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BTS in : Tasty with Luv ~🤍
I have like, this cute idea of where there are 4 kingdoms. One is the Sweet Kingdom, Sour Kingdom, and Spicy Kingdom. All having their respective Kings, Queens, and lovely Princes. (I’ll probably think of more to add to this, but for now this is it).
We then have MC, who is Bland! Princess. One who will marry one of the four Princes.
There isn’t exactly like this huge plot I have in mind. But it’s still this small world I sometimes think about.

We have Park Jimin here. He’s the Prince of the Sweet Kingdom. He’s a pretty prince with pink cotton Candy hair. His cheeks are squishy like marshmallows, and has pretty milk chocolate eyes. His lips are as pink as a strawberry lollipop. His, his hugs are soft like sponge cake, and an actual treat because he smells sweet like vanilla and whipped cream. Too sweet you can even taste it.
He’s gentle, and ever so loving. He’s quite shy, and has this pretty voice that MC quickly finds herself in love with.
He’s sometimes called Prince Mochi, while other times he’s Prince Marshmallow. He doesn’t mind, both nicknames makes his cheeks turn pink. Compliments make him all blushy, and have this sheepish smile for hours.

Ah yes, Jeon Jungkook is the prince of the Spicy Kingdom. He was born with a more raspberry color of red hair, leading to some teasing. He would have preferred it to be bright red like his brother, or dark red like his father’s. It’s said his lips are warm to the touch, and so is his embrace.
He enjoys to be outside. He’s wild in the sense that he is a fast runner, and quite athletic. Unlike Prince Marsh ( Jimin ) Jungkook isn’t so afraid to get dirty or climb trees. He also has like, the cutest smile. He’s hella strong, I’ll tell you that. But you probably knew that already.
He hides from MC for a while. He’s like some shy kid meeting new people, he once even hid behind his father when meeting her. Too shy to even glance her way. He would freeze up, and hide. His face all hot when she first complimented his hair. Something he was kind of self conscious about.
He warms up to her eventually though, and she finds him charming as the days go by.

Did someone say sour? Is Kim Taehyung really the prince of the Sour Kingdom? You would have thought he was a mint chocolate prince from the sweet kingdom. But no! He is the son of the Sour king and queen. His hair isn’t as green as the sour limes that are always present in the kingdom. Nor yellow like the lemon that decorates the tea of the cup that he hands you.
You weren’t surprised to see him be so friendly to every other prince. Though you noticed that he and Prince Jimin have this tight friendship. One that is sweet and sour, one of the most delicious pair out there.
He has pretty pastel green hair, and is so bubbly. He’s immediately lovable. Like the taste of sour, hits instantly on the taste buds, so does his presence after meeting him. The thought of him is like when you think of a sour candy. Mouth watering, not because he’s...cute 👀 but because just thinking about him leads to never ending dreams.
Anyways! He’s a charmer. Always had the most strangest questions, and is simply so fun to be around. He’s also one of the easiest ones to befriend.