Crosshair And Hunter - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Love ANYTHING Crosshair and Omega but unfortunately there isn’t much for them :(. Don’t know why but them as brother and sister and how she fights for him and loves him unconditionally!

Little tbb fanfic (Crosshair, Hunter, Omega)

"I don't know what you see in her."

Crosshair looks at the now sleeping Omega, curled under the blanket Hunter gave her, peacefully just breathing in and out. A feeling of warmth grows in Hunter, and he's tempted to smile, but he doesn't.

"Have you never felt the urge to protect someone?"

"I've felt the urge to protect you", said Crosshair, bitter, staring at his brother, curious for his reaction.

Hunter stares back. Does he really think I don't love him anymore? Words flood his head, words he prepared and thought of in endless sleepless nights on their ship, thinking about Crosshair, about Omega, about their future. Hunter never wanted Crosshair to leave. Just how can he convince him to see it through his eyes?

"Crosshair", began Hunter. "There is nothing I wouldn't do in order to protect you. But there is not just you around. I have to think for everyone."

"And you choose to do the most dangerous thing for all of you. To leave Camino and to disobey the order. You're all just prey now." Crosshair take a step in Hunters direction, now just inches away from his brothers face, but Hunter doesn't step back. "If you really wanted to protect everyone, you would have stayed, and not made you criminals."

"They were after Omega, Crosshair. They brainwashed us. When the chip influenced Wrecker, he almost killed us. How can you obey a system that just wants to control everyone?" He stops. Another thought comes into his mind. "If you would have come with us, you would know what I mean."

"I highly doubt that."

"What is life for you, Crosshair? Is it just being a soldier? Is it just obedience and betting on the faster horse?"

Crosshair lowers his eyes. Pain is all over his face. Hunter can see it.

"You were my life", Crosshair whispered.

Hunter relaxes. This is the Crosshair he knows. He knows he's brother since they were children. Crosshair always was the tough, the cold one, but deep inside, Hunter knows that he carries a heavy burden. He need safety and stability and control more than every other soldier from his squad. Change is not for him, he's sensitive in a different way than Tech is, but he is sensitive to it.

Hunter was anxious about him from the point order 66 happened. Things changed, and Hunter knew that they had to change with them. But the decision to separate the two things in their life that were especially Crosshairs safe spot; the army and the squad - Hunter knew that would have consequences. He knew Crosshair would be a nervous wreck, that he would be rude and aggressive and hard to control because that's how nervosity shows in Crosshair.

But never would Hunter have thought that between those to things, the army and the squad, Crosshair would not choose the squad. He stayed with the army. The new army, the imperial army.

"If you would have come with us", Hunter says, "I would have done everything in my power to make sure you're okay, Crosshair. Because that's my job." He sighs. "But I can not help you if you keep running away."

"On Omega." Hunter steps forward and moves the blanket so it covers her entirely. She sighs cutely in her sleep. He finally smiles, but just shortly. "You know, Crosshair, I didn't replace you with her, even if it might feel like it."

"Then what. You didn't even knew her."

"She needed protection. So I took her with us. And I would have done the same with you, if you would have chosen to stay." He looks down on her. "She's full of love, you know? So thankful for every single little thing. And I think she showed me what life really is about, Crosshair." He looks up to make sure his brother looks him in the eyes.

"Love. Not the army. It's about the people you love, Crosshair. It's about protecting what you have. And if you love your ideals more than you loved us, than I'm okay with that. Then go and keep hunting us and obeying whatever the Empire wants you to do."

In a last attempt of getting close to his brother and fighting the urge to just pull him into his arms, Hunter lays a hand on Crosshairs shoulder. "But if you think that you can love us and even our sister, who loves you so unconditionally even though you can't do that back, then, please Crosshair, come back to us. I don't think there is even just one bit of something evil in your heart. I think it's just fear."

Crosshairs eyes search the ground. He can't look at Hunters face no more. And as his brother picks up the little blonde girl who shares his blood and sleeps so peacefully in his arms and slowly walks away, he doesn't even think of going after them or aiming his weapon at them, as he should do at this point.


And as Hunters words haunts his mind, another thought follows the odd one worded question.

What am I more afraid of? That the things will change in an inevitable way or that I will die alone?

And suddenly it comes to his mind that he would never be able to raise his weapon and shoot his brother. Not Hunter, not anyone else. Did he forget the relieve he felt when he knew that his mission was just to hunt Hunter down, not kill him?

What would he have done if his mission would have been exactly that?

Crosshair knows that he's standing somewhere dangerously in between the love for his brothers and his obedience to the army. He tries to balance the two things that his life was about and he will eventually fall into the abyss between both of it if he does not choose a side. And oh, he did not do that yet. He thought he did, he thought he chose the Empire, because Hunter choose Omega. But he didn't. Both if them didn't. Because for Hunter, Crosshair is now sure, this is not what it is about.

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6 months ago

A few one-shots I have written a while ago, where I recently finished the last chapter of it, for one of @summer-of-bad-batch week 10 prompt: Hugs
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

happy reading :D

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