Clockwork Fanart - Tumblr Posts
It makes me think of Undertale and I love it


Clocky 4 The Boyssss!!!!
Drew this fella bc I felt like it
Clockwork Headcanons
Natalie Ouellettes past, upbringing, pre-murder headcanons.
CW: mentions of sexual abuse (I go into light detail about the abuse and the abusers mindset), domestic violence, gore, trauma, human experimentation
<NOTE> Same thing as the Ticci Toby headcanons, its a bit of a rewrite and I tried to keep the story realistic. Its not proofread so ignore typos and grammatical errors. Also again as a major warning, I went into some detail about Clockworks sexual trauma with her brother as I feel it does play a major part to her character and the reason why she developed the way she did. I have trigger warnings on the parts so you can skip it. Its very long because I have a lot of thoughts about her character. Enjoy 🔥
PATIENT NAME: Natalie Ouellette
BIRTHDATE: November 6th, 1996
AGE: Currently 18 years old
HC/EC: Brown hair, green eyes
ETHNICITY: White Canadian
BIRTHPLACE: Windsor, Ontario
FAMILY: Mary-Beth Ouellette (mother), David Ouellette (father), Lucas Ouellette (brother)
DIAGNOSIS: Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, suspected/untreated Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)
Natalie grew up in a small trailer park. Her family was dirt broke, her father would blow all their money on booze and gambling
The financial situation in her household contributed significantly to her parents stress and fighting. Rarely was there ever a moment of peace
She would often make careless mistakes as any young child would like wetting the bed, drawing on walls, accidentally breaking things
And every time she made a mistake, she wasn’t simply taught how to do better, she was berated and ruthlessly beat by her father
Her childhood was unstable, to say the least. Natalies parents were more like enemies than they were caregivers.
She spent her peak developmental years being severely neglected and made to feel small and powerless.
At home she would spend her time alone in her room to hide away from the fighting between her parents or the random rants her drunken father would go on
She would get into the habit of running away just to spend some quiet time at the park by her house, anything to escape the chaos of her everyday life
At such a young age she didn’t know why she was so angry at the world. And at such a young age she would act out for attention and struggle with morals, empathy and societal norms as a result of never being taught any better
Her and her brother were severely emotionally neglected and grew up very poor, barely having food to eat or clean clothes to wear. This resulted to her being ostracized from her peers early on
David Ouellette was a lazy, drunk, mean old man. He spent his life as a bully and would pick on anyone who challenged his authority, even his own children
He wasn’t afraid to use fear and violence to make his family obey. The man didn’t care who he hurt as long as he got his way
And this man regretted having children every single day of his life. He viewed them as burdens, a curse, and something he wasted his life on.
This included Natalie, who developed oppositional behavioural issues early on in defiance to her fathers abuse
Natalie had a mouth on her. She would talk back, make sarcastic or snarky remarks, boss other kids around. She would fight tooth and nail against her father for a sliver of power in her otherwise powerless life
And David hated being talked down to by a cocky brat like her. So over the years David would repeatedly beat his daughter into shape by grabbing her, hitting her with objects, slapping her, pushing and any other means to his ends of regaining control
Despite this strained relationship where the two would constantly fight for power, Natalie was a daddys girl. They developed a strange, twisted understanding in each other
David worked as a local trucker, but he ran a side hustle of repairing clocks. The man was a piece of shit and honestly a bit dumb when it came to booksmarts but he was good with his hands and a tinkerer
Her father was a classic trailer trash hick. He loved and owned guns, and would sometimes take his children out hunting. The only praise and a semblance of affection Natalie would receive from her father was when she was taking the life of another living being
Natalies mother was an unstable woman. She was very passive-aggressive and unpredictable in her parenting going from caring to cold in an instant
She was very controlling over her children, often resorting to berating and insulting Natalie to get her to act how she wanted
Mary-Beth spent her life chasing the teenage dream she never got when she was younger, and tried to project through her daughter
When she was a young child, Natalie learned quickly that her mother didn’t care about anybody but herself. Mary-Beth was a bitter woman, always playing the victim, and would die before ever admitting she was wrong
Even though her relationship with her father was bad, the girls relationship with her mother was worse. Davids abuse was in response to his children acting out of line, meanwhile her mother was unnecessarily critical, argumentative, and emotional
On multiple occasions her mother would leave the house in a dramatic fit as if she desired to be chased after. The woman would act out like a child and expect everyone to cater to her
And Natalie was never good enough for Mary-Beth. She wasn’t polite enough, smart enough, skinny enough. There was absolutely no pleasing her mother.
The only person Natalie relied on in her life was her brother, Lucas. He was 4 and a half years older than her but it was that sort of quiet understanding between two children in such a hostile household
Despite their arguments and lack of true bond, the young girl felt safe with her older brother and always tried to impress him. All she wanted was the approval of some dominant figure in her life, and she certainly wasn’t getting it from her parents
Lucas was a strange boy. He was the anxious type who harboured a lot of internalized anger, especially towards his mother.
He was an outcast at school and similarly to his sister, he felt powerless in his life. The boy picked up on his mothers passive-aggressive traits and his fathers entitlement
As he grew and developed, so did his hunger for control and power. He wanted to degrade, assault, and dominate something in his life to make up for the lack of confidence
When Natalie was 9 years old, Lucas would begin to sexually abuse her.
The one person in her life that understood and felt the same pain she did turned on her. She was scared, ashamed, confused.
Repeatedly Lucas would approach his sister and assault her in various ways with little to no regard of the consequences or moral implications. He was desperate and even though it hurt her, it felt good to him.
Natalie was too young to even know what was happening to her, all she knew was that it felt bad and she felt violated. She knew something was wrong.
Soon enough, the girl felt she had no choice but to confide in her peers. One day at recess she approached a girl named Mia and her friends, a group of girls Natalie wasn’t really friends with but was acquainted enough to talk to
And from there she told them everything as best as she could, even if she got choked up and didn’t make much sense. The girl barely even made sense of it herself.
It felt lighter to get it off her chest, maybe if she could gain the courage to tell her parents the abuse would stop. Maybe everything was going to work out.
But the next day Natalie woke up to messages on sites like Facebook and MySpace. Degrading comments about her being an incest freak, a whore, gross, disgusting, weird, used. Who does that with their brother?
The bullying and degradation from her peers who now saw her as a disgusting weirdo would follow her up until high school
And for four years she would come home from school and be abused in the worst, most violating way by her own kin. And for four years she kept everything inside of her. She just kept quiet and didn’t dare to tell a soul ever again.
Eventually, she gained the courage to tell Lucas no, and firmly reject his advances. After that she was finally free, as much as a girl drowning in her own household could be.
In high school, Natalie did well for herself. Her grades were good, she calmed down a ton, and she didn’t bother making close friends but she got herself a boyfriend named Chris
Chris was a nice boy, but he came from a good, well-off family. He wasn’t the type to even begin to understand the things Natalie thought or had been through.
Throughout the years, Natalie had grown fond of things of the morbid nature. She would find herself drawing gorey images depicting murder, weapons, decomposing corpses, and other unsettling themes
This wouldn’t have been as bad if it wasn’t tied to the girl who was drawing it. Most people saw Natalie as a weird, disturbed girl and it was rather uncomfortable to watch a girl like her draw all these macabre things
On the outside she was quiet and asocial with a bit of an attitude. She was snarky and rough around the edges, but all she wanted for herself was to get a proper education and have a good life for herself. All she wanted was the kind of family Chris had
Deeper inside of her, Natalie was a very angry girl who hated the world. She hated her family, her life, she resented people who had it better than her.
There was so much bubbling inside that she just pushed down. She was never going to let herself crumble. She was never going to be weak.
This reflected negatively on her life which led to the girl growing into her behavioural issues. Natalie would talk back to authority figures in her life and god forbid anyone try to tell her what to do. She was rebellious to a fault
Her sleep schedule was barely existent as she would find herself staying up until the sunrise to finish assignments, scroll through the internet, or binge watch horror movies regularly
And this lack of sleep only contributed to her horrible attitude. The girl would get into fights at home, storm out, get into fights with her peers or her boyfriend, and go back home to start all over again
Natalie had a strange relationship with the concept of time. It always seemed to be against her.
A part of her feared how little time she felt she had. It was like a race against the inevitable, it was going to catch up to her eventually. She couldn’t outrun time itself
It wasn’t long until there was something of obsession with the topic in Natalies life. Even clocks on the wall drove her insane
She felt as though she was stuck in a time loop of living the same day over and over. Different day on the calendar, but same life
Even her fathers clocks that littered her dirty, small, mobile home mocked her. Laughing at how powerless she was
The one thing in her life she truly could never control was the vicious cycle of living through her miserable days again and again
Wake up at 6am, school at 8am, go back home to the abuse at 4pm, fall asleep at 3am
Every. Single. Day.
Natalie hated her life more than anything. She wanted out more than anything. But she wasn’t going to be so weak as to self-harm or commit suicide. She was strong enough to take control
She just kept trying to be in control of something that couldn’t be controlled
One day after school, Natalies boyfriend broke up with her.
She should’ve expected it, but she didn’t.
Chris was always nice to her, he really did try his best. But he just couldn’t even begin to understand her, and she couldn’t even begin to explain.
He told her that her outbursts were too much for him. She would snap at him and cause fights for such small reasons, everything set her off. And when he tried to talk it through with her, she’d shut down on him
Natalie never told him about the abuse, the trauma, or any of her struggles. She was drowning and never trusted a single hand reaching out to help
Chris made comments towards her art and mindset, saying it creeped him out and that she needed to seek professional help
Of course he didn’t understand. Nobody understood Natalie. The whole wide world was against her
And now the one person she actually liked and could see herself caring for turned on her and left her just like everyone else in her life
And another good thing in her life was lost to the hands of time
For such a strong girl like Natalie, a stupid high school breakup shouldn’t have meant as much as it did
It shouldn’t have ruined her
But it did, and she was a mess
All she could think about was how much she lost. She was so desperate for control she completely lost it
And now her moods were at an all time low, her impulsivity skyrocketed and so did her anger
How fucking dare he do that to her
Natalie would start acting out, getting into fights with her parents, and her grades began to drop. Her entire life was slipping away through the cracks in between her fingers and there was nothing she could do but watch it crumble underneath her feet
It was like watching a car accident. You could see the girl spiral, you could see her crash and burn, but there was nothing you could do but sit back and watch
She didn’t care one bit. After so long of trying so hard to run from it all, she finally had nothing left to lose
So she picked up a few bad habits here and there. She would fight girls behind the school and buy cigarettes off of sketchy junkies with her parents money
Natalie started to speak up more and everything that came out of that girls mouth was trashy. She would make offensive comments and pick on people for being “so damn sensitive”
In reality, she just wanted to be seen. She wanted someone to catch her from falling so far deep into destruction and give her the attention and support she never had
But everyone found her annoying or just something to laugh at. Natalie wasn’t enjoyable to be around in the slightest
She started stealing booze from her parents and going off and getting drunk at the park near her house. The girl quickly developed a drinking problem that worsened her attitude even more
Natalie started crossing lines that shouldn’t have been crossed, and started to gain the dangerous knowledge that she could do all these awful things and the world wouldn’t come to an end
She was on top. She was powerful. And nobody was going to fuck with her again
One night she got into a physical fight with her brother, things were broken, fists were thrown, insults were tossed back and forth
The fight had gone too far and she ended up injuring her left eye so badly she had to be taken to the emergency room
Nobody stayed by Natalies side in that hospital. She had to undergo surgery in order to remove the eye due to the damage. And neither her parents nor her brother cared enough to stay
Now around this time, the government was developed a chemical weapon known as “Liquid Hate” or “methcyclopyroxene oxydenate” if we’re going to get scientific
And if you know anything about the government, they just love to run illegal human experimentation programs on unassuming people who really wouldn’t be looked for if they went missing or worse
Natalie fell victim to a testing of an early prototype of liquid hate. During her surgery she was tied down and injected a small dosage of this chemical
Soon, she woke up and felt a jolt of adrenaline stronger than anything she’d ever felt before. It felt like her body was so hot she was going to explode, she felt jittery and like a surge of overwhelming energy soared through every cell that made up her being
And she felt so consumed by rage
Her anger was righteous and she was wielding it like an archangels sword. It was something so biblically primal when she escaped her restraints and ripped the nearest doctor apart with her own two hands
This quick blinding rush subdued slightly and she came to her senses as she caught her breath and bolted right out of the hospital in fear and out into the rainy night
The effects weren’t exactly as blinding as before but god knows they were still overtaking her senses. And when she walked down the street in that gentle, cold, rain only one thought was on her mind
Where the fuck was her family when she needed them the most?
Now here was this angry, drugged up girl standing outside the dark house where she spent years of abuse and torment
And the blood on her hands was dripping like sin
When her mother answered the front door and saw the monster her own daughter had become, there was a part in the woman that felt as though she was looking at what she could’ve become
And like smashing a mirror, Natalie took the life of her own mother. She strangled her, brutally stabbed her with a kitchen knife and ripped open her ribcage with feral strength
As Natalie taunted the one who carried her for 9 months and brought her into the sick and cruel world she inhabited, she felt the rabid words fall off her mouth as if they had been begging to escape for years
Next was her father, who had slept through the death of his wife in a drunken slumber. The house stunk of alcohol - such a familiar smell. It made her sick to her stomach.
She snuck into her parents bedroom and took a handgun out of the bedstand drawer, shoving the barrel of the gun in her fathers booze-coated mouth and watched the fear filled his eyes as he woke up. Her finger teased the trigger as she whispered a quiet “your time is up, daddy” and blew his brains out onto the wall
This was another line Natalie crossed, another realization of her own capabilities only enhanced by the chemically induced beast-like rage. Nothing was stopping her. This was her divine right, she was in control now
And finally, she moved onto her brother who was alerted by the sound of a gunshot and walked in on his sister standing over their fathers dead corpse, blood staining her hands and soaking her white hospital gown
Lucas, like his sister, was a quiet boy who kept to himself for the most part. But like his sister, he had so much anger boiling inside of him and he was a fighter
And so the two fought once more, Lucas physically overpowered his sister for just a moment before something inside of her broke like a dam and the flood came crashing through
Natalie gained the upper hand as the fight was brought into Lucas’s bedroom, the place where her brother would abuse her for years
The overwhelming pain of the memories flooding in threw Natalie into a panicked fit as she threw her brother to the ground, ignoring his screams and berating
She climbed on top of him and incapacitated him by stabbing him several times in the abdomen, throat, and face. The girl finished her brother off by gutting him and spent her time mutilating his body like an animalistic rampage
Everything she had been bottling up finally exploded out of her and the girl showed no mercy that night
Natalie stood in the bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror
She looked at the gaping hole where her left eye once was for what felt like eternity
Time came to a complete stop in that moment, it was all in the bloody palm of her hands
The only sound that filled the room was the viscous sound of her fathers pocket watch ticking softly as it rested on the messy bathroom counter
For nearly an hour she stood there heavily dissociated, zoning out of reality as she did nothing but stare at the hands of the clock moving rhythmically
Natalie soon snapped out of her dazed trance and slowly moved her dark crimson stained hand over to the pocket watch
And slowly she look a deep breath in as she brutally shoved the small clock into her empty eye socket, zoning out from the sharp pain of her body reacting to the foreign object
Now time was apart of her, and she was time itself. The girl became what she feared the most and broke the cycle she lives through over and over with her own two hands. She was no longer going to be a victim to the hands of time, she was now going to be the destroyer of it
As she exited the cold bathroom, she walked down the hallway of her small home she spent so much time in. There was no more yelling from her father, comments from her mother, fear from her brother
Natalie was all that was left
The girl entered her bedroom for the last time, changed into regular clothes and grabbed her stuffed giraffe shes had since she was a young child, named Jaffy
Jaffy had been with her through it all. She found comfort in the little giraffe, and it was the last piece of herself she had left
She walked into the kitchen with the stuffed animal and turned her gas-stove on max before laying a gentle kiss on Jaffys head and placing it onto the stovetop
Not once did she look back to the fire overtaking the giraffe as she walked out of that house, letting it become victim to the flames that would soon engulf the home
Natalie Ouellette died in that house, burning to death alongside her family in the fire
And only Clockwork walked out