Cora - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Basically Cora in Adventures with Cora Mills

Regina: MOTHER NO! Emma: CORA NO! Cora: CORA YES!!!


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7 months ago

Cora "Surge" Lee

Cora is a 29 year old sanctioned superhero with the ability to control electricity. She goes by the alias "Surge".

Cora's powers manifested later in life than usual, in a private setting with no casualties. The situation was so unusual, and her powers were so strong, that the SRB all but demanded that she immediately begin training to control them in a supervised setting. To the rest of the world - Cora's friends, co-workers, and brothers - this is when Cora began her "clerical job" for the SSD. Only she and her parents know about her powers and her training to become not only a sanctioned super, but also to join the ranks of the SSD as a super. Cora has spent the better part of the last decade training to be able to control her powers. She tries to hide it, but she's terrified that she'll hurt someone or worse while in the field. She takes comfort in the fact that she hasn't "gone live" in the field yet, but is getting stressed at the hints her mentor keeps dropping that this will change soon.

Cora has trouble picking up on subtle social cues. She avoids eye contact when overwhelmed and, when she's especially tired, she has trouble finding her words when speaking, which sometimes makes her sound confused. She has a spinning ring that lets her stim subtly in public, but also has a super soft plushie on her key ring - it smells like lavender and cedar and vanilla, and she'll breathe in the smell when she's overwhelmed, if she's able to.

Julia Santos, known as "Striker" in the field, is Cora's mentor and instructor. While not neurodivergent herself, two of her children are, and the combination of patience and firmness she shows with Cora have been instrumental to her progress in training. Julia's opinion is that Cora needs to get out in the field, worrying that the younger woman will never choose to take on live missions if left to her own devices.

Cora uses a combination of alarms, colors, and the Eisenhower matrix to keep herself on schedule and avoid overwhelm. Red tasks are important and urgent. Yellow tasks are urgent, but not important. Green tasks are important but not urgent. Blue tasks are neither important nor urgent. She sometimes accidentally uses this coloring system in conversations with people outside of her small social circle and gets embarrassed when she does.

Cora loses her appetite when extremely tired or stressed. She keeps a large number of veggie flavored instant noodle cups for these occasions, as it's almost the only thing she can force herself to eat. The only person who can get her to eat anything else when she's like this is Marek. The combination of his cooking skills and his gentle but firm insistence keep her eating "real" foods when she otherwise couldn't stand the thought. She also can't stand mushy foods and will gag if she eats something too mushy by accident. Aside from that, she likes spicy food and almost anything Piña colada flavored.

She lives with a roommate, a colleague and fellow SSD trainee from work named Maria who is her closest female friend. The common areas of the apartment they share are mismatched and eclectic, but functional and comfortable. In Cora's room, the walls are covered in posters of her favorite video games and anime shows. Aside from these decorations, Cora's room is a cluttered mess that only she, Marek, and Jai can decipher. The fact that her bed is always swamped in soft blankets doesn't help the situation, but it is large enough for her and Marek to fall asleep cuddling on when he stays over, so she refuses to ever properly clean up her "nest".

The apartment is located in a nice neighborhood, within walking distance of SSD headquarters. It's also only about a 10-minute drive from Marek's place, although Cora doesn't have a car of her own. Maria isn't fond of Cora's clutter, and Cora doesn't like it when Maria brings romantic partners into their home, but they manage to work things out. Maria really doesn't like Marek, either, often referring to him as "that creep" if he's not present. She realizes how naive Cora is about some things and, based on her own life experiences, worries that Marek is either leading Cora on or setting her up to take advantage of her. Maria has a bit of a crush on Jai, but Cora hasn't picked up on that yet. Maria's hometown is in west Texas, about a 4 hour drive away, so she goes to visit and catch up with her family every few months or so.

Cora has a plant she struggles to remember to water, and she loves playing Minecraft and Katamari Damacy to relax and reset her mental calm. She doesn't have a life goal outside of mastering her powers. She's been terrified of them for so long that she feels guilty for working on other projects when she could be improving her control. She is a big Tolkien fan, though, and has very strong opinions about The Lord of the Rings movies (which were epic) and The Hobbit movies (the later 2 of the 3 were a crime against Tolkien).

Cora has never put words to it, but she naturally has strong submissive tendencies. She's naturally inclined to show obedience to those in authority and she feels more comfortable following someone else's directions than she does making her own decisions. She feels self-conscious about these aspects of herself, and she sometimes overcompensates as Surge to try to hide them. The only person she allows to see really this side of herself is Marek, although Jai has caught glimpses of it. She likes how Marek takes care of her when she's overwhelmed and will often, but not always, instinctively obey when he uses his deeper voice to tell her to do something.

Marek Zima and Jai Leo are Cora's very best friends. She met them at the beginning of her freshman year of high school, brand new not just to the school, but also to San Padua and Texas, itself.

Her relationship with Jai, who's a year older, is very sibling-like: they'll prank each other, take each other's things without asking, and generally be as annoying as possible to each other, but they'll also come to each other's defense in a heartbeat. Their favorite bonding activities are playing Minecraft on their shared server and picking on Marek.

Her relationship with Marek is more complicated. They share a unique dynamic - their friendship isn't romantic or sexual, but platonic in an intense, intimate way that confuses anyone who doesn't know them well. It also includes dominant/submissive aspects that sometimes lean toward codependency. Cora's submissive tendencies come out when she's stressed and tired, so she'll frequently turn to Marek, asking him to decide things for her when she's overwhelmed and, although she'll often act snarky and argue with him, she'll nearly always follow his instructions and directions, especially if he uses the lower, rougher registers of his voice that come out naturally when he's acting dominant. Both of them feel better when Marek has a chance to cook for Cora and make sure she's taking care of herself, and they're both more than used to Cora ignoring his personal space.

Jai doesn't seem bothered by the unusual dynamic between Cora and Marek, and has reassured Cora more than once (usually after Maria's been more vocal about Marek's "bad influence") that there's no single, proper way to be friends with another person and that as long as everyone happy and healthy, that what she and Marek share is fine.

Cora's parents live in the suburbs, about 20 minutes away. Her father was a linguist for the military, but is retired now, and her mother volunteers at the local library. Her youngest brother is getting close to finishing college, but her middle brother joined the military and is stationed in Korea at the moment. Her family has accepted Mark and Jai as if they were their own, and Cora's parents will often ask how their "older sons" are doing. Cora's mom does still gently ask about a marriage between her and Marek sometimes, not really understanding their dynamic, but is never upset (only confused), when the answer is no. Cora loves both Marek's and Jai's families and is as comfortable with them as she is at her own parents' house.

Cora would like to tell Marek and Jai about her powers, and sometimes she's hit with a powerful urge to confess all her secrets, but her fear of putting them and their families at risk, of criminals targeting her favorite people just because she was selfish won't allow her to do that. No matter how badly she wants to.

Physical Description:

Hair: auburn, shoulder length, mostly straight (in a "can't do anything with it" way, rather than a pretty, smooth and sleek way)

Face: soft, friendly, with delicate features. Her eyes are green and expressive

Complexion: fair skin, with lots of freckles, burns easily

Build: slender, average build, in better physical shape than you'd expect for a clerical worker.

Height: around 5'4" (162 cm).

Expression: very expressive face and body language, shows her emotions easily. Has a slightly worried or concentrating look, especially when she's tired or stressed.

Overall appearance: an approachable, girl-next-door look. Her appearance might be somewhat at odds with her superhero alter ego, Surge, making it easier for her to keep her identity secret.

Style: In her civilian life, Cora dresses in comfortable, practical clothing, usually a size or two too big. She'll often steal shirts or hoodies from Marek, and sometimes from Jai, too. As Surge, she wears a dark suit, with bright blue accents. It covers most of her face, but leaves her eyes visible.

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7 months ago

Speech Patterns

Feel free to ignore this, it's more for me than for you


Tone: Generally warm and friendly, but becomes hesitant or anxious when stressed or overwhelmed.

Pace: Varies depending on her emotional state. She speaks quickly when excited or nervous, but slower when tired or trying to find the right words.

Word choice: Uses simple, straightforward language most of the time. Occasionally uses technical terms related to her work or powers, but tends to explain them if she thinks others might not understand.

Verbal tics: When overwhelmed or tired, she struggles to find words, leading to pauses or incomplete sentences. She also uses filler words like "um" or "uh" more frequently in these situations.

Color-coding: Sometimes accidentally uses her personal color-coding system (red, yellow, green, blue) when describing tasks or situations, which can confuse others.

Pop culture references: Makes references to her favorite video games, anime, or Tolkien works, especially when relaxed or with friends.

Directness: Generally direct in her communication, but becomes more indirect or evasive when discussing topics related to her powers or secret identity.

Submissive tendencies: Her speech becomes more deferential or seeking approval when interacting with authority figures or Marek, especially when stressed.

Emotional expressiveness: Her voice reflects her emotions clearly, with excitement, worry, or fatigue easily detectable in her tone.

Stimming: When overwhelmed, she speaks more softly or briefly as she focuses on her fidget ring or scented plushie.

Geek speak: Comfortable using technical jargon related to her interests (like Minecraft or Lord of the Rings), but sometimes stumbles when trying to explain these topics to those unfamiliar with them.

Apologetic tendencies: Frequently apologizes and second-guesses herself, especially in professional settings or when feeling unsure.

Volume control: May occasionally speak too loudly or too softly, especially when excited or overwhelmed, due to difficulty with social cues.

Humor: Uses playful banter with close friends like Jai, but her attempts at humor might sometimes miss the mark with others due to her difficulty with subtle social cues.

Nicknames: Cora calls Marek "Mare", a shortened version of his name. She calls Jai "JJ" most of the time, but will call him "Jaimothy Alexander" when she's frustrated or exasperated with him.


Often speaks in a low, gravelly voice that can be both menacing and oddly soothing.

His tone is typically calm and measured, even in tense situations, which adds to his intimidating presence.

Verbally, he's economical, preferring short, impactful statements to long speeches.

He's prone to using metaphors and analogies, often with a dark or violent bent. For example, he might describe a dangerous situation as "like taking a dirt nap" or refer to killing someone as "ghosting" them.

Frequently employs understatement and deadpan delivery, which contrasts sharply with the often extreme situations he finds himself in. This creates a unique form of dark humor. For instance, when faced with overwhelming odds, he might simply state, "Looks like it's gonna be a long day."

Also uses sensory language, particularly related to smell. Due to his enhanced senses, he often describes situations or people in terms of their scent, which can be unsettling to those around him.

His dialogue often includes philosophical musings about life, death, and the nature of humanity. He might suddenly wax poetic about the beauty of a distant planet or the futility of human endeavors in the face of a vast, uncaring universe.


Tone: Generally calm and measured, with a slight edge of authority. His voice deepens and becomes more commanding when he's in his "Ricochet" persona or dealing with criminal matters.

Pace: Tends to speak at a deliberate, unhurried pace.

Accent: Given his Czech heritage but American upbringing, he has a very slight accent and uses occasional Czech expressions, especially when emotional or around family.

Vocabulary: Uses a mix of professional jargon related to his food truck business and more coded language when discussing criminal activities. He also incorporates cooking metaphors into his speech.

Directness: Marek is direct in his communication, which aligns with his role as a leader in his family's business.

Humor: Marek has a dry, somewhat dark sense of humor. He uses understated sarcasm or gallows humor, especially in tense situations.

Thoughtfulness: He takes a moment to consider his words before speaking, especially when dealing with important matters.

Code-switching: Marek switches between a more casual way of speaking when with friends or family, and a more formal, intimidating manner when in his "Ricochet" role.

Protectiveness: His speech becomes softer or more gentle when talking to Cora or about children, reflecting his protective nature.

Authority: When giving orders or in leadership situations, his speech likely becomes more clipped and authoritative.

Gentle flirt: When speaking with women, he'll often use friendly, mildly flirting language. This is more pronounced when he's fighting a female sanctioned hero, as he's found it tends to take them off guard.

Nicknames: Marek calls Cora "Sugar" most of the time, but he uses "Blossom" when she's tired or vulnerable, when he wants to take care of her and dote on her. He doesn't use these nicknames for anyone else. Marek calls Jai "Paparazzi" when he gets too fixated on Ricochet's fan page, but doesn't use a nickname for him otherwise.


Jai frequently uses tech-related metaphors, e.g., "Let's reboot this conversation" or "She firewalled me out completely." He often abbreviates words in a tech-style, like "config" for configuration or "auth" for authentication.

Beyond occasional Lao phrases, Jai's sentence structure sometimes reflects Lao grammar, especially when tired or emotional.

Jai's speech has a rhythmic quality, almost like he's freestyle rapping when he gets excited about a topic. He tends to trail off mid-sentence when deep in thought, as if his mind is moving faster than his mouth, and he tends to emphasize key words by slightly raising his pitch, almost like verbally underlining them.

Jai's humor is often delivered in a deadpan manner, with a tendency towards puns and wordplay. He has a habit of making pop culture references, especially from sci-fi and tech-related media.

Jai adjusts his speech style depending on his audience, smoothly transitioning between "tech bro," "professional," and "casual friend" modes.

When thinking, Jai tends to use tech-related filler words like "processing" or "buffering." He often uses "Okay, so..." to start explanations, especially when breaking down complex ideas.

Jai calls Marek "boss" or "chef" most of the time alternating them depending on who's around, but he almost exclusively calls Cora "Cor" or "Cors". He has a habit of giving everyone in his life user-related nicknames, like "Admin" for authority figures or "Noob" for newcomers.

While not strictly a speech pattern, Jai often accompanies his speech with tech-related gestures, like miming typing or swiping on a touchscreen.

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1 year ago
Desserts - Drop Cookie - Aunt Cora's World's Greatest CookiesAunt Cora's Recipe. WORLD'S BEST CHOCOLATE

Desserts - Drop Cookie - Aunt Cora's World's Greatest Cookies Aunt Cora's recipe. WORLD'S BEST CHOCOLATE CHIP PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES!

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9 years ago
#corazon #cora-san #onepiece #trafalgarlaw #law #tequieromugho

❤️✌️✨#corazon #cora-san #onepiece #trafalgarlaw #law #tequieromugho ✌️

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10 months ago

sometimes i remember law has a father

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12 years ago

Of Apple Trees, Kingly Ease, and Ironies

Yeah, this is pretty much one big ramble.  You've been warned.

My head!cannon has that Regina was bound to her apple tree as it was taken to the King's castle and she remained bound even after her mother's disappearance because the magic still existed.  Rumple showing up when she was running away was the result of the magic, just like her mother used to show up.  Also, she was so easily swayed in part due to this binding magic.  Magic that followed her to Storybrooke, where she was still bound to the tree.  And that's the real reason she can't leave Storybrooke.  Which explains why in her dream they tied her to the tree.  Regina also used a poison apple for the sleeping curse because it was Snow who was the reason she was bound to the tree.  Perhaps Regina's life is, in part, placed in the tree.  Thus, when she ain't doing well neither is it.  Magic can cure it but only temporarily.

My head!cannon also believes that Cora cast a "do no harm" on King Leopold to prevent Regina from sliding a dagger in between his ribs some awful night.  After all she wouldn't want her daughter's position as Queen to be questioned by the King's early death.  I'm thinking if she wasn't pushed through the mirror Cora would have 'turned' or killed Snow and then the King.  In season 1, episode 18 (The Stableboy) Regina still struggled against her mother's power.  Cora would likely have known that Regina would struggle against the King and maybe even try to kill him on his wedding night (notice I didn't say their).  After all, when you can see the future every things ironic.

Why is it that Rumple was the 'Dark One' and a holy badass manipulator yet the only, only, story about him that trickled over is the one in which he did not win by not getting Regina?

Has Regina ever killed someone just cause?  Am I right in thinking that every time she has killed it's been for love, happiness, or freedom?  I would totally kill for those… maybe not just walk up and stab someone now.  Let me phrase this better, if I lived in a medieval place such as FTL I would much rather be killing for love, happiness, or freedom than cause some dude bumped into my kid or for power (I'm looking at Snow and Charming, no way they got a throne without someone dying).  Oh, wait, that girl who was learning from Rumple!  Although, I would almost classify that kill under happiness and freedom.  She was married to the King then wasn't she?  Ironic that the first person she killed it was taking a heart out and the last was by putting a heart back (She just cannot win).

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1 year ago

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✾  ⠀⠀⊩ ⠀⠀◌ ⠀⠀🪅 ⠀⠀⊓

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7 years ago
You Know When A Music Gets You? And You Start To Sing, Feeling Like You Are A Rockstar? That's Precisely

You know when a music gets you? And you start to sing, feeling like you are a rockstar? That's precisely how I feel now

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6 years ago
Lineart In Paper, Inked On Autodesk SketchBook

Lineart in paper, inked on Autodesk SketchBook

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6 years ago
Snowy Place, Based On Samurai Jacks Artwork

Snowy place, based on Samurai Jack’s artwork

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3 years ago
Ive Been Working On This For 2 Years And Im Over Trying To Finish It Lol

I’ve been working on this for 2 years and I’m over trying to finish it lol

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