Cobra Kai Season 5 - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Me watching Cobra Kai S5: What.The.Fuck

Looking at my CK fanfic: Time to make some changes soon to add better logic and emotion

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2 years ago

To all my fellow Cobra Kai fans: Do you think Carmen's reaction and demeanor was a correct assessment regarding Robby being added into the family? Or did the writers made her really OOC?

Because despite the fact that Robby accidentally kicked Miguel off the balcony, I honestly feel that Carmen is a forgiving person and she wouldn't hold a grudge. Even though that is her son that nearly died but it was an accident and she should have known about Johnny's failure as a father to Robby which the writers should have wrote Carmen being thoughtful and compassionate

Then again, Johnny's failure as a father and choosing a teenager he only knew for a year over his son and not telling Carmen is something he failed to do once again and cause the rift between Miguel, Carmen, Rosa and Robby. And to make matters worse, make Robby feel more insecure and disregard his trauma. I feel that the writers made Carmen OOC with how her demeanor was

And Johnny oh I am so done with that boomer-

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2 years ago

When you watch S5 and saw the literal mess it is, and you already make plans to rewrite and change S5 in your fanfic. But realize you are still in S1 of your fanfic.

Which is me right now 😒😒😒

(not pointing out the Daniel and Chozen scenes because those were *chefs kiss*)

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2 years ago

Does anyone also feel how rushed season 5 was? The Mexico plot should have been longer with Miguel going through traumatic endeavors with his father. Giving him bigger character development.

Miguel's and Robby's relationship should've had alot more build up and for them to have alot of awkwardness, with Miguel apologizing to him for his actions from season 1 as Robby apologizes to him for the accident at school. (Not that I'm not happy that they're on better terms and friends, but there should have been a bigger progress and build up to being comfortable with each other and Miguel being the one to admit he shouldn't antagonize Robby)

Another thing is Tory's arc should've been with more detail and how her redemption making a bigger impact on the heroes and Cobra Kai students with Terry's nefarious plans. Plus this would've been better for Tory's growth with making amends with Sam

The writers should have added more backstories to the other senseis of Cobra Kai and how each of them became what they are. Along with Kim Sung Yang's legacy and what made him to be a fierce and brutal karate master that led him to indoctrinate Kreese, Silver, Kim Da-Eun and the OG Cobra Kais.

Season 5 was a literal mess with detail and super rushed

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2 years ago

"They all done stuff to apologize and make amends to Robby"

WHAT APOLOGIES? All I see is the sheer disgust and utter disregard of Johnny using his guilt to guilt shame Robby by "not wanting to hold on to his guilt anymore"


And the pregnancy plot...congratulations, Robby's life and trauma is clearly casted aside to please Johnny and his new life with his "new" family, not accounting for the bigger insecurities Robby will have and dealing with a different family who had alot of antagonistic history with Miguel on the latter's actions.

The writers decided that Robby shouldn't be happy for Johnny's sake

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2 years ago

Today's broadcast: My rants and criticism on Cobra Kai season 5 and it's rushed plot, Johnny's failed redemption, character development to most of it's characters and the utter ignorance to Robby's trauma

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2 years ago

What I will say about Season 5 is how detail oriented they were with Daniel's PTSD and trauma regarding Silver. It wasn't in depth throughout the seasons but they finally show what Silver's psychological warfare and trying to corrupt Daniel can do

How Daniel played into his hands back in 1985 and the deeply rooted mental and emotional turmoil that affected him and causes Daniel to feel frightened and terrified - not angry - of his encounters with Silver

Silver is just an amazing villain, and being a billionaire with utmost influence and power can still allow him to cause panic and despair with his ambitions and goals

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2 years ago

Ok so now that Robby has made his apologies where are the apologies that others owe him? Funny how now that Robby has apologized to the people who hurt him, everybody who.kept saying that they all need to apologize to each other has gone silent. I have a lot I want to say and quite frankly I'm not in the best of moods right now so I'm going to gather my thoughts first but just know that all the people who said that there needed to be mutual apologies who have now gone silent now that Robby has made apologies despite nobody apologizing to him, you are not subtle. Just admit that you don't actually care about a teenager's trauma and have no problem supporting the characters that have contributed to it

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2 years ago

The writers thought that this was okay put in the story just so that they can bring the Lawrence-Diaz family together, to favour Johnny's point of view and being able to win in life. But what does this mean for Robby? How will this benefit Robby, the estranged son of boomer Johnny Lawrence?

I swear that plot line was very disappointing and it makes the writers not acknowledge Robby's trauma and neglect. Watering it down by having Johnny being able to be happy with his new family to Miguel in addition to adding Robby like it's "one happy family".

Again, where are the apologies for Robby? Where's Johnny's apologies? Where's Miguel's apologies? What redemption is there for Johnny when he didn't even fully apologize and put Robby first in that particular scene in the apartment complex. He went away with "Carmen's pregnant", not even asking Robby's opinion or feelings on this and how this will affect Robby's mind and emotional trauma because his own deadbeat father wasn't there for him when he was born.

I lost it with these writers for season 5 regarding Johnny's redemption, the apologies owed to Robby and his serious trauma he faced his whole life.

(Now I know why Tanner didn't do the S5 press due to film conflict...)

I’ve only just finished episode 4 so no spoilers after that please!

I hate the baby plot line a lot like it’s seriously the worst thing they could’ve done but if they really are going with it as an idea I thought it would’ve been better if they’d played it up to Carmen’s confession that she’s pregnant and instead have her not be pregnant.

Johnny went through all that training to try and be a good dad to a baby and even improved his place and he tells Carmen this, so I think it would’ve made more sense for her to tell him after he’s said this that she’s not pregnant. They’d maybe be disappointed but they’d both know that if she was he would try and improve himself. He could say that maybe it’s a good thing because it’s not the right time and he needs to focus on being a better dad to Robby and a better mentor to Miguel but they’d both know that when the time is right both would want it.

I hate the idea that they might be going with a “baby brings them all together” plot-line because that’s not how it works.

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good to know that I wasn’t the only one to notice

there had to be moments in between that made them like each other that fast


Miguel and Robby being best friends happened alarmingly fast, and on one hand, it feels pretty undeserved, but on the other, I have been sitting through four seasons of them poking at each other and having miscommunications, so for right now, I really can't be bothered to care-

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This. This is what happened.

the kids going after silver:

The Kids Going After Silver:

the grown ass adults going after silver:

The Kids Going After Silver:

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What (probably) happened on the road trip back (not clickbait!!!)

I Saw The S5 Trailer And I Had To

I saw the S5 trailer and I had to…

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