Creepy Luz - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

That ending had me and my brother like

That Ending Had Me And My Brother Like

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3 years ago

My Creepy Luz Theory

My Creepy Luz Theory

Okay so I have this theory that maybe Creepy Luz is just someone from the Emperor’s Coven or a very old wild witch around Eda or Gwen’s age. You might be thinking “how tf did you get that theory?” Simple my fellow witch youngling, we were told that one of the various forbidden magics is shape shifting.

I think that it would only make sense for this person to be an old wild witch or a member of the Emperor’s coven as they would have they knowledge or access to the knowledge and arts of shape shifting. Shape shifting is not illusion magic, if that was the case than I’m sure Luz would have wanted to join the coven and shape shift into her version of Azura or such. But back to what I was saying, I don’t think this person is a human but instead a highly knowledgeable witch who’s perfected the art of shape shifting. Along with the high possibility that the witch is in simple words: an old witch. Most young witches just know that forbidden magic is forbidden and that’s all you need to know and that’s all you’ll know.

My Creepy Luz Theory
My Creepy Luz Theory

I think that the witch could possibly vary from a young witch apprentice like the Golden Guard to someone as skilled and respected as Lilith (before sharing the curse). Though I’m juggling between the thought of the witch being someone who’s older, ex. Eda, Gwen, Belos or younger. If the witch were older, they would have known about shape shifting and they would have had time to perform and cast shape shifting to the best of their abilities. Basically perfect their art of shape shifting.

If the witch were to be younger such as an apprentice like Luz or the Golden Guard, they’d have less time to contribute in perfecting the performance and holding of any shape shifting. If this were the case then we have a reason to this scene that was added in the s2 promo:

My Creepy Luz Theory

The young witch could have probably slipped up and got caught by Camila, giving her a reason to suspect or learn that Luz is actually in another realm. And probably even mentioning that she’s trapped there until the dictator of that realm finds a way to get the realm door opened up to then possibly take over the human realm dictating both realms with his armies.

But as I mentioned earlier on, most to all young witches have no knowledge about forbidden magic. Plus we know that not many young witches are as talented and high ranking or loved by Emperor Belos, as the Golden Guard. So there’s not much more to help me believe that the person behind Creepy Luz could be a young witch.

If this shape shifter were to be older, they could easily have just ran out of will power to keep up the act. That or they could have run out of actual power to continue the ruse. Cause let’s face it, you’d have to have power to continue the shape shifting performance into the late hours of the night because I’m more than sure Camila checks up on Luz late at night.

There’s another theory I’ve got pondering in my head. It’s my brother’s theory to Creepy Luz. This post is already long enough so that’s all ima say for now. Guess it’s gonna be a theory for another day, and by that I mean I’m totally going to type it out tomorrow night and won’t post it until Tuesday.

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3 years ago

Part 2 of Creepy Luz theories!

This one comes from my brother and all of the credit goes to him.

Part 2 Of Creepy Luz Theories!

So the theory he came up with, is “What if Creepy Luz is just the Boiling Isles’ version of Luz?” Now we’re picking up speed am I right?? Lemme give you some context on where this is coming from.

So if we go back to s1 ep3, while Luz is being given an introduced to Gus by Willow; Luz interrupts saying something along the lines of “We have a Gus in the human world.” Then we get Gus jumping around happy that he’s been given a nickname from a human ya dA ya da-

[ example to help support claim above ]

Part 2 Of Creepy Luz Theories!

Part 2 Of Creepy Luz Theories!

[ human Willow and Amity ]

{ Key differences to Willow and Amity we know vs human realm; hair color, eye color and even skin color! }

So here’s where it gets ~interesting~

My brother goes on to say, what if Creepy Luz is just the Boiling Isles’ Luz. There is a witch Luz created in that realm with key differences such as elongated pointed ears, different hair color, different eye color, and possibly even different mannerisms. He says this goes for every character, and he’s not at all wrong as it has some what been confirmed.

He suggests that maybe this Boiling Isles’ Luz is either in the Illusion or Healing track. You’ve gotta have some way to hide your differently colored eyes and hair along with them big ol’ ears. So what better to hide it with simple yet powerful illusion magic. Now, he added in healing track because he suggests that Boiling Isles Luz may have cut off the points of her ears. Morbid right? Just like Dana would’ve wanted! By cutting off the points of her ears she’d need healing magic, so what’s to do? Heal it yourself even possibly have prepped potions to hide the newly birthed scars.

Part 2 Of Creepy Luz Theories!

How would she have gotten access to the human realm? Easy, being a part of the Emperor’s Coven. My brother thinks that someone from the Oracle coven warned Emperor Belos of Luz’s arrival to the Boiling Isles. That being said, he recruited someone fitting Luz’s description and assigned them to a mission in the human realm. With this almost doppelgänger roaming through the human realm with access to the Emperor’s Coven, it’s not that hard to think maybe she’s been assigned to be a spy.

[ theory was made the day that ep 4 aired, we did not get around to reading Moringmark’s latest comics until this afternoon ]

Now in terms of personality, my brother theorized that she may have a similar personality/interests as human realm Luz. Which is where he thinks we get this scene from:

Part 2 Of Creepy Luz Theories!

He thinks that this spy Luz:

slips up and out of fear, guilt or sympathy; breaks down and tells Camila about where her Luz is.

Camila finds out on accident, that who she’s been around isn’t her daughter. Possibly by walking in while the other Luz is getting ready. Which means that Luz is actually has not fully healed the scars or doesn’t start up the illusion magic until she’s out of Luz’s actual room.

Camila notices weird behaviors from her. Like Luz’s old routine is off; she freaks out at the sight of a giraffe, the rain and ocean.

Part 2 Of Creepy Luz Theories!

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3 years ago

Despite my Creepy Luz theories, I really like this thought about Creepy Luz. If my theories get disproven in any ways I’ll be clinging onto the hope that Creepy Luz turns out to be like either Lake (Infinity Train) or Fern (Adventure Time).

Both Lake and Fern have identity crisis’ in the series their from. The differences between the two is well, Lake is more peaceful and tries to think things out while Fern just wants to get things done with, the fastest and having a hard time stopping to think much.

Don’t get me wrong, both of them have their violent moments but I think that Lake tried to learn more than fight. As Fern had to have more small talks to help combat his lizard brain and his self esteem which was all over the place. Up until the end of the series, Fern was just fighting around barely getting to a final understanding of his differences between himself and Finn.

I kind of want the creepy Luz to be like Lake from the infinity train

someone who isn’t evil and has to deal with identity crisis

as much as I like the evil twin trope I’d like to see it subverted

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3 years ago
Im Already Imagining An Argument Between Luz And Amity Because Amity Unknowingly Hung Out With Fake Luz

I’m already imagining an argument between Luz and Amity because Amity unknowingly hung out with fake Luz who hurt her feelings cause somehow she knows that the real Luz is there and wants to cause problems for her to make her run back to the demon realm so fake Luz can continue her rain in the human realm. Real Luz tries to tell Amity that she has never and would never said any of those things and just wants to talk it out. But Amity is hurt by what she heard and runs off, leaving the real Luz alone and just as confused and hurt or probably more hurt.

Just a big fucking mess if I’m gonna be honest with ya, big angsty confusing mess.

Me: "There's no way that Amity could get tricked by Creepy Luz, she knows her girlfriend too well. If anything, she'll be the one pointing out that she's fake."

Eclipse Lake: *A villain tells her that Luz has been sending demeaning messages to her, and she believes them because of her insecurities*

Yesterday's Lie: *Is the episode where she'll probably meet Creepy Luz*

Also Yesterday's Lie: *Is the episode right after that one, making Eclipse Lake the perfect time for foreshadowing*

Me: "I'm............. I'm scared. Please don't hurt Lumity, or Amity's feelings."

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3 years ago

okay but why does she give off such-

I guess this is just me, but ✨gender✨

Before We Were Scared Of Her And Now We Want To Protecc Her
Before We Were Scared Of Her And Now We Want To Protecc Her

Before we were scared of her and now we want to protecc her

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