Definitely Not - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Anyone else get a little (a lot) sleepy when they sit in a sunbeam?

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1 year ago

Oh yeah

Happy New Year I guess

I'm totally not focused on the fact that I'm already halfway through being a senior in high school

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The writers urge to edit a story that you know nobody will ever read and stay up all night doing so. I’m running on no sleep and an unhealthy amount of pixie sticks.

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✨Solangelo books nerd/books nerd AU✨

where two of them bond over books and they be shy they be spilling those nerdy headcanons, ships, canon-complaints, lores, accidentally spoilers where they gawks horrifyingly at each other's and then laugh.

Nico having those lgbtq+ books like Boyfriend Material, They Both Die At The End, Call Me By Your Name, Find Me, Cemetery Boys,...or children's books like The Terrible Two, All My Friends Are Dead, etc

Will having all the Agatha Christie's thriller, crime, mystery novels and choke—those Maurice LeBlanc's one too and he loves Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books, except his favorite one being The Trials of Apollo and he's that Tumblr and Twitter nerd that went crazy with AUs and headcanons and characters/canon-complaints things (you guys gonna want to see him being the number one Nico's stan and writing those long ass facts about how Nico's the best ever and almost everyone else can go and die) (he somehow hate Will the most) and he really likes series novels, The Maze Runner, Shadowhunters, Harry Potter,...

and they both fall in love with Song Of Achilles and they talk like nonstop over it, quoting the lines, cringe at themselves, laugh, then cry because fuck, that book ruined them or something

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1 year ago

I feel like Tumblr is a more anonymous social media site compared to others, so I was curious about this. If more than one option is true, pick the one furthest up on the list

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2 years ago


OHH I’VE GOT TIGHNARI ON THE BRAIN TODAY...needy dom Tighnari pounding into you with his arms wrapped around you tight, holding you so so close and whimpering uncontrollably right in your ear because he’s just so sensitive :((

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7 months ago
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic
Collection Of Posts For A Very Specific Dynamic

collection of posts for a very specific dynamic

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2 years ago

I had wayyy too much fun changing my blog appearance

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7 months ago

Bad News

Villain knew Hero could see them through the wall, so when they grabbed the trash can from the street and threw it in their direction, they expected the hero to duck. When they peeked around the corner, they looked up just in time to see the metal container miss the hero by a concerningly-small margin. Hero just stood still, like they hadn’t even noticed how close they had just come to decapitation by dumpster.

Villain was dumbfounded by the hero’s careless behavior right in the middle of a fight.

“I could’ve seriously taken your head off!” Villain yelled, but their anger subsided when they saw the look on their enemies face.

Eyebrows pinched, mouth downturned, and eyes distant.

Distress, plain and simple was written all over their features.

Their suspicions were confirmed when they were able to successfully rush and grab hold of the hero, crossing their arms across their chest and preventing their escape. The hero squirmed, but they could do nothing caged tightly in the villain’s arms.

“What’s on your mind?” The villain inquired to their new, confusingly-distracted hostage.

“It’s nothing,” Hero deflected.

“It’s not,” Villain challenged, loosening their grip so that it wasn’t so harsh. When the hero flinched, Villain shifted to a gentler tone.

“It doesn’t take x-ray vision to see your heart isn’t in this right now.”

Reluctantly, Hero admitted, “I got some news, okay?”

“What kind of news?”

“Not good.”

The hero with enhanced vision turned their head and huffed.

Carefully, Villain asked, “How bad?”

“Not sure yet,” Hero sighed, going quiet for a moment before snapping, “Its always one thing after another. It never fucking stops, it’s just shit on top of an already heaping pile of shit-“

They cut off with a choke. When Villain looked down, they saw tears welled in their eyes.

“I just don’t know how to deal with it all. It’s just…too much.”

Hero sagged, and Villain’s restraining hold turned into something more reminiscent of a hug.

“Hey, I may seem like the strong one here, but if we measure in anything other than bone-crushing-abilities I think you’d have me beat.”

A moment passed in silence. Around them, the city buzzed. Cars passing, drivers honking, lights changing, life continuing. To Hero, the world shrunk. It was only the gentle breeze of their own breath passing through their lips, the rise and fall of their chest beneath the Villain’s arms.

“I don’t want to be strong,” they finally whispered.

“I know,” Villain hushed, “I’m sorry you have to be.”

Hero laughed weakly in an attempt to lighten the mood, “Since when does my nemesis apologize?”

Villain allowed the abrupt shift, responding easily, “Since you started getting all sad I guess.”

Hero chuckled lightly in their arms, then sniffed.

“It’s okay to take a break, you know.”

Hero used their freshly released arm to wipe their sleeve across their nose.

“Nah, I’m right where I want to be. Plus, who else is gonna beat your ass if I’m gone?”

“Sad and delusional I’m afraid,” the super-strong criminal replied.

Villain stepped back, and the hero turned to face them.

“Thanks,” Hero offered awkwardly. They shifted on their feet, unsure of where to go from here.

Villain simply nodded, walking backwards across the concrete until the hero broke eye contact.

“Don’t mention it,” they called as they turned and left. The hero didn’t stop them as they cleared the crosswalk and disappeared.

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7 months ago

Art is getting inspired by a song you hear and then you leave it playing in the background while you intensely try to draw a circle to rock music constantly undoing it.

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1 year ago

keira knightley and matthew macfadyen are THE best elizabeth bennett and mr darcy. you can’t convince me otherwise.

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11 years ago
Definitely Not Jinx

Definitely Not Jinx

Speed-art HERE 

Jinx trying to hide behind Sona's image just made me luagh, their personalities are so different and the fact that Jinx would be tripping all over that gown just sold it (and Jinx Rocking out on the Etwahl was a cherry on top). 

For my speed art series on Machinima Realm

Elizabeth B.

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7 months ago

Mc: 😠

Demons: 😥

Luke: ... What's going on?

Solomon: Mc is upset at the brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos because they "didn't come home."

Mc: Correction, I'm upset at the brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos, EXPECT for Lucifer. Cause at least he comes home to me!!!

Lucifer: *standing with a smug look on his face*

Demons: But Mc 🥺

Mc: *turns back to them* I don't want to hear it. If yall don't want to come home that's fine, guess I'll just only ask for Lucifer from now on.

Demons: BUT MC!!! 😢

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1 year ago

@bloodandsugarboudoir ! Don’t pretend like your search history is any less concerning than mine. Besides, accomplices get put on the watch list too.

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1 year ago
Got Some Of The Priests Fully Coloured. Even Did A Nice Scene Of Vephar And Valefar Enjoying Some Time
Got Some Of The Priests Fully Coloured. Even Did A Nice Scene Of Vephar And Valefar Enjoying Some Time
Got Some Of The Priests Fully Coloured. Even Did A Nice Scene Of Vephar And Valefar Enjoying Some Time
Got Some Of The Priests Fully Coloured. Even Did A Nice Scene Of Vephar And Valefar Enjoying Some Time

Got some of the priests fully coloured. Even did a nice scene of Vephar and Valefar enjoying some time together. Historians might even call them "best friends."

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