Claudia Eparvier - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Interview With The Vampire Relationship as Greek Mythology

Claudia and Madeleine as Orpheus and Erudice

Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology
Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology

Lestat and Nicholas as Apollo and Hyacinth

Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology
Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology

Louis and Armand as Odysseus and Calypso

Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology
Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology

Armand and Daniel as Eros and Pysche

Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology
Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology

Lestat and Armand as Theseus and Ariadne

Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology
Interview With The Vampire Relationship As Greek Mythology

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I wonder what this will say for Daniel.

*taps mic* is this thing on? Yeah okay so every vampire in the vampire chronicles is turned at critical a moment in their lives and beyond just the body they are in when they are turned, their mentality stays at that standstill for their entire immortality, Lestat was turned against his will, he was clinging onto Magnus begging him to be freed, so he’s constantly seeking freedom and only finding loneliness and thus turning back to people again and again, however he can’t STAND being told what to do, since he desires agency in his life so desperately, Armand was turned after years and years of abuse and lack of control but such a desire for genuine love, by a man he ‘loved’ so wholly who he felt was barring his love from him, he needs control in his life, he needs a ‘master’ but he does not desire it, it does not fulfill him, he is trapped in a room but the door is unlocked! Louis was mourning his brother, he felt like an utter failure and so he’s always seeking family, seeking people he can care for, he can coddle, he can prove he is good too, but he loves people who either cannot stand coddeling and need a sense of looseness to live (Lestat) or people who grow out of coddling who prove to Louis he will always fail the people he loves (Claudia), Claudias turning, in many MANY ways mirrors lestats in that it was against her will, she was stolen from her home, and in her immortality she desires freedom but unlike Lestat does not have the agency/ form to get it, she will always be small, she will always be looked down on, even by Lestat who cannot deny how much she is just like him *taps mic* ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!! NONE OF THEM CAN BREAK THE CYCLE!!! TO BREAK IT WOULD BE TO UNDO THE VERY FIBER OF THEIR IMMORTAL SELVES!! THE CYCLE IS THE BLOOD THEY DRINK IT IS THE HEART IN THEIR CHEST AND IT ROLLS AND ROLLS DOWN THE MOUNTAINS AND VALLEYS OF THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND IT CAN NEVER BE STOPPED BECAUSE THEY WILL NEVER STOP LOVING EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It lacks a soul. It lacks a Claudia :((((((

kind of want daniel's interview with the vampire book to be bad, not like quality wise or whatever, but just that it's unable to capture something he had in his previous works. the show and books have a theme of vampires being unable to make 'good' art that captures the human experience: marius and his paintings, louis and his art, lestat and his music lmao. daniel bases a lot of his identity on the idea that he's a "bright young reporter with a point of view", but does that still apply when he gets turned into a vampire? really like the idea that the book is well written but is still not quite Right because it's made by someone so detached from his humanity, like it doesn't have the same quality that had louis memorizing every line from his memoir

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5 months ago

Claudia is so relatable, she was failed by both of her parents, both of them doomed her the moment they turned her, both of them equally responsible for it. Her diaries being read, the violation, the humiliation, her standing up on her feet in rebellion, looking the fuckass audience right in the eye despite being injured. Her rage, her bravery and her attempt to hold her lover as she herself turns to dust, no cries or screams, her looking her father right in his eyes as she seeks comfort and at the same time forces him to face his failure. Went out like a bright light, our spark in the dark....

Claudia you'll always be loved and admired by all the first born daughters and women ❤

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8 months ago
Their First Moment In The Show Together. I Just Love How Claudia Looks At Her.
Their First Moment In The Show Together. I Just Love How Claudia Looks At Her.

their first moment in the show together. i just love how claudia looks at her.

im so obsessed with claudia and madeleine. i love them and episode 7 didn’t happen, okay?

(also i will be posting a bunch of screenshots from their scenes and just claudia stuff in general, cause she’s my favorite)

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8 months ago
This Scene Is Ingrained In My Brain (all Of Their Scenes Are, But Yeah)
This Scene Is Ingrained In My Brain (all Of Their Scenes Are, But Yeah)
This Scene Is Ingrained In My Brain (all Of Their Scenes Are, But Yeah)
This Scene Is Ingrained In My Brain (all Of Their Scenes Are, But Yeah)
This Scene Is Ingrained In My Brain (all Of Their Scenes Are, But Yeah)
This Scene Is Ingrained In My Brain (all Of Their Scenes Are, But Yeah)

this scene is ingrained in my brain (all of their scenes are, but yeah)

i’m just posting a bunch of screenshots in case anyone was looking for them and couldn’t find them. if you have a scene you’re looking for you can just send me a message and i’ll see what i can do.

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8 months ago
I Just Love The Way They Look At Each Other!! They Are Everything And More To Me, Like Just Look At Them
I Just Love The Way They Look At Each Other!! They Are Everything And More To Me, Like Just Look At Them
I Just Love The Way They Look At Each Other!! They Are Everything And More To Me, Like Just Look At Them
I Just Love The Way They Look At Each Other!! They Are Everything And More To Me, Like Just Look At Them
I Just Love The Way They Look At Each Other!! They Are Everything And More To Me, Like Just Look At Them
I Just Love The Way They Look At Each Other!! They Are Everything And More To Me, Like Just Look At Them

i just love the way they look at each other!! they are everything and more to me, like just look at them looking at each other. also i added the last claudia pic cause shes so beautiful and stunning and the most amazing vampire and girl ever.

also i need claudia to haunt everyone next season and just be pissed. thats all i want. cause like, not only did she lose her life but also the love of her life and she is bound to be pissed off at everyone (armand im looking at you specifically). she deserves to be a ghost and mess with people, its what she would’ve wanted.

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