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Cute Bucky x Reader !

“Ok, Buck, ” I said, trying to catch my breath. “Give it back !” “No !” Bucky said, holding out a hand to stop me, and panting. “Bucky !!!” I whined, stomping my foot. “Please !!!!” “No no no !” “Yes, NOW!” “Nope” “Come on, Buck !” I said, sitting on the couch, sulking. “You spend time with me now” He said. “You can have your book back when Im done with you” “So not fair !” I said crossly. “That chapter is important !” “Im way more important that !” “Really ?” I asked, smirking. “Oh please” Bucky scoffed, flipping through the pages of my book.
Suddenly his fingers touched my bookmark.An evil grin spread on his face. He looked me, and wiggled his eye brows. “Dont you DARE !” I said, again on my feet. “Oh, but I do” Bucky said, shrugging. “Ok ok, just put it down” I said, holding my hands up in defeat.
Bucky studied my face for a minute, and then sighed loudly. “Here, have your stupid book” He said, pushing my book into my hands and turning away to leave.
I watched him as he ran his fingers through his thick brown hair, before slowly walking out if the room.
“Hey !” I said. “Where are you going ?” Bucky shrugged, not turning to look at me. I flicked the book onto the couch, and ran up to my boyfriend, hugging him from behind. “Dont go” I said in a small voice. I smiled as he turned around and pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I dont care about that book, ok, I actually do, but not as much as I care about you” I said, my lips brushing against his neck.
Bucky laughed, holding me tighter. “All I wanted was to cuddle with you, and you just wanna read ?” “Aww, come here you cuddlebug” I said, as we settled on the couch. I snuggled into his arms , getting comfortable with his warmth. Obviously, cuddling is never cuddling without a few Bucky-special kisses.
Once we were settled into just cuddling, again, Bucky asked, “So what was this all important chapter ?” I just smirked. “What ?” He asked, now looking at my face. “Ohh, you might not be interested” I said, controlling my urge to laugh. “(Y/N) ” Bucky said, narrowing his eyes at me. I just giggled and winked at him.
Bucky’s eyes grew wide, as he dived to grab my book and opened the page I was reading. “Go back two pages, if you wanna read the whole thing” I said, now poking my head in between the book and his arms to see the page. He grinned as he read. Then he held the book out to me. “Here” He said . “You didnt just finish reading, did you ?” I asked, looking at him in shock. “Nope” He said, lying back on the couch. “You’re gonna read it to me”
My Bucky !
Bucky Barnes x reader

I had the shock of my life that morning.
A girl stood in our kitchen wearing one of Bucky's shirts.
The shirt I had giving him on his birthday last year. I stood, staring at the girl, the grip on my coffee mug tightening.
"Goodmorning, (Y/N)" Steve said, as he stopped to give a quick peck on my temple before opening the fridge. I just stood, emotionless. And here I was,thinking that maybe Bucky felt the same way about me.
Ha. This changed everything.
Steve had spotted the small pout that I had, and came towards me slowly. Then he noticed the girl. AND the shirt.
"Oh" That was all he could say.
"Hi?" The girl looked at us in confusion, as we stared at her. "Im Marie.We met at the party last night ?" She offered.
Right. Thats where I saw her.Bucky brought her back into the tower ?!
"Are you ok, (Y/N)?" she asked, looking a bit frightened.
All of us looked back hearing a pair a footsteps. Bucky walked into the room with a smile on his face. Only to be met with three non-smiling faces.
"Everything ok ?" He asked, looking at me. I glowered at him, and he took a step back. Steve was trying to catch Bucky's attention without me noticing. But obviously, I noticed.
Bucky turned to look at Marie, and his eyes widened. His eyes snapped back to me, and he shook his head violently.
"No no no !" He said, holding his hands up. "(Y/N), the shirt-"
Marie caught on all of a sudden.
"Bucky kinda ripped my dress, so I had to borrow one of his shirts ! " She said, and then both she and Bucky looked me wide eyed.
"Thats just great !" I said, dropping my coffee filled cup into the sink, and storming off to my room, locking it.
Bucky was at my door, banging on it for a long time. I was on my bed, sobbing. Bucky and I werent dating. But we were bestfriends, always fooling around, and flirting, that people always mistake us for a couple. And it had started to grow on me.
I was in love with Bucky Barnes.
But seeing the girl in that shirt, it just broke my heart. It hurt so much. I missed Bucky suddenly. I made my way to wardrobe, and took out one of Bucky's pullovers (which I had stolen from him). Removing the shirt I had on, I pulled this on with my shorts and was relieve to find that it still smelled like him.
It has been quiet for a while, and I wondered if Bucky had joined that girl. I tip toed to the door, and opened it slowly, only to find Bucky sitting by my door, leaning against the wall. He looked up, and gave me his tearful puppy eyes. I returned his look, and slowly stood up.
"Can I come in ?" He asked in a small voice.
I nodded, stepping aside to let him in. He sat on my bed, and patted the spot next to him. I closed the door behind me, and joined him.
"(Y/N), please let me explain" Bucky said, pleadingly.
"But why Bucky ? You have no reason to do so ! Its not like we're dating or anything" I said, my voice cracking towards the end.
I blinked raipdly to prevent the tears for falling.
"Oh God" Bucky groaned. "No baby ! Just let me talk alright ? Please ?" I looked at him, and his gorgeous eyes gave me such a look, I could have died.
I nodded.
"I was talking to this girl, Sam introduced her to me. I was about to come up to bed right after you left. She kinda spilled her wine on my shirt, and you know how expensive it was ! I came up to clean it, and she followed me to help" Bucky said, all in one breath.
I raised my eyebrows, waiting for the next part. Or better say, dreading it.
"I was washing my shirt, and she said she'll grab a shirt for me, and then she closed the drawer too hard, her dress was stuck in it. I tried to open it, but it just wont open ! And I tried to pull her dress out, but the bloody thing ripped, and it ripped bad !"
I tried hard to control my urge to laugh. Not at the story, but his face. He was truly terrified.
"I told her she could borrow one of my shirts, 'coz it was already late and everyone had gone to bed, and I stepped in to wash my shirt, and when I came back, she was gone. She slept in the spare room. I swear nothing else happened, and I didnt know it was THAT shirt !"
Bucky took in deep breaths once he stopped talking, and I couldnt help but laugh.
"Aww, Buck" I said, putting my arms around his neck, and pulling him into a hug. His arms wound around my waist, and i felt his breath on my neck.
"Dont ever scare me like that" I whispered, holding him tighter.
"Im sorry" he said, lips brushing my ear.
He slowly pulled me onto his lap, making me straddle him.
"You're the one I want" Bucky said, with a smile. "And you look way better in my clothes "
We laughed.
"When did you steal this ?" He asked, rubbing my back.
"None of your business" I said, nuzzling his jaw.
"Is that so ?" "Yes it is"
He smiled again, and I kissed his cheek gently, my lips staying there for a while. "I love you, (Y/N)" He said, his blue eyes locked with my brown ones.
I grinned widely, blushing.
"I love you too"
"Of course you do" Bucky said, pressing his lips on mine.
We had to pull back, since neither of us could stop laughing. I kissed him again, this time more seriously, and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. The kiss deepened, Bucky flipping me over, and his weight shifted on to me slightly. I adjusted my legs, placing one over his, and his hand immediately went to stroke my thigh, and grabbing it, pulling me closer.
"Hey, (Y/N), where is Buck-" Steve barged into my room, and almost screamed out.
"Oh, you're here" He managed to say.
"KNOCK you dimwit !" Bucky yelled, rolling off me, and straightening his clothes. I sat up beside him, blushing madly.
"What happened Stevie ?" I asked.
"Oh, Marie left. I had Nat lend her some clothes" Steve said, and he had this smile.
"And she asked if I wanted to go out for coffee sometime" He said, blushing. "Oh wow !" I said, sighing in relief. Bucky laughed.
"She said she'll bring the shirt over later" Steve said, smirking.
"Oh, you can ask her to keep it" I said shaking my head. "I wont have it here anymore"
"But its my favorite !" Bucky whined.
"I'll get you a new one !" I said, and Bucky calmed down.
"Ok, you guys carry on" Steve said, waving his hand, and turned to leave.
Just as Steve left, Bucky got up, to lock the door. He turned with a smirk and said, "Where were we ?"
Imagine Bucky being absolutely offended, OFFENDED when he’s called out for being dramatic. Not even in a bad way. Just. He thinks he’s so lowkey and quiet and stealthy, not realizing he’s such a little drama queen sometimes. He has his arms crossed over his chest while Sam and Steve exchange examples they can think of, his annoyance only growing more after each one.
“He tore the arm off his jacket before throwing himself off a plane, who does that?”
“I have it all on camera-
“I told you I’d break it” Bucky growled but it just made you giggle, imaging your grumpy boyfriend walking around with just a single sleeve of his leather jacket.
“Remember the time you broke Zemo out of prison and I asked you how a prison fight would randomly ensue and you said “Who knows” with crazy eyes?”
“Okay but-
“And then you said you didn’t do anything, only to have Zemo walk in 3 second later?”
“I had good reason-”
“I mean you did dramatically yell “Stop the car” only to walk off like a grumpy old man”
“M’not grumpy”
“I remember this one time, I was beating up this guy in the back of an alley way and he came in with his new army uniform and-
“You were getting your ass handed to you, Steve” Bucky said with an exasperated huff, recalling the event much differently, back when Steve was about the same weight as Bucky’s left thigh.
“Remember when he pouted because Tony wouldn’t let him travel through time and kill baby Zola”
“I wasn’t pouting”
“Look, he’s pouting right now!”
You couldn’t contain your laugh anymore, looking at your poor helpless boyfriend with his bottom lip jutting out, looking like a poor admonished child.
“No, m’not” He mumbled, letting you coo and wrap your arms around him, his face now buried in your neck, hiding away from his mean friends who were now nearly on the floor.
“Awww, the big scary white wolf needs cuddles- oh” Sam’s smile dropped when Bucky’s head pulled away from his hiding spot, glaring at him. Steve let out a nervous laugh watching his best friend gently lift you off his lap and plopping you off to the side before getting up and stretching.
“You idiots have 10 seconds”
“He can’t be serious”
“C’mon Buck-
“He won’t-
*Sam nearly gets clocked in the head*
“Did he just throw his metal arm at me!?”
“Yes. Yes he did”
“So dramatic”