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5 years ago

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5 months ago

What is Spiritual Warfare and how to overcome it with the help of God?

• Spiritual warfare is the idea that there's a battle going on between good and evil forces. In Christianity, this means a fight between God and His angels against the devil and his demons. It mainly happens in our minds, hearts, and spirits. It’s about resisting bad thoughts, temptations, and influences that go against what God wants for us. Though we believe that Jesus has indeed already defeated Satan by dying on the cross and coming back to life, the enemy still tries to lead us to sin in order to push us away from God, thus spiritual warfare.

• “Symptoms” vary since the devil attacks you where it hurts the most, to make you as vulnerable as possible; but here are some of the most common ones:

- believing that your not worthy of having a relationship with God or talking to God therefore feeling the need to distance yourself from him

-self destructive / sabotage / harm temptations

-paranoia / overthinking

-strong headaches / body aches

-temptations towards sin such as lust, gluttony, laziness, anger.. etc, depends on your weaknesses

-self hatred & self doubt / doubt in faithfulness

-hopelessness, fear, anxiety

-random depressive moods & replaying bad memories … the list goes on!

• Living a life more aligned with God’s will is seen as a threat to Satan and his purposes, leading to increased attempts to discourage or derail one’s faith journey. With a deeper relationship with God often comes a greater sense of purpose and mission, attracting more challenges and obstacles from evil forces trying to prevent one from fulfilling God’s plans. Our Father allows these intensified battles to refine and strengthen our faith, helping us rely more on Him and grow spiritually.

• Here are some bible verses that may help you during those tough times battling spiritual warfare :

-Corinthians 10:13

- Psalm 91

-Ephesians 6:11-18

-Isaiah 54:17

-Galatians 5:17-26

- Peter 5:8-9

-Romans 8:37-39

-Luke 10:19

-James 4:7

-John 16:33

-Deuteronomy 3:22

-Matthew 4:10-11

• Let me know if you’d be interested in me posting those verses and talking about some of them with you guys, sort of like a bible study kind of thing. It’d be a pleasure ;)

Have a blessed day 💞💓👼🏻

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2 years ago
There Once Was A Popular Movement Of Athletes Kneeling Before A Game To Signal Their Devotion To A Cause.

There once was a popular movement of athletes kneeling before a game to signal their devotion to a cause. This was a voluntary act of the will, and no one required them to do it.

However as today’s verses all reaffirm, someday we will ALL kneel. For some it will be VOLUNTARY in devotion to Christ, but for others it will be MANDATORY in recognition to those that refused to give devotion to something eternally greater when they had the chance.

You see, you can choose to KNEEL NOW to Christ of your own free will and recognize Him for who He is, or you can choose not to, only to realize too late that He is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

Friend, that day when all will kneel WILL COME. For those kneeling in adoration, it will be a time of great joy, for those out of obligatory acknowledgement, kneeling will be unimaginably more sorrowful.

Friend, make the decision Today to where your devotion lies! Kneel to Christ as your KING OF KINGS — to Him who is indeed the LORD OF LORDS.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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6 years ago

Deus é bom...

Não volte para Deus com medo das consequências dos seus erros, com medo de Deus castigá-lo e nem por medo do que está por vir. O Senhor não é opressor e nem malvado. Ele é justo e bom. Porém, volte para Deus pelo medo de deixar de ser amigo dEle, por Amor a agradar e fazer a vontade dEle.

" Examinemos seriamente o que temos feito e voltemos para o Senhor. "

Lamentações 3:40

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10 months ago

God wants a real relationship with you!! How can you grow in your faith?

God Wants A Real Relationship With You!! How Can You Grow In Your Faith?

(all photos above are mine) “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16 (kjv)

God Wants A Real Relationship With You!! How Can You Grow In Your Faith?

God is Good!! Jesus Christ literally died on the cross, while thinking of you. He never judges you ever. He loves you even when you take His kindness for granted. He gives you strength to push through everyday. He is there for you, even when you don’t feel Him with you. He cares for you when no one else does. He understands you without you even saying anything. He sees the good and how worthy you are, when you don’t. He knows you’re in pain, despite that fake smile you put on. He knows you’re trying extremely hard. He loves you more than anyone ever could. He knows you more than you know yourself. He, our Father created you beautifully. He, the Father gave his only Son for you. He cares and loves you. He, the Lord is good.

Follow His Commands!! God does so much for you and continues to do more. The greatest thing you could do to repay Him, is to follow Him and His commands. Follow in His plan, not your plans. The difference between God’s plan and our plans is that we have backups. God doesn’t have backups for us, He already knows what is right for us. He already knows what is good and bad for us. He knows your true potential, you don’t. His commands will bring you peace. His commands will change your heart for the better. His commands will lead you to the goodness of God. Now, following God’s commands is hard for everyone. I know personally, I struggle everyday with following His commands. I also know that God never said it would be easy following Him. Yet, He is still with me every step of the way in my journey. So, try to remember that He will always be there for you. He will always be cheering you on.

Spend Genuine Time with Him!! God wants you to give Him your heart. He wants your love, your heart, your time. He wants to have a real, deep, connection with you. Overall, He wants a real relationship with you. He wants to be your best friend! Spend time with Him like He’s your best friend. Have fun with Him like an innocent & pure child. Give Him little hauls of what you buy. Show Him your morning/night routine. Tell him about random stuff. Talk to Him like He’s your best friend. Laugh with Him like He’s your best friend. Spend all night on “call” with Him like He’s your best friend. Although, still keep in mind He is your Lord and you still should fear Him.

Why Most People Are Scared to Follow God!! A lot of people are scared to serve God. This is because many don’t want to surrender to Him. They don’t want to give Him their heart, mind, body, etc. It sounds terrifying to a lot of people. It may even sound scary to you reading this. Although, my way of thinking is that He technically already has control over it all. I mean, God did create you and give you your everything. He just gave you a choice for you to surrender or not. He gave you freedom to do whatever. So, if you think about it, the difference is not huge. He gave you everything.

Reminder: Don’t forget to repent because of God’s kindness and that Jesus loves you💗

I love you so much dolls!! Remember that God is always with you and to stay pretty (you already are) 💗🎀✝️

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” - John 4:7 (kjv)

God Wants A Real Relationship With You!! How Can You Grow In Your Faith?

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4 years ago
New Video: The Bible Is Not Just Another Book | LINK TO VIDEO ---> Https://

New video: The Bible Is Not Just Another Book | LINK TO VIDEO --->

Please check out today's upload. Leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. Subscribe, like, and share. Click the link above

#Bible #HolySpirit #Scripture #WordofGod #Jesus

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5 months ago

Wednesday Service Heart Highlights:

September 18th, 2024


John 10:10 AMP

"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]."

Church Service Highlight:

It is a promise to us from Jesus Himself, to have a life that is overflowing!

So, if it concerns us, it concerns Him! God does NOT want us to struggle. (1 Peter 5:7)

Jesus came so that through Him, we would have a relationship with Him- So we could walk in freedom with Him- So we could live in the abundant life that He paid for and made a way for us to walk in...with Him.

He loves you, and has great plans for you. Plans filled of HIS mighty love and goodness. He will show you the way if you allow Him to. ❤️

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