Rape Tw - Tumblr Posts
“Those poor boys”

“She deserves to be punished too.”

“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”

“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”

“She put herself in harm’s way”

“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”

“She ruined their lives.”

Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t

Wow, this is a really good read.
But I can already hear the rape “kink” men and their token woman shouting, “you’re kink-shaming me!” “its just a fantasy!”. Well, here we have a scientist that says, if a man gets off on non-consensual sex acts (rape, sexual assault) he is likely to be sexually violent. He is not going to change. And women should use that as a warning sign and get the hell away from him.
I wish she’d gone deeper in this article too. A lot of the reasons she listed are totally true for why women stay with men like this. But I think she should have also gone into how 1) so many women are survivors of sexual violence, so they might think that they somehow “deserve” this type of treatment or that it might even help them get over their past abuse and 2) there is definitely a culture right now where women feel like they need to be “kinky” and “exciting” in the bedroom. Women might not want to admit that they don’t actually want to try something like this, in fear of seeming less sexually powerful. Because so much of women’s (fake) “power” feels like it depends on their sexuality, this is a huge psychological dilemma for them that stretches to multiple things in the bedroom, including even vanilla sex. “Do I do it even though I don’t want to, or “let my partner down”? I’ll seem like I’m not good in bed if I say no! I heard that the best way to keep a man satisfied and faithful is to give him good sex!”
These are legitimate coercive forces that women face that we need to talk about. Some women literally feel that they will “lose their man” if they don’t give in to his sexual demands. And in some cases… they are right. Of course in the long run we would be better off far away from such men. But in the short run, women fear facing humiliation, losing family and friends, harming their children, and even losing financial resources. There’s a lot more at stake here than just “women can’t stand up for themselves” because they’re weak or fragile or something. No, a lot of women can stand up for themselves just fine, they just weigh the consequences and determine that the risks are too high (this is compounded by women being generally more risk averse, to bring some economics into it).
My other totally different question to this article is - so “kinks” can’t change? I wish the author had specified if she meant just the tendencies towards sexual violence, or all weird sexual preferences in general. Also, is it just in men? I’m curious because I think that a lot of women (me included) have been conditioned to like certain things, things we might not necessarily WANT to like. Porn is a powerful driver of that. Can we ever change, even if we want to? If we could be conditioned in, we can probably be conditioned out, right?
Lastly, I think its interesting that most men become less aroused if they think their partner is showing signs of not enjoying sex. I think that’s just really cool and shows at least some progress.
The whole ‘choke me daddy’ normalisation of bdsm is fucking repulsive and it’s no wonder that men like Grace Millane’s killer are trying to convince people that the women they callously murder ‘wanted it’
If they rape us, they say we wanted it and if they kill us during sex, they say we wanted it too.
People who normalise violence as eroticism, actively make it part of mainstream culture and advocate a mentality of ‘no kink shaming!’ and ‘don’t yuck someone’s yum!’ are responsible for creating a culture where the idea that a woman asked to be strangled so severely that she died might be enough to evoke reasonable doubt.
On 3rd May 2020, a girl posted screenshots of chats of an Instagram group called "bois locker room". Soon those screenshots + other screenshots from the group from ig and snapchat started to go viral.
The members of the group were 14-18yo boys from schools in South Delhi. What did they do in the group? They posted photos of girls they knew from school, photos from their instagram feed and some of their nudes. They even photoshopped explicit images on their bodies. They talked about how they want to fuck those girls, how easily they can rape them, how tit size makes up for a bad dressing sense. They rated those girls according to their breast size, some even encouraged others to gang rape them. These are all school girls. Lemme say this again: these are rich, privileged, educated boys from the posh region of Delhi.
Not only this, when these screenshots were revealed, some of the boys in the group threatened the girls who posted the stories initially saying they will leak their nudes, they will fuck them, they will destroy their lives. Others posted public apologies owning up to their mistakes. Most of them changed their usernames and bios and deactivated their accounts.
Police reports have been filed for the offence of forgery, cyber crime, bullying etc and most of the accounts have been identified. Lawyers have been involved and delhi police chairperson shared the notice that has been issued to instagram regarding this. Some of the culprits have already been arrested.
The worst thing about this is that this does not come as a shock for girls. Every one of us has been sexualized in one way or another growing up. Its like one of those things that we knew was happening, only the discussion has started now. I have high hopes from my generation. I always believed that this is the generation that will bring about actual change in the society, through the medium of laws they will make when they are in the position and through expression of thought. I thought since the people in my generation were exposed to so much of whats wrong in the society, and why it's wrong, we will be the change.But things like this, coming from the educated lot, is just demotivating.
Growing up we have witnessed alot of misogyny. How girls were made to take workshops about how stay safe from predators and abusers, how to act in certain situations whereas the boys were never educated how to show basic respect, how to be good people. Boys were never to taught how to not do wrong or how to prevent it from happening to someone else, girls were taught how to save themselves. Even now I am seeing people, who don't even know those boys, protecting them saying "girls do the same" "the chats were not meant to go public" "they just talked about it, didn't commit it" and the good old "they are young, they will grow up and learn". Do these people really fail to understand that objectification is the first step? Even joking nay thinking about raping someone should fill you with shame.

I remember one guy who tried to push this idea online. Here's what he looked like:

He was later outed as a predator by a transgender woman who was 10 years younger than him. She accused him of manipulating her into a relationship, forcing her to move in with him, coercing her to have sex with him.
I'm literally never going to respect his pronouns because it seems so obvious to me that he was doing this shit to get a "political pass". If you read his fucking manifestos, you'll get a sense of how he thinks: "Men are morally corrupt; women are the victims of this, which turns women into a latent revolutionary force. I'd rather 'identify with womanhood' than to be one of the men overthrown in the uprising."
Hahaha... haha... ha.
I still think about it 10 years later because this guy's influence was insane in some sections of tumblr, a decade ago... and he posted some really deep cuts into his own "transgender" psychology. How much did he come up with lies? Good question, so keep that in mind.
It's really interesting how open he was, before the callout post:

(I would guess he means for sexual reasons, maybe even predatory reasons.)

I find this really interesting, because he could have been a real trailblazer. He has the choice of who he dates and how he can act. Being a straight woman doesn't conscript one to slave away in a patriarchal relationship. You have to choose an individual person who could treat you right. You're only one person and you only need one person as a lover. You don't necessarily need the whole world to be perfect, to be happy or find love. Sure, shit can really fucking suck but we each can change it ourselves. We don't need to fucking cut off our dicks about it.
Keep in mind, he had a cisgender wife when he published this shit.
but you sound like you don't want to step up and be that "good man", as you say:

Words of a predator.

Are you guys following what's going on in Milwaukee? It's happening right now, June 23/24 depending on where you live!

There are conflicting reports about who set the house and van on fire, some say it was the police to cover up evidence, some that the neighbors did it.

But people managed to recover tons of documents from the house before it burned down and already one of the people mentioned in them was identified as a register sex offender! The house is also allegedly registered to a member of the clergy?


Also telling a poc that they're too white to be considered a poc is insulting. They're ancestors didn't choose to have that happen to them and they (the future generations) should be able to claim their identity.
I know this is about comics and yeah, it's probably not that deep and op didn't mean it like that, but that's an actual thing that poc face everyday, and in this case Native Americans.
Another thing is that there are NA superheroes, in both Marvel and DC, but they get pushed to the back so often because of the big superheroes (batman, superman, wonder woman, etc.).
You can believe that bruce is white if you want, but please don't use the "5%" argument.
Sincerely, a mixed native that gets told I'm too white to be native all the time.

I am one of the sad amount of people that knows Bruce is na (from a fictional tribe but im willing to take crumbs at this point)
I heard people have explained to you Hector's deal in the show :)
This is my most hated part of it. Not only because Hector in his game is my favorite character, but because even on his own terms, the one in the show is treated in such a vile way, and I see nothing but terrible takes on it that make me think "y'all wouldn't be so horny over this if he was a woman".
So, to summarize his plotline in Season 3. After being manipulated into betraying his master, getting the shit beaten out of him in graphic detail, and dragged through the snow barefoot for a month, the dude is thrown into a jail because he needs to work for the OC #girlboss villains. The idea is to send a diplomat to manipulate him again into trusting them.
The first thing that happens between them is that Hector threatens to kill Lenore, and Lenore beats the shit out of him: you've seen this scene. You can also see how Hector is framed as being a weak idiot for underestimating the cute vampire, because she's actually super stronk and badass. In-universe, this logically means that Hector learns quickly that she could torture him at any time. (also yes it's a repeat of his beating in S2, at the hands of another vampire)
Then Lenore, between one manipulation and the other (she basically says "yeah you're in a cell but it's better than serving Dracula, right?") starts to treat him like a dog, putting him on a leash, calling him "good boy" and taking him on "walkies <3". This is presented in an erotic way, even though Hector isn't very enthusiastic about being dehumanized.
And by the finale, Lenore says something on the effect of "I can't betray my sisters, but I like you and we could run away together". Somehow, Hector doesn't notice the blatant contraddiction, and when Lenore kisses him, he reciprocates and the two have sex. This is for the sole purpose of coaxing him into pledging loyalty to Lenore, and slipping that cursed ring that would bind him and his creatures to the #girlboss vampires. Next scene, Lenore is bragging to her sisters that she wants to train Hector because he's good at fucking.
Side note, the fact that Hector "consented" to sex is used as proof that he wasn't raped. Even though Lenore could have beaten him to death at any moment, even though he spent more than a month in dehumanizing conditions, even though he get frequently described as being "a child in a man's body" who only craves love. but yeah he didn't say no so that's okay.
And none of this matters in Season 4, because Lenore has become a whining brat making dick jokes around Hector when he works, and the story tries to draw parallels between them to show that oh, they Understand each other deep down, and also Hector protects her from another character who is rampaging through the castle, and chooses to stay with her.
Fun fact, at one point she complains that Hector was "the last problem she had to solve", Hector sarcastically thanks her for the ring, she responds with "oh shush you were having fun", and he replies with "until the end". She might as well have said "shut up you were hard what are you complaining about?" and he agreed. Literal female-on-rape apologism in my Castlevania show.
Lenore then steps into the sun because she refuses to live in a cage and she says "I'm sorry for everything you went through" to Hector, the most bastard of non-apologies of all time. And that's it. This is how Hector/Lenore became one of the most popular ships in the franchise, full of people who cry that they deserved a happy ending together, swear that Lenore did nothing wrong and really she treated Hector well, or are simply horny for the cute girl domming the simp boy.
The fact that Warren Ellis was accused of being a sex pest makes the rape fetishism just a little more uncomfortable :)
Needless to say that the games are far less sexualized. Worthy of note is that in Symphony of the Night, Alucard gets tormented by a succubus, but not by giving him erotic vision: by making him relive the day that his mom died. Just saying.
We can talk about respect for the games all we want. We can talk about the poor pacing, the forced swearing and rude jokes, the twisting of characters. But this? This is indefensible to me. I will never, ever shut up about how this acclaimed show has rape apologism in it, and people defend it because it's from a woman against a man - because the story frames it as something hot and that the man deserved for being "evil" (he wanted to turn humanity into livestock for vampires because he was severely abused by humans, and that means he deserved being enslaved to show him what his plan would have entailed. Real argument I've seen. That and "Hector loved in a possessive way like a vampire, so he understood that Lenore enslaved him out of fondness". I can link to you the post if you don't believe me)
Yeah, all of this has been A Lot to unpack. I started reading the Many of Us website after learning of Warren Ellis'… indiscretions… and I really feel like it's colored my understanding of the show, and I wasn't that hot on the show to begin with. I can't imagine how it would feel to be a fan of the games and have them be adapted by this immature hack piece of shit.
Cross-referencing clips of Hector's behavior in Curse of Darkness and Hector's behavior in the show, the disparity was such that I asked Spinning and Woodchipp, "Why is this show so sex-brained?" Some sexualization is to be expected in vampire fiction, but to this degree? Why does goofy St. Germain have to say "God is going to have sex again?" bruh this is "I'm 14 and this is deep" levels of writing. How could anybody take it seriously?
And it's weird too because everywhere I looked on Reddit, people were praising Ellis' comic writing genius. In all honesty, though, he seems like a huge edgelord. The standard for comics writing tends to be rather low, where more often than not gritty shock-value writing tends to be conflated with good writing, so I don't exactly trust that he's this ~hon-hon oh so geniuese~ fauxteur everyone's portraying him as. Especially if THIS is any indication of how he usually writes.
On the subject of Hector's assault… (tw for discussions of assault and rape) I'll be honest, when Spinning and Woodchipp described the ways people have tried to downplay it, a shudder went through me. I refuse to believe there are people in this world who would defend such a thing, much less try to normalize it.
I apologize for mentioning this, but I think it's worth bringing up because this is what the scene reminded me of. When a man wears a condom during sex but takes it off without his partner's permission or knowledge, it is rape by deception.
It's a fitting parallel because Leonore slipped the ring on Hector's finger without his knowledge or consent. It doesn't matter if he'd consented to the sex before then, he didn't consent to wearing the ring. Consent is an ongoing process, not a "well, you consented to ride the roller coaster, now you can't get off" sort of thing. Just because you consent to sex in the moment doesn't mean you consent to everything that happens after it starts.
And since the ring represents further suppression of his free will, it reinforces the notion that his consent is an afterthought at best, second to Leonore's enjoyment. This isn't even getting into the fact that being imprisoned and tortured in the first place means he was inherently set up to suffer a breakdown of free will.
Furthermore, rape is not about sex, it's about power. It's about denying a person their bodily agency. Ask yourself, would Leonore have had to slip the ring onto his finger if she hadn't chained him and beaten him down first?
I have no idea how the scene could be read as anything other than rape. It's rape. I'm sorry. It just is. There's nothing Leonore can say or do after the fact that will render it not-rape because rape is not something that can be edited in post, assholes. To claim otherwise is rape apologia. "You liked it afterwards" is not an excuse, nor is "you didn't say no."
…and then, as if that weren't bad enough, Spinning said another major character got raped by OCs. That, to me, is a big red flag that the creators held an active disdain towards the source material. Because nowadays writing advice urges you, if you can avoid rape-as-backstory, if you can find a more suitable motivation, you ought to do it. The alternative is hurting the rape survivors in your audience with a blasé portrayal of their trauma, or worse, a fetishization of it.
Why is it that writers who are least equipped to handle rape as a subject matter tend to sprinkle it as some sort of Spicy Garnish in their writing? Like you said, CV doesn't really focus that much on sex or rape in the first place. It's almost as though by making the games characters say "fuck" and suffer rape (with little actual repercussions, 'cause God forbid we have Consequences), the creators childishly believed they could make their writing seem much more Dark and Mature than it actually is.
And then people have the gall to defend it. It's so fucking gross, dude.
because the story frames it as something hot and that the man deserved for being "evil"
I actually ranted at length about how disgusting this mindset is and I'm shocked it still appears in the year of our Lord 2023. Rape is not a punishment. Nobody deserves rape. No, not even the worst person you can think of. If you consider rape a punishment someone can earn by behaving badly enough, like seriously, get the fuck away from me lol.
That and "Hector loved in a possessive way like a vampire, so he understood that Lenore enslaved him out of fondness."

i feel so bad for average russian citizens. since like 1533 it’s been constant ‘this might as well fucking happen’
Given that I get at least three messages from terfs, from faux-pity about my apparent internalised misogyny to outright corrective rape threats a month as a fucking boat fandom blogger with ~650 followers
And given that the radfem push against trans healthcare for teens in the uk is specifically aimed at afab trans kids
And given that radfem extraordinaire Kathy Brennan deliberately doxed and outed young transmasculine people
And given how many other trans masculine people have many, many stories to tell about being targeted by radfems and terfs
I would really, REALLY fucking like it if any post about the dangers of terf rhetoric and how engaging with these people is a waste of time actually acknowledged that we are hurt by them too.
I am so, so tired of always seeing these things only mentioning the harm they cause to trans women. They do, of course they do, but by never mentioning us, by making a point to never mention us, you’re saying none of the harm they do to us matters. Or that it’s not deliberate, that they only ever harm us collaterally.
It also plays into the myth that they actively support us; which I suppose they do, if you consider pray-away-the-gay camps to be supportive of gay people.
I’m unsure of how many non-Indians or even non-Bengalis know of this. Regardless of whether you do or do not, I would request you to reblog this post & share awareness about this. DON'T LET INJUSTICE GO UNPUNISHED.
On August 9, 2024, the body of 31-year-old post-graduate medical trainee, Dr. Moumita Debnath, was found partially naked in the seminar room of RG Kar, a hospital in Kolkata. She had just finished working a 36-hour night shift before this and, out of exhaustion, had fallen asleep while studying in the nearest seminar room on the fourth floor of the hospital.
Her family was informed beforehand that she had committed suicide, to which her mother emphasized on the fact that her daughter could never carry out such an act. On further investigation, it was found that Dr. Debnath had been raped and murdered in her sleep.
According to the Deccan Herald,
“There was bleeding from both her eyes and mouth, injuries over the face and nail. The victim was also bleeding from her private parts. She also has injuries in her belly, left leg… neck, in her right hand, ring finger and… lips. [...] “Her neck bone was also found broken. It seems that she was first strangulated and then smothered to death.”
According to Medical Dialogues,
“There were multiple hairs on the mattress and blood was soaked on the blue mattress [...]”
Later, it was found that Dr. Debnath’s glasses were shattered and her eyes were pierced with the shards of her glasses themselves.
Although one of the criminals (Sanjoy Roy) has been arrested, I am certain that there are others involved. In fact, it has been found that Sanjoy Roy, despite being an outsider, was granted access to PG Kar via personal relations with senior police officers.
The chief minister of West Bengal (despite being a woman herself) as well as members other political parties are trying, behind the scenes, to let this case fade away. Why? Oh right, it's really the privileged, upper class & upper caste sons and brothers of ministers who are behind this! No major crime can happen in a country without there being the hand of one or more influential persons, often politically involved.
Sisters and brothers, দিদিরা ও দাদারা, it would be a sin to remain silent in the face of such a crime. Our brave brothers & sisters pursuing medical practise have ceased working in their hospitals to protest against this grave crime against women, against humanity. We cannot let this injustice go unpunished! A crime against a single woman is a crime against all of us! We were born from a woman, raised by a woman—and now, when we see the honour, dignity and life of women at stake, won’t we join the andolan? Won’t we fight for what is right?
Requesting all Kolkata residents (who can) to join in at least any one of the protests mentioned below. There are provisions for elderly & disabled people. Men are invited to join us as well.
For those who want to join the Reclaim the Night protest at 11:55 p.m., please refer to this list of contact numbers (according to your region) provided by Miru Didi ( @arachneofthoughts )

Take hold of the night! We have always been told to stay wary of nighttime and the dangers, manifested in the form of cruel men, we may face. Not anymore—we must reclaim the night! How much fear is fear enough? If anyone wants to know further details and the phone numbers regarding this first event, please DM me.

Blowing the conch has always been a signal of strength. In traditional Bengali culture, it is almost always the women who blow the conch, be it in Durga Puja or the everyday pujas carried out at home. It was, and always will remain a sign of victory over evil. At 11:55 p.m., all those who cannot join the midnight assembly (the aforementioned event) can, instead, blow the conch from their own houses! Let them know you're not afraid. Let them know you've had enough. Let them know that once a revolution starts, especially one spearheaded by women, takes a long, long time to end.
[Please Note: These protests are not personally organised by me. I simply am in touch and will be attending the protest tonight.]
If you can, please do take the time to sign this petition below (courtesy of Miru Didi @arachneofthoughts) to aid our efforts:

If nothing, please do take the time to share and reblog this post wherever you can! DON'T LET RAPE GO UNPUNISHED!

Nothing is more devastating than this. The UN World Food Program has officially suspended aid delivery to northern Gaza, citing violence and lack of safety as major reasons the aid trucks aren’t getting through. Israeli officers are liberally shooting at Palestinians who try to approach the trucks in hopes of getting even the smallest morsels of food, despite the fact that Israel has allowed only one crossing for the already woefully low numbers of aid they’re permitting entry. Reportedly this number has fallen from 140 a day in January to just 60 a day this month, and now 16% of all Gazan children under 2 are “acutely malnourished.” Meanwhile, the US vetoes a call for a ceasefire for the third fucking time. It’s so inhumane in its cruelty it’s actually shocking to see it being allowed to go on and on, and on an international level no less.
Nothing is more devastating than this. The UN World Food Program has officially suspended aid delivery to northern Gaza, citing violence and lack of safety as major reasons the aid trucks aren’t getting through. Israeli officers are liberally shooting at Palestinians who try to approach the trucks in hopes of getting even the smallest morsels of food, despite the fact that Israel has allowed only one crossing for the already woefully low numbers of aid they’re permitting entry. Reportedly this number has fallen from 140 a day in January to just 60 a day this month, and now 16% of all Gazan children under 2 are “acutely malnourished.” Meanwhile, the US vetoes a call for a ceasefire for the third fucking time. It’s so inhumane in its cruelty it’s actually shocking to see it being allowed to go on and on, and on an international level no less.
“Those poor boys”

“She deserves to be punished too.”

“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”

“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”

“She put herself in harm’s way”

“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”

“She ruined their lives.”

“Those poor boys”

“She deserves to be punished too.”

“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”

“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”

“She put herself in harm’s way”

“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”

“She ruined their lives.”

Extremely tired of ppl tryna dunk on prison abolition by being like "well what are we gonna do with all the rapists then huh"
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t