Dad Dabi - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago




𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; going out to ice cream with your little family couldn't be more wholesome especially with a surprise guest who maybe should not be out of his dorms...

𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 ; soul-crushing fluff, bd!dabi is so cuteeee, i luv kaede sm, idk what else, oh i didn't even know the header kinda looked like kaede 😭

tags ; @kokosclown


“Daddy, wake up…” Kaede muttered continuously poking his father’s cheek while hovering over the sleeping male with you by his side blankly staring at Dabi who continued to sleep. Your face twisted into one of irritation and you grabbed his bare thigh and dug into his skin with your nails which was unknown to your son who sat there on his knees looking upset because his daddy was still sleeping.

Well, he was sad until Dabi’s eyes snapped open at the pain in his legs “Ow–” Dabi was quick to cut himself off when he caught your gaze and your son’s. He just sighed and looked at you both. Dabi loved his family but did not like how often he was being awoken to the sight of his girlfriend and son looking down at him with the same eyes ready to beg him for something. He wondered what it was this time and if it was your idea or your son’s.

A wide grin formed on Kaede’s face “Can we go get iced cream?” He asked bouncing a bit on his knees making the mattress move and earning a laugh from you. Kaede’s full head of hair was all over the place, he already had his hoodie on with his pajama shorts, and next to you, you were dressed in the same attire. “Ugh, what time is it…?” Dabi asked sitting up on his elbows and looking at you specifically but Kaede began to count on his fingers.

“One in the morning.” Dabi let out another groan at your answer while Kaede hummed and nodded in agreement with you “Please, we’re hungry.” You begged.

“Yeah, you gotta give food!” The younger boy shouted in addition making your boyfriend groan even louder than before allowing himself to fall back onto the bed. He threw his arm over his eyes “Fine, go wait in the living room…” He said and less than a second later, you and your son yelped in joy while throwing your hands up. You both listened to his orders and hopped out of the bedroom and to the living room to squeal with each other about getting ice cream.

It was a coincidence that you and your son met in the kitchen looking for the same thing. Kaede had walked in on you staring at the freezer with a pout looking for ice cream and he had asked you if there was any, when you said no, he came up with the greatest idea to wake up his daddy and make him take you two to get ice cream. “Mommy, I wanna get new iced cream now!” Kaede said and you smiled at his mispronunciation of that phrase but just tilted your head in confusion “Why? I thought Rocky Road was your favorite.” You asked the smaller boy. Kaede fidgeted in place, using the tip of his croc to move the backstrap up and down on his other croc “When me and Uncle Shoto were outside, he gave me iced cream ‘nd it was…really crunchy but like it was…uhm still cream.” Kaede said squeezing his eyes shut and frowning. A habit he had when he wanted to say something but didn’t know how to phrase it.

Dabi did that too. Sometimes they’d both just outright stop talking because of it “Did he tell you the flavor? So I can get it for you.” You said picking him up and rubbing your hand along his back to comfort him as you saw he was getting frustrated. Kaede immediately put his face in the crook of your neck and wrapped his arms around you, he was just like his dad. Going to you when he was frustrated. “Erm…P…Pimustache I think.” The dark-haired boy replied as you spotted your boyfriend coming out of the room also wearing Crocs and his hoodie.

“All good?” Dabi asked grabbing the keys from the counter and walking closer, his other hand went to his son’s fit of black hair and he messed it up even more “Y’know how he is with his words.” You replied as you two made your way out of the apartment, closing and locking the door behind you before making your way down the stairs. Dabi looked at you and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth “What’s bad about that?” He asked with a roll of his eyes feeling a bit targeted as he had the same problem.

You shrugged nonchalantly “Nothing for him but if we’re talking about you…” You click your tongue against your teeth suppressing a laugh “I don’t know…” You felt and heard Kaede laugh a bit at your words and once again, Dabi rolled his eyes already fed up with your shenanigans. “Yeah, Yeah, how about we talk about those temper tantrums he gets from you?” Dabi immediately regretted his words once he saw the look you were giving him.

“Walked straight into that one…” He murmured and you didn’t say anything but chuckled in agreement. God forbid if the father and son had superpowers, they’d probably blow up an entire house with both of their temper tantrums over pointless things…(hehe just wanted to throw that in there). “Down…” Kaede muttered beginning to kick his feet so you’d put him down and you did. He immediately went between you and Dabi grabbing hold of your pajama pants and Dabi’s basketball shorts as the three of you stepped out of the building and into the cold night. Dabi immediately regretted agreeing to take the two of you to get ice cream when the cold wind hit his face.

“Cold!” Kaede hissed putting his face into Dabi’s shorts, while you all tried to hurry to the car that was parked on the street “Yeah well thank Mommy for that.” Dabi said sending an annoyed look to you as you stifled a laugh at how quickly his nose turned bright red. You gently pushed your hand against his temple “If daddy hurried, we would’ve been to the car already.” You said and after catching the look Dabi gave you, you sighed and began speed-walking to the car and Kaede peeked out at the lack of your presence.

“Why you running, Mommy!?” The boy asked loudly and childishly and you turned back to them already at the passenger door “B’cause Touya is being nasty.” You replied confusing your child who instinctively looked up at his dad as they finally made their way to the car to join you. Dabi leaned down as he placed his hand on Kaede’s hair “She means daddy kid.” Kaede let out a little “ohh!” sound as he nodded his head.

Dabi grinned lustfully at you while unlocking the car but you just ignored him and began to put Kaede in the backseat and his car seat “Don’t you think he’s too big for that thing?” Dabi asked peering from the driver’s seat and you shook your head “No, he has to stay here until the seatbelt can fit him.” You said closing the door before hopping into the passenger seat while Kaede looked around the car for some of the toys he left there. The white-haired man snorted “Did my mom tell you that?” He asked as he watched you get comfortable in your seat.

Dabi reached over and began to put the seatbelt on you. He could care less about him wearing the seatbelt, he found it stupid but he needed you and Kaede to wear a seatbelt; he couldn’t risk anything happening to the two of you even if he thought Kaede was too old to have a car seat. “Of course she did.” You replied and Dabi said nothing but only shook his head and started the car.

You are very much closer to his family than Dabi is, that is no secret but he can’t help but laugh every time you tell him that his mother or his sister told you something about parenting, and don’t even get him started on when Shoto would say something! Dabi doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to how that kid randomly drops information that he shouldn’t know about. When you were busy delivering Kaede, shoto asked him how many centimeters you were dilated and Dabi had no idea what he was talking about…that being said, sometimes he asked his little brother things when he had no clue about something.

Shoto was the best uncle ever and everyone in your little family could agree with that. Especially Kaede.

“Daddy, where you going? The p-place is back there.” Kaede asked peeking out of the tinted windows at the road he was so familiar with when getting ice cream. You looked back also confused before looking at the older male “I’m going to a different one, it’s good I promise.” Dabi responded and Kaede began to whine while gently kicking his feet.

You looked back at him as tears began to bubble in his eyes. Why on earth would Dabi do this knowing how his kid was? “Hey, hey, you trust me right?” Dabi asked looking back at his kid and extending his hand. You looked ahead and grabbed hold of the steering wheel grumbling about how he needed to stop doing this. Kaede looked at his dad’s hand and then his face before nodding.

The boy grabbed hold of Dabi’s hand as he tried to stop crying “So stop crying, yeah?” Kaede nodded as he began to knuckle at his eyes making Dabi smile. The blue-eyed man turned his head back ahead to take control of the wheel again, he glanced at you and gave a thumbs-up that seemed like it was questioning.

You chuckled at his slight nervousness and gave him a thumbs-up back. Dabi had always been scared of having a kid, especially a son because of how he was raised, he constantly needed your approval of whether he was doing a good job or not and that was still present even now when he seemed to get the hang of this stuff. I mean he’d even started to come with you when you took Kaede to visit Dabi’s family when he was very much against it to the point it even caused one of your breakups. You were still working on getting him to actually talk to his dad when he went but he was progressing amazingly as a father and he kept progressing even when you two were on one of your ‘breaks’.

You were really proud of him. “Touya, are you seriously this corny?” You asked observing the area you were in, immediately recognizing it. Dabi has never been a romantic so him taking you to the place you two went on your first date after having a kid was very shocking. “I saw it in a movie, okay? You said you like that movie shit right?” Dabi said a bit flustered as he pulled in front of the small ice cream parlor that was conveniently a 24-hour place. “You’re not s’posed to curse!” Kaede yelled at his dad from the backseat as you took off your seatbelt.

“When you’re old enough to curse, you’ll understand why I can’t stop,” Dabi said climbing out of the car and going to get Kaede out of the backseat. “How old am I when I can?” Kaede asked as he was lifted from his car seat and into his father’s arms. Dabi huffed and turned Kaede so his stomach was resting on Dabi’s shoulder with his large hand on the small of the little boy’s back to support him.

“When you’re still tired after having a full night's sleep.”

“Boy! Stop telling Kei depressing things and put him down.” 

Dabi rolled his eyes as he sat on the hood of the car while Kaede giggled childishly as he acted as if he was a superhero “He’s fine, go get the ice cream.” Dabi said as he grabbed his wallet from his pocket and then handed it to you. “You already know what we want baby.” He said leaning forward to press a peck to the side of your lips that were formed into a frown. You sighed loudly before stomping over to order the three cones.

The older man placed his son down on his lap and just stared at him with identical eyes staring back “What is special about this? There’s not even ‘nywhere to sit…” Kaede asked looking around the empty place, it looked familiar to him but he just couldn’t put his finger on what was so familiar…

“Well, me and Mommy used to come here all the time when I first met her,” Dabi said and Kaede giggled and placed his hands over his mouth as air released from his nostrils into the cold. “Did you give money for all of it too?” The child asked putting his hands back onto his knees and Dabi looked away nervously. Maybe when Kaede was older he’d tell him all about how mean you were when the two of you first met (you still are…) but for now, he’d just get a simple response. “Not all the time, mommy was so stubborn that she barely let me pay, I had to force her to let me sometimes.” Kaede’s giggles were released into the air once more. He loved to hear stories about his parents.

Uncle Shoto told him all the time like about how the two of you were meanies to each other sometimes but Uncle Shoto told him not to tell the two of you that he knew that. “We stopped coming because I was being a meanie to her. A bit too mean.” Dabi said rubbing the back of his neck and Kaede nodded “But we’re learning to be nice.” Dabi finished and before his son could respond, his name was called by you who was struggling to hold three cones.

“Oh, oh! Coming!” The little boy muttered climbing down from his dad’s lap and running over to you as fast as his stubby legs could carry with Dabi watching carefully to make sure Kaede didn’t fall. His eyebrow raised at the color of the ice cream that you handed to the child “What’s that?” The tall man asked as the two of you came back over. “Kei wanted to try pistachio this time.” You responded by giving your lover his cookie dough cone and sitting down next to him on the hood of the car. You assisted Kaede to sit on the hood once again in between you and Dabi who stuck his tongue out in disgust “Gross, why would you get that?” He asked playfully looking down at his mini-me who fanned his hand in front of his mouth because he bit into the ice cream by accident.

“Uncle Shoto gave me some and ‘s good!” Kaede said as he began to deliver kitten licks to the green ice cream with a wide grin on his face humming at the taste “Of course, he’s always been weird like that…” The turquoise-eyed adult said with a sigh as he began to lick at his ice cream. You grunted and elbowed him from behind your toddler’s back and he hissed in response and sent a small glare your way.

Kaede kicked his feet in enjoyment “Do…uhm, do you wanna know how I taste this?” He asked in his usual toddler format looking up at the two of you who conversed with your eyes “Is it some big adventure like that little show you watch?” Dabi asked with a laugh and Kaede wiped around his mouth as he hummed “No but it was really cool!” The toddler said obviously excited to talk about his first interaction with this flavor of ice cream. You nodded to give him the go-ahead and he began to look up in the air to remember the incident.

“So…I was with Uncle Shoto and his friends were there too because they live together y’know? And he had iced cream but this big angry guy pushed it over and it hit my face!” Kaede said slapping a palm on his nose and Dabi hummed at this raising an eyebrow. You hoped that wasn’t the end because Dabi was 100% on board for beating up a teenager. “B-But I really like the uhm…taste! Yeah, that and the big angry guy bought me one to be sorry.” Kaede said and Dabi’s nerves seemed to visibly calm at that.

You draped an arm over your son’s shoulder “Well that was nice of him.” Kaede hummed in response to your statement before something caught his eye, a fit of red and white hair. It was Uncle Shoto! “Ah, Ah! Get me down!” He yelled as he tried to scurry off the hood of the car. After getting down, he waddled quickly over to the teenage boy “Uncle Shoto!” Shoto turned his head at his name being called while you and Dabi finally understood what was going on.

The teenager picked up the toddler before he could hug him “Watch it.” Shoto said looking at the ice cream cone and Kaede apologized. Dabi visibly seemed to be annoyed at the appearance of his youngest brother “Mommy gave me that iced cream!” Kaede said holding the cone to his uncle’s lips so he could get a taste “It’s ice cream.” Shoto corrected as he walked over to the two of you and it’s when you noticed that he was still in his pajamas, not even a hoodie.

“What are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to be at your dorm?” You asked as he placed Kaede down to his feet “Wanted to walk and it’s not far from here.” Shoto said hugging you as a greeting and you smiled at him which Dabi grimaced at while he continued to lick his ice cream. “We were just talking about you. You appeared like the devil you are.” The white-haired man said glaring harshly at his younger brother who was unphased by the harsh treatment.

Shoto only gave his brother a blank stare “Nice to see you too brother.” Dabi gave him the fakest smile ever making you elbow him once again. You gave him a look that told him to be nice as Kaede told his uncle to seat the both of them on the hood of the car “What? I’m being nice.” Dabi said shrugging his shoulders while taking another lick of his ice cream and you only rolled your eyes.

“How has school been?” Shoto asked your son as he began to take small licks of the ice cream that Kaede was not paying attention to. “Uhm…Daddy, what did Miss Kusou tell you?” The boy asked looking back at his father but Dabi only laughed a bit at how his hair was covering his eyes. “Ahem…she said you were doing really good,” Dabi said trying to stop laughing and Kaede nodded along with Shoto. 

“Your speech does seem clearer…sentences getting better too.” The high-schooler said running his hand down Kaede’s head and patting his head as if he was a pet. The kid shivered at a cold gust of wind “Cold!” He yelled and Shoto looked at you “Can we go inside the car? It is pretty cold.” You chuckled at how red his cheeks and nose were just like Dabi’s, they were really alike no matter how much they loved to deny it.

“No.” “Yes.”

Dabi looked at you as you looked at him, he didn’t even last more than a second before sighing and rolling his eyes to look away from you “Yeah, unlock the car baby.” You said looking back at Shoto who was already standing and holding your son(well it might as well have been his by the way they cling to each other). Dabi grumbled something under his breath before reaching into his pocket and unlocking the car. Shoto bowed his head as a silent thanks before going to sit inside the car with Kaede.

“You’re not gonna get in there with ‘em?” Dabi asked looking at you who shrugged at his question “I want to but I’m not leaving you out here by yourself.” You replied leaning onto his side while continuing to eat your ice cream and he merely hummed while continuing to look into the distance while eating his ice cream. There was something on his mind, you could tell from how quiet he was being.

Your hand slithered down to grab his free one “Are you okay?” Dabi let out a sigh as he looked at you silent and just staring before he looked away again and stared into the dark night “I need a cigarette.” His response made you frustrated. Dabi had a hard time telling you verbally when something was bothering him and telling his feelings and it made you so upset because when he was in a bad mood, he made it everyone’s problem but didn’t say anything about it.

Dabi began to walk away and to the driver’s side to probably go in and get his cigarettes but you pulled at his hand and stopped him. “No, c’mon tell me. Stop being like that.” You said pulling him closer and making him smack his teeth. Ugh, you made him say his feelings and shit…he hated that but he was still going to do it.

“I was just thinking about you, y’know…” The turquoise-eyed man said feeling embarrassed at telling you his feelings but you just rubbed your thumb against the back of his hand which made it a bit more easier for him. “I just remembered how much I missed this when I wasn’t with you and it’s like…you made me better than I was before,” Dabi said shrugging his shoulders once again just showing how nervous he was.

It was true, like I said before, you made Dabi a better person along with having a kid. When he first met you, he was alone, with no one, and was the worst he’s ever been in his life but then you came and you made him better. You comforted him about his family even to the point he stopped dying his hair, you made him feel good about himself. Dabi doesn’t want to break up with you again and so far, he’s been pretty good at that but no matter how good he gets, he’s always going to be him. 

But you’re always going to be you and you cancel him out. Well…to a certain extent. “Aw, touya. I love you too.” You cooed gently pecking his lips and he smacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth “I ain’t say that and you taste good.” Dabi said looking away with a flushed face. His eyes were locked on your ice cream cone and he took a huge chunk out of the nearly-melted ice cream. You pressed your hand against his face as you gasped loudly “Touya!” He only laughed at your complaints and kissed you.

The kiss which you thought was going to be innocent turned deep and open-mouthed but of course, nothing could stay innocent with Dabi. “Okay, Okay, tomorrow.” You said backing away from the man who let out a small whine at your words “Why not tonight?” Dabi asked and you rolled your eyes while you began to make your way to the passenger seat of the car.

“Because you have a son and a brother that are staying the night.” You said opening the car door and hoping in the seat while Dabi leaned against the window like he didn’t own the car. The boys were fast asleep in the back, shoto’s phone was set up still playing some cartoon and the only thing left of the ice cream cone was a small piece of the waffle cone left on the seat “Sho can go back to his dorms…” Dabi said and you smiled at him using the nickname for his brother, he never called him anything other than ‘shitface’ until you gave him a nickname.

You leaned closer and kissed him lightly “Kei’s still here, now drive us home.” You said giving him the sweetest smile that made him obey and walk over to his side. You licked your ice cream again as you looked back at the teenager and the toddler who slept soundly together, they were so adorable lying there together! But maybe Shoto needs to stay in school instead of trying to spend every minute with his nephew.

ps. no au!!

you were just relaxing in your bedroom with dabi watching some stupid movie who was not paying attention at all when the small smell of smoke filled your nostrils. of course dabi didn't notice, he was used to it and all so you were the one that got up.

but you did not expect the smell to come from your child's room and you certainly did not expect to find him glaring at his wooden toy that was in flames. it was one of those toys where you had to put the correct shaped block into the rightful hole and kaede hated it! but you said he had to learn. well, it seems like he's had enough of it.

kaede's palms still had sky blue (a bit lighter than dabi's)flames coming from them only adding to the fire "uh...bae?" you shouted keeping your eyes on the kid. you had no idea what to do. kaede wasn't even supposed to get his quirk yet! he wasn't even seven...and it was dabi's so he would know what to do.

by now there was a cloud of smoke and dabi had to notice it "whatever is on fire is not my fault! i swear this time!" you rolled your eyes at his comment as kaede turned his head to you, his gaze softening. dabi appeared by your side and took in the scene and loudly sighed.

"oh my fu–freaking...I said freaking." dabi said correcting himself before you could even scold him. he pushed past you and grabbed kaede by his underarms with his arms facing outward "alright keep your arms up like a statue while mommy cleans up your mess." dabi said as he left the room and headed to the kitchen. he smiled at how you grumbled annoyingly while beginning to put out the fire.

kaede glanced behind him at his room "did i make mommy mad?" he asked as dabi set him down in the kitchen to turn on the sink. kaede climbed onto his little stool and let dabi guide his hands under the water "no, more like I did." dabi said knowing you were annoyed that kaede got his quirk for a various of reasons. I mean he already looked liked him and now he has his quirk that may I add, causes HELL for you.

"ohh...sorry you made her mad." kaede said rubbing his palms together as if he was washing his hands and dabi shrugged "whatever, do your hands hurt?" he asked and smiled when kaede shook his head no. that was his biggest fear. kaede getting his quirk and everything bad that came with it, he didn't need him ending up a villain like him. it was already bad enough he was associated with it.

"if it hurts when it happens again tell me okay?" dabi said and kaede nodded cheerfully as he bit on his lip while beginning to play in the water. at least there was a guarantee that kaede wouldn't grow up so painful like he did.

"touya! you better be teaching him how to use that quirk!"

"yes ma'am."


©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!

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7 months ago

Title: tattoo dates

Pairing: dabi x keigo

Fandom My hero Academia

Warnings: baby reader, single dad Dabi, no quirk au, fluff


Don't be the step dad, be the dad who stepped up.

The sound of summer could be heard in the early morning of Tokyo, the cool air refreshing for Keigo as he stepped into the small tattoo parlor and taking in all the art on the walls. It was actually quite nice... The parlors he looked at online seemed to try and look more badass but this one was organised and incredibly clean "you're my 8:30, right? Keigo Takami?" What he wasn't expecting based on the aesthetic of the parlor was a black haired man covered head to toe with tattoos and piercings, a loose fitting worn tank top that looked intentionally worn out and a pair of black cargo pants and god Keigo was thankful he was wearing sunglasses as he noticed a feint outline.

"That's me~ thanks for fitting me in so early!"

"Yeah, whatever... You wanted a back tattoo right? Do you have a picture?" Dabi was tired, his kid was sleeping in the other room as it was too early to take him to daycare today and the little guy wasn't feeling well so he didn't want him far away "so serious ~ trying to be all tough for me?" Keigos charm was not working as Dabi rolled his eyes "get on the table and take off your shirt" the black haired man said as Keigo pouted but sent him the reference as their phones touched, hopping on the table and removing his shirt.


"Red ones" hawks said as he rested his cheek on his fore arm, arms crossed over one another relaxed as he felt the other prepare the tattoo and sanitize his back "what shade?" Dabi asked softly as he prepared the tattoo pen "a bright red...crimson almost"

Dabi was focused, the mirror infront of the table, full length and clean as crystal thus giving Keigo a full view of his tattoos arms flexing under the florescent lights "your parlor is much different the others" Keigo said breaking the silence as the needle hit his skin "yeah, gotta keep things clean..." He said simply, Keigo noting how everything was kept at least 3 feet off the floor or locked away.

Music played softly in the background as Dabi worked away "so what do you do for fun?"

"Don't have much time for hobbies" Dabi said simply, the detail he was putting into it was impressive especially the price the other was paying "really? How come?" Keigo asked curiously and the black haired man looked at him from the mirror "being a dad doesn't give much free time"

"You're a dad?"

"Yeah, eight month old... He's sleeping in the other room right now" it was rather early Keigo thought, having booked out of hours for security reasons "I see..."

The two worked for another hour and a half till Keigo was given a break, looking at the work so far he was quite impressed as Dabi went to the other room to check on the kid "hope you don't mind, he's pretty chill so he won't cause issue"

Ok, why was this man so attractive holding a kid? What the fuck.

Keigo tried not to look flustered as the tiny baby looked back sleepily, drinking his bottle calmly before being set in his play pen that was off to the side "normally I don't keep kid stuff here..." (Name) babbled softly as he played with his toys, fully content doing his own thing as dad was fairly close "you ready to continue?"

By the end of the session, Keigo smiled at the babe who was vibing "your total will be 900" the detail on the wings were insane, best work the other has done as Keigo smiled "thanks for being normal... Most places freaked out when they met me"

"Who are you?" Dabi asked blankly and Keigo looked startled but smiled "just an actor, ya know?" Dabi shrugged as the actor paid for his tattoo, (name) snuggling into his dad's arms as the actor left.

But that wouldn't be for long.

Keigo showed up for another tattoo, though this one would have to be in phases as (name) had a doctor's appointment "yeah, he has teeth growing in... So gotta make sure it's going alright" (name) was chewing on a cold teething ring as Keigo booped his forehead, the babe looking confused but didn't do much else.

"A date?" Dabi raised an eyebrow as Keigo leaned over the counter "yeah, I found a good restaurant and it has a kids menu... Maybe mashed potatoes for the big guy over there" (name) looked up as he was chewing on his dad's fingers "you know what a date means right? Were a package deal, he comes first" dabi was deathly serious and Keigo smiled "absolutely"

"Then wine and dine me pretty boy"

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7 months ago
Hello And Welcome To Touya, Being A Good, But Absolutely Chaotic Parent.

Hello and welcome to Touya, being a good, but absolutely chaotic parent.

Please follow me on Instagram! Support me on Kofi if you like uwu

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7 months ago
Happy Mama Day

Happy Mama Day

Summary: Touya and the kids surprise you for Mother's Day.

Contains: soft Touya, fluff, kids n sappy stuff

Pairing: Touya x f!reader

wc: 2.1k

Based on this idea.

Happy Mama Day

Touya buried his face under a blanket when little hands slapped his cheek. A little girl's voice screamed at him excitedly to wake up. He opened his eyes slightly, sighing into the pillow when both his kids started jumping on the bed, singing, "Wake up! Wake up!"

"Daddy, Daddy, Keiko said it's Mama day today!" His son yelled, pulling the blanket off him.

"It's called Mother's Day, not Mama Day, Takeo." His daughter sassed, crossing her arms as if she knew some great secret her younger brother didn't.

"Stop jumping, Takeo. I'm up." Touya sighed, sitting up and running a hand through his snowy hair, disheveled from sleep. Takeo jumped into Touya's lap, making him let out an 'oomph.'

"Daddy, Keiko told me-" the three-year-old began. Sometimes, Toya was surprised by how fluently the child could speak since most three-year-old's he knew yapped in baby language. He talked to Rei about it, and she told him he used to be the same.

"Keiko-Nee." He corrected, his gaze shifting to his eldest. She excitedly crawled to him and sat on her knees excitedly. He ruffled her bright red hair and looked down at Takeo, "What did she tell you?"

"Keiko-Nee told me that her teacher told her it's Mama Day!" The boy exclaimed.

"Is it?" He hummed.

"Can we do something special for Mama when she gets back from work?" Keiko asked. "My teacher told me you can show your thanks to your mothers today! Let's do something special!"

"How do we show our thanks?" Takeo asked, tilting his head.

"We can make her cards and make her favorite food or buy her gifts!"

Takeo gasped and looked up at Touya with wide eyes, the same colour as yours, "Does that mean we can cook a cake?"

"Bake a cake," Touya threw the child over his shoulder and got off the bed, holding a hand out for Keiko. She took his hand and jumped off the bed, "Sure we can, but first you two need to eat breakfast, clean up your rooms, get ready for the day, do your homework and then we'll bake Mama a cake, okay?"

"It's not fair that I have homework and Takeo doesn't!" Keiko lamented, puffing her cheeks out.

"He does have homework. He has a colouring book to fill. Isn't that right, Taki?"

The three year old nodded his head even though he wasn't sure what 'homework' was. Touya took the kids downstairs and made them sit at the dining table. He went into the kitchen and put on the apron. He took out a few eggs and beat them up with milk and sugar. He dipped slices of bread inside the eggs and then fried them, keeping them a little soft because that's the way his babies liked it.

He took the plates out in the dining room, setting them in front of the kids, "Eat up."

"Thank you," the two chimed.

He sat across from Keiko and Takeo. He sighed when Takeo began breaking the bread into bits without putting them in his mouth. Touya quickly finished his breakfast and helped Takeo with his. After breakfast, the kids followed him upstairs so they could clean their bedrooms. Keiko was six, old enough to make her bed and tidy her room, but Takeo still needed help, given he was only three.

He folded Takeo's blanket and kept it in the crib while Takeo picked up the toys littered on the floor and dumped them in the toybox. Once Touya was done with Takeo's room, he went to Keiko's room, watching his daughter huff and puff as she folded her giant blanket all by herself. She turned to him after she was done, flexing her arms, "I did it by myself!"

"You did great, Keiko." He lowered his back with Takeo on his hip and kissed Keiko's hair. He took her hand and led the kids to the bathroom.

He put Takeo down, took Keiko's unicorn toothbrush, put a small amount of toothpaste on it and handed it to her. He then proceeded to put toothpaste on Takeo's smaller shark toothbrush. He gave him the toothbrush and watched him look up at his sister and try to imitate her. Touya smiled to himself and took his toothbrush hanging beside yours. He brushed his teeth along with his kids and then helped them wash their faces, making them giggle when he patted them dry.

"Cake time!" Keiko squealed, stomping downstairs with Takeo chanting 'cake' behind her.

"Homework first, you two." Touya reminded sternly.

"But I don't have school tomorrow. I can do it later!" Keiko whined, "And Taki's homework isn't even real homework! You just make him sit down and colour a bunch'a of pages so you can watch soccer on the TV!"

Toya raised his eyebrows amusedly as Keiko tapped her floor impatiently. He let out a chuckle and turned to the kitchen, "Alright, alright. Just don't make a mess, okay?"

"Yes!!" She exclaimed, taking Takeo's hand and following after her father.

Touya helped Keiko and Takeo into little aprons and rummaged through the cabinets, looking for the cake mix he bought ages ago. It's not that he didn't know how to bake a cake from scratch, but with two kids involved, the kitchen was bound to get chaotic. He found a vanilla cake mix and took out a bowl and a hand beater, setting everything on the counter. He opened the flaps of the cake mix as the kids watched him excitedly. He took out a white coloured packet and cut it open with a pair of scissors.

"Can I put it in the bowl?" Keiko asked.

"Sure ya can. Come closer." He handed her the packet, and she carefully put the mix into the bowl. Keiko snatched the cake mix box and read the instructions, squinting her eyes as she tried to read the sentences.

"It says to... mix water, oil, 'n eggs with a mixer on... meedum...?"

"Medium," Toya corrected, encouraging her to go on.

"...speed or beat by hand for two minutes." She finished with a grin. Touya patted her hair and measured out the water and oil, which Takeo insisted he wanted to pour. Touya picked up Takeo so he could reach for the cups he had measured. He watched Takeo pick up the cup of oil in his chubby hands and empty it into the cake mix, followed by the water.

"You want to crack the egg?" Toya asked Keiko, smiling when she nodded excitedly. He showed her how to crack an egg and then handed her another one. She managed to crack the egg and let its contents fall into a bowl.

"Do we beat with an electric mixer or hand?" Keiko asked.

"Hand beater," Toya replied. He mixed the ingredients and then let Keiko take over for a little bit. Of course, Takeo didn't want to be left out and had to take a turn whipping the batter.

"And then we pop it in the oven," Touya transferred the batter into a cake pan and put it in the oven that had been preheating for some time.

"Daddy, while we wait, let's make Mama a birthday card!" Keiko exclaimed, pulling on his hand.

"I've got some cleaning up to do, Kei. You make one with your brother-"

"No! Don't you gotta wish Mom Happy Mother's Day too?" Keiko put her foot down and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes, let's make a mama card," Takeo added.

"Fine," Touya sighed, "Let's go make a mama card."

He sat on the floor in the living room with the kids. Keiko handed him and Takeo A4-size papers and let them use her sketch pens and colour pencils. She told him how to make a card, speaking as if she was giving away the world's darkest secret, "So, basically, you fold it in half like this, and then you write 'Happy Mother's Day' in fancy handwriting. You can make a drawing if you wanna, and then on the inside, you thank Mama for all she's done. Any questions?"

"No, ma'am, thank you." Dabi picked up a blue sketch pen and nudged Takeo, "Say thanks to your sister, Taki."


Touya had never made cards for anyone before. Sure, he'd received plenty of sweet ones from you, but he never gave you one in return. He folded the paper in half and tried mustering up his fanciest handwriting, which turned out looking like a doctor's note. He picked up a red sketch pen and threw in a couple of hearts and smiley faces.

He moved on to the inside of the card, and that's where he got stuck. The green sketch pen hovered over the paper as he thought of what to put inside. He had so much he wanted to thank you for. Your love, your support and your kindness. The list went on and on. He glanced up from the paper to see Keiko beautifully decorating the card while Takeo went on a scribbling spree. He smiled softly at the kids and looked down at the paper. He knew just what to write.

Happy Mama Day

You knocked on the door and yawned, bringing a hand to cover your mouth. It had been a long day at work, but you couldn't wait to greet your husband and kids and then spend some time together on the couch after dinner. You heard a few excited cries, and the door was thrown open.

"HAPPY MAMA DAY!!" Takeo screamed, hugging your leg.

"Happy Mother's Day!" Keiko exclaimed with a grin, hopping from foot to foot.

"Oh, my babies." You smiled and stepped inside, pulling them both in a hug. You kissed their cheeks and made them giggle. "Thank you so much."

"No, thank you for all you do, Mama! You're so cool!" Keiko beamed.

"So cool!" Takeo agreed.

"Okay, okay, let ya mama breathe." You looked up when you heard Touya's voice. His lips tugged up on the side in a smirk, "Hey. Happy Mama Day."

"Thank you," you laughed, kissing his cheek.

"We baked you a cake, and Papa made your favorite dinner!" Keiko exclaimed, "We also made you cards!"

"Mhm?" You took the card from Keiko and read through it with a stupid grin. You kissed her nose, "Aww, thank you, Kei. You're so sweet."

"Here is my mama card." Takeo waved his drawing in front of your face. You took it from him and gushed over the stick figures of him and you holding hands.

"It's lovely, thank you, Taki." You squished his cheeks together lovingly.

"Papa, where's your card?" Keiko asked.

"I didn't make any. What are you talking about?" Touya shrugged.


Touya sheepishly revealed the hand in which he held the card. You got up from the floor and took the card, giggling at his messy handwriting adorned with hearts, flowers and smiley faces. It was so unlike him. You flipped it open and read it.

Happy Mama Day, wifey.

There's a lot I wish I could say to you more often, but putting it here feels easier. Thank you for all that you've done for me and our kids. Thank you for being by my side when nobody was and for holding my hand on sleepless nights and shooing away my nightmares. Thanks for dragging me out of my depressive episodes and taking me on ice cream dates. I'll never forget them. The ice cream was delicious, by the way.  

Thank you for birthing our beautiful children. I'm so lucky to have you by my side to raise our kids. You're my definition of a blessing in human form.

With love,

Your handsome husband,


(P.S. You have a nice butt)

Your hands quivered as you read the note. Your eyes blurred with hot tears. They fell onto the card, and he pulled you into him and kissed your temple. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your nose in his chest, feeling his warmth seep into your skin, "Thank you, Touya."

"My words hit ya that deep? Maybe I should be a poet." He chuckled, combing your hair with his fingers.

"There's nothin' poetic about it." You muffled into his chest. You pulled away and pressed a kiss on his lips. His hand went to rest on your lower back as he leaned into you.

You were aware of the kids watching, so you pulled away and glanced back to see Keiko pretending to be very interested in the door handle while Takeo tugged at his sister's sleeve. You chuckled and held an arm open, "Come here, Keiko, Takeo."

You scooped up Takeo while Touya picked up Keiko. You let your head rest against Touya's shoulder, your heart brimming with joy and contentment, "I love my little family."

Happy Mama Day

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6 months ago

I see you like dabi... Can you write something with dad dabi??

Dad!Dabi Headcanons

I See You Like Dabi... Can You Write Something With Dad Dabi??
I See You Like Dabi... Can You Write Something With Dad Dabi??
I See You Like Dabi... Can You Write Something With Dad Dabi??
I See You Like Dabi... Can You Write Something With Dad Dabi??
I See You Like Dabi... Can You Write Something With Dad Dabi??

a/n: dabi as a dad, Personally a favorite. Never actually attempt to write it so here we go. lmk if you want more<33

warning: Some 'canon' parts and fan-canon. my personal opinion, delulu.

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★ — Dabi’s the kind of guy to first react negatively towards you saying you’re pregnant. He’s never imagined being a dad, His own pushed him down when he gained a “better” son. It would take some reassurance, Like telling him you believed he would be a great dad, and that he was nothing like his father. He would slowly be open to the idea of being part of the kids life.

★ — Dabi’s by your side whenever he can, between the LOV and planing his pay back to his own dad.

★ — Dabi’s holding your hair when you get sick, He’s bringing you food late at night on his recruitment patrols.

★ — He’ll even bust out his old hair braiding skills (he might be a little rusty at first) to keep it out of your face during hot flashes. he learned braiding with fuyumi’s hair when they were younger.

★ — Dabi keeps you and the baby a complete secret, To make sure he knew that if something happened to him. You and the baby wouldn’t be targeted

★ — Dabi would be terrified to touch your stomach, he isn’t normally a feel bad kind of guy but he didn't wanna accidentally hurt you or the baby. It takes some time before he can rest his hand on your belly or lay his head on it.

★ — He tries to attend at least a few doctor appointments, but he misses the birth because of his identity. He'd get really upset ith

★ — Some time after you have the baby, you and him would be sitting on the couch, The baby was sleeping and he lets slip he wants another one. “to give it a friend” lame excuse but hey, It works. He wouldn’t ask for another one but if you asked he wouldn’t say no.

★ — He first sees his daughter when you come home. He’s right there, He heard you talking outside the door and getting your keys.

★ — He was sitting in a chair at the island counter. Safe to say he’s been there for 3 hours waiting.

★ — For awhile he just sits on the couch while you hold her. He’d be scared, again. He didn’t wanna harm her.

★ — She looked exactly like him at her age. Red hair, teal eyes, a big smile.

★ — Sometimes you’d wake to go the bathroom and see a empty place next to to, and noise in the nursery. Dabi would be sitting in a rocking chair mumbling about who knows what while his little girl just slept on his chest. He’d never admit it though, if you brought it up he’d say you were really tired and hallucinated it. (you didn’t)

★ — His phone lock screen was of course his motorcycle, but his home-screen was a picture of you passed out with baby girl.

★ — Second pregnancy around he would probably be outed as toya, Depending on the outcome (we are gonna go the happy delulu root) he'd have contact with his sister, maybe even natsuo. You drag him out to lunch with his sister.

★ — He'd always have his arms around you, around your waist, on your hips and stomach.

★ — He'd definitely rubs the fact his family loves him to his dad, no doubt. He'd brag about how his daughter is always following him around, and his future partner is perfect and loves him for him.

★ — Dabi also definitely got your daughter to say dada first, Even though it took 2 years she finally said her first word. it would be when you went out with his siblings. He sends you a video of her sitting on the couch in one of those Ariel princess dresses. She clear as day she says 'dada'. He teases you about it a lot.

★ — At first you'll have to force him, but after awhile the only movies that are on the tv at all times was Disney & barbie. (His favorites are Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus & Robin hood)

★ — Dabi would lay down on the floor while his daughter played with his hair and feels his scars.

★ — Dabi also by now stopped using his quirk, which over time slowly his scars began to heal.

★ — He was present for your 2nd child, your sons birth. To say he teared up is a understatement. He stood by your side the whole time, he wasn't willing to miss it this time.

★ — Your son looked again, was a mini dabi, but white hair.

★ — When your daughters quirk forms its just like dabis, She ran into you and his room one morning giggling excitedly about having a cool quirk like her daddy. His face was pure fear, could her skin handle the heat? or was it like his?

★ — Dabi would watch when she'd use her quirk, to make sure she didn't get hurt, and she never did. That made dabi relieved.

I See You Like Dabi... Can You Write Something With Dad Dabi??
I See You Like Dabi... Can You Write Something With Dad Dabi??

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6 months ago

the day that your son utters his first “your mom” joke, Touya can’t wait to make him regret it.

The Day That Your Son Utters His First Your Mom Joke, Touya Cant Wait To Make Him Regret It.

“What are you doing? I need a ride!” Your impatient teenager huffs as he knocks on your bedroom door for the third time this evening.

Touya grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he immediately calls back, “Your mom!”

You roll your eyes, but you can’t help the amused smile on your face as you shake your head while your offspring groans on the other side of the door.

“Very mature,” you murmur as you steal a kiss from your husband and move to open the door, which the teen is now far removed from.

“Relax. I was lookin’ for my keys,” you explain as you flash them and nod towards the front door. “C’mon, let’s go.”

Touya’s still smirking when his son shakes his head and mutters, “Still gross,” as he turns to walk down the hall.

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6 months ago

Dabi w/ his kid

Request: Omg I just imagine how the reader gets a kid with Dabi (if possible) and the kid would always be like:”BURN THEM!” And try laughing like those cartoon villains to show how much of a villain they are. I can’t stand the adorableness- also tries to get attention from his father as much as possible and wants to join his work in the league 😂 (what am I even creating with this??) - @melmellimelon​

So adorableeeeee!!!! I’ll be using the name and gender of the child in those time traveling children hcs since we have the character ready. Oh I love imagining them with kids its so soft!!!!! Love ya.💖💖💖


warnings: fluff, maybe one curse word

Dabi W/ His Kid

Keep reading

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6 months ago

Dabi simply adores you, his precious daughter. But he didn’t always love you.

Warnings: attempted murder (failed), canon typical violence, robberies, alcohol+drugs, references to child neglect, implied pedophilia (nothing graphic, and not towards reader), teenage parenthood, minor swearing.

reader has blue eyes like Dabi's.

let me know if you spot anymore.

note: I swear, it's not that bad, just fluff with kinda angsty undertones, cuz' it's Dabi! what do you want-

I mean, he was only a teenager when he had you, fresh to the villain business at the wonderful age of 16 and a half. He decided it’d be a wonderful time to drink his sorrows away one night, one horrid, awful night. He ended up fucking a woman he did not know, who was surely much older than he, in the back alley of a bar in the worse parts of town. Amidst the filth of the nearby dumpster, it was here that he would make the single worst decision of his life, either that, or the best. He really doesn’t know.

but alas, he ended up with a little swaddled baby 9 months later when the same woman angrily shoved you into his arms, declaring something unintelligible before storming out of the bar again. Dabi, who at the time was drunk and higher than a kite. didn't react. when you started crying, he didn't react. when you cried louder, thrashing around in his hold he still didn't react. he was in his own world at that moment, shutting out everything except the burn of the cheep beer going down his throat. it wasn't until he was kicked out of the bar along with you for being too disruptive and he fell asleep in one of the abandoned buildings nearby only to wake up hung over and disoriented did he realize what he had done; when he saw a quite malnourished baby laying down on his jacket that he chucked on the floor last night. your swaddle all dirty by now.

he did nothing but stare at you for a while, the pounding in his head as well as the harsh rays of the mid day sun didn't help much. He was still just a kid, a villain too, and homeless. he wasn't ready to have a child. for a split second he thought of leaving you there, God, you looked just like Fuyumi when she was a baby. but you looked worse, like you were barely living. had you... had you died during the night? he stumbled to your side of the room, trying his best to avoid the rumble of the deteriorating building. it would truly have been a miracle if you happened to survive in such conditions.

carefully, he flipped you onto your back, putting a warm hand on your chest. god. you were barely breathing. barely responding too. Dabi's breath hitched, had he nearly killed his own child? he stayed like there for a few moments. looking right at you. he really had no idea what to do. you're already on the verge of death, if you died right now, would it really matter? you've been on this earth for only a few days it seems, your mother left you with a villainous teenage father who could let you wither away in an abandoned building.

if you were to die right now. he could spare you the pain of having to live with him, you'd never have to know the horrors of life.

he could just light one flame,

let it fill the room with smoke,

and watch as your lungs give up

and you simply stop breathing.


you'd just be another person who never got to see their future.

Gently, he stroked your tiny chubby cheek with a warm finger.

he nearly laughed at the thought, killing his first child, just like his own father had done with him. he pulled you into his arms, preparing to hold a small flame right up to your face until your fragile little body couldn't take it anymore. then he'd leave your body here as he burns down the rest of the building. a fitting memorial. but before he could do anything,

he paused - you - you squirmed in his hold. cracking open your eyes to stare at him with soulless blue eyes that mirrored his own, tried and scared. an expression that surely should never be on the face of a child.

Dabi truly can't quite recall what happened in that moment when he held you in his arms. all he remembers is a clenching in his heart. maybe it was the alcohol and the drugs. but he felt the emptiness and the pain. the gut wrenching, soul crushing pain, the type that he felt whenever his father would ignore him, again and again. he pain he felt when he saw his childhood home again after so many years, only to find that nothing had changed; he was forever gone and no body gave a fuck.

but- you. just you. you were just like him. you wanted nothing more than a little bit of love. would it truly be so bad if he gave it to you? he'd keep you around, for a while at least.

that's what he told himself as he found himself stealing diapers and baby powder and formula and what not from a convenience store, only to fuck up making formula and changing a baby. he did a little victory dance with you in his arms when he finally figured it out.

but that's only after he managed to get some midwife or other doctor to do a lil' check up on you. (only to knock them out for the police to find their body hours later.) anxiously analyzing everything the doctor was doing, making mental notes to himself to have you try and eat better.

he tended to do more robberies and muggings these days, only to spend it all on a shabby little one bedroom condo in one of the cheaper (and by proxy, crime ridden) parts of the city. it was better than being a single parent living on the streets I guess.

he ended up turning the bedroom into your nursery, if you would call a room that could barely hold a twin sized bed, full of nothing but a crib, a small closet full of dirty clothes, and a big stack of baby products in one corner; a nursery. he instead slept on the couch most nights. but he would forever find himself running back into your room whenever you would cry, he almost always ended up letting you sleep on his chest on the couch. both arms slung over your tiny body so there would never be a chance you'd fall out of his grip.

but life got better with time it seems. he started taking bigger jobs, bank robberies, sometimes murders every now and then. he built a good reputation for himself. and you. you grew on him. who was once a fragile little thing, right to death's doorstep. now, when you smiled, he felt ever so full of life.

he liked how you would always wait by the door after he went out to run an "errand", always being right where he left you and babbling happily when he came back. making a little gesture to be picked up and carried.

he liked you you tend to boss him around most of the time. you could point to where you wanted to go and he would happily carry you there. he isn't even aware of what he's doing, you could yell at him (as best as a baby can anyways) and he'd meet your demands near instantly without much complaint. someone else would have to point it out for him to notice.

he especially liked how you would stare at him with wide eyes as he would smoke on the balcony with the glass door shut. every night, it was a routine, just after dinner, Dabi would snag a pack of cigarettes, and sit outside on the balcony to smoke, occasionally looking back inside through the glass to see what you were doing. he would put on a little cartoon or set out some toys for you. and while that'd keep you entertained for a while, you'd still drift towards him, looking back at him through the glass to try and get his attention. his smoke breaks kept getting shorter and shorter because of that.

he liked how every time he woke up, you would always be with him. looking up at him with those big blue eyes that he gave you. especially the way you'd always look at him with nothing but love and joy.

the same eyes that he used to look at his own father with disdain and fury.

he'll joke around that you're too clingy, always following him, attached to the hip, quite literally with how often he holds you on his hip. But deep down he knows he'd be torn apart if you were gone from him for even one hour. he can't live without your little hugs and giggles and stupid playtime's and everything. please, your love means the world to him.

but he was still only ever a boy, a boy who never quite got to grow up the way he was meant to. but you will forever be the reason he'd try and be a man. for his little girl. he remembers how he'd make more frequent trips to the grocery store, how he'd stock up on medicine for kids, how he'd buy cleaning supplies to somehow make the rinky dinky condo you both live in a tad bit more suitable for a child.

you're the reason he even joined the league. this world has already killed him, and while he was given a second chance as Dabi will it really ever be the same?

but you. you are so full of life, so perfect, awaiting a future unknown. he'll sculpt this world with the second chance he's been given. for your father, Touya, may be dead, but Dabi is not, and he is very much ready to give you what he never had, even if he dies again in the process.

but with the league comes responsibility, a time consuming responsibility. gone are the days when he'd lounge around at home all day and only leave to take you to the playground or grocery shopping, and the occasional robbery when he was low on cash. now he was busy! can you believe it? now Dabi may have skipped nearly all of high school but he wasn't that stupid enough to leave a child home alone for hours on end. hence, he came to the conclusion of daycare. the horrid, horrid daycare.

he nearly cried when he realized his little girl was growing up so fast, it seemed like just last week he was holding you on his hip as he heated up a bottle of formula in his hand to finally get you to shut up and sleep. that only a couple days ago you walked your first ever steps after he came home early with your favorite snacks. he wasn't even able to record it he was too busy sobbing as you held onto his legs to steady yourself waiting for him to pick you up. it literally felt like yesterday you said your first words, "baba" after he jokingly started calling you cry baby.

this actually led to quite a lot of problematic nicknames, cry baby became Babs and Babs became bun and bun became bunny and bunny---- (i'm losing it as I write this.)

but nonetheless, it hurts. so every morning he'll wake up at the crack of dawn to haul you out of bed and get you all pretty and dolled up for the day. he lets you choose your shirt and pants and bows and what not. tying up your little baby sized shoes to take you to the next district over. now, he would've enrolled you into a daycare much closer to home but he really wants you to be safe, and unfortunately anything and everything in your neighborhood without his supervision is not and never will be, considered safe. so he'd much rather escort you via public transport to the richer neighborhoods every single morning than have you be in danger of any kind. sure, you're a little out of place, with thrifted clothes and frizzled up hair from only ever using your dad's 4-in-1 shampoo. and he's definitely out place. hence why he never quite shows his face to the teachers. always ushering you into the daycare building before leaving as fast as he came. The teachers think that he's your older goth brother who's being forced to take you to school by his parents. is it exhausting? yes, very much so. will he do it on repeat for the rest of his life if that means ensuring your happiness and safety? most certainly yes.


that'll be all. I might do a part 2. tried something different with my writing this time and hope it's better than the rest of my works.

my stuff is right here: Bnha master list, rules for requesting, ask box

send me an ask, I fucking love hearing from you guys.

edit, 4 hours after posting: I'm very disappointed that I still have no new asks. very disappointed in you all.

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6 months ago

HEAR ME OUT OKAY…i read ur relationship text posts (AMAZING BTW) and the dabi x pregnant reader was sososo good can we PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE have some more chef, maybe even a sprinkle of dabi x reader after the baby is born hegeuwhdgejdh 🥰

PREGNANT LADY THINGS ! ft. t. todoroki

HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo

pairing: touya todoroki x fem!reader note: thank you for this request! I was gonna do a little angst fic continuting where the previous smau left off with him. but I’m excited to do this too!!! I love touya AHHH summary: a smau abt domestic touya!! (he’s NOT crippled/abt to die in this au. let’s just pretend he came out of the war unscathed 😍) content: post war, angst, fluff, crack, established relationship, implied pregnancy, touya is a certified little shit, his kid is a menace too.

HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo
HEAR ME OUT OKAYi Read Ur Relationship Text Posts (AMAZING BTW) And The Dabi X Pregnant Reader Was Sososo

©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!

@accidentcache ur eating good tn bae!!!!!

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6 months ago

Okay my thoughts are all over the place but hear me out- I’ve had this scenario in mind the moment I saw how Dabi ended up like that in the latest chapters, and this artwork just made my obsession WORSE. In the current mha timeline 8 years have passed right? (Spoilers incoming)

𓂃・₊ ⊹ dad!Touya hc

Imagine you, staying by Touya’s side when his life was hanging by a thread all these years, locked up in that room barely able to talk, you being a major source of comfort, and nobody could even bother you because you were actually pregnant with his child, and as much as you hated it, that was Endeavor’s grandchild as well. You never told Touya though, not before the war took place. Devastated that he almost died and you never let him know that he was about to be a dad, you decided to tell him now, a wall of glass separating you both as you finally showed him your belly under your baggy shirt. The rest of the Todorokis knew as well, and they stayed by your side, mostly Fuyumi and Rei, who also visited Touya frequently as well. It was like this unborn baby was a strand of hope that actually gave Touya a will to live, besides the fact that he and his family were rebuilding their relationship. With time passing by you saw him fighting hard to stay alive, slowly making progress as he finally was able to move, talk more, his condition getting better. The moment he was put on a wheelchair he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you, his head resting on your now huge belly. And as months pass by, you give birth, years pass by and your baby is growing, now a toddler who finally learned to walk and talk, completely taking over his dad, your child was mini Touya full of energy.

Touya still is in the facility, you and your child visiting him frequently, though you had your hopes down because even when he fully recovers, he won’t be able to walk out freely anytime soon. And Touya sees the sadness in your eyes anytime you and your child have to say goodbye, anytime the child clings too much to him, not wanting to be away from daddy.

But after some time, imagine Touya finds a way to escape… or even better, his own family helps him escape (because I doubt they could lower his sentence considering his crimes) , by making a deal that Touya would never ever get back to his villain atrocities, he would go far far away, and start a new life, out of Japan. And of course, he manages to bring you and your child with him, the three of you starting a new life, him finally getting to be a present dad on the kid’s daily life.

Knowing now that 8 years have passed, and assuming Touya is actually alive, he is now 32 years old ( A WHOLE DILFFFF) .

So yeah the artwork I tagged above was exactly how I imagine dad!Touya to look like in the future and his condition after 8 years, surviving for the second time. Now he is your husband, father to your child ♡

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6 months ago

touya always has your baby in his arms, or strapped to him in a carrier, or balanced on his hip when baby gets big enough to hold onto papa too. he wears that baby like his favourite accessory. like one of the essential items he can't leave the house without; phone, wallet, keys, baby.

you notice it after a while: if they're both conscious (or at least touya is,) that baby is in his arms. you think it's sweet, how could you not? he can barely stand being away for a couple of hours, even if he knows the baby is in the best possible care—shouto has proven himself to be a surprisingly proficient babysitter, at least under fuyumi and natsuo's tutelage.

and then one night you find touya asleep in the arm chair in baby's room, pulled up alongside the cot that recently had its bars removed, since baby really isn't much of a baby anymore—though that's still hard to believe most days. he's sprawled out sideways in the chair, his wiry arms and legs dangling, and in his sleep, touya's hand is resting overtop of baby's chest as it rises and falls with steady, easy breaths.

and, for the first time, you realize that maybe the reason touya feels so attached to your child—the reason he can't bear to be apart—is because he knows what it's like to be a child that wasn't held when he needed it. to be a child without a pair of open arms to offer comfort, or a hand on his chest to ease his dreams. and though there are many things that touya may never be able to do, and many ways that he'll inevitably stumble as he learns what it takes to be a father, he knows he never wants his child to know what that feels like.

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5 months ago

Aleight let me stretch my hands before I get back to making chapters for OMGR on Quotev... (It's tiring I need long breaks okay)

Aleight Let Me Stretch My Hands Before I Get Back To Making Chapters For OMGR On Quotev... (It's Tiring
Aleight Let Me Stretch My Hands Before I Get Back To Making Chapters For OMGR On Quotev... (It's Tiring
Aleight Let Me Stretch My Hands Before I Get Back To Making Chapters For OMGR On Quotev... (It's Tiring

Pairing: Touya Todoroki (Dabi) x F!Reader

Sorry if it's ass (it is) I frankly had a brain fart and it ended up on Tumblr. At half past 12 AM.

Also, I use my quirk idea for this, it's not monoma's or anything, but it's barely mentioned and happens to be similar in that concept.

Warnings: (My best canon-ish) Dabi, violence, gore-y, cursing, pregnancy, BABIES, y'all married, suggestive, unsuccessful escape? idk i'm bad at this.

Aleight Let Me Stretch My Hands Before I Get Back To Making Chapters For OMGR On Quotev... (It's Tiring

It seemed like just yesterday when you met him. You had never expected that you'd end up... This way with a dead man walking. Except you knew better than that.

All that led up to this moment was your own doing. Because OBVIOUSLY when you're nice to the villain for too long they're bound to feel something for you in their of sick and twisted way.

You single-handedly (and whilst you're proud this is the level of control you can have over someone) became his emotional support system and you can hardly believe just how emotionally needy this guy got. Of course, he's traumatized, you really could've figured. You're better than this. You prided yourself in your ability to read people, where was it when you needed it? But it was too late anyway. Well, that's what you told yourself, but currently, you're on a train with two little (11 months old and 23 months old) bundles of joy. Because to be frank, this might've been the best thing you got out of that husk of a man. And worst of all, you actually loved... Or still love him. Where was your red flag alarm? It's should've been blaring. What were you thinking, letting this man of ALL others knock you up? Maybe the fact you had no game and he was genuinely attractive, even if by society's standard his appearance might've been off-putting and to put it plainly; ugly. But you always thought you judged based on personality. Where was that when you took that dude to your house and patched up despite his aggressive insistence that 'he was fine'?

Now you blankly stared at your left ring finger. Yeah. It got so bad you ACTUALLY married him. It was hard. The one that approved the papers died a few days later, to make sure the secret didn't get out, and you felt responsible for that death. If you never got to that point with Touya, he wouldn't have killed that man. The ring was an actual diamond, embedded in silvery titanium. Every time Touya came over you could proudly say he wore it everywhere, and those two materials were the only ones strong enough to withstand his flames. Of course, they were stolen. With his elaborate planning, he made a request through phone for the jeweler to create them and later on he robbed him. Another thing you felt responsible for.

And the other glaringly obvious fact. Your buldged stomach. Really, it took you getting knocked up three times for you to finally call it quits. You could never blame the kids, they're your miracles, from someone you love.

You easily realized that it wouldn't be this easy, but you took the chance anyway. Ever since the war, and when you... Borrowed a certain child's quirk, you've restored him to a moderately healthy state. As far as you remember him. That quirk was draining, and you're lucky you managed to use it that expertly in such a drastic measure. How that man wasn't dead? Honestly, you think he's just fueled by raw hatred.

He was ready to leave you with two kids of his own just to enact a revenge on a man who's not worth his time in the end.

He's still not satisfied. He'd do it again just to see Endeavor crumble like a jenga (lol). He's still thirsting for revenge, and you're just... On the side, for him to come to whenever he needs a reminder he's still human and has human needs that you're supposed to cater to.

Your phone has been on silent for the past hour that you've been on this train.

Your hand twitches as you reach inside your bag and pull it out with a gulp.

Your eyes are met with a barrage of messages, some calm at first (as calm as he can be) and slowly spiraling the longer you leave him unanswered. You count at least 17 missed calls. The last message you read on the pop up window reads as follows:

I will find you.

Of course that's the best he could come up with.

You chalked it up as clinginess but after you found out about his identity, it all made sense. He's transfered his need for (his father's) attention onto you. And like the dumbass you are you fed into the idea since he was cold and distant at best in the first year or two. You really thought it was progress.

How do you unfuck-up a fucked up man? You illogical bufoon. You absolute candlestick.

You sight out sharply. At least Shin'ya and Ryuu are two calms boys. They've been nothing short of angels whilst you have a mental breakdown. Can you even call it that? You're not even crying.

Was it all a mistake? Should you have just sat still in your apartment that you haven't even emptied properly? At least you would've avoided his wrath. In no way would it be abusive, no no, he was better than his father after all. Or so he claimed.

You close your eyes. Tommorrow is another day.

Aleight Let Me Stretch My Hands Before I Get Back To Making Chapters For OMGR On Quotev... (It's Tiring

Three days.

It took three days, nights included. On the morning of the fourth day you woke up with a blaring alarm on the staircase of your apartment complex. Screaming and cries. Smoke getting through the cracks in the door, and the horrible stench of people burning alive.

The cries of your children.

You move and instinct and take whatever you can, quickly collecting your fussing boys and about to somehow leave through the damn window. Fourth floor window? So what?

Except your burning door cracks open. In comes a familiar figure.

"You know how to hide well. I'm not surprised."

You still. The blue flames roar in the frame of your door but never enter or spread past it.

You face it, it was game over in that moment. You face him.

The same face you remember. Cold, uninterested, narrowed gaze looming down at you, hands in the pockets of his black, altered duster jacket. Typical white T-shirt, usual pants, the same black platforms you just loved to see back in the day. You thought it gave him flair. Still do.

"What? Nothing to say? I should've expected, considering you didn't bother to text me either."

He leaned down, attentively staring down at you soothing his two boys by bouncing them up and down unconciously who quickly calmed, being together once again.

"Had you not had my two... Sorry, three brats, I might've even let it slide. Unfortunately for you, that's just not the case."

His hand snaked slowly around you. First at your hip, then up... And up... And up until he had a firm hold on your shoulder.

"Be a good girl and come with me without trouble, won't you? Look at what you've made me do already. Surely you don't want anyone else to suffer just because you felt rebellious."

He exhales softly, and you pick up on it, because that's what got you here in the first place. Your stupid attentivness to him and listening like the good person you are.

Your head tilts to the left as he leans lower and places a chaste kiss on your neck.

Was that it? Was your plan to just get that loving side of him to chase you so you wouldn't feel used? And lose all these people in the process?

Because you couldn't deny, he's never treated you wrong, but it never felt like love. Perhaps he really meant all his claims to be unable to feel anything anymore. And you had to be delusional and challenge that notion.

'I can fix him' my ass.

"Believe it or not, I missed you."

His kisses continued to trail up your neck until right under your jaw, and you cherished the drag of his partially textured lips.

"Fuck. I missed you."

He sighed against your neck once more.

There's just no escaping him is there? Not after you're the closest thing he has to the love that he craved.

Worst of all, you're pretty sure he's got it, because you still love him. Still. Do.

Aleight Let Me Stretch My Hands Before I Get Back To Making Chapters For OMGR On Quotev... (It's Tiring

In just under a day, everything you moved to that burnt complex was back in your old one. Like you were on a quick trip, untouched.

Or so you thought.

Your bedroom and the nursery were in shambles. Your clothes were everywhere and some were in an... Interesting state. You looked at Touya.

"What? I said it before and I won't again."

He gave you the cold shoulder after that. Right. He missed you.

You settled on the bed, having laid Shin'ya and Ryuu for a nap (that pregnant you could also use). Sifting through the clothes, you deemed half of them in dire need of a washing machine.

He walked up to you, boots clicking against the floor. You were face to face with his waist, so you looked up.

"Really? No thank you or anything? I would say a punishment would be in order, but i'm no pig. I'll let you off with a warning this time. I won't be so nice next time, Y/n. Mark my words."

He settled both his hands on either side of you, so you lean back and prop yourself on your hands.

"You're lucky I fucking love you."

He sealed the claim with a kiss and slowly pushed you flat against your comfortable bed.

It it love? Is it obsession? Somehow you... Can't bring yourself to complain either way.

That night you were lucky you were already pregnant.

Aleight Let Me Stretch My Hands Before I Get Back To Making Chapters For OMGR On Quotev... (It's Tiring

Ehe lmao this was so ass i'm gonna go jump off a bridge and kms I swear, so bad I can't even bring myself to read it.

Tags :
5 months ago
Dadmas Day 2: I Want Another One
Dadmas Day 2: I Want Another One
Dadmas Day 2: I Want Another One

Dadmas Day 2: I Want Another One

Dadmas Masterlist

pairing: Touya Todoroki/Dabi x f!reader

word count: 2.6k

warnings: soft Touya <3, talk of pregnancy and having more children, first pregnancy was not planned, reader has stretch marks, little bit of body worship bc you deserve it, breeding, creampie, lactation kink, sir kink, daddy kink, oral (f!receiving), multiple orgasms, dacryphilia if you squint, g-spot fucking, praise kink

notes: he enjoys havin’ babies with you as much as he enjoys makin’ ‘em <3 also jsyk Touya would actually be the greatest dad in the world. he’d treat his little baby as if they’re the most fragile and most precious thing in the world <3

Dadmas Day 2: I Want Another One
Dadmas Day 2: I Want Another One
Dadmas Day 2: I Want Another One

Touya’s just slipping out of your daughter’s nursery when you poke your head out of the bedroom.

“Did she go down okay?” You ask quietly, stopping in the hall as he approaches you.

“Yeah, she did. M’pretty sure she’s gonna be out for a while too,” he replies as his arms snake around your waist and yours find a place on his stapled chest.

“Good. Maybe we can get a few chores done while she’s out if we’re quiet,” you suggest, briefly staring off into space as you try to decide whether you want to tackle the mountain of laundry or pile of dishes waiting for you.

“Mhm,” Touya hums in agreement, but you seriously doubt that he knows what he’s agreeing to when your gaze finds his face again.

His eyes are all over your body and his hands have started roaming too. Warm palms gently knead the swell of yours while his eyes travel up your torso and lock in on your chest.

“Baby, did you hear me?”

A quiet giggles escapes you as you try to catch his eye and you apparently succeed. A soft smile spreads across his face as he searches yours. The way that he’s looking at you makes your cheeks grow warm. Just when you feel that you’re about to melt beneath his gaze, he finally speaks.

“I want another one.”

You cock your head to one side, trying to glean exactly what he means from his facial expression, but you can’t.

“What do you mean?” You ask curiously, letting your hands slip around him to give him a gentle squeeze. “Another what, babe?”

“A baby.” He shrugs. “I want another baby with you.”

He says it so simply. So plainly. The level of casualness with which he brings up having a whole other child nearly sends you into shock right there.

“I’m sorry, what?”

Your eyebrows jump and you blink at him, waiting for him to laugh and say, ‘Got you!’ or something.

“What?” He shrugs again. “Is that really so unbelievable?”

“Considering how freaked you were when I told you the first one was comin’, uh yeah,” you scoff, genuine laughter bubbling out of your throat.

He rolls his eyes, but there’s a smug little grin pulling at the corner of his mouth.

“Okay, so maybe I had a little meltdown, but I got over it and I’m glad I did.” His tone shifts from sarcasm to sincerity as he peeks over his shoulder and back down the hall. “I know that little girl can’t even talk yet, but she’s changed my perspective on a lot of things.”

His eyes are cast down now, focused on what little space is left between you. His hands have migrated north to anxiously fiddle with the hem of your sweater. Even after so much time and far more intimate situaiton with you, moments like this still made him impossibly nervous.

“Do you really mean it? You want another baby?”

You can't hide the little smile that quirks up your lips and his eyes meet yours again as a similar expression spreads across his face.

"Yeah, I mean it. I wouldn't fuck around about somethin' like this," he murmurs, losing his nerve again as his gaze drops.

"Well, some fucking around is going to be necessary. I'm sure you're familiar with how we ended up with the first one," you tease, slowly running your hands over his abdomen to bunch up the hem of his shirt and slip your fingers beneath it.

"Can't say that I am, actually." He smirks, hands slipping over your ass again to give your cheeks a firm squeeze. "How 'bout a little reminder while the gremlin's still out cold?"

"You think you're so cute, don't you?" You laugh, turning and taking his hand to pull him into the bedroom.

He closes the door behind him while you turn the baby monitor on and set it aside on the nightstand.

"No, you think I'm cute," he corrects you, lifting his shirt up over his head to toss it aside as he approaches you. "I think you're fuckin' crazy because of it."

His arms wind around your middle, hands already working to shed your bottoms while he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, gently brushing the tip of his nose against your skin before his lips find purchase.

"You are cute. Our kid is proof," you murmur, eyes falling closed as you tilt your head to the side and your bottoms hit the floor.

Your breathing grows more shallow as he sinks his teeth in, nipping just barely before he begins to suck. He breathes a laugh through his nose, his chuckle muffled and voice low when he speaks again.

"That's because she's your kid. She gets it from you. Symptom of having a drop dead gorgeous mom, I think."

"Shut up. You've already got me half naked," you laugh, arching your back to grind your ass against his growing erection, which is struggling against his sweatpants. "'Sides, she looks like a carbon copy of you, sir."

"Sir?" He hums, nipping at your neck again before he gently swats your ass. "I think I like that."

"I thought you liked 'daddy'?" You ask with a devious smile as he spins you around and his warms hands glide beneath your top, fingertips just barely tracing the shape of your breasts.

"Oh, I do, but there's no harm in switchin' it up now and then, yeah, doll?"

His eyes light up with amusement as your arch your back further, trying to guide your chest into his hands in search of more meaningful stimulation.

"You want somethin' from me, sweetheart?" The smug grin on his face almost seems permanent as he walks you back a couple steps towards the bed.

The back of your knees hit the mattress and you sit, head tilted back to stare up at him obediently. His cock throbs when he notices the hungry look in your eyes and it takes him a good deal of self restraint not to pin you and fuck you stupid right there.

"Just want you, daddy. Please," you ask sweetly, hands pressed to his thighs to slowly slide up to the waistband of his sweats.

The edge of your hand brushes against his erection and his abs flex taut, the softest groan passing through his lips. He cups your face in his hand, his long thumb brushing over your lips before you continue.

"I need you to touch me. Need you to make me cum on your cock before you stuff my pussy full. Pretty please, baby. I just want you to breed me. Wanna give you another baby so, so badly," you almost whisper, eyes locked with his.

His gaze briefly drops to your mouth as he gently pulls on your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb and he mutters a curse under his breath. He was almost painfully hard now and he hadn't even really gotten started with you yet.

"M'gonna give you another fuckin' kid, doll. Don't you worry," he huffs, grinning as he grabs the hem of your shirt and lifts it off of you.

He throws it over his shoulder and his eyes travel over your exposed body as if he's getting ready to devour you. He even licks his lips, tongue running along his scarred bottom lip before he takes it between his teeth and shakes his head.

"I still don't understand how I fuckin' pulled you," he muses as he drops to his knees, parting your legs to ensure you have no thread of modesty to cling to.

You bite down on the inside of your cheek, eyes averted as he leans in closer. His sights are set on your breasts and he doesn't hesitate before wrapping his lips around your right nipple while his hand stimulates the left.

A long, drawn out moan vibrates against your skin as he begins to suck and tastes what he was after. The sweet substance that seeps from your breast hitting his tongue only makes him that much harder.

"I think m'gonna have to keep you knocked up, because I've started to enjoy this too much," he murmurs, switching sides to gently coax milk from your other breast as he peeks up at you.

"Shit. Touya, that feels so good," you mewl, staring down at him for a moment before you close you eyes and tilt your head back as you lean back on your hands.

"This is nothin', doll," he mutters, mouth still full. "Just you wait."

He closes his mouth around your nipple again, groaning as he savors another taste of you before he seeks to taste another part of you entirely.

He pulls back and stoops lower to grab your calves, throwing them over his shoulders as he dives face first into your cunt. His tongue parts your lips, searching for your clit to toy with the sensitive bud.

"Fuck," you curse, back arching as you reach out to thread your fingers into his hair.

You give his white locks a tug and he moans so loudly it's sinful. Thankfully, he plunges his tongue inside you to muffle the sound, his eyes lifting to find your gaze once again.

He swears he could cum untouched if he just sat here long enough. Watching you. Touching you. Tasting you. It's almost intoxicating. The way you taste—no matter where he puts his mouth—is addicting.

He rapidly loses himself in your pussy. Nose bumping your clit whenever his lips aren't wrapped around it, gently sucking to draw you closer to your end. His tongue twists inside you, ravenously slurping up the juices that seep from you while he watches your face.

He always know when your close. He can feel the way your cunt clenches. See the way your face twists with pleasure as your cries pitch up higher and higher. His hands seize your hips when they start to move, so that he can hold them down and deliver you every ounce of pleasure that you're owed until your grinding against his face.

A sick grin spreads across his lips as he continues jawing between your legs, burying his face in deeper as you come undone and gush into his open mouth. The noise that he makes as he begins cleaning you up can't quite be described, but it sends another shiver up your spine as you mewl and beg for him to show your poor clit some mercy.

"Holy shit," you sigh, eyes shut tight as you collapse backwards onto the bed, attempting to catch your breath.

He wipes his chin with the back of his hand, but it does nothing to remove the smirk from his lips as he stands tall and admires the mess that he's reduced you to already while he sheds his sweats.

"The important part hasn't even start yet, dollface. Hope you're not too tired for me to breed you."

His voice is velvet and his touch is tender as he drags the pads ofhis fingers along your side, appreciating the stripes on your skin with a fond smile while he carefully lumbers over you.

"You are gonna look so good carrying another one of my brats around in your belly," he whispers, leaning in to place a kiss to your collarbone.

He peppers kisses up your neck and along the side of your face, his hands working up and down your sides until one rests on your hip and the other lays atop your stomach. His lips ghost the shell of your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck when he whispers again.

"I don't deserve you, but I promise that I don't take what you've given me for granted."

Your eyes open to find him smiling down at you. His expression is almost wistful, but it's undoubtedly sincere. You reach up to cup his face in your hands, thumbs delicately brushing along his seams as you pull him into a slow, sweet kiss.

He exhales through his nose as he shifts his hips forward, slipping inside you with ease. You gasp at the welcome intrusion, moaning louder as each inch slowly glides deeper until he's fully sheathed in your warmth.

He stays like that for a moment, capturing your lips again to tell you without words just how much he truly appreciates you, but he soon grows impatient. You both trade moans back and forth as he starts to roll his hips, slow and steady at first, and then suddenly something seems to overtake him.

He changes up his thrusts, pushing himself up on his arms to lean back a little. He moves with more purpose, more speed. Soft whimpers spout from his lips as he hangs his head, muttering quiet curses while he moves faster and faster still.

"You feel so fuckin' good, doll. Pussy always feels so fuckin' good," he pants, lifting his head to look at you with eyes that have become wholly clouded with lust. "Cant. C-can't help myself."

His eyes roll and a growl emanates from the back of his throat as he starts fucking you harder. You grasp onto his arms, gasping and crying out in ecstasy as he starts nailing you g-spot over and over and over again.

Tears flood your waterline and soon spill over your cheeks as you clench your eyes shut tight, trying to brace yourself for the impact that you know is only seconds away.

"T-Touya. Fuck, haa, I-I..!"

In what he would certainly consider a stunning display, you shatter. Everything feels tense and tight until you just can't take anymore and you let go. You soar into oblivion, everything uncoiling at once as pleasure crashes over you.

"That's it, doll. So good. Such a good girl f'me," he praises you, though he's clearly not far behind you.

His voice grows tight and he stutters, as do his hips, before he lets out a string of curses. His hips settle back into rhythm and he hunches over you, drilling his cock into as he spills his seed inside your spasming walls until he's too spent to continue.

He falls to the side of you and blindly reaches out to pull you against him as you both try to collect yourselves. You nuzzle into his chest as you drape your arm over him, humming contently as the aftershocks continue to pulse through your whole body. It's blissful.

"That was good practice, but I think we should keep at it. Just so we're prepared," he murmurs playfully, eyes still closed as his fingertips start to drift along your spine and he kisses the top of your head.

"Yes, sir," you laugh softly, giving him a gentle squeeze as you place a kiss to his chest. "Don't fall asleep though. You're getting her when she wakes up."

"Pfft. M'not gonna fall asleep." He yawns a moment later, betraying himself. "Mm, but I do think maybe she'd like to see you when she gets up," he adds playfully.

"Well, only one of us is leaking cum right now, so," you retort, cheek smushing against his chest as yuo feel yourself nearly about to slip off into dreamland.

"Fair enough," he chuckles, rubbing your back as he places another kiss to your scalp. "I'll get her. You rest, doll. I love you."

You mean to say 'I love you too', but you're out before you get the chance. All that Touya hears is a muffled grunt that he's pretty sure sounds like the cadence that usually carries your, 'I love you too'.

He wraps both arms around you, staring down at your sleeping face as he counts his blessings. He looks forward to nothing more than being able to count one more.

Dadmas Day 2: I Want Another One

thank you for reading! please like, comment, or reblog if you enjoyed <3

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5 months ago
Dadmas Day 3: Christmas Morning With Touya
Dadmas Day 3: Christmas Morning With Touya
Dadmas Day 3: Christmas Morning With Touya

Dadmas Day 3: Christmas Morning with Touya

Dadmas Masterlist

pairing: Touya Todoroki/Dabi x f!reader

word count: 2.2k

warnings: you have multiple children together, mentions of pregnancy & children, reader is wearing a nightgown, his dick is pierced, biting, your kids are cockblocks but they’re cute

notes: this was originally going to be a Father’s Day post and this is the whole reason I wanted to do Dadmas! I just really, really, really love the idea of Touya as a dad <3 he deserves more mornings like this.

Merry Christmas! <3

Dadmas Day 3: Christmas Morning With Touya
Dadmas Day 3: Christmas Morning With Touya
Dadmas Day 3: Christmas Morning With Touya

It’s Christmas morning. The chill from outdoors has crept inside overnight, but it’s the feeling of mismatched lips brushing against your neck that stirs you from your slumber.

It’s not a bad way to wake up; it’s one of your favorites, actually. One smooth. One scarred. Both coming together over your pulse point to send a shiver up your spine and pull a moan from your own mouth.

“Touya..” you murmur drowsily, giggling as his lips climb up your neck to trail along your jaw.

“Doll..” he echoes your nickname in the same timbre, playfully mocking you, as he often did.

You can feel the his smile against your skin when he briefly nuzzles his face against yours. It’s then that you realize that his hands are also wandering, slipping beneath the sheets to skim along your sides.

“I can almost guarantee you that we do not have time for this today,” you say as you lock eyes with him.

He leans over you, propped up on one arm to stare back into your eyes with a devil-may-care grin.

“Maybe a Christmas miracle’ll happen.” He shrugs, leaning in again to attach his lips to your neck.

“Oh, you believe in miracles all of sudden?” You ask sarcastically as your eyes fall closed again.

A soft sigh leaves your lungs as you gently stretch and relax into the sheets, tilting your head to allow him better access to your neck.

Maybe a Christmas miracle would happen. You cross your fingers.

“Believe in ‘em?” He scoffs, warm breath blowing over your neck. “I’ve seen one firsthand. How the hell else could I have landed you?”

He smirks and sinks his teeth into your skin, feeling rather proud of himself for that one, because he can practically hear you rolling your eyes when you echo his scoff.

“Must be all the smooth one liners,” you tease, letting your hands roam to seek out the only present that you’re really hoping for today.

You find it without much trouble. His morning wood is just inches from your thigh. You slowly drag your fingers along his shift before wrapping your hand around the barely contained erection, concealed only by his boxers.

“Fuck,” he curses under his breath, sighing as he readjusts to swivel his hips towards you.

He starts bucking them gently, shifting upwards into your grasp while he starts sucking on your neck again to stifle the desperate moans threatening to spill from his lips.

“Shit,” you moan, eyes briefly rolling back when his tongue finds that special spot on your neck. “Baby, do you really think we might have enough time?”

“We can make it quick,” he mutters impatiently, tossing back the sheets in a hurry as he moves to position himself between your legs.

The both of you are veterans when it comes to quickies. You thought you were good at ‘em before you had kids, but now? It’s an art form that you have perfected.

You reach down to haphazardly bunch up the hem of your nightgown and pull your panties to the side while he tugs his boxers down far enough to let his pierced erection spring free.

“Remind me to eat you out later,” he murmurs, eyes flitting to yours as he dons a grin that makes your pussy throb even before he guides the head of his cock between your folds.

“Maybe I’ll just sit on your face,” you muse, eyes fluttering closed and a soft moan escaping you when he shifts his hips.

“Merry Christmas to me. I hope you do,” he replies huskily, smirking as he sheathes his length inside of you in one smooth thrust.

Both of you take a brief moment to savor the feeling, intentionally quiet noises of pleasure flooding the room. You lift your hips, grinding them forward while his begin to roll. He’s just about to pick up the tempo when the sound of little feet start pattering down the hall.

“Babe,” you whisper, pressing your hands to his chest as your head whips towards the door.

“I hear ‘em. Just know this means I’m pounding the fuck out of you later,” he murmurs as he leans in to steal a kiss, a handsome smirk lingering on his lips when he pulls away to fall back into bed beside you.

He tucks his suddenly softening cock back into his boxers and you adjust your clothes while he grabs the covers and tugs them over the both of you.

“Ssh!” You hear your five year old’s voice in the hall.

She’s giggling despite her warning to keep quiet and so is your 3 year old son as the sound of their footsteps grow closer to your door.

You and Touya employ your acting skills, pretending to be fast asleep just before the door slowly creaks open.

“I told you they’re still sleeping,” your daughter whispers as she crosses into the room, creeping closer to the bed with her brother right on her heels.

“Let’s get daddy!” Your son suggests in the loudest whisper you’ve ever heard.

You peek one eye open to look at your husband, who can’t seem to help the warm smile that graces his features. You close your eyes again and wait, though it doesn’t take long for your children to make their move.

“Daddy!” Your daughter cheers as she launches herself onto his side of the bed.

“It’s Christmas!” Your son exclaims as he joins her, pouncing directly onto his father’s chest.

“Oof!” He grunts, a huge grin spreading across his face as he let’s our a jolly chuckle that could rival even old St. Nick’s. “It’s Christmas? So what? What’s that mean?”

He sits up to wind an arm around both of them, his tickling fingers getting to work immediately, sending both children into laughing fits as they try to squirm out of his grasp.

“Santa!” Your son squeals, scrambling towards your side of the bed as you sit up, smiling fondly at the scene in front of you.

“Yeah! Santa came, daddy!” Your daughter manages to inform him through her giggles while trying in vain to protect her ticklish sides.

“Good morning!” Your son greets you, tilting his head back when he plops down into your lap as your arms wind around him.

“Good morning, mommy!” Your daughter echoes his greeting as Touya finally takes mercy on her.

“Good morning,” you reply, beaming as you press a kiss to the top of your son’s forehead and then lean over to do the same to your daughter. “So you guys already saw the tree? Santa came and left us all presents?”

“Yeah! I saw my name! And brother’s and sister’s and yours and daddy’s too!” Your daughter excitedly informs you, practically bouncing on the bed, which seems to give her an idea, because she rises to her feet. “Let’s open presents!”

Her brother joins her, climbing out of your lap to stand up as the two of them start jumping up and down in the space between you while chanting for presents. Touya chuckles and glances over at you to exchange smiles before he stands and loops his arms around the kids again.

“Alright, alright, we’ll do presents,” he says as he tucks one beneath each arm and starts carrying them off, making them squirm and giggle. “We gotta get your sister first though. Why don’t you two go find one with your names on ‘em and mommy and I will be right there?”

He sets them down near the bedroom door and they cheer before they take off. You rise from the bed, watching him as he watches your children go. There’s a smile on his face, but he looks a little lost in thought. He doesn’t seem to notice you approach until your hand reaches out to take his and he snaps out of it.

“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” You ask quietly as you slip your arms around his middle.

He folds his arms around you in return, peeking at you for only a moment before he looks down, a little embarrassed by the sheer amount of emotions that he’s feeling.

“How lucky I am. Thank you, doll. For everything,” he whispers, placing a kiss to your scalp as he gives you a long squeeze.

“Merry Christmas, baby,” you say softly, closing your eyes as you hug him back tightly.

He closes his eyes, holding you a little tighter while he sends off a prayer to any and every deity that he’s ever heard of. He never wanted to lose this. He’d lost a family once and he’d survived, but he wouldn’t make it through losing this one.

He feels a slight pressure just beneath his eyes and he knows what’s coming. Usually he tries to fight it, but he knows it’s hopeless this morning.

“Merry Christmas, doll,” he replies as a crimson tear slips over his cheek from under his stapled seam.

The baby starts fussing down the hall and you pull away, only to stop when you realize that she isn’t the only one who’s crying. You reach up to cup his face, delicately swiping the tear away with the pad of your thumb before your gaze finds his.

“Are you okay, baby?”

He nods, a tender smile on his lips as he cradles your head in both hands and plants a kiss to you forehead.

“I’ve never been happier,” he says sincerely. “I’ll go get her. You wrangle the other gremlins.”

With a gentle swat to your behind, he heads down the hall and you turn to look at him over your shoulder. A smile spreads across your face as you watch him swing open the door to the nursery and beam at your other daughter, who can be heard giggling inside, amused by the funny face he makes as he enters the room.

You shake your head, still grinning like a fool as you make your way towards the living room, where your eldest is doing her best with her newfound reading skills to sort out the gifts.

“Lemme help you, sweetheart,” you say as you pick up one of the wrapped presents from beneath the tree.

A few minutes later, Touya arrives with your 18 month old on his hip. She stares in wonder at the presents and start kicking her tiny legs while pressing on his arms.

“Down,” she requests in the most adorable, excited little voice.

“Yes, ma’am,” he chuckles, finding a place on the floor to plop down, so that he can set her free and keep a close eye on her.

He keeps an eye on all of you, basking in the wonder of a Christmas morning that he never thought he’d live to see, let alone celebrate with his own family.

He watches the children dance around while impatiently waiting to tear into their piles of presents. He watches you take you youngest daughter into your lap and help her tear away the wrapping paper on one of her gifts, which she finds more interesting than the gift itself. He watches you crawl over and reach way under the tree to retrieve a small, rectangular gift.

“This one’s yours,” you say as you sit down beside him and offer him the package. “Feel like it’s important to note that this one’s from me and not Santa.”

He furrows his brow, smiling curiously as he glances over at you before he turns his attention to the gift in his hands. He tears the paper away and finds a box, which he lifts the top of of to reveal a familiar looking white stick inside.

Pregnant is what it says.

You watch his face and are blessed enough to see the moment of realization on his face. His eyes go wide and he suddenly grins so wide that you’re worried he might lose a staple.

“I’m gonna be a dad again?” He asks excitedly, sounding the teeniest bit choked up, though he’d never confess to that.

“Yes,” you confirm, nodding your head as you mirror his elated expression.

He chuckles in disbelief and throws his arms around you, pulling you in to hug you tight and press his lips to your scalp again.

“I love you so much,” he murmurs, pulling away to cup your face in his hand and kiss you like he means it, because he does. He’s never meant anything more.

Before you can respond, he pulls away and looks down at your belly, placing his hand over it gently.

“And I love this one already,” he adds softly.

Tears of joy threaten to spill from your own eyes now as you place your hand over his.

“We love you too. We’re just as lucky to have you, baby. All of us,” you say quietly.

He leans in to press his smiling lips to yours again, his head already filling with what next year might look like. The sounds of the children squealing and screaming fade away as he presses his forehead to yours to look into your eyes.

“Merry Christmas, doll. Thank you.”

Dadmas Day 3: Christmas Morning With Touya

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5 months ago

Finally, I’ve got some time to share this beautiful comic drawn by my super talented @explosion-island 🌟

Finally, Ive Got Some Time To Share This Beautiful Comic Drawn By My Super Talented @explosion-island
Finally, Ive Got Some Time To Share This Beautiful Comic Drawn By My Super Talented @explosion-island
Finally, Ive Got Some Time To Share This Beautiful Comic Drawn By My Super Talented @explosion-island
Finally, Ive Got Some Time To Share This Beautiful Comic Drawn By My Super Talented @explosion-island

For a bit of context, the story takes place in the Altered MHA AU that I created with my best girl @crystalwolfblog In this AU, a rehabilitated Touya runs a car workshop with his wife, Asuki. Their eldest, Takaya, often stops by after his hero course to hang out (and occasionally bother his parents), while their youngest, Nootka, sometimes spends time at the workshop with when she's not attending the kindergarten. This time, uncle Shigaraki - who's also been rehabilitated and lives with Touya’s family - decides to lend a hand at the workshop… though, of course, with some minor complications 🤭

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5 months ago

Set in the same theme as this

A little side note: Touya, from my research, means 'arrow of light' so I wanted his son's name to have a similar theme so Tadaaki means 'bright light'.

Set In The Same Theme As This

Daddy!Dabi, sorry Touya, who keeps having random toys delivered to your house. You're sure the driver knows your name by now since you're getting a parcel every day and to make it worse the little demon child seems more interest in the box and wrapping paper than the actual gift inside the damn thing.

"Tadaaki, I swear to God."

You sat on the floor next to him as he tried to ingest yet another piece of paper from the floor, wrestling the small sodden pieces from his hand and replaced it with his dummy even as he screwed up his face in frustration.

"Just let him eat it."

Shaking your head in exasperation, you turned to the window and glared at Touya. The grin on his face as he crouched on the window ledge made you even more frustrated so you threw some paper at his stupid head.

"Very helpful, thank you."

A snort as he jumped down, the thud as his boots hit the floor before he quickly removed them and replaced them with the slippers you chose for him. They were huge Smurf feet, something you would tease him with when you were together, and when you saw them in the local shop you just had to get them.

A loud squeal as Tadaaki stood up and toddled over to his dad, Touya was still a little hesitant as the little hands held on his larger ones. You could see the gloves he was wearing, something you noticed after you met in the park and assumed it was to protect Tadaaki from the staples. A louder squeal this time as Touya hefted him up in the air, the dummy landing on the floor as your son flew up in the air.

"You know, he just ate. If he-"

"Oh shit!"

"-pukes it'll be your own fault."

You couldn't help but laugh out loud this time, your son looking awfully chuffed with himself as his dad looked like he was about to throw up himself. Holding Tadaaki at arms length, his face turned away as he thrust him out to you and pulled the jacket and t-shirt he was wearing off and wiping himself down with some baby wipes while mock glaring at you.

"You can stop laughing, brat. I learnt my lesson."

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5 months ago

an ode to winter | dabi.


♡ pairing: dabi/touya todoroki x fem!reader.

♡ word count: 14.1K

♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.

♡ genre: manga war arc!au, single-parent!au, unplanned pregnancy!au,  angst, fluff, smut.

♡ summary: touya todoroki had broken a lot of things, your heart, promises, your window a few times, but you swore he’d never leave your child feeling that way. but when he wants back into your life, will he take no for an answer? And do you even want to say it?

♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut, ( literally 5k of it ), MANGA SPOILERS IN THE EXTENDED ENDING,  mentions of pregnancy, mentions of semi-toxic!relationships, struggling with parenting, blackmail ??,   unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it, losers ), handjobs, oral sex ( female receiving ), fingering ( female receiving ),  choking, branding, squirting, spit!kink, needy touya lol <3

♡ author’s note(s): OK so this started out as a fic for my bestie @ozzy-bozzy​ but then turned into this long ass vent fic bc i do be struggling!! i’ve barely written for touya so apologies if his character is off. special thanks to @bakugous-trauma for beta reading n @doinmybesthere for the summary and beta reading and thanks for 4.7K MWAH <3

♡ masterlist | requests


the snow had fallen heavy that day, its flakes dancing along the window panes while you’d brought her into the world. you hated the cold, the way it nipped at your nose and stung at your cheeks, how it could freeze over a heart so badly that it would take years to thaw it out. you’d complained about the ice sheets that frosted your windows to the doctors, the ones on the roads too, but they’d simply wrote it off as your anxieties related to bringing kori home for the first time in such weather.

funnily enough, your daughter much resembled the cold in many ways. you’d named her ‘kori’; meaning ice, since her hair was white as the crisp blanket of winter outside and her eyes a piercing shade of aqua marine, that for a while, had no meaning written behind them except for a cool curiosity that you knew didn’t come from your side of the family. she wasn’t warm either, the first time you held her, her flesh against yours was almost a painful spark of frostbite— you expected that it was related to the lineage she came from too.

Keep reading

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