Daishinkan - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
And If G-ds Will Is A Box, Then So Be It

and if g-d’s will is a box, then so be it

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2 years ago

Dragon Ball Super HC #13:

Whis: Father…I’m gay.

Dai: …

Whis: Why aren’t you saying anything?

Dai: I’m waiting for you to tell me something I don’t know.

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1 year ago

Daishinkan uses Korn's full name in the most serious matters and Korn tries his best not to look or appear scared. Scared, he's not scared hahaha (he is)

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1 year ago

This is the biggest and strongest OOC Daishinkan and no one can stop me.

Imagine that Daishinkan, even after millions of years of parenthood with his kids (even if he may not have had much communication or contact with them other than some rare meetings), has this weird paternal energy. Even if this guy doesn't do anything significant. (multi-child dilf for God's sake).

Being invited to Bulma's party with Zeno, he meets the young children of Z fighters (Goten, Trunks, Bulla, Pan, maybe Marron). The Grand Priest does NOTHING besides eat treats from the table and possibly socializing with Goku/Whis, but get the children's attention. And imagine that at some point the Supreme Angel disappears from sight, only to be found later in one of the rooms of Bulma's house, where he's built a nest out of all the things and linens he's found, nestled in there with the calm human children. Maybe even Dende could have been there

(Thank you for your patience, OP. I love this headcanon, ) His name is Daishinkan and what else begins with a D, him being daddy and the DILF energy, it is practically canon. He, himself cannot detach from that energy, it is so ingrained in him, he might as well embrace it. I think with the angels themselves, Daishinkan changes his paternal energy to a more strict, no-nonsense father while on duty. Daishinkan got all of the paternal energies and even he doesn't know all of them yet. His paternal energy is probably why the child-like Zeno prefers him as an attendant.

I never heard of anyone refers the Daishinkan as the Supreme Angel and I think that is pretty neat and cool, I like to use that name in the future. I can't get over how cool Daishinkan (he is already cool) to have the Supreme Angel as the title.

Aww, the nest part is super adorable and him bonding with the human children by this and probably a pillow fort for next time, especially since he seems very approachable and gentle in his voice, and mannerisms that the kids trust and want to spend time with him. I like to think he told stories to the human children's entertainment, Dende is there because he saw it and was curious.

Once again, I appreciate you, OP for sharing this headcanon with me, I absolutely liked it and I don't mind if you want to send another one in the future if you like.

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1 year ago
Seeing This, I Could Imagine Daishinkan Putting Whis On The Audition. That Would Be Too Funny.

Seeing this, I could imagine Daishinkan putting Whis on the audition. That would be too funny.

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1 year ago

Aaaaah gosh, sorry, I'm vibing hard and literally throwing my weird headcanons at everyone

I want to throw in a little "biblically inaccurate DBS angels" joke. Maybe someone will like the idea for an outline while I think about it myself for possible fanfics. Combined 2 stupid headcanons into one : "D

- Imagine that the real form of angels is an undefined collective image of a creature from the stars, between the occasional eldritch horror and cosmic leviathans perhaps partially resembling dragons or something similar. I've created a weak headcanon for myself (I haven't thought it through well enough) that each generation of angels is cultivated like kayoshins of golden apples, only it's some other "fruit", or for example an egg?? The Daishinkan feeds the Angel Tree with their energy and Ki (maybe Zeno comes in and shares his energy), letting the "eggs" grow and develop. When the angels hatch, it is a cosmic being that the Daishinkan will later care for and teach everything to. As they mature, the space leviathans gradually take on a humanoid form and become like their father, and then in the semblance of adulthood, they accept following the angelic laws. They are humanoid, but that doesn't stop them from taking their cosmic forms.

And I don't know if you're familiar with Aquarion, but there's a character there, the shadow angel Toma, whose scalp is made up entirely of feathers and can sometimes show something like wings on his head.

- Angels' head hair is made up of feathers, and maybe people don't really see this because they don't really look closely at angels' heads other than their hairstyles. Literally the only feathers these angels have lol. They manipulate their hair, their feathers fold into different shapes, or if these dudes get bored - their feathers still spread all over their head, their hairstyles change shape and size to appear in the shape of wings on the sides of their head.

They all fuck with people along the lines of "you wanted to see an angel with wings? You saw an angel with wings :) "^-^" "

((i still thinking about having Whis control his huge feathery tuft at certain emotions like cockatoos and corellas (Although let's be honest, the tufted on Whis's head would only show emotion next to delicious food))") ((He could also just accidentally release the "cosmic tail" of his leviathan form, and wag it when he eats something from Bulma's kitchen once again))

And imagine that angels, meeting their siblings or their father, when they don't have important meetings with the gods or another planet to destroy, gather in small groups and groom each other's hair. If someone has braided hair, they take the rubber bands off to loosen their hair, if someone has tufts on their head, they lower their pulled back hairstyles, loosening the feathers on their heads, and give head massages by running their fingers through their hair.

I'm sure Zeno likes Daishinkan's hairstyle made up entirely of feathers, he's also fun and curious to see if the feathers can somehow move in case Angel expresses his emotions through them. Zeno could touch the feathers, he knows that Daishinkan as a good advisor (and possibly servant) would allow him to do so, and he also knows that only angels touch each other's hair in an expression of a semblance of familial affection to each other, so he respects the Grand Minister's personal boundaries (Regardless of what god you are or what your authority is to the angel, you have to get along/friend the angel well enough that he can allow you to touch the feathers of his head)

And Daishinkan definitely participates in the "family gathering" too. I'd say he rarely sees his children due to the infrequent visitation of the gods of destruction themselves, but somehow the angels visit him anyway for head massages, socializing, and strengthening family bonds (or he visits their universes).

Aaaaah Gosh, Sorry, I'm Vibing Hard And Literally Throwing My Weird Headcanons At Everyone

Aaaaaah, I hope you write this as a fanfic soon, honestly it will be a good read with my tea at 5pm. And spam infinite kudos on it so much I break the kudos button. I think the combination the two into one, is smart and links well together.  

I decide to split the sections of the asks into two to give my thoughts and love to your headcanons. 1) (real angels appearence). I am not too familiar of Levianthans besides the ones featured in Evilious Chronicles or in Elditch horror hence I took a bit of time to do some research about them.

What I think: I think the angels' actual real appearence can be Elditch as well possibly be inspired by the angels in Dante's Paradiso and part of the angelic hierachy (whose angels had the most unusual designs, perfect for the DBS angels, like the Thrones got eyeballs on their four golden connected rings).

Funnily, I think when the angels reveal their true selves to the destroyers and kais if they requested to, the destroyers were surprised and some were horrified whilst the kais who creates lots of stuff was like cool with it and vibes with the angels' real look with the Kais' looks.

I wonder what would be Daishinkan's real form is. I like to think what we see as Daishinkan is not real him, but he uses his power to affect the mortals' vision so he can look human, or for a Namekian, a Namekian or for Belmod's eyes, Daishinkan looks like someone from his race so not to freak them out anymore.

Oooh I like how Zeno give some his power and how excited he is to see the angels hatching from their angelic trees in their realm. I headcanon there is 9 angelic trees in the realm, each receiving different amount of power and care from the Grand Minister and Zeno for their different roles.

Good for the humanoid angels in keeping their cosmic forms when they develop a new form and understands the angel law, their cosmic form they let it out when they arrived at the angel realm.

2) Amazing the angels are, definitely extraordinary without a doubt. The angels having feathers on their head, and only their head, love that part of the headcanons, I could imagine how soft the feathers are and because they are angels, I could imagine them could change the colour of their features, they could look like parrots hahaha. It's so beautiful. Them using feathers to make wings on their head reminds me of Attic helmet or Hermes' winged helmet.

Whis' tail wagging towards the smell of good food from Bulma, it's adorable and Beerus goes after him trying not to step on it, Whis' tail looks like a weapon.

Considering more than half got long hair, to head massage to deal the tufts, it's a strong group effort and a familial activity of strengthening their bonds after being away for a long time. Daishinkan trust Zeno-sama to touch his feathers is so so so adorable and I agree, be good mates with the angels, you might touch the features, might.

Thank you for this OP, and thank you for your patience.

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1 year ago

The sad characters are my favorite glass


I don't know in what time period Shin and Daishinkan lost their family (Shin lost his family of 4 Kaioshin, Priest lost 6 children due to removal), but I'm starting to think of a headcanon where they could...uh, bond over this? I'm probably making two characters of different divine categories a bit more emotional

They may be two different divinities yet they are united by family, but tragically a loss of family and how much it changed the cause of their lives. I like to think it was Daishinkan who develop an interest for Shin, a Supreme Kai who didn't finish his training, dealing with inconsistent and amoral god of destruction, recently freed his ancestor Elder Kai, his universe won the tournamanent despite the odds. I saw a idea or a fanart of Daishinkan helping Shin's training and both get closer, as well as finding out their stories and possibly connect as well providing some comfort if one needed it. Shin understands why this is part of the reason why the angels were spared from being erased. I like to think that Shin did offer to help and find the super dragon balls to revive which Daishinkan refused in case if Zeno-sama wasn't pleased if they come alive and suffer further trauma if they get erased. Shin understood.

But slowly but surely Daishinkan opens himself more to Shin and Shin welcomes it despite the initial awkwardness due to their power dynamic. Even they can share the slience together, or cry in their presence, at least they are not alone in sorrow of loss.

I think it would be adorable they continue to bond, after Shin's training. Daishinkan still got his interest on Shin and the room for that interest to develop more and more. It would be interesting considering both got their duties and how they navigate by that. Rest of the angels would observe sometimes and be intrigued.

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1 year ago

Do you think Daishinkan has any other children besides his 18 (now 12 + Merus)? Maybe they serve the gods in other multiverse?

I'm now wondering if there are fallen angels who betrayed Zeno, the gods, their family, and their father Daishinkan? Who lost their angelic powers and became, like, demons or something. If that's the case, then Daishinkan deep down is already living a life of depression, it's his condition in life to lose his children so often. (Perhaps he's the one who strips the fallen angels of their "divinely angelic powers" as a punishmentso, and also to keep them from being erased by Zeno?)

Or perhaps there's a difference between the part where half of his children leave him for his own thoughts and selfish reasons, and the other part where his other children are wiped out by Zeno along with the 13-18 universes?

This is an interesting question and I thought it a lot, I like to know what you think of this answer as well. I apologise for the answer being long but I love this topic so much.

About the other Angels

I believe yes Daishinkan has other children, named after alcoholic drinks but with different duties. Some of the younger angels are still in training and taught by the more senior angels. Some angels are assigned to stay and maintain the angel realm (some are rulers and some are defenders in case the angel realm get attacked) I believe the angels' population are in hundreds, if not, thousands. But Cus is still the oldest out of all of them.

I like to think there are other multiverses besides this one we have, I do believe there was a god of Creation who was Zeno-sama's counterpart (because if there is destruction like at Zeno's level, there must be a Creation deity for a balance), who created more multiverses and left Daishinkan to be in charge of Zeno-sama and 18, now 12 universes. The Omni Creator would have been responible making the universes, the Kais and the dragon balls/super dragon balls and very likely Daishinkan himself. The Omni Creator resides in the other universes and I like to think some angels are there to serve the Omni Creator directly and indirectly and the other gods.

The multiverses, I like to explore with that in the future post as well the angels in those universes.

The Fallen Angels

The Angelic Law do state the Angels being neutral towards mortals and is not allowed to intervene unless they got the god's/supreme kai's permission or given an exception to do so, if they disobeyed that, they will be erased. However it doesn't state yet what happened if the angels betrays Zeno or Daishinkan.

I agree with you that they could become demons and banish to the demon world or Makai or go back to the Angel Realm in disgrace. Most of the time, they go back to the Angel Realm to be re-trained or to stay there whilst another angel takes their place. But if it was a major offense such as betrayal or made Zeno-sama angry, they go to the Makai or Demon Realm of any universes to become demon for them to learn their lesson. If they learn their lesson, Daishinkan can restore their divinity angelic powers back when he first took it from them.

My personal theory is that there is four angels in Demon Realm who is having the demon punishment in Universe 1, 5, 8 and 12 because Daishinkan has hope they can reform and be reconditioned without being erased during the tournament and the Demon Realm in those universes are tend to be better in aiding them to reform. You can think of those fallen angels as prisoners. It still pains Daishinkan when he thinks what they done but it is better than being erased which upsets the Daishinkan more.

About the Angels 13-18 and why there was a difference in their treatment compared to the fallen angels (plus an story idea I will write)

For the angels 13-18, this is going to the deeper headcanon territory, I think it's a mix of tragedy and being trapped in the crossfire of Zeno-sama's anger and their gods' desires. What happened was Universe 13 (destroyer only) ,16, 17 and 18 deities (and the angels was with them) protested against Zeno-sama's rule.

Some angels went along with the desires and some had those desires and agreed with the deities. Zeno-sama was insulted and erased the deities and those angels who was in the room with them. The attendant came after to tell the news about the mortal levels which Universe 13, 14 and 15 had the lowest mortal levels made Zeno-sama's anger worst and he ended eliminating Universe 13-18 including Universe 13-15 deities and angels.

The Story Idea

I planned to made a story about how the Angel of the 13th Universe called Toni (after Tonic Water) was in the meeting with Daishinkan at the time when the six universes was erased. Toni was shocked and heartbroken about her universes being erased and asked her father if it was planned, Daishinkan knew nothing about it. He and Toni asked Zeno-sama what happened. Zeno-sama told them everything and how the Angels 14-18 are also erased (I call them in my story, Pisco (14), Baijiu (15), Daru (16), Nalewka (17, thanks to my friend helping me to find a name for her) and Kir (18, thanks to my other friend finding a name for them). Toni tried to hold back tears and sadness over loss of her siblings. Zeno-sama saw her, "You are the angel of universe 13, I don't like Universe 13…"

And erased Toni on the spot, in front of Daishinkan. Daishinkan froze, his daughter, was no more. He had no time to comfort her or say goodbye, his obedient, kind, sometimes funny daughter… he had to hold himself together, distract Zeno-sama, told the remaining angels and mourned. He mourned for a long time and made an agreement with Zeno-sama not to erase any angels without his approval.

Thank you for the question, OP. 🥰✨

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1 year ago

Oooh, now I'm curious to know about this (because I'm a bit stupid lol sorry) :"D ("I headcanon there is 9 angelic trees in the realm, each receiving different amount of power and care from the Grand Minister and Zeno for their different roles")

Don't be, I'm happy to expand any details as you like, or I am happy to clarify anything. It is welcomed and my ask box is open for that such thing as well 💗

I believe all of the Angels are not created the same or else we have more than 12/18 angels in our multiverse.

I was thinking one tree produces different generations of angels for different multiverse, and there are nine in total planted and created by Daishinkan.

The Second Angelic Tree Example

For example, the second angelic tree produces angels are assigned with a special class of Kais in a multiverse (I call it Multiverse 2) that produces souls for all of the multiverse bodies to enter when they are a fetus/inside an egg during their development before they are born/hatched for example. Yes, the souls to enter about to exist bodies in development for all Multiverses, not just Multiverse 2. This is because I don't believe the Supreme Kais and the Kais in our universe have time or capability to produce souls in their universe whilst doing their duty of watching the living world and the afterlife. Can you imagine how many people are born in one universe at the same day? Crazy, right? These angels act as an attendant to these Kais, to take care of their needs, to make sure everything runs well and to heal and report any troubles/acts like spies for the Daishinkan. These angels get very little of Zeno's power, and they don't have the ability to do hakai. This is a precaution so they don't accidentally do hakai some of the souls.

Our DBS Angels We Know (and love hehe!)

For DBS Angels, they are from the Angels from the 7th Angelic Tree that received the most of Zeno-sama's power so far, same with Daishinkan which they are able to do hakai effectively and other techniques.

Every Angelic Tree is still growing some cosmic angelic hatchling and never stopped but it is a very slow progress. But it got this feature in case it replaces any erased angels or any angels had fallen or needed to be retrained with new angels taking over a role/duty.

I hope this answer helps a bit. I am still thinking about this part as well in terms of the development, it is still in the development stage. I am currently debating if Merus was from the 7th Angelic Tree or the 8th Angelic Tree, I am still deciding.

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1 year ago

A single candy, the Grand Priest’s face is very accurate. The arena for a candy. It must be a very good candy from Zeno-sama (or not, the Grand Priest knows that candy is 2,000 years old) 🤣

I like to make dumb memes. "Here's a candy bar for 40 hours of battle arena construction." @awesomesauce2929

I Like To Make Dumb Memes."Here's A Candy Bar For 40 Hours Of Battle Arena Construction."@awesomesauce2929

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1 year ago

A small thought I had, inspired by the previous post: I headcanon Champa and Beerus being older than Merus. One time, Vados and Whis had an idea of making the twins get along more smoother by babysitting little Merus. To be fair, they didn't do too badly besides mistakes and mistakes that are best not to be said, it wasn't disastrous until oh no, Merus is missing. Where is the baby angel?

They spent ages trying to find Merus, whilst scared of elimination if they can't find him. Vados and Whis just watched, they find it amusing. For baby Merus, he missed the Grand Minister and decided to float out of Universe 7 to see him in the palace. He floated slowly, small steps, the Grand Minister watching him, being proud in the inside (he sees it as first steps/route, an achievement). When Merus finally arrived after a couple of days and some energy boosts given by GM in secret, he let out the biggest smile seeing the Grand Minister and the Grand Minister caught him in his arms and held him for some time, just the two of them.

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1 year ago

Like for example. Daishinkan: Sorry, I got those angels called Vermin, Vermout, Verminne, Mouth, Vermo, Vermont (not kidding), please choose another name. ???: Alright, I pick Belmod. Daishinkan: I will check....that name is available. Welcome to your duty, Lord Belmod.

Some interesting alcoholic drinks that could be other angels' names

Whilst in the angel realm, the concept of weirdness may not similar to what is Universe 7's Earth idea of weirdness but this is likely that the angels rarely find things and philosophy as odd, and if they did, it is not universally agreed due to huge differences of opinions and the rarity of finding things weird, is well, rare. But while being named by the Grand Minister is a blessing, there are few names that can raise few eyebrows up, like:

Denaturat ( From Denatured alcohol aka the stuff you can't drink. he is the family secret, not really broke any rules but he's a menace).

Spike (From Spiked Punch, a life of the party, a colourful character, looks calm in the outside but everyone finds out the extrovert they are).

Punchi/Punch (From Punch, can be cordial but got a heavy mouth and speaks informally. At random times they speak their mind and they don't hold back any punches hehe.)

Kilju (From Kilju, it is pronounced similarly to "Kill you" in Universe 7 and the name is considered as a curse in Universe 5, Universe 9 and Universe 8, akin to curse people to bad luck and despair. Even saying their name is taboo in some areas in Universe 8.)

Pruno (From Pruno, aka Prison Wine, enough said, she's good for emergencies).

Fusela (From Fusel Alcohol or Rotgut, aka the "bad liquor", troublemaker, check, considered as a fault, check, her demeanour is utmost strange, even to angel standards.)

Daishinkan will never run out good names for the angels, especially the kais are still creating hehehe.

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1 year ago

A family portrait with the Grand Priest/Minister/Daddy and his angels children featuring one half of Cognac and Martinu and Cukatail's hand. Whis and Korn are nowhere to be found lmao (likely Whis is next to Vados but didn't fit in the picture but Korn, who knows where he is, probably with his lords.)

This is a really cool and cute shot of them though, when you did see like this again.

Proud Dad
Proud Dad

Proud dad

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8 months ago

the original vid sadly got corrupted but thank goodness i already uploaded it to my instagram!!! anywaysss, i love this audio sm so i wanted to make something cute

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8 months ago
awesomesauce2929 - RikieIrina

In fact, in my opinion, actions such as touching the face are not so much a form of intimacy as a desire for control

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8 months ago

Exploring the angels and the destroyers names if they match to any alcoholic categories


As we know it, the angels and destroyers names are a pun from alcohol/alcoholic drinks, this exploration was inspired by an ask I received some time ago (and I will answer that very soon, considering I finished my research for that.). I did this investigation to explore part 2 of that ask, I will link this post up when answering the ask.

In that section of the ask, it mentioned about if the destroyers were named after the same alcoholic category which their teacher and angel’s name belong to. I did it this way (angel-destroyer) because of an implication of the angels were always there and established before the current destroyers. (For example if Toppo became a destroyer in Universe 11, it was extremely likely Marcarita will remain as an angel of Universe 11 and now as Toppo’s official angel/teacher, sure she can be replaced when Belmod retires but that is inconvenient for angels to be replaced every time their destroyers retires for logistic reasons)

That had me thinking, was there any existing examples of the angels and destroyers names being in the same alcoholic categories and I give assumptions at the end to answer why this is often not the case.


I will use this word a lot. What categories counts here? The broad category which is liquor, wine and beer. For example if there is an angel called Moscato and the destroyer called Pino (after Pinot Noir), their names inspired by the wine drinks will belong to the broad wine category, but both won’t have a specific category because that is where the similarities ends as one is a red wine (Pinot Noir) and another one is white wine (Moscato).

The specific category if one pun name drink is a type or an ingredient of the another pun name drink so if Pisco is an angel and their destroyer is Arma (after Armagnac Brandy), their broad category is liquor and their specific category is Brandy as both are type of brandy. A specific category shows a much closer link to the names, could imply an inspiration from the angels for such destroyers to name themselves closer to the angel’s alcoholic name category.

The Excel

*I use spirit and liquor interchangeably here

The preview:

Exploring The Angels And The Destroyers Names If They Match To Any Alcoholic Categories


The link to the excel for the results: https://1drv.ms/x/c/de8d94cac4fe150f/EWEyxTcxTSVNo0ScVrRvmIEBHhdbynFKBG_zD7wR-TRIAQ?e=KPwwy5

The Findings:

Out of the 12 universes, only six universes of the angels-destroyers names belongs to the same category, the broad liquor category was the most common, shown in Universe 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10. Universe 12 does show the liquor category as well but theirs is an exception as there is a much closer link to their names, as Gin (Geene) is a liquor also an ingredient and a component to a classic Martini (Martinu). This is the only example of a specific category.

Why in some universes, there are no matching names or names in the same categories for the deities

The rest of the universes (1, 2, 6, 7, 9 and 11) deities did not have a match of their names in any categories.

The main part is clear, whatever the reasons or factors, the Grand Zeno and Daishinkan approves of this showing the names matching in the same categories is optional, not compulsory.

Perhaps a long ago, the names of angels and destroyers belongs to the same alcoholic categories, broad or specific but Grand Zeno wanted variety and breaks some patterns.

Or it is out of the free will of the destroyers to name whatever they like regardless if it got a close link to their angels’ names or not. This is interesting to me because I got a headcanon that the angels names are chosen by Daishinkan whilst the destroyers can choose themselves or their angels’ suggestions. This shows the difference in status and subtle display of power (of choice) the destroyers has.

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5 years ago

Awwww 😍😍😍






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