Cries In Ibdp Student - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

How to write IB essays:

As told by my economics teacher when he was telling us how to write our IAs and told is that it would be good for any subject with essay questions.

There are three criteria to achieve:

Evaluate: Evaluations give grades 6-7, with 450 words on it

Apply: Applying knowledge gives levels 4-5, here we should give explanations and if there are any diagrams explain that as well, with 250 words on it

Knowledge: This gives grades 1-3, here we should write down definitions and background information, with a word count of 150 words.

How to write it:

Intro: State and explain the dilemma, justify its importance, and use minor citations.

Body: Here we should show off our knowledge, using definitions, diagrams with explanations of any, basically used to analyse the situation. This analysis is then used to evaluate.

Note: it is useful to underline or highlight important keywords or statements in the assignment or exam paper, it shows where all the work is done and also leaves a good impression on the examiner.

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Day: 6/100

Day: 6/100


I started working on my Mathematics IA.

I also submitted my recording for my piano exam. Which means I DON'T HAVE TO STRESS ABOUT PIANO CLASSES AS WELL!

And this wasn't productive but my French teacher allowed me to take my French oral exam on a later date so I got a lot more time to prepare. She is so sweet. Idc if she often calls me by my sister's name at least she's nicer than my previous french teacher.

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