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My own sleeping beauty (Chrollo-Fluff)
Today is just a day where you don´t want to leave your bed, where simply getting out of bed is a horrible task, where brushing your teeth seems impossible, where the thought of eating breakfast makes you sick because you'd have to get out of bed first.
And you know you have to get up because it´s not healthy to let your depression wash all over you again and chain you to your bed to rot. But you just can't help it. You really can't. So to tune your negative thoughts off, you simply turn to the other side and shut your eyes for another dreamless nap. You already know that it´ll leave you even more exhausted than now.
After some time, you´re being woken up by your boyfriend, who is gently stroking your hair and calling your name. Lazily, you turn to your back to look at him while mentally scolding yourself for spending the whole day sleeping.
"Good morning, my dear," he chuckles. "Or should I say good evening?" You can´t help but feel guilty for doing nothing productive today. Starting to hate yourself for being like this then hating on yourself again for feeling so much hate for your own brain, which is a never ending cycle of growing hate towards you.
"Sorry, I should have made dinner for us since you´ve been working this whole week while I´ve been at home doing nothing." You slowly sit yourself up and try to rub the sleep out of your eyes, feeling ashamed. "I just don´t know what´s wrong with me. I can´t even say that I´ve rested well," you feel the tears welling in your eyes as you explain yourself to your boyfriend, "I dont know why this keeps happening to me like last week I've been doing so well but now I have this urge to isolate myself and rot away in my bed... I'm sorry."
Chrollo knows that you sometimes struggle with your mental health which worries him a lot when he's not with you. Thinking and researching of ways to help you like buying you a nice bullet journal for to-do lists or hiding little self-written poems so that when you do something like cooking you'd find it inbetween the plates. But even those are sometimes not enough.
Now that you´re sitting he lets his hand slide down to cup your cheek and says"My love, there is nothing to feel guilty about. I won´t judge you for you are only human too" He then grabs you gently by your waist and pulls you onto his lap so that he can embrace you. "Even if you were to sleep all year long I´d not leave your side," he whispers while rubbing your back. "You are like my own sleeping beauty, who only awakens with the gentle touch of true love".
His words never fail to fluster you, leaving you wondering how he can still be in love with you even though you can be such a mess sometimes. Overwhelmed by his statement, you can´t find the right words to say something back, so you just sigh and lean your head in the crook of his neck.
Suddenly he stands up with you in his arms "How does a bath together sound to you, my dear?" Without waiting for your answer he proceeds to walk to your shared bathroom and put you down on the closed toilet so that he can prepare the bath. While the tub is filling up with water, Chrollo gives you a gentle kiss on your forehead and instructs you to wait there for him.
While he was gone, you forced yourself to stand up and brush your teeth then to throw a bath ball into the now full tub. Chrollo enters the bathroom again with fresh clothes for you and him in his hand and smiles lovingly as he sees you. He puts the clothes on the washing machine and helps you out of your pajama.
After helping you into the bathtub he takes off his outfit as well and puts it with your clothes in the basket. Chrollo then sits down behind you in the bathtub while grabbing the sponge and gently cleaning your back. "My beloved, I´m so proud of you" he whispers, "Despite your own mind turning against you, you have not given up. And I admire you for that, my love," he puts the sponge away and starts washing your hair with soft and gentle motions.
"For most people, waking up with energy and self-love is a given. But not for you - you have to struggle with your own thoughts and mind everyday." He takes your jaw into his hand and slightly turns it to him so that he can give you a soft kiss on the temple, "But my dear, you are still standing strong and fighting. So I can´t help but be proud of you, my precious angel."
Yandere Alphabet w/ Chrollo Lucilfer

Affection — how do they show their love and affection?
He lets you go outside and take you wherever you want. He will always be by your side with his arm or hand on you.
Blood — how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Very messy. If anyone disrespects you or touches you (besides troupe members) he will either send the troupe to kill them or go after them himself. And it won't be quick it will be long and painful.
Cruelty — how would they treat their darling once abducted?
He would isolate you from the outside world an the only people you can see is him and the troupe. He is a bit condescending but he cares for you <3
Darling — aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He tries not to but he would. He would invade your space even if you told him off. He would forcefully kiss you, I can kinda see himself forcing himself on you but h really wouldn't want to.
Exposed — how vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Not vulnerable. No matter how long you've been together you will never see him open up. He may show you 'sympathy' when your crying or felling down.
Fight — how would they feel if their darling fought back?
He wouldn't like it at all. He wants you to submit to him so you fighting back against him is upsetting. He grows angry and upset but doesn't show it. He'll just have to chain you up to the bed <3
Game — is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It's not a game to him. He loves you in his own special way so you trying to escape upsets him. But it's not like you have many chances to escape since he watches you whenever he can or one of the troupe members.
Hell — what would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When you pushed him over the edge and he hurt you. He chained you up so you couldn't move and blind folded you and plugged your ears so you couldn't hear or see what was happening around you. He left you there for a couple days and then came back to check on you. You didn't do whatever you did to upset him after that.
Ideals — what kind of future do they have in mind for their darling?
You, him, and the troupe being together as a big family. Somewhere where you have everything and no one can touch you.
Jealousy — do they get jealous? How do they handle it?
He's not so much jealous just possessive. Someone is talking to you that's cool, he's just gonna walk behind you and wrap an arm around your waist and give a friendly glare to them.
Kisses — how do they act around or with their darling?
He's loving in private and most of the time in public. He usually will have you sit on his lap while he reads. Whispers dirty or sweet things in your ear no matter where or who your with. But sometimes when he has to he can be a little harsh and condescending.
Love letters — how would they go about approaching their darling?
Try the normal way like taking you on dates and stuff. If that doesn't work he's gonna break into your home in the middle of the night and take you. He'll bring some of your stuff so you don't feel too lonely of!
Mask — are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
A little yeah. Around som people he can be more harsh and cold. Like with the troupe he cares deeply for and has a soft side but doesn't show it too much. But with you he shows it more and is much more nicer if you behave well.
Naughty — how would they punish their darling?
Isolation and stripping you of your senses. Nothing worse than not having anyone to talk to and not being able to see, hear, or move. On top of that not being able to eat or drink. Also in isolation you would be on the complete dark and it will be freezing cold with nothing to warm yourself.
Oppression — how many rights would they take away from their darling?
Most of your rights. I mean it's not like you need them.
Patience — how patient are they with their darling?
He's pretty patient. He understands that you may be distressed and scared. He'll give you as much time as you need to warm up to him.
Quite — if their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If darling dies he'll shed a tear and tear a city up like he did with Uvo. He will be upset I mean he's the leader of the phantom troupe how could he let this happen? If they leave/escape he'll search for you with the troupe's help and you it won't be pretty for you if they find you.
Regret — would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling?
No. Why would he feel bad?
Stigma — what brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
I can't really say 😭 It could be childhood considering it wasn't good but I don't want to say it was that. I wanna say its because in his eyes if he wants something he's going to take it. (God Chrollo why do you have to be so complex)
Tears — how do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He doesn't want to hear you scream at him or yell and fight back. He would hate for you to isolate yourself but it wouldn't really work because he'll just force himself in your space.
Unique — would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Well he isn't near you 24/7 because of troupe business and doesn't show his obsession but don't be fooled your always on his mind.
Vice — what weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
The fact y'all don't stay in the same place long and Chrollo can get really busy. But someone in the troupe is watching over you when possible so 🤷🏻♀️
Wit’s end — would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes. If you didn't listen to him or fighting back against him and the troupe or disrespecting the troupe.
Xoanon — how much would they revere or worship their darling?
He doesn't so much worship you but he does think of you highly. Out of everyone he choose you because you were better than the rest.
Yearn — how long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
If you catch his eye then he'll take you. It may take 2 weeks or 2 days but if he wants you he's going to have you.
Zenith — would they ever break their darling?
He probably would but he wouldn't enjoy it. He wished you were compliant on your own and you still kept your shine but if push comes to shove then he has no choice.
I'm not gonna lie I was struggling with this lmao. Like for me he's complicated to write and so he might be ooc but I tried 😭