Christmas Traditions - Tumblr Posts
I want to write a Christmas fluff one-shot with Danny introducing the YJ cartoon version of M'gann and Conner to some Christmas traditions because M'gann asked him nicely, and this boy is weak to pretty girls asking him nicely (or not) to do stuff. However, he would draw a line on Santa. Sorry, not sorry. I'm just not sure how he would do it, so help me decide.
Option two means that Santa is like this goat that gets burned.
Also, I kinda struggle as a Catholic-raised European because I have no idea what my traditions are also things he would introduce. Like, do you American atheists have Christmas Eve big dinner? If yes, then you probably don't have 'no meat' rule cause it's Catholic tradition and in historically more protestant countries it's not a thing but then what do you eat? When do you exchange presents? Do you wait for the first star to begin celebrations?
There are some of my traditions I can rule out, but still, I struggle.
So, my dear American or at least more knowledgeable reader, what's YOUR favourite Christmas tradition that Danny could introduce his alien friends to?
Write in the comments I beg you
Also, Merry Christmas if you celebrate it. All the best for you
Ooh okay so I’ve been thinking, and hear me out. I know Spike has adapted and become pretty thoroughly modern and Punk Rock and all that, but never forget that, as a human, he was a Victorian gentleman. So, I like to imagine that every once in a while, he does these random little Victorian things, like sending Buffy a truly weird Christmas card like one of the above or wanting to tell a spooky Christmas Eve ghost story.
Granted, in life, proper little aspiring Romantic Poet* William said he didn’t like to discuss “dark, ugly business”^ such as the “rash of disappearances” that had been going around town (spoiler alert: the ones caused by the vampires that were soon to turn him, but I digress) so maybe that suggests he wasn’t the biggest fan of the Christmas Eve ghost story before his turning--although it’s also possible he simply wasn’t big on true crime (nor the people telling it, since they often made fun of his poetry) but he was still down for a spooky story enchantingly spun on a dark night by the fireplace; I know we don’t get a ton of pre-turn William--but either way, after becoming a vampire and thus becoming into Dark, Edgy Things, I’m convinced he would have loved a scary Christmas Eve ghost story, and I like to imagine he carried that forward with him even after getting into the Ramones and Nirvana and hair dye. And whatever Passions is; I should really look that up. Huh, I guess it’s basically just a soap opera. But in any case, we know the guy likes to tell a good spooky story, like that time when Dawn comes to visit him and he’s regaling her with his own gruesome exploits, so we know he has a talent for suspenseful tale-telling. Even after getting his soul back, I don’t think that storyteller aspect of him goes away (although he probably prefers fictional stories to his personal history now).
So, one year, Buffy gets a Christmas card with an illustration of Santa stuffing a kid into his sack or frogs falling on ice, and on the back there’s an invitation to Christmas Eve ghost stories in Spike’s crypt (does he move back into a crypt? I’m just into season 7 now and he’s living at Xander’s at the moment but I do still picture him in his crypt) and anyways I miiight have to write this fic now if I can get around to it. As much as I love punk rock Spike, I still want him to be a little Victorian sometimes :)
*I know he’s technically from after the Romantic Era proper--he was born shortly after it ended if you take Wikipedia’s end date of 1850 and consider that he was I think 26 when he was turned in 1880 (which is firmly in the Victorian era)--but I still feel like Romantic Poet is what he was aspiring to be.
^I looked up a transcript for the quotes; thanks go to this site
P.S. Along these lines, I’ve also been thinking about whether Spike would go Christmas Caroling. I do very much doubt that soulless vampire Spike ever would, but I’m fairly confident that pre-turn William would do it happily; so, my question is, would now-reensouled Spike be willing to go caroling, or would he still be too Edgy? These are the real questions about Buffy’s soul lore we should be asking, haha.
Victorian Christmas cards were bonkers

My favorite Fairy Tail and Ballet The Nutcracker.