make another excuse, he easily moved you to your bed and carefully laid you down. Guilt began to sit in your stomach like a pit as you watched Megumi mutter under his breath, no doubt creating a plan to help you.

“I don’t want to lecture you, especially not when you’re feeling like this, but… I don’t want you to think for a second that you’re just ‘another thing on my plate’,” Megumi started, lithe fingers caressing your cheek, “you’re my priority, always, I want to help you as much as I possibly can because I truly care about you, more than you can possibly understand,” He finished, leaning closer to you. 

You felt your cheeks warm and you nodded in understanding. “Sorry for disappearing on you,” You murmured. Still, Megumi looked somewhat relieved as he brushed a cool hand across your forehead. 

“I’m just glad I know now… stay put, I’m going to grab a couple things,” He mumbled, already heading toward the door. As much as you felt slightly guilty to derail his day, you couldn’t deny that it was nice to have him take care of you. 

A couple of minutes passed, and you felt your eyelids begin to grow heavy and you were losing the battle against sleep. 

Just when you were about to truly give in to your exhaustion, a damp, cool towel was placed on your forehead. Your eyes blinked open, meeting familiar ones. “Feel good?” He questioned quietly. You nodded, lost in a deep yawn. 

“I brought some medicine for you to take, and then you can get some rest, okay?” Megumi decided, opening a small pill bottle. You sighed but relented and accepted the large-ish capsule and the glass of juice with a small ‘thanks’.

You quickly downed them both, but you couldn’t stop yourself from making a face at the gross aftertaste, to which Megumi let out a quiet laugh. “Not too much,” You huffed, but pulled him by the arm, contradicting your words. 

“Want me to stay while you rest?” He asked, sitting beside you on the bed. A resounding ‘yes’ rested on the tip of your tongue, but you didn’t want to essentially trap him here, especially if he had other tasks to attend to. 

“I don’t mind, I’m kind of tired myself,” He added reassuringly. You pursed your lips, but when the back of his hand carefully caressed your cheek, the rest of your resolve crumbled. “If you insist,” You grinned.

The ravenette rolled his eyes, but joined you beneath the covers, nonetheless. For a few seconds, the two of you maneuvered around until you were comfortably tucked away in his chest. 

Megumi’s lips pressed against your forehead for a long moment and he held you closer to himself. “You’re important to me, okay? I want to be the first person you come to when things happen,” He whispered. 

You finally felt yourself truly relax now that you were right where you belonged. You managed a whispered ‘I love you’ before you succumbed to your exhaustion.

requests are open and reblogs are appreciated!

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1 year ago

Nanami Kento - FanBehavior

Nanami Kento - FanBehavior

Warnings: None

One shot of Nanami because I was listening to fan behavior by Isaac Dunbar and he immediately popped into my head

Nanami has a fan club, yep that’s right, a fan club. One which you as his s/o didn’t know about till now. The only reason you found out was because of Gojo Satoru, an old friend of yours.

Needless to say, Satoru was very annoyed at the lack of a fan club for him.

“How come he gets a fan club? I’m much better looking than he is, don’t you think n/n?” Satoru whined.

You were on your way to find Kento to have lunch with him and found Satoru on your way, who insisted on tagging along.

“Do you think I could get in to his fan club?” You wondered out loud, shocking Gojo.

“Hey! N/n! You’re supposed to be on my side!” You let out a slight laugh at Gojo’s childish behavior.

“Why can’t both of you have fan clubs?”

“That’s a great idea! N/n I’m appointing you as president of my fan club.”

“Sure you are” You replied, speeding up your pace slightly.

Gojo got sidetracked by a student of his and continued yelling after you until you were out of earshot. Laughing at Satoru’s antics you finally reached your lovely boyfriend’s office. Shocked by what you saw.

There was not one, but three girls all confessing their love to Kento. You decided to wait a bit before interfering. He rejected them all, but only two of them left. One stayed and tried to force herself onto your boyfriend. She kissed him.

Annoyed you walked over to them, Kento had already shoved her off of him even before he noticed you, her gaudy red lipstick smudged against his lips. Absolutely pissed now you walked over to Kento and kissed him hard on the lips.

A whistle left Gojo’s mouth, interrupting the kiss between you and Kento as you turned to the doorway where he was leaning. You glared at him slightly. Gojo raised his hands in innocence.

“By all means, continue the face sucking. I’ll get the girl out of here.” Gojo grabbed the suprisingly strong girl and took the girl out of the office. Finally letting you two be alone.

“Your fan club is insane sweetheart”

“I know,” Kento replied as he picked up his car keys from his desk, “how about you we go somewhere nice for lunch?”

Agreeing, you both walk out to his car hand in hand. You decided if that’s how they’re going to be, you don’t need to be in his fan club. Not with that fan behavior.

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