Cotl Amdusias - Tumblr Posts

It's not great but I still like it
A while back I designed all of the minibosses as they are in my AU. Here are the designs and a mini description on each of them

Darkwood gang

Anura gang
Apparently there's a 10-image limit, so minibosses part 2 later

While making my own fanfic, that will never see the public eye, I had to draw one of my favorite scenes from it. The bosses of Darkwood finally reunite with their Bishop, Leshy, who is a child now.

Saw some people drawing the boss followers, and I wanted to join. Here are the high priests of the upper sectors.
Amdusias makes sure everything is planted in the most productive orientation. Gusion enjoys being in charge of the recipes. Saleos keeps everyone healthy while spending most of her time in the medical hut. Focalor set up a library and likes teaching others.

The high priests of the mid sectors.
Valefar keeps track of how much food and how many seeds are available (she likes numbers). Eligos cuts up ingredients (she also tries putting menticide mushrooms in everything). Haborym is the surgeon, and he has to be supervised around accident prone followers. Vephar keeps track of inventory and writes in the ledger (she gets mad at Lamby when they make big purchases without telling her).

Got some of the priests fully coloured. Even did a nice scene of Vephar and Valefar enjoying some time together. Historians might even call them "best friends."

Who has more teeth than the leaders of Darkwood. (Including Gemrin and Topaz)
Day 6 & 7
Day 9
Day 1 and prompts