Crocodile X You - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Smokin With A Crocodile

Smokin’ With A Crocodile

Sir Crocodile x Fem!reader

In which you and crocodile share a blunt.

Mentions of smoking and using drugs, sexual themes, established relationship, set during the alabasta arc. (I wrote this just for fun)

“So you’d like to get high with me then.” Crocodile teased sitting in his chair.

“Yep.” You said emphasizing the “p”

“Why?” He asked leaning back

“Because I though it might be fun. And you and I have been working a lot lately and I think we’ve earned a break.

“Sure, why not.” Crocodile said picking up his transponder snail. He then called Mr.1 inquiring about getting the thing you desired. After about 30 minutes the two of you heard a knock on the door.

“Yes!” You cheered making you way to the door.

You opened it revealing the man you were looking forward to seeing. Mr.1 then handed you the rather large bag of weed. Your eyes seemed to popped out of you head at the sheer amount of weed that was available. It was a massive bag that was at least half the dose of you. You then turned to your lover, Crocodile, with a confused but amused expression. He just shrugged putting out his signature cigar on his golden astray.

“You said you wanted to relax and get high my love. I feel like I don’t need to remind you but I am a big man. It’s going to take a lot for me to feel it.” Crocodile teased getting up from his chair after he dismissed Mr. 1.

“Fair, I guess that would make sense.” You laughed. “Alright you got some papers?” You asked

“Of course I do.” Crocodile said confidently

The next 10 minutes we’re filled with the two of you rolling a massive blunt. And for some reason Crocodile was really good at it. And it made you question to yourself whether or not he use to smoke a lot of weed back in his younger days.

“Alright, light her up.” You said to Crocodile as he grabbed the lighter from his pants pocket as he lit one of the blunts the two of you were going to share.

He took a puff allowing for the smoke to fill his lungs completely as he exhaled. He did this once more leaving you slight impatient but soon handed it to you. You followed him taking a puff of it. You let the smoke sit in your lungs for a second before exhaling, enjoying the sensation of the drug that slightly started to kick in. You then passed it back to him feeling satisfied.Whatever weed this was, it was strong and you knew that after only a few more hit you’d be out.

“Take it easy there love.” Crocodile teased taking the blunt from you and doing an even longer drag. He then did something you did not expect.

Crocodile pulled you towards him, capturing your lips into a sweet but heated kiss. You could taste the drug as you breathed him in. It was intoxicating and downright sinful the way he was kissing you. He then pulled away exhaling with a smirk on his mouth as he looked at your flushed and slightly high face. Crocodile laughed slightly before passing it back to you.

“What the hell was that?” You asked feeling hot.

“What you didn’t like it?” He teased giving you a wink.

“You know I did.” You huffed taking a hit before blowing it out on his face.

“Good. Kiss me y/n.” He demanded

However, before you did you took an even longer drag on the blunt. Your lungs slightly hurt but you knew this wouldn’t last long. You then placed the blunt on the ashtray. You pulled your lover by his expensive suit and forced his on your lips. In response he put his hand on your thigh stroking it up and down which made you whimper into the heated drug filled kiss. You pulled away letting some much needed air fill your lungs once more. However, this was short lived as Crocodile pushed you to him once more feeling more needy for you, to which he blamed the weed. Normally he was a composed man. It was rare for him to lose his composure like this, but with all of the high quality weed in his system, he felt like he was completely losing control. And it definitely didn’t help with you being as attractive and alluring as you were. To say the least normal Crocodile was completely in love and obsessed with you, but high Crocodile was on a completely different level.

“I thought you said that it was going to take a lot for you to ge high, my love.” You cooed stroking his flushed cheeks. To which he grumbled feeling slightly shy.

“Just kiss me, woman.” He demanded trying to get the upper hand.

“Oh I’ll kiss you. And I’ll take good care of you took, darling.” You spoke pulling toward you again feeling even hotter than before.

The rest of the night consisted of the two of you being tangled in your rather large bed. Your combined moans were so loud that they could be heard by anyone who was in close walking distance of your home. However, due to your high state neither of you cared. All you cared was the ecstasy of being filled with each other. And the next morning you woke up with hickeys and bruises littering you body. Crocodile too had hickeys on his neck and chest from your own domination. It took the two of you hours to realize that you hadn’t used protection.

“I’ll call Daz to get a pregnancy test.” Crocodile said admiring your body as he held you close to him.

“Good, because I don’t remember you pulling out last night.” You remembered

“No matter what happens, let’s not get that high again.” Crocodile sighed.

“We’ll see.” You cooed feeling happy that you finally got to smoke weed with Crocodile.

Smokin With A Crocodile

Thanks so much for reading💜This was just something I felt like writing. Lol.

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•I do NOT own any character except y/n•


Tags :
9 months ago
Crocodile Tears Pt.1

Crocodile Tears pt.1

Crocodile xfem!reader

In which you and your husband,Crocodile, get into an argument and it spirals out of control.

Heavy angst, hurt with no comfort, usage of bitch, Set a little before Alabasta. Could be split into more parts if requested.

You were so tired of being put last. Nearly a decade spent with this man. All of the work you put into this relationship. All of the broken promises. All of the times he was late or completely forgot about your plans together. Normally you’re a very patient woman and had always been sympathetic of your husbands time. But not today. Too many damn anniversaries missed and you were now fed up. You decided to confront your husband on his bullshit and demand a solid reason for being late to your own anniversary dinner that you had spent hours perfecting.

You walked straight into his office that was located in the basement of your shared casino. You didn’t bother knocking as whatever he was doing was no where near as important as him missing your anniversary dinner. His head shot up at the sound of someone barging in. Crocodile gave confused and angry look before softening it ever so slightly at the sight of you. He sighed looking at you as you’d told before him. He could tell that whatever you were mad about was completely his fault.

“Yes my dear?” He asked giving very little of his attention as he continued writing on his documents.

“You know why I’m here.” You spat crossing your arms.

“What is it now?” He sighed

“Don’t you know what day it is?” You questioned harshly tired of his forgetfulness.

“No idea, but I’m very busy right now, I’ll deal with you later.” Crocodile bit back now giving you attention.

“It’s our fucking anniversary!” You yelled as frustrated tears rolled down your cheeks.

“I’ll make it up to you later. Right now I’m in the middle of something important. You can damn well wait.” He snapped slamming his hand down.

“Am I really not that important to you?” You cried as your body trembled.

“No, you’re not! Now I’ll deal with you later!” He yelled

“No fuck that, why am I not important to you? After all I’ve done. I love you why can’t you ever prioritize me!” You exclaimed balling your fists to your sides.

“Maybe if you weren’t such a nagging bitch, maybe I would. Now leave I have more important things to do then bitch with you. Get out!” He furiously yelled standing up out of his chair as he gave you a look of pure hatred.

You stood there trembling in fear as your tears stopped as your hands were now shaking. Crocodile noticed the look of fear in your eyes but was too mad at you to even care. You couldn’t move, however, a hand touched your shoulder. You moved with it still too stunned to react as it led you out of your husbands office and into the long carpeted hallway and then into the Casino that was owned by both you and your husband. Soon enough, you were outside and now were alone as the figure left you alone in the dark

You looked out into the pitch black sky as you came back to your senses. A furious son left your body as you sunk to your knees. You cried and cried until your body felt numb and your eyes felt raw from the salty tears that left them. You then hugged your now cold body as your rocked yourself trying to give yourself some comfort. After a few more moments, you slowly picked yourself up off the ground and walked to the shared home that you and crocodile lived in together that was about a five minute walk from the Casino.

There you grabbed the first suitcase that you could get your hands on and filled it with as much of your personal belongings as you could fit not caring too much about your fancy clothes and trinkets. Once you were done, you took a good look at the outfit that you were still wearing and promptly took it off and replaced it with more comfortable clothes.

You had no pleads of what to do but you knew you needed to leave. Too long had Crocodile forgotten about your needs. Too long had he put you last. Too long have you stayed with someone that didn’t love you the way you loved them. Too long had you given him everything while he gave you nothing. You were done and tired of his half assed apologies and broken promises. So, you made a phone call to the harbor. The transponder snail ring for a while and you were scared that because of the hour, they wouldn’t pick up.

“Yes, hello miss how may I help you?” The transponder snail finally spoke.

“Yes, hi, I’d like to book at ticket to the first ship that will go to Dressrosa.

“Dressrosa? Well you’ll have to take multiple ships to go there but we can get you on a ship that will take you to the next available island that has a ship that goes there. Is that alright?” The teller spoke

“Yes that should be fine.” You spoke doing your best to sound normal as your voice was still sore from crying. “When is the first available ship?” You asked

“At 6 in the morning.” They responded

“I’ll take it.” You replied quickly.

“Alrighty, I’ll see you then. I’d like to let you know that it’s firsts come first serve here so be sure to arrive early to get a good seat.” They told you kindly.

“Thank you, have a good night.” You said

“I will, you too miss.” They responded

And with that you hung up the transponder snail. You signed hanging you head before standing up straight and focusing on the task at hand. You decided to go into the shared safe that you and your husband had in your room and put as much cash as you could in your suitcase and one of the purses that you decided to take. It was a lot and you just hopped that you wouldn’t be robbed as that money would help you with the next step in your life. You then grabbed a piece of paper from your side table drawer and a blue inked pen and wrote a small good bye letter to Crocodile.

My dear husband,

You might not care about any of this but I need to let you know my feelings.

I love you and even as I write this letter I love you. And despite my burning love for you, I cannot stay in this loveless marriage any longer. You have proven time and time again that I am not an important aspect of your life and I’d rather leave than be a hindrance to you or the empire you are trying to build.

With all my love,

Y/n L/n

Once you were done and with your suitcase in hand you walked all the way to the harbor. When you arrived you promptly purchased a ticket not caring about where you sat. As you walked onto the boat, you looked back at the vast desert that you once called home smiling bitterly at the events of last night.

“The ship is now departing. I repeat the ship is now departing.” A voice called out

“Goodbye my darling.” You whispered into the wind as the ship left the harbor.


“Where the hell is she!” Crocodile yelled in a furious rage as he walked into your shared bedroom some of the maids were cleaning.

“Sorry sir, we were asleep when the mistress came in.” One of the maids spoke meekly as she was scared of Crocodile.

“Daz, find her!” Crocodile barked

“Yes sir.” Daz Bones responded as he immediately left to find you.

Crocodile was furious, confused, and guilty. He knew he fucked up. He was so stressed about all of the work that had to be done and the news about a bunch of rookie pirates finding out his identity that he snapped and completely disregarded your anniversary. His mind was scrambled and his heart was aching for his sweet wife who now is nowhere to be seen.

“Umm… Sir.” Another maid spoke quietly

“What!” He snapped looking at her with pure fury.

“Sorry sir but we found this on the side table.” She spoke quickly handing him your letter.

He read it silently as he took in each word and sentence that you had written out just for him to read. His heart broke but the sudden realization of how much of a shitty husband dawned on him. And unfortunately for him, too late. Now you were gone, his sweet wife, his love.

“I’ll find you y/n.” He whispered before waking out of your shared bedroom determined to find you no matter the cost.

Crocodile Tears Pt.1

Thank you so much for reading!💜

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• I do NOT own any characters except y/n•


Part 1 Part 2

Tags :
7 months ago
Crocodile Tears Pt.2

Crocodile Tears pt.2

Sir Crocodile x fem!reader, Doflamingo x fem!reader(siblings)

In which your life has gotten a little more complicated as your freakishly tall older brother comes back into your life.

Angst, reader is traumatized, fluff, curse words, violence. Slighy spoilers for Marine ford. Maybe out of character Crocodile and Doflamingo. May be some canon as well as non canon things.

The ocean shone brilliantly as the salty sea air whipped your h/c hair back softly. You stood on the front of the boat holding the railing that surrounded it, feeling the cool metal against your palms. You took a deep breath letting the salty air fill your lungs as your eyes still felt raw from all of the crying you had done the night prior. Your heart was still aching from recent events. You had once been the wife of a very powerful man and now you were just you and you knew that at some point, you needed to come to terms with that.

The reason you chose Dressrosa was because despite the history there, you needed to be in the comfort of your family. You desired to see your older brother even though he was a horrible person and a hardened criminal. You were an adopted by his parents as they desired to have a ‘normal’ child. You chuckled at that thought squeezing the cool railing a little bit harder as you felt fresh tears pricking your eyes once again. You started to hate yourself for wanting to see him, as he was the reason your parents weren’t here anymore. But you knew that he would welcome you with open arms, he did promise that after all. You just wish that you knew where your other brother was as he was more of the ideal person to be with. He was kind, smart, and someone you knew you could rely on. But your older brother would have to do for now, he was still family.

“We will be arriving at our destination in 1 hour.” someone on the loud speaker announced

“Well damn, that voyage was a lot quicker than I thought it be. Guess I should call Doffy.”You spoke to yourself as you admired the sea.

You reluctantly let go of the railings and began waking back to your room that was located in the middle of the ship. Once there, you sat on your bed that was hard and uncomfortable. You then took one look at your transponder snail giving it a small smile before grabbing it gently Reluctantly, you dialed your brothers number waiting for him to pick up as the sound of the transponder snail filled your tiny room. And soon enough, the transponder snail stopped with a click sound.

“Who’s this?” A gruff voice spoke

“It’s me, Doffy. It’s y/n.” You responded cringing at yourself for being so timid.

“Well, well. Hello there I was wondering when I’d get a call from you. ” He laughed out. “I told you that Crocodile was not good for you did I not.” Doflamingo spoke once more bit in a more serious tone fully knowing why you’d call him.

“I know.” You whispered feeling embarrassed

“I’m glad you know, sweet sister. Now tell me where you are so I can come and get you.” He said in a more gentle voice thing to coax you to him.

“Funny enough, in a boat right now on my way to Dressrosa. I’m about an hour away.” You replied with a nervous expression.

“Fufufu, good I’ll see you soon then. Are you just visiting or do you want to stay?” He asked slyly

“I’m not sure yet Doffy. All I know is that I need my family.” You admitted feeling too emotionally tired to hide your true feelings.

“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses.” Doflamingo stated as that sentence reminded you of the big fight the two of you had when you first started dating crocodile. You then sighed trying to push down the thoughts of your husband down. “See you soon, y/n.” Your brother added before hanging up.

“Shit. What the hell did I just get myself into.” You admitted to yourself before you began packing your things getting ready to see your big brother again.

One hour later

You had finally arrived to Dressrosa. Taking your first steps off of the boat felt like you were waking home. The familiar warmth and sight of toys filled you with joy. However, the sheer number of them shocked you as you defiantly don’t remember there being this many. Shaking your head, you decided to put it in the back of your mind as you were dedicated to one thing and one thing only; your brother.

You began looking around for him thinking that he might be here to get you. However, knowing Doffy, he was not the kind of man to do that. You shook your head that this realizing that it had been some time since you had officially seen him and you seemed to have forgotten some of his manurisums.

“Well shit, I guess I’ve gotta walk there.” You spoke to yourself.

And so you went in the direction of the castle that sat upon the plateau called the “Sunflower hill.” As you began your journey, suitcase in hand, you had walked out five minutes before you were surrounded by three men that seemed to be dressed as guards.

“Miss Donquixote, we are here to escort you to the palace by order of the king!” The guard in the middle declared handing me an official document with my brothers signature proving the legitimacy to this man’s words.

“I see. Thank you! Mind carrying my bags then?” I responded handing one of the other guards my suitcase before they could answer. I then walked past them desperate to get to my final destination.

“C-certainly!” The guard squeaked surprised at my boldness.

“Wait, miss Donquixote! We are suppose to escort you!” The last guard yelled

“Well escort me then I’m not interested in waiting any longer than I already have.” You snapped back not having any patience to deal with your brothers goonies at that moment. You then continued your fast pace not caring if they were actually escorting you or not.

“Yes ma’am!” All three of them responded as you heard them quicken their footsteps behind you. And soon enough they were in front of you “escorting” you to the palace.

After about an hour of walking, you had finally made it to your brothers palace. You smiled to yourself feeling surprisingly happy that you were going to see him after so many years. The palace hadn’t changed much since the last time you were here. With the exception of a few more shitty portraits of your brother.

“Miss Donquixote, please follow us to the throne room.” The guard holding your bag told you.

“Thank you!” You responded feeling slightly relieved that you were finally here.

The guard then lead you through a long hallway with red velvet carpet adorned with gold accents. The doors ahead that opened to the throne room was solid gold and stood wall length. The other two guards then stood on both sides of the doors. As the two massive opened you were greeted with the strange and malicious smile of your older brother; Donquixote Doflamingo.

“Too you long enough my sweet sister.” Doflamingo smiled crossing his legs as he sat upon his massive golden throne wearing his signature pink feathered coat.

“My bad, your guards got in my way.” You joked walking up to him with a small smile on your face.

“Fufufu I’ll deal with them later.” He spoke looking down at you with his smile never fading from his face.

“It’s good to see you brother.” You admitted not interested in starting any small talk with him knowing full well it would go absolutely no where.

“You as well dear one. It’s been so long. Why don’t we catch up in private?” He asked although knowing him, it definitely wasn’t a question. “Why don’t we talk in my office?” He added as he got up from his massive throne and began walking.

“Sure thing.” You responded as you followed.

Soon the two of you arrived to his office. Once there, the two of you sat across from each other in big office chairs. His looked perfect for him while your looked like it was about to swallow you whole. His office was huge and like the rest of the decor of the castle, it was adored with good trimmings and beautiful paintings. One of the paintings in particular caught your eye. It was a painting of you and both of your brothers. With them standing side by side with you in the middle. The sight of that painting made your heart ache. You hadn’t seem your other brother in an ever longer time than you had seen Doflamingo.

“He’s still missing y/n.” Doflamingo chimed in once he took notice you weren’t paying any attention to him.

“I know, it’s been far too long. I barely remember him.” You spoke seldomly

“What do you remember?” He asked as he leaned in closer to you.

“That he was kind, quiet, and extremely clumsy.” You replied reminiscing in your head about the time he somehow slipped sitting down. You chuckled at that thought which, not to your awareness, made Doflamingo jealous.

“Yes he was, but onto business.” He said doing his best to hide his annoyed tone and trying to give you a sweet and loving smile instead.

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. What would you like to know?” You asked him leaning back into your massive chair.

“Everything, start from the beginning. I need to know how much that mother fucker hurt you and if I need to kill him or not.” He sneered smiling in anticipation.

“I’ll tell you everything as long as you agree not to kill him.” You responded quickly trying not to get your ex husband kill despite your hatred for him. You were so glad in that moment that you took on more of the personality of your other brother.

“Deal, just tell me everything.” He replied in an annoyed tone.

“Fine, so it all started about a little over a week ago…” You started.


The news of Arabasta’s war conflict coming to an end and Crocodiles reign over was sweeping the nation and the world by storm. The news that “white chase” Smoker of the marines had defeated the infamous pirate became one of speculation and pride to the Marines. The king was respected once more and the lost princess Vivi went back to her kingdom once more. It was a joyous occasion as the chains that held Arabasta captive were finally broken. However, there was one in particular that was not gladdened with the news; Sir Crocodile.

There he sat in a large Marine ship with sea prism stone cuffs on both his hands and feet. Blood still on his face from his recent battle with the rookie “Straw Hat” Luffy. Crocodile was defeated through and through. Both mind and body spent as not only did his plans fail, but the one thing he held dear to him was now gone too, due to his own personal failure. The area of the ship he was in was dark and smelled of rats and moldy sea water.

“Damn marines, don’t even know how to clean properly.” He spoke to himself with a raspy voice.

His head leaned forward as he tried to make himself comfortable in these shitty conditions. However, he had no luck as he was so use to his luxurious ways. His constant cigar was gone so he couldn’t even find a slight comfort in that. Crocodile then sighed feeling tired from the sea prism stone cuffs that he was bound in. As his power felt like it was gone completely. He hated this feeling, he hated being weak, but most importantly he hates knowing that he lost. He hates himself for the words that he spoke to you when he should’ve been kind to you. You were(are) his wife and he loves you more than anything.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He spoke softly to himself as though he was speaking to you.

Where were you now? Were you safe? Did you still love him? These questions kept repeating in his tired mind as he sat and sat for what felt like an eternity. He knew where he was going, but in that moment all his mind wanted to think of was you. Your smile, your eyes, your body, your kindness, your love. You were the only comfort he had in that moment and he knew that you’d be the only comfort he would have in Impel Down.

“What the hell is she going to think?” He questioned remembering that he had never told you the full extent of his plan and the full truth as to why you were in Arabasta in the first place. All he told you was that it was the best place for the two of you to make money and you accepted. “Shit!” He yelled out slamming his hand and hook down on the floor.

“Hey! Keep it down in there!” One of the marine guards called out to him. To which Crocodile glared at him making the marine guard shiver. “S-sorry!” He stuttered out.

“Whatever.” Crocodile spoke leaning back against the wall and sighing.

He knew he fucked up badly. He knew the chance of you taking him back as your husband was slim, but he didn’t care. He loved you in his twisted but genuine way. You were his and he was yours and he needed you back in his arms. You were his salvation is this fucked up world. Crocodile then in that moment, no matter what, decided he would find a way to be by your side once more and he simply didn’t care how.

“Prepare the prisoner for transfer to Impel down!” Another guard shouted to Crocodiles.

“Yes sir!” The marine saluted. “You heard him p-prisoner. Stand up!” The guard stuttered.

“Sure.” Crocodile smiled sending another wave of nerves down the guard’s spine.

Now that crocodile was standing he fully now realized just how tired he was. However, that didn’t matter now. Now, he would have to endure literal hell for god knows how long. But, he knew no matter how long no matter how much they would put him through in that place, it would be more than worth it just to see you once again.

“Y/n, I’ll find you my darling.” He whispered is mind returning to nothing but sweet thought of you and he began walking straight into hell.

Back To You…

“And that’s what happened and why I’m here now.” You spoke finishing your story.

“I know you told me I shouldn’t kill him, but the events that you just told me make me think he deserves it.” Doflamingo spoke through gritted teeth as his fists were tightly squeezed together.

“His death really wouldn’t make me feel any better you know.” You bit back annoyed that he even thought to bring this up again.

“It would make me feel better.” He muttered as you rolled your eyes at his comment.

“I know it would.” You sighed. “I just don’t wish to see him. I can’t, especially after leaving the way I did.” You admitted as you started to feel slightly sad once more.

“Good, you won’t and I’ll make damn sure of it. You left because you knew you needed better and so you came to me. I’ll make sure you find someone worthy of a woman of your caliber, that’s a promise.” Doflamingo declared feeling righteous.

“I’m not looking to move on yet Doffy…” you said looking down at you hands as your eyes began to blur. “I just can’t.” You added as your heart ached with the memory of your husband.

“Fine, but you will one day, promise me.” Doflamingo spoke seriously

“I promise.” You replied. Although not fully meaning it as your heart still belonged to your husband despite how shitty he was.

“Good girl. Now you should go see the rest of the family I know they’re excited-”Doflamingo began

“Young master! Young master!” A guard burst in holding a newspaper exclaimed.

“Dammit what?!” Your brother barked back with visible anger.

“S-sorry, young master, b-but you need to r-read the news!” He stuttered handing Doflamingo the newspaper.

Your brother scanned it, reading it carefully not fully believing the article. You noticed a mix of confusion and excitement on his face as his familiar smile grew in size. It seemed like forever until he finally finished reading. Once he did, he gave you a smug grin as he handed you the paper that caused his amusement. He knew full well that this would fully shock you. So much so that you would most likely stay with him forever.

You took the paper from him and began reading. However, by the headline, you were already confused and horrified. A gasp left your lips as you continued reading. The true horrors that your husband committed came to light. Mixed emotions were flooding you as you finished reading and shakily placed the news paper down. Angry tears flowed down your cheeks as you looked at your brother who gave you a sympathetic smile, one he knew would make you believe that he had no clue about Crocodiles plan.

“I can’t believe he would be this horrible.” Yoi cried out as you cradled your face and began to sob.

“He is a pirate y/n.” Doflamingo said coming closer to you.

“I know he is, but taking over a country and planning to destroy it. That’s so fucked!” You exclaimed as you felt large arms around your body.

“I know it is. Shhh. Everything will be okay.” Doffy reassured pulling you closer to him with a satisfied grin. “I did tell you he was trouble.” He added.

“I-I know. I just thought he told me everything. He promised that he had.” You spoke through choked tears.

Your brother didn’t respond as he simply didn’t know what to say. On one had he was satisfied that you were with him once again. And that he finally had all of his family in once place. As well as the face that he was almost certain you’d let him kill Crocodile now. However, he also felt a unfamiliar feeling bubbling up in his chest. He did love you and seeing you so upset made him feel slightly sympathetic and worry for you. He hated this feeling but chose to ignore his confused emotions as this is what you needed.

“What am I gonna do Doffy?” You whispered as your voice was beginning to hurt from all of the crying you had done.

“You’re going to say here with me, sweet y/n.” Doffy responded pulling away to look at you.

“How long?” You questioned.

“As long as you’d like to but if it were up to me you’d stay forever. We’re family and it’s high time we reminder that.” He told you grabbing your now puffy face and wiping your tears.

“You’re right! You’ve been right about everything!” You cried out “I’m sorry Doffy.” You whispered hugging him once again.

“That’s all in the past now.” He comforted “Why don’t we go see the rest of our family soon?” Doffy suggested

“I’d like that, thank you brother.” You spoke excitedly

“Good.” Doflamingo smiled smugly

Two Months Later…

Your life at this point was much improved. You were now apart of the family and even had some authority. It was great and you even opened a little flower shop near the castle that you ran, which Doflamingo agreed. You had also gone to therapy and opened up a lot about your marriage and about your own personal problems. You were much happier knowing that your husband was serving time for his heinous crimes.

However, during these past two months you realized that Crocodile’s absence would always leave a hole in your heart. Despite how awful he was to you, you did love him. You thought a lot about him and even began to miss him and the times that he was sweet and loving to you. Truthfully he was that way for the majority of your marriage.

Every day was hard, but Doffy and the family had made your days easier. You and baby 5 had gotten along well and you even helped her with her attachment issues and have tried to convince her to go to therapy. The rest of the family was hard to really get close with again, but you had tried your best. After all, they were people that you had been close with once upon a time.

Today, was quite hot in the beautiful kingdom of Dressrosa. You were tending to your flower shop, making sure that all of the displays were absolutely perfect. While you were focused on the task at hand, the bell to your shop went off alerting you of a customer. As you turned around you were greeted with the familiar face of Doflamingo.

“Hello there, what might you need today brother?” You smiled to him

“I assure you I’m not here for your beautiful flowers sweet sister, but I am here to let you know that’ll I’ll be gone for at least a week.” Doffy informed you as he crouched in your shop due to his enormous size.

“Where to?” You questioned

“There’s gonna be an execution. One for the pirate Portgus D. Ace, commander of the White Beard Pirates.” He said proudly.

“But that’s result in an all out war!” You told him perplexed by this information.

“Exactly. I’m ordered to go but really I wanna see how this will turn out! It’ll be a spectacle!” Doflamingo laughed making you cringe slightly

“I guess I’ll see you in a week then.” You responded trying to change the subject as you turned back to your flowers.

“Yes, you could come with me you know.” He suggested

“I’ve got work to do here. And besides who’s going to keep your family in shape while you’re gone.” You joked hanging your brother a blood red rose. He took it with a smile before placing it in his pocket.

“I suppose you could watch the broadcast.” He suggested

“Not really sure I wanna see all of that” you admitted feeling slightly sick at the thought of watching that boy die.

“Fair enough, but I do hope you will change your mind.” Doflamingo laughed slightly. “Take care of our family y/n. I’ll be back soon.” He spoke one last time before he left leaving you to your work.

“See you soon, brother.” You whispered as a strange feeling erupted in your chest. “This won’t end well.” You spoke to yourself as you continued w continued with your work.

A Few Days Later…

Doflamingo had arrived in MarineFord Mmmm a few days ago and already the war had begun. The theatrics were already amusing him as he watched the carnage. Pirate versus marine, the strongest versus the strongest. This war was right up his alley. Doflamingo only wished that you could be here to witness this, but hoped that you’d watching the transponder snail feed.

“Ah yes! Who is just the marines or the pairates! It doesn’t really matter this war will change the tides forever! Fufufufufu!” Doflamingo exclaimed happily.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Sudden voices yelled out from up above interrupting Doflamingo celebration.

“What the” Doflamingo spoke out looking up with a frown and then surprise at a massive marine ship somehow falling from the sky.

“Dammit, Ivankov!” A familiar gruff voice yell out in annoyance.

“Iva!” A child-like voice called out.

“We’re all gonna die!” Two male voices caked out in terror.

And just as fast as he heard those voices, they were sent plummeting down into the hole in the ice below that was made not too long ago. This spectacle was enough to catch the attention of everyone on the battlefield. Faces agape at the sight making the fighting stop.

“Dammit straw hat!” The same familiar gruff voice called only this time the person was much clearer.

“Well I’ll be dammed!” Doflamingo called out to none other than Sir Crocodile.

“Shit.” Crocodile whispered to himself

Doflamingo quickly made his way to Crocodile, killing random people on the way there. As he was approaching, he took notice of Crocodile’s sad attempt at attacking Whitebeard only to be stopped by both straw hat and one of Whitebeards commanders. Crocodile was sent flying backwards as blood dripped down his nose.

“Well hey there gatorboy!” Doflamingo greeted looking down at Crocodile.

“Doflamingo stay out of my business or else!” Crocodile but back wiping the blood from his nose.

“Your business! Fufufu! Your businesses is now thriving with me after you left her broken-hearted. ” Doflamingo laughed

“What the hell are you yapping about!”Crocodile responded

“Your dear wife came crying to me after she left you!” Doflamingo

“She’s in Dressrosa?” Crocodile questioned already starting to make a plan to go to you.

“Yes! Where she belongs.” Doflamingo spoke

“She’s my wife!” Crocodile barked

“And she’s my sister and I can assure you, you’ll never see her again!” Doflamingo laughed.

“Dammit Doflamingo! She’s mine!” Crocodile replied grabbing him by the shirt

“You know she might be watching gator boy! Wouldn’t want to let her see you assault her brother, would you now? Fufufu!” Doflamingo teased

Crocodile then promptly let him go feeling nervous that you might be watching. Anxiety then crept and he decided then that he’d better act right hoping that maybe you’d see that he was a better man than the last time you had seen him.

“Damn, didn’t realize my sweet sister had such a tight leash on you gator boy.” Doflamingo joked

“Maybe I just want to my wife to see the man she deseves.” Crocodile whispered sadly

“Let’s just hope she’s looking then.” Doflamingo responded seriously confused at Crocodiles change in demeanor.

Meanwhile, back to you a few moments earlier…

You had completed your work for the day. As you closed your flower shop and made your way back to the castle you thought of your brother mentioning the broadcast at marineford and how anyone could view it if they had a video transponder snail, to which the castle did.

“Fuck it.” You whispered realizing that you were very much in fact interested in what would happen.

And thus, as you walked into the castle you set your sights on the room you knew had what you needed. As you made your way there you wondered what was going on now and what did you miss. You felt as though something happened that you had to see. Something that could change everything for you and you had no idea why yet. So, as you arrived at the room you immediately started to turn on the video transponder snail in hopes that the broadcast would work. After a little trial and error you got the massive snail working and connected to the one at Marine ford. The feed started playing and immediately you saw the massive battle that had happened and was now continuing. Pirate versus marine, the best verses the best. This was, in your mind, the war that would determine the change the world forever.

“The fucking brutality.” You spoke out eyes glued to the screen.

You noticed your brother in the corner of the screen laughing and saying some big speech that you agreed with and then;seemingly out of nowhere, a missive ship crash landed in a almost too perfect opening in the ice below. You gasped at the sight not realizing what had just happened. It was bizarre to be sure but was most bizarre was the reaction your brother had to it. He was quick to leave his post and go to the action.

“What the hell is he doing?” You wondered knowing something like this was not likely to make your brother leave the comfort of his stand. He is a king after all.

You watched your brother closely as he landed right before a giant man seemingly made of diamonds and someone who had just gotten punched by him. The video was hard to see due to all of the fight king and debris in the air. But with further focus you finally realized the reason for Doflmingos haste and why he would even be remotely interested in leaving from his viewing spot. It was a person; a person still so dear to you and who you still loved deeply, much to your own disappointment.

“Crocodile?” You whispered to yourself feeling like the world itself had stopped.

Crocodile Tears Pt.2

Thank you so much for reading!💜 Gonna make 1-2 more part(s) for this story! Stay Tuned! Please let me know what you thought of this part!!

Tag list: @emmaiscool22 @carmendanny2 @oofitty @ushoppu @a-goblin-named-cherry @iloved1lfs0 @sunnyferr @lucacangettathisass @eyes-ofhell

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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•


Part 1 Part 2

Tags :
1 year ago


Yandere!Buggy kidnapping you when he was in your village raiding it. He decided from the moment he saw you he wanted you so he took you. He has then kept you as his darling and you have never left his side. Of course when he does dangerous stuff your left back with one of his most trusted crew member.

He loves you so much, your his favorite treasure. You eventually fall into Stockholm syndrome and start loving him back after resisting him for months. He's giddy and excited he has you. But when Crocodile and Mihawk come along things get bumpy.

They all form an alliance but Buggy's crew keeps getting him into trouble with Crocodile and Mihawk. Buggy comes crying and bruised to you everyday. You hold him while your heart is crushed seeing the man you love so broken.

But Buggy always bounces back even after he's been cut in pieces or beat to a pulp. His dream and you is keeping him going. But one day Buggy never returned to you. Then the next he was gone as well and you grew worried. You felt nauseous and weak with worry. Something wasn't right.

So you went to the only men who you knew would know where Buggy is. You opened the door and you let out a gasp. Sitting on a big expensive leather couch was Mihawk and Crocodile. Next to them hanging on a hook by his hair all bloody and bruised was Buggy. You started shaking in fear and rage.

Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as Buggy cried for you. He yelled at them and then at you to leave. Crocodile looked at Mihawk and he looked back at him. Crocodile grinned and Mihawk gave a small smirk.

They both stood up and you let out a shriek and tried to run. Mihawk was on you before you could even get out the door. He locked the door and pinned your arms behind your back. Buggy cried and pleaded for you to be let go. His cries were ignored and your tears fell freely down your face.

Crocodile tore off your clothes and Buggy started yelling louder. You called out Buggy's name and started pleading with the two men. Their chest swelled in pride as they finally got Buggy begging. Crocodile whistles as he admires your body.

Crocodile and Mihawk the use your body in front of Buggy. They cherish both of your cries. Crocodile is grinning while he thrusts into your mouth. While Mihawk looks unbothered but his eyes tell a different story; they're full of lust. Mihawk whisper's dirty disgusting things in your ear. Crocodile just groans and laughs. Buggy is broken and crying at how his darling is being abused. You just stop struggling and give in.

I might turn this into a full fic of wanted....

Tags :
3 years ago

The dominant one (Doflamingo X Taller! Male! Reader + NSFW)

The Dominant One (Doflamingo X Taller! Male! Reader + NSFW)

A/N : headcanon of @trashytoastboi (thank you for your work if you see this scenario). This scenario could also be adapted to a neutral gender Reader

Warning : graphic violence, death, dirty talk (sort of),

It was a victory again. You raised your weapon to the sky. As if you were threatening the gods themselves. The shining blade was dripping with blood. A wicked yet proud smile, your eyes flashing of rage. It seemed a beast stole your features, and no humanity was any longer present in your body. Only reigned in you the devil himself. You lowered your gaze towards your enemy, your foot applying pressure all over his ribcage, choking him. The crowds around you were roaring without pity, demanding that you end your opponent's life. The guy was already severely injured, you would provide him a service by doing so.

It was sad. The gladiator wasn't a true enemy. And he wasn't an ally either. He fell facing a real monster, beloved by a demon. Was there anything else to say? The excess of time he achieved to get for himself was making the ordeal tougher, but his bravery remained admirable. You lifted your foot from the man's body, getting him to loudly cough due to the blood in his mouth he spat.

"Look at me" you ordered with a low voice.

The guy raised his head, staring more carefully at your soul than just your eyes.

"Riku is the rightful king of Dressrosa. This charade of yours will end soon." your opponent prophesied with a gentle tone and a smile crossing his dry and bloody lips.

"I'd like to see that" you ended up before sinking your blade in the man's heart.

During a short second, you could have sworn you noticed a glitter of hope shining like a star in your enemy's eyes before the dreadful void of death froze his body for eternity. Then, you left his body fall backwards with your blade still crossing your victim's body. In reaction, the crowds went completely mad of happiness over the man's death. Even though it was all finished, you leant and reached out the man's face. A lot of people thought at the moment that you were going to take your opponent's head by separating it from his body and offering it to your king.

Although, you just closed the man's eyes, turning dead silent people, which were watching carefully each of your moves.

"In this arena, all men are on the same level. Only being brave or a coward matters."you state, severely glaring at the audience.

You grasp the pommel of your sword then retire it from the dead body lying in front of you. The disgusting sound of shredded human meat was only heard. Eventually, with a frank gesture to the side, the blood flew to the sandy ground below your feet then you sheathed your blade without any more words. You raise your gaze towards Doflamingo who was enjoying fully the show.

"I victory of today, I dedicate to my king" you state powerfully to the people around you adding a graceful bow to your declaration.

This final sentence drove the crowds to madness again. Rumors of you being the most faithful, strongest, more devoted of any soldier or servant in the kingdom to the current king were being spread between all the latter's subjects.

With a satisfied smile, Doflamingo stood up and, with a smile and a move of his feathery coat, he raised his arms then made a small reverence in front of all the people gathered that day in the Coliseum. The reciprocate screams echoed a long time between the walls of the majestic building. It meant the end of the show until next time.

Behind you the harrow was now down. You spared a quick glance to the dead body of the man you have just killed in the arena lying on a stretcher, a sheet covering his cold body. You sighed lankily, and remind the wound left on your right leg. You had to get it treated if you didn't want it to be worse. During a time which seemed endless, you managed to arrive at your private quarters. Not only the small trip to your chambers was long because of some people who seemed to crave to meet you, but it was also due to the absolute mess reigning in the palace after servants got their mind in a right way after the collective madness which is taking over all the subjects of the kingdom present is the Coliseum.

The familiar scent of a bubbly bath relaxed you instantly. However, the adrenaline rushing within your veins hadn't come back to normal after the fight. The mix within your skin made you almost collapse on the ground. You managed to hold still since the real hardship didn't show its face. You moved forward within your quarters to find Doflamingo lying on your bed, his arms crossed behind his head, waiting patiently. You spontaneously knew what it was about. Without being able to help yourself, a small grin stretches your features and you laugh lightly. Warned of your presence, Doflamingo got up and walked towards you, apparently satisfied.

He was smaller than you, barely reaching your chest. You always thought that it was adorable, even though the man was for some people a monster. "Everything that is small is cute" they say... Doflamingo had probably no idea of the image he wore in your eyes, or maybe not a full or a clear one. The dichotomy between your point of view and the world's may dwell in this mere gap of height. In the mean time, Doflamingo made his way towards you then stared at you from below.

"What are you waiting for?" Doflamingo asked, half threateningly.

"His Lordship demands a kiss I see..."you uttered with a certain appreciation, clearly intending to mess up a little with your king. "Come and get it"

Your disdainful provocation worked perfectly. Yet, only Doflamingo's brows furrowed, he didn't even move. You could say he was highly tempted to use his strings. But, the small restraint he was applying over himself was room for more taunt. Hence, you leant towards him, as if you were going to kiss him on the lips. Although, you drifted away and left a peck on the man's forehead.

If being dumbfounded had a face, Doflamingo would probably be the perfect archetype. The small flame he was feeling due to this kiss in his guts was being swallowed by the audacity you have just demonstrated to him. His face turned to stone within less than a second. You DARED ignore one of his direct orders ?! You couldn't help but snicker behind Doflamingo's back. Killing a man got you sassy apparently.

"Later for all the romantic thing your Highness, I have some tasks that need my attention" you utter, hiding badly this little joy of yours.

"Y/N" Doflamingo called coldly, without a trace of kindness in his voice.

"I know I know. You want to get to the nasty right away while I'm still in a wild beast mode, poisoned by adrenaline. Trust me, I do want the same, my Lord. However, my wounds won't get treated by themselves. This divine skin of yours cannot be tainted with the blood of a sinner, right? "

Doflamingo was reaching the end of his patience. How did you dare acting smug with your king? This insolent smile of yours, he will make you erase it from your features. He would be going to tear you apart, fucking you senseless to get your submission out of your mouth by the most delightful torture. You would beg for deliverance, moaning and screaming your pleasure. You would be his plaything, your sturdy body forced to endure your master's relentlessness.

Yet, this delicious idea had to wait a little. You were getting your body rid of the pieces of metal you were wearing as an armor in the arena. Even though, most of your skin was exposed. Some servants would clean all of it later, some would stay to help you wash your body under Doflamingo's scrutinizing glare. The dummy was almost falling due to the weight of your equipment. Naked, your back facing the eyes of your beloved king, you moved until a seat where some medicines were spread next to.

A woman disinfected the wound on your leg. She was madly flustered, trying to act quickly and properly. You leant towards her and took her face in the palm of your hand, a smile on your face.

"Take your time my dear. No demon will run after you." You playfully state before sitting more comfortably in your seat and sparing a glance at Doflamingo.

The latter was angry. His grin disapeared as soon as he saw you with this damn smile of yours. But you didn't belong to him, therefore he had no right to claim you as his. You may be a gladiator, a one night stand who remained, a powerful warrior, but these were the mere bond you shared.

The woman properly applied a bandage on your leg before getting to heal the small cuts on your chest.

"I ask you to clean and change all of this as frequently as possible and..." The nurse said before turning as red as a tomato.

"Yes dear ? I'm listening" you said, trying to foster her to talk to you with all of her heart.

"Please... Be careful Y/N-sama" She whispered before caressing absentmindedly your jaw, just above a small injury.

You couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"Thank you for your concern my dear. It goes straight to my hear to know that you care about me" You declared with a genuine grateful tone.

"Leave us" Interrupted Doflamingo with a threatening voice.

You turned your gaze towards your king.

"Go" you only ordered to the woman who rushed to the door and left without any more talking.

You got up and decided to stare directly into the man's eyes.

"Something's bothering you my Lord ? " you inquired rhetorically, your steely gaze entrenched within Doflamingo's.

The latter didn't allow you to feel the faintest pleasure of him being hypothetically taken aback while you were staring at him from above. No. Doflamingo is never taken aback by anything.

"I fear you forgot you're my fuckboy, my personal hole, you whore. It's my dick you have to suck" the king spat, a winning smile stretching his features.

"Well let me say this, my Lord. Your personal hole has a lot of dicks that penetrate it. And these are rarely your own" you replied without even a spark of doubt in your lie.

It would be very confident of people to say that you were the one dominated, with such a massive body as the one you had. Within less than a second, a smack echoed in the room. A light pain lingered for a short minute on your jaw.

"Know your place, little bug" your king spat again, his jaws firmly clenched.

"Says the one that is smaller than me" you snapped back with a poorly suppressed snarky laugh.

The red mark of the slap remained for some time on your cheek. Although, leaping like a tiger, you grasped Doflamingo's neck and bend over him, aiming to stare at him with your eyes on the same level.

"Release me." your king ordered coldly.

"Then, why don't you use your strings ?" you asked him half genuinely, trying to figure out why he didn't do so earlier.

This situation was not a rare one. It had happened already more than once actually. Doflamingo has always refused to use his devil fruit power against you. As if it was a personal challenge for him to leash you and he was going to take pride in it. However, you didn't make the task easy at all, always refusing what he wanted, getting only a carnal relationship. Your untameness was ultimaltely annoying and so refreshing. You were the only one who got him in a bottom position.

"Why don't we find out who has the biggest one, my Lord ?" you proposed to your king with no intention of him refusing you.

Your strong hand went to grasp your king's neck. You felt Doflamingo's muscles tensing up, making you smile. You pushed your king towards the bed and climbed over him, getting him prisoner of your legs.

"What do you think you're doing ?" the man spat in his submitted position.

"And you ? What did you think you were going to provoke by slaping and insulting me ?"

A flash or disdain sparked in your eyes when you were staring at Doflamingo from above.

"I don't suck for free, as well as I don't fuck with anyone. I dominate, not the contrary." You uttered before getting up and walking towards the large bathroom.

Eventually, you went in the pool. Your tiredness vanishing as well as the dust and the scarlet red blood tainting your skin. With a relieved sigh, you surrender to the warmth of the water. You bent over backwards, reaching the edge. You heard footsteps coming close to you.

"What do you want?" you inquire, half upset half curious.

You thought this argument was enough for the moment. You were wrong apparently. Doflamingo took a towel not far away from you and left it behind you. The king lied down, staring at you patiently.

"Do you come here to apologize?" you asked him half-heartedly.

The man did nothing but laugh loudly.

"Yeah. It sounded stupid to me too" you state with a monotonous voice.

"You're such a brat. I'll merely concede that" Doflamingo admitted with a half smile.

You reached out to grasp at your king's neck. But carefully this time. You kissed him, experiencing, tasting. Even the scent of Doflamingo's skin was totally endearing. Although, you wouldn't admit it this way. You changed your position, trying to face Doflamingo. He was still lying down on his towel, fully dressed but he was looking for your lips with his own.

Doflamingo was still slow, trying, also tasting just as you were doing. He liked you for your tall body, your strength and almost everything else except that untamed behavior. Then, the kisses got more and more passionate. It was hard to breathe, hard to resist while you were starting to lower your guard. You drew Doflamingo's body closer to the huge pool. His head so close of the edge of the bath. But you were only thinking about kissing those thin divine lips.

You felt your cock getting harder.

"Kissing makes you all hot and flustered like a dog in heat?" Doflamingo whispered while he was snickering.

"Well... That makes two of us, my Lord" you replied on the same tone, drawing the man's attention on his own hard shaft.

"Brat" your king added before going back on your lips.

"That also makes two of us" you add with a smile.

Upset by the slowness of all this, you put your arms on the edge of the pool and climbed up again over your king's body, riding him. You immediately thought about how much more comfortable it was to have this domination over the celestial asshole named Doflamingo. Yet, it was delusional, wrong. None of you had a spark of idea about who was in charge, as well as none of you knew who was going to be submitted. Doflamingo would never agree and you wouldn't either.

"Enjoy the moment while you can, Y/N"

"Shut your mouth for once and suck my tongue as if you were giving me a blow job"

Doflamingo chuckled with irony but didn't respond anything. Your hand was rubbing his abs, lightly, skillfully, just to arouse him a little bit more. Just to make it unbearable. Your king's cock went hard against your thigh. As you notice, you want to say it out loud and mock your divine partner about his sinning behavior. You moved your fingers a little bit lower, trying to caress the stiff shaft you were staring at shamelessly. Doflamingo's breath sped up but he was as if he remained undisturbed and all the attention over him was nothing more than a puppy messing around a sleepy tiger.

Your smirk said it all about the hurt your ego went through at the moment. Your hand's speed increased and the stroke turned out to be more effective on your dirty king. But the tiger didn't remain sleepy for long. He raised his arm and his own fingers tensed up like a puppeteer playing with a doll. You frowned instantly when you felt the strings tightening around your body to the point of almost entering within your skin.

"Get your fucking strings off of me my Lord or I'll be really mad" you warn, your eyes turning black with lust and anger.

"Is it a threat Y/N? Better for your sake that it is not one"

You can't help but chuckle. Doflamingo doesn't even have time to ask you why. You opened your mouth with disdain towards your partner.

"This is why you can't get rid of me. Nor wound me gravely. Because you need me. You need someone who's ready to worship you entirely. Because you need to swell your ego, your self-confidence and your body with praise. And I'm not silly enough to give you fully what you want. And what I give you is more than anything. After all, all the pleasure of hunt is to track your prey, right your Highness? " you declared while your body was laid down by Doflamingo and he got what he thought as his righful place.

"My sluts are rarely this talkative."The king stated before sliding his pants on his thighs.

You watched him with big eyes when he came to bury himself in your unprepared back hole. Sheathed like a sword in your ass, you couldn't even move out of his grasp. You swore internally when he started to thrust like crazy in you. Even with your height and your physical strength it hurt badly to feel the king's cock tearing you apart.

"Fuck you Doflamingo!" you utter while your breath was cut by light cry of pain.

"Doffy" the man corrected while he was stealing from now on moans of pleasure from you.

"The hell with it, asshole!"

"And yet yours is the one being pounded"

You closed your eyes long ago. Doflamingo have been using his strings for several hours, thrusting inside of you. It was like a punishment to endure every moans that echoed in the bathroom and then, in the sheets. The king's hot erected cock came and went inside of you. The strings were maintaining you under the man's painful attention.

"Consider it as your reward for every of your words" Doflamingo repeated several times in your ear.

Your whole body was covered of scratches due to these strings or various marks. The man used you as a sex doll. Your skin was a long-term reminder of Doflamingo's internal wrath during these hours of fucking. The acute memories of the latter's lips and hands roaming your whole body made you shiver. And then, the hard shaft within you.

Once Doflamingo was done with you, he laid down into the mattress and a satisfied grin stretching his features. You wondered if it was the same with everyone else. Though it didn't matter. You were a regular sex partner to Doflamingo and nothing else needed to be said. Your king might appreciate your body and the way you react to his strokes. However, you didn't love him and your body wasn't his, even though Doflamingo wanted to make you state the contrary.

Then, after the hours of brutal sexual relationship, you got up and strode towards your closet and withdrew clothes, scrutinizing them with great attention.

"What are you doing?" inquired your king chilling in your messed up bed.

"Mind your business, my Lord" you replied with an empty tone.

"Did I hurt your ego so much that you are going to fuck someone else to relieve you from this humiliation?" Doflamingo teased half-threateningly

"Come on, don't compare me to you. I have never slaughtered the whole family of someone who had the bad idea to scowl me" you viciously retorted. "Who I meet and who I fuck is none of your business if my memories are right, your Highness. I've applied for being a gladiator, not to be the king's personal slut."

"Let's say that I'm not a king. Would you tell me what are you going to do?" The man assumed.

Although, you both knew that Doflamingo doesn't hypothesize. It was a trap you were willing to outwit.

"Now you're just being ridiculous. If you weren't my king, I'd say my vocabulary would tend to make a spectacular decrease in terms of quality."

"Y/N, you should answer this question if you don't want to be crucifixed for treason" your king threatened.

"I'd like to see you try to punish the fuckboy who gives you this incredible feeling of domination" you chuckled while spitting this mugging challenging sentences to Doflamingo whose smile disappeared.

"I want an answer Y/N. I'll have it"

"Mind your business." you ended here without any more words.

You were dressed in an elegant suit, you staring into your reflection. You felt some satisfaction lingering in your heart. The mere image of your king lying in your bed was the sole blur here. You turned your back and then wak towards the door.

"Diamante will have to fight tomorrow. See you soon, your Highness"

"Y/N" the man called but you were already gone and the door was already closed.

Miss Allsunday was waiting for you in the restaurant, a file left next to her. An artificial smile remained on her features.

"It has been a long time miss Alsunday since I've seen you. How have you been?" you greeted kindly.

"Assisting Sir Crocodile is not an easy task to attend to. But I'm not here to complain. Here is the contract" Robin replied.

"Contract? I'd like to ask what kind of contract but we both know what is it about. But even though I like intimate relashionship, I am a fighter first" you stated calmly, staring at the lady right in the eyes.

"I understand. And you will be considered this way, I can guarantee it. As long as you stay by Sir Crocodile's side."

"Well... If you agree to allow me to think about more thoroughly..."you inquired rhetorically.

"Of course. I look forward to receive your answer Y/N."

"I thank you Miss Allsunday" you ended while reaching out the file handed towards you. "Now let's eat, I'm hungry and slightly upset"

You took it and grinned slightly. The dinner was nice and Robin was a fine company for it. You appreciated the woman but you didn't sleep with her. Crocodile was offering you to stay by his side. You had to fight for him and your price would be his. Eventually, you accepted to leave Doflamingo for Crocodile. It sounded like a melodramatic love story of a man shared between two others fighting over the latter. But you would be paid the price you want with a very easy contract and you could also get Crocodile himself as a reward sometimes, because yeah he had a sort of soft spot on you. And, since you slept with each other several times, and spent a tremendous amount of time together, you could say you felt better with the latter than Doflamingo.

The attached contract Robin left you was agreeable at almost every points. And you weren't even forced to stay emotionally involved with Crocodile, to the contrary in Doflamingo's case since he always tried to enslave you to him. No. Crocodile was only adamant on you fighting for him, the way he wanted it to be done and the reward he would give you. You sent back the answer to the contract, announcing a positive response. Nearly two weeks after and the first of your numerous victories by his side, you were sharing a glass of alcohol and a delighful night of pleasure with Crocodile.

Far from Alabasta, Doflamingo was going crazy. He beheaded a dozen of what he would call 'useless servants'. Diamante returned in the Coliseum and had to fight while a new high-leveled gladiator would be either hired or trained to fill the space left by your sudden and silent departure.

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1 year ago


Crocodile x Reader

Sorry for any gramatical error, English isn't my first language.

Being the partner of Crocodile is not easy. Even when it's been years, even when nobody knows you are his significant other. He is not always here, some night he comes in the room to speak a little with me, he even wait until I fall asleep before returning to his job. Some other night when he come earlier I make him diner.

Today wasn't a good day to me. All I wanted was to go in bed and cuddle my big guy. But I am not even sure he'll be here tonight. So finally at home I don't eat, I don't change my clothes, no, I go directly to bed. I take his pillow in my arms and cry a little. When he is not home are the worst days. I fall asleep like that.

When I open my eyes the room is dark. I am sure it's morning so why is the room dark I didn't close the curtains yesterday… I was about to go up but somthing take my shirt and put me back on the bed. There I feel a breath next to me. I look closer and it was Crocodile. I start to feel tears going into my eyes and my throat tighning. I put my head on his chest and fall back asleep as his hand go on my shoulder pulling me more onto him. Maybe it was not the morning after all.

I open my eyes a second time. My head was not anymore on a hard chest but on a soft pillow. The smell of smoke and sand still in the air. The room is still as dark. And his not there anymore, he is never there the morning. I sigh and take again his pillow.

Yesterday was not a good day, nobody wanted to buy my products, and worst of all. A guy flirted with me and he didn't take no for an answer, so he promised to come to my home and prove his love. Who knows what he means by that.

But I'm safe, when we started to live at Alabasta Crocodile had demanded that my house was hidden far from any city's. It's better for him to come here and more safe for me. But still this guy had given me chills.

I stand on the floor and open my door. A strong smell of food go directly to my nose. The face of the guy before come to my head. I take the knife Crocodile gave me and walk slowly to the kitchen. It was a man in the kitchen not a bad one. Just mine. Okay maybe a bad one, but not to me.

The knife fell from my hand but the sand grabed it before it touch the floor. I am still trying to process what is happening, what the hell is he doing here. I run to him but something on the floor make me fall but he take me in his arms. I put my head in his neck inhalling his smell. I grip his clothes with my hands, it's like yesterday never happened. He put me down on a chair and go back to the kitchen without saying anything.

He came back with food. It seems I slept over breakfast. The food on my plate is certeinly crocodile meat, it's the only thing he can cook because it's his favorite food apart from the tomato. We eat together and he spent the evening with me at one point we started to dance in the dining room. He told me that yesterday he was already there when I came home and he decided to take a day off from his plan to take control over the country to spend it with me. He had certainly see me cried to sleep.

Before diner, while I was cooking he came with the guy that harassed me the day before. I froze.

He was trying to break in yesterday. Do you know him ?

I explained to him what he had told me before, and how I feared that he make his word true. A wicked smile took form on his face. A dangerous smile for the guy on his knees between us. He tried to speack but sand blocked his mouth.

So you wont be mad if I take care of him.

I was about to say that killing people was not a good thing, but all the fear he had bring to me came to memory.

No. Please, do whatever you want to him.

My hand started to skake and I return to my cooking. What if Crocodile was not there yesterday ? Is it because of him that he decided to take a day off and not my crying ? Or both ? I heard some screams then nothing. I finished the food and put ketchup on the plate to asesonate.

As I turn Crocodile hadn't move but the guy was on the floor, dead and completly dry of all liquid. I made a face at the corps but try to ignore it.

We eat in silence, then.

Next time don't add Ketchup. I hate that.

I know, I just wanted tu put some sauce.

After the dinner he take the corps out and I wash the dishes. When he come back he lift me and walk to the room.

Hey ! I didn't finished !


He take off all of our clothes leaving us in undergarnement and lie on the bed with me on him.

You're mine and mine alone. so you don't have to fear the others as long as you are with me they wont lay a finger on you.

I smile and kiss his cheeks.

even Whitebeard ?

I asked to tease him.

Frown, what is this question, woman ? If you want be like the other guy you should just ask.

I laugh, it's not easy to have Crocodile as a boyfriend. He's full of himself, he kill people, he plan to take over a whole country. But we know each other since years and not even the gods could not separate us. Or Whitebeard in some case.

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5 months ago

sleeping separately after an argument pt. 2


characters: mihawk, crocodile, and buggy x fem! reader summary: how cross guild would react to you sleeping alone after an argument CW: mainly fluff, slight angst others: not proofread, lowercase intended, and pictures found on pinterest

Sleeping Separately After An Argument Pt. 2


Dracula Mihawk

mihawk is known for his stoic and composed demeanor. however, an argument that leads to you sleeping in the guest bedroom would shake his calm exterior. mihawk values control and precision, not just on the battlefield but also in his personal life. The argument would leave him feeling a sense of imbalance, disrupting the harmony he strives to maintain.

initially, he would analyze the argument with the same meticulousness he applies to his swordsmanship. he would replay the conversation, seeking to understand your perspective and where he might have gone wrong. he would be restless and his castle, usually a sanctuary of peace, would start to feel unusually empty and cold.

his conclusion? being right wasn't worth you being upset and distant with him. especially not when it meant sleeping alone.

"dear?" his voice uncharacteristically gentle as he enters the room.

"I would save this for the morning, but that would not sleeping in your arms tonight," he says, kneeling beside the bed and lifting you up bridal style. his actions catching you by surprise as you subconsciously wrap your arms around his neck for support.

"you can tear me a new one in the morning," he jokes (something he rarely did), before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead as he made his way back to your shared room.

Sir Crocodile

crocodile would initially react to an argument and subsequent separation with a sense of indifference. or at least that's how it looks on the surface. the argument would leave him brooding as he is not one to easily admit fault, and his pride would make it difficult for him to do so immediately.

he would spend the first half of the night in his office, surrounded by the trappings of his power, telling himself that you'd get over it soon.

as the night wore on, your lack of presence would make him realize that you weren't going to get over it soon. and by this point, he has had enough. he would make his way to the guest bedroom. without even bothering to knock, he would burst through the door, staring down your curled-up form. a pang of guilt would run down his spine as he looked at you.

"when are you coming to bed?" his voice rough, a complete contrast to the worry in his eyes and the guilt that he felt. he already knew the answer, so when you don't respond he would just lift you up, throwing you over his shoulder before landing a firm slap on your ass.

"you're mad? fine, be mad, but be mad in our room," he says sternly as he walks back to your shared room.

Buggy the Clown

buggy with his flamboyant and often comical personality would react to an argument with you more dramatically. the idea of you sleeping separately would initially infuriate him causing his pride and insecurities to flare up.

he would spend the initial moments of the separation grumbling and throwing a minor tantrum to anyone who could listen, convinced that he was right (he wasn't). however, as the night wore on, his anger would give way to the loneliness and regret he felt.

he would pace outside you door, muttering to himself as he debates whether to knock or not. not sure if you even wanted to see him after what he has done.

she's probably waiting, arms wide open, for me

or maybe she's packing her bags finally tired of my antics

oh nika i hope it's not that

in the end, he would knock on the door and try putting on a confident front even though he's low-key expecting you to ignore him. so when the door opens, the first thing you are greeted with is a shocked buggy, making another one of his goofy faces. this subconsciously cracks you up unknowingly breaking the ice for him.

"sugar! oh, how i've missed you," he would immediately pull you into a tight hug. and without much of a warning, he would start word-vomiting his apologies.

"i'm so sorry about my actions from earlier sugar and i’m sorry for being so stubborn about it. I understand now that i went too far and that i should’ve acknowledged that instead of arguing with you. but i promise that it won't ever happen again. so please forgive me this once, sugar?"

you don’t have it in you to send him away after all that so instead you would simply pull him into the room before turning and going back to bed this time with him following suit.


part 1

hi guys! thanks again for reading, this is the second part and honestly the last, for op at least. buggy was surprisingly the easiest to write while mihawk was the hardest TvT. hopefully i did them all justice tho!!

i have a few ideas of what i want to write but if you have any suggestions for plot or character please let me know, i’m open to any ideas :).

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