Creepy Things - Tumblr Posts

12 years ago

The second one... the answer... Really, from all the dances you have to chose Tap dancing?... REALLY?!... 

1. Finish this sentence: Women don’t understand how much men want to… Watch football on Sundays. And I know a lot of women who don’t understand that the whole day is going to be dedicated to football. That’s all we ask! 2. What might be a surprise to learn about you? I’m a pretty decent tap...

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2 years ago

I love caves as a horror theme but I HATE when there are things in the caves. Horror writers utterly ruin cave stories by not realizing that the cave itself is the monster.

It’s fine when caves are a gateway that something is coming through, or the cave is somehow alive and malicious, or if the only monster is what the narrator brings in with themself, but I hate hate hate when writers expect me to be creeped out by spelunkers being menaced by creatures that live inside the cave.

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6 years ago


A heavy thunderstorm. Large raindrops pummeling the ground and rooftops, the crashing of thunder above your home, flashes of lightning warning of their encroaching roar.

For only a short time, absolute darkness. The sensation of having your eyes taken away from you stimulates your other senses. Every sound you’ve learned to absent mindedly ignore comes rushing at you. Sounds you’ve never noticed now have your full attention. Is this what it looks like in the far reaches of space? A glimpse of nonexistence?

Isolation in nature. Listening to the sound of trees whispering with the wind. The snapping and twigs beneath your feet, the crunch of snow, the swish of leaves. The idea of you being the only human within sight is lovely and should be cherished. Even in the desert, where you may be the only life within your expansive view is beautiful. Although I’m not the biggest fan of being under the sun, its harsh oppression of a desert landscape is where some of its most singular work is done.

Places abandoned by civilization. Any part of a city or town forgotten by people, shrouded in fog is an eerie place of wonder. Every room, every object is a bit of a mystery; not of what it is, but why it’s there. Who left it and why there of all places? These stories can be sad or sinister which makes them all the more significant. The return of nature adds an aesthetic element and reminds us that she will eventually reclaim everything.

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