Food Au - Tumblr Posts
Tangsuyuk Love

Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: College student Jungkook passes cute notes with a customer who always orders take-out tangsuyuk at his part-time job. Meanwhile he’s trying not to miserably fail his Math class, while hiding his ever-growing crush on you.
Genre: college au, f2l, fluff, smut, one shot, did I mention FLUFF?
Warnings: mild swearing, sexual content, hold your heart palpitations!
Word Count: 11.5k
A/N: I wanted to write something light and sweet before I continued with Good Riddance. It will be easy, she said. It will be fun, she said. It will be quick, she said. Ha. haha. ha. ha. Ignore my pain. Enjoy!
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You’ve Got a Dog in Me
➜ Words: 20k
➜ Genres: Fluff, Crack (somewhat), Food Truck!AU
➜ Summary: Life is relatively peaceful and productive as a CEO of your own business. You’re thriving. But when Jeon Jungkook sets up shop right next to you — it’s the fucking showdown of the century. HOT DOGS VERSUS CORN DOGS.
➜ Warnings: Saltiness, cussing, implied smut. It’s pretty tame.
➜ Notes: Whelp, we’re moving back to me writing stupid shit now.

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BTS in : Tasty with Luv ~🤍
I have like, this cute idea of where there are 4 kingdoms. One is the Sweet Kingdom, Sour Kingdom, and Spicy Kingdom. All having their respective Kings, Queens, and lovely Princes. (I’ll probably think of more to add to this, but for now this is it).
We then have MC, who is Bland! Princess. One who will marry one of the four Princes.
There isn’t exactly like this huge plot I have in mind. But it’s still this small world I sometimes think about.

We have Park Jimin here. He’s the Prince of the Sweet Kingdom. He’s a pretty prince with pink cotton Candy hair. His cheeks are squishy like marshmallows, and has pretty milk chocolate eyes. His lips are as pink as a strawberry lollipop. His, his hugs are soft like sponge cake, and an actual treat because he smells sweet like vanilla and whipped cream. Too sweet you can even taste it.
He’s gentle, and ever so loving. He’s quite shy, and has this pretty voice that MC quickly finds herself in love with.
He’s sometimes called Prince Mochi, while other times he’s Prince Marshmallow. He doesn’t mind, both nicknames makes his cheeks turn pink. Compliments make him all blushy, and have this sheepish smile for hours.

Ah yes, Jeon Jungkook is the prince of the Spicy Kingdom. He was born with a more raspberry color of red hair, leading to some teasing. He would have preferred it to be bright red like his brother, or dark red like his father’s. It’s said his lips are warm to the touch, and so is his embrace.
He enjoys to be outside. He’s wild in the sense that he is a fast runner, and quite athletic. Unlike Prince Marsh ( Jimin ) Jungkook isn’t so afraid to get dirty or climb trees. He also has like, the cutest smile. He’s hella strong, I’ll tell you that. But you probably knew that already.
He hides from MC for a while. He’s like some shy kid meeting new people, he once even hid behind his father when meeting her. Too shy to even glance her way. He would freeze up, and hide. His face all hot when she first complimented his hair. Something he was kind of self conscious about.
He warms up to her eventually though, and she finds him charming as the days go by.

Did someone say sour? Is Kim Taehyung really the prince of the Sour Kingdom? You would have thought he was a mint chocolate prince from the sweet kingdom. But no! He is the son of the Sour king and queen. His hair isn’t as green as the sour limes that are always present in the kingdom. Nor yellow like the lemon that decorates the tea of the cup that he hands you.
You weren’t surprised to see him be so friendly to every other prince. Though you noticed that he and Prince Jimin have this tight friendship. One that is sweet and sour, one of the most delicious pair out there.
He has pretty pastel green hair, and is so bubbly. He’s immediately lovable. Like the taste of sour, hits instantly on the taste buds, so does his presence after meeting him. The thought of him is like when you think of a sour candy. Mouth watering, not because he’s...cute 👀 but because just thinking about him leads to never ending dreams.
Anyways! He’s a charmer. Always had the most strangest questions, and is simply so fun to be around. He’s also one of the easiest ones to befriend.
BTS in : Tasty with Luv ~🤍

Meeting King Umami’s son was...certainly an experience.
Kim Seokjin is his name, and he took MC out to fish, after just meeting her.
“You’re the Bland Princess?”
“Bet. Grab this bucket, we’re going fishing.”
Literally that is how it went. They spent three hours on his boat, and caught what MC can only describe as the best fish she has ever had.
Tasty, and rich with flavor. Just like him. MC never understood why his hair was of a violet color, but it was certainly a one of a kind like the other Princes. Seokjin mentioned how it used to be salmon pink when he was younger. Who knows if he’s being honest, he’s never shown anyone his baby pictures. Besides that, did I mention he’s jaw droppingly handsome!?
His lips put others to shame, and are pink like the skin of salmon. If thats...if that sounds tasty. (To me it does!) His love for food makes MC wonder if she would even be fit to make him happy. His face filled with nothing but pleasure, when he tries the savory broth served at dinner.
He seems to be the eldest when meeting the Princes of this Tasty world, and always has some funny joke that makes the others wish they weren’t existing for a few seconds. His broad shoulders certainly look rich in flavor as well *wink wink*
Like said, he’s so casual when meeting MC. Though he grows a bit shyer when he starts to feel feelings for her...
From confident talker, to stuttering mess. His ears will turn into kimchi red, when her attention is all on him. Trust me, a total cutie.

Okay okay, hear me out. Salt Prince is not salty. Let’s just get that out of the way!
He’s tall, and his hair is pure white like the salt collected in this kingdom. He’s so calm with MC, talking about their favorite pieces of literature- until he trips on air and breaks a chair somehow.
Kim Namjoon, the Salt Prince or Prince Salt (whichever you prefer honestly) then starts to nonstop apologize, and laughs a bit awkwardly. All of this making him look unbelievably endearing. With MC, he’s also casual. It seems like the older princes are less shy than the younger three of this world.
He’s actually quite close to Prince Umami. Both enjoying the sea (they’re also neighbors) for different reasons. He likes to watch the sea. Look at cute crabs, and naming them. While Prince Umami fishes out almost the entire aquatic ecosystem.
Namjoon has this pretty smile, where you can see his pretty dimples. He’s always willing to land a hand to the other princes, and you’ve noticed a few times how Spicy Prince Jungkook looks at him with admiration...or is it love? 👀

I know I mentioned that the younger three Prince’s seem to be shyer than the older ones, but Bitter Prince Min Yoongi seems to...either be too shy, or simply not interested in MC- at first!
He’s quiet, and he doesn’t seem that friendly at all. But boy is MC wrong. He’s got a sense of humor that could only be performed by him. Looking so dead inside when Prince Umami tells one of his classic jokes. And after seeing his blank face, he says “Don’t be so salty, Yoongi!” Which makes Yoongi just leave the room.
Though associated with the taste of bitterness, Prince Yoongi has some of the best coffee. And just like with coffee, he sometimes is seen with Sweet Prince. Both enjoying their preferred coffee blends.
His hair is pitch black, that shines beautifully when the sun hits it. He has such soft and pale skin, that makes him look delicate. He can play the piano, and was once caught by MC. After receiving her compliment, is when he kinda starts to have a conversation with her. He later offers to teach her how to play, and they start to have this love for piano bonding.
After becoming sorta piano friends, he starts to open more about himself.
BTS in : Tasty with Luv ~ 🤍
Their savory relationships
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Sweet and Sour
(This is my first time doing any like...aesthetic mood boards or like...anything like that so I apologize if these aren’t good (;*△*;) )

Sweet and Sour. Jimin and Taehyung. Both royal prince’s of their respective kingdom, yet they can’t seem to decide. By that I mean that they’re always visiting one another. One day it’s Jimin asking his guards to escort him to see Taehyung, and other times Taehyung gets on his horse, and rushes over to Jimin on a random afternoon.
Their parents are glad their son’s get along and all, but there should be limits. Like, no venturing out into the forest at night to catch fireflies and stare at the moon. Or atleast give a heads up that you’re leaving, and not have the whole kingdom on a search mission. This happened when Jimin went to see Taehyung. The whole Sweet Kingdom stopped functioning and began to search for their lost prince. Jimin was in a lot of trouble that day, when he came back with a basket of limes he and Taehyung had collected.
They’re the best of friends. They’re like two sour gummy bears that are stuck hand in hand.Like the exciting taste of apple slices with caramel that both enjoy as a snack. (Taehyung has a preference for green apples, while Jimin prefers Fuji apples or Gala.) But you get it! You get how perfectly they blend.
When they first met, back when they were 7 or so, Jimin thought Taehyung was another member of the Sweet Kingdom. Again, he didn’t have bright green hair like the Sour King and Queen. His hair was more...calmer. Minty, and sweet. Like the color of mint chewing gum, mint chocolate, or matcha rice candy.
He didn’t expect for him to be Prince of the Sour Kingdom. Nevertheless, they got along quite well. Taehyung was more bubbly and talkative than shy Jimin was. Which was good because that would later help him go more outside, than stay in his room. While Taehyung had a more adventurous side, Jimin helped balance it out by being the careful one.
There are times where even at this age of young adults, Jimin and Taehyung become young boys again. Chasing after eachother, or playing hide and seek.
There are few times where they brag about how close they are. When they win as a team, or when someone comments how they sync their movements, as if they had previously choreographed it. They both smile, and claim to be “Soulmates”.
Other times, their connection just happens without them knowing. Like when Jimin just simply back hugs Taehyung with no reason. He just hugs him. Or when Taehyung wipes some whipped cream off of Jimin’s pink lips using his thumb, to later lick it off. The act so bold, and even romantic to some of the people that witness this.
Some maids who work for the sweet kingdom run love being around the two prince’s. Internally squealing at the treat they see 👀
Two handsome boys having such fun with one another...the ultimate dream.
Sweet and Spicy

Something... happens when Jimin and Jungkook are together.
Sweet little mochi boy has this...fiery change. A bit more rebellious, and that’s perhaps because Jungkook is a menace. No don’t get me wrong! He’s a menace in...a playful way.
Sure, with girls he’s shy to the bone, and he also was when he first met Jimin. But after a few years of spending time together, Shy boy Jungkook is just a distant memory to Jimin. Both now run around and cause trouble. Sneaky boys back when they were around 14 or so, the perfect age to cause chaos. Entering forbidden rooms, or running around the palace barefoot.
In most of their visits, it’s Jungkook who visits Jimin the most. Unable to unstick himself from the sticky sweetness of Jimin’s personality. While Jimin enjoys that thrill Jungkook makes him feel, like the Spicy meat both enjoy. Much to Jimin’s surprise, because he wasn’t much a fan of spicy food. But when both decided to combine spicy and sweetness together, both were like
😳 “IT’S GOOD!”
And now they just eat that nonstop. Jungkook loving meat in general ( 👀)
while Jimin loves the sweet caramelized coating around the chicken. They also enjoy cinnamon. Cinnamon gum, cinnamon tea, that sweet yet spicy taste.
While Jungkook may not be as close as Jimin and Taehyung are, he’s quick to make a trio with them. Quickly befriending Taehyung, after Taehyung was announced to be the Prince of The Sour Kingdom.
Jimin treats Jungkook like a brother. Much like with Taehyung, but Jungkook is different. Jimin has a younger brother you see. One who does not have pastel pink hair, but a pastel orange. Jungkook may not have pastel orange hair, but he just reminds Jimin so much of his little brother. It’s hard to not baby him.
Which Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind. (Being babied will become one of his favorite things.)
Anyways! If they were trouble before, then once Taehyung is in, buckle up.