Conversion Therapy Tw - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Please do give an update when you can! I'm hoping you'll make it through this ❤

I was assaulted and now I’m pregnant, please help me get an abortion

I was forcefully outed to my family about a year ago by a vindictive ex friend when he asked me tobe his gf and I trusted him enough to tell him no because I’m gay. my whole family was horrified and I just barely avoided being sent to conversion camp by swearing to my them that I wasn’t acting on it physically. two months later, they sent me to live with my father’s sister and her husband in another state for seven months and the last few weeks that I was there my uncle assaulted me several times, claiming that he was going to “teach me to enjoy what god wants me to love”. I was so traumatized by the assault and my state of mind only got worse when I went back home because my parents could tell something was different and they interpreted it as having been succesfully “converted” by my time with my aunt and uncle.

my absolute worst fear was realized when I saw my doctor two weeks ago and he told me I was pregnant. Im only 16 I know I cannot handle having a child especially as the product of my assault. in tenessee abortion laws are so rigid and restrictive and there aren’t even any clinics close to me that can help. I’m afraid any place in state will tell my parents what I’m trying to do because I’m so young. my only chance is to go out of state with my cousin for the abortion pill which will cost me at least $970 because I’m completely uninsured. I’m already about a month along so I have six weeks left to take the pill successfully. I beat myself up every day for not just denying the truth and telling them my friend was just angry at me and lying because he knew they’d be disgsted. my anxiety has never been thsi bad, I don’t know what I’ll do to myself if I can’t get this abortion. I haven’t even told me parents because I’m so terrified they won’t even just deny the truth and they’ll actually lock me away and force me to keep the baby. please I’m poor and so desperate and so fucking scared, please please please help me.



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