Damn You Autocorrect - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I can't even say "Damn you, autocorrect."

Me: types "mpre" instead of "more"

Autocorrect: "Mpreg"

Me:.... no that sounds about right

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7 months ago

The End Of The World

The End Of The World

 The End Of The World

Rocky Balboa x GN Reader

Summary: During a zombie apocalypse, you meet the famous boxer, Rocky Balboa. Will you two survive during the apocalypse?

Just down the hill was the first store, a liquor store, its windows boarded with no light to be seen through it. The town had to have been occupied by no more than a hundred people at one point. The sun had just begun to rise to the left, and in the peach-toned light, the houses almost seemed cheery. As I stared intently at the liquor store, the sun’s light beamed at the store’s front door. Shattered and left hanging slightly open

There was no movement in any of the streets or houses, and the morning hours should keep any occupants asleep for at least another hour. I adjusted the large backpack to lay more comfortably across my back; the oversized thing had been my steady companion for the last five years, almost the only thing that had accompanied me through The disease. It had been named The disease after the entirety of the world fell in its wake, only taking a mere month for entire cities to be overrun. It had been like any other morning. The 5 am news had been droning the week’s weather as I sipped from coffee that was too hot.

Suddenly, the forecast was interrupted by an image that read “Breaking News”. The audience was then treated to seeing a very shaky image showing a reporter slowly backing away from the scene before them. People attacked others in the street, biting and tearing with their hands, fingers, and teeth. Others were lying on the cement moaning, blood pooling around them.

It was said two weeks later that The disease had been transferred from the bat to the dog, and that dog had bitten its owner, thus beginning the end. And so the world came to be destroyed by what the people before had laughed at, zombies.

It had been five years since then, and I hardly remembered those easy, lucky times. I slowly began descending the slight incline towards the liquor store, hoping to salvage a few things before the sun was completely up. The backpack thumped comfortingly along my back which had already begun to sweat with nerves; going into towns no matter how small was always a risk.

The air was quiet except for the slight crunch of grass beneath my boots and the occasional rustle of leaves. I had to decide whether the liquor store would be my only stop or if I would risk finding other supplies further into town. A rattle to the right caught my attention, and I shifted onto the floor, dropping low. I felt the presence of someone behind me within seconds, and when I looked over my shoulder, there he stood. He wore a green hoodie with faded blue jeans and had short black hair, which barely flowed out his hoodie.

I’d been startled enough that it took me a moment to say something and just as I was, he beat me to it: “Y/N?” He said full of shock. I furrowed my eyebrows in shock… I’d never met this man. How did he know my name? Had we ever spoken face to face before? His eyes locked with mine, his somewhat tanned skin clean and smooth.

“I’ve come to help you,” he answered simply, calmly. With his stare remaining strong and intense, he stepped closer to me. When I didn’t move, he took a step forward, putting his hands up by his head in defense. “I ain’t got nothin’ on me, alright? I’m just tryna help, You know?”

For some reason, I found myself liking him despite knowing little about him. “Okay, yea.” I whispered quietly. My heart was pounding in my chest as he kept moving towards me. I was ready to run if need be, but instead, he reached his hand out toward me. “You should probably get up, we have to leave fast. Almost the whole town is infected.” I took his hand suspiciously and he pulled me up towards him. Crashing into his hard chest, I hear him say “Oops” I can hear his smirk in his voice so I back myself away and continue walking until I reach his truck. Once inside, he starts driving quickly down the road.

We drove for nearly twenty minutes before he spoke again, and even though I wasn’t paying much attention to where we were going, I could tell we were getting close to the end of town. “So Y/N. Where d'ya wanna go?” He asked. “How do you know my name?” I asked confused. I haven’t even known this man for an hour, let alone even know his name. Yet he knows mine.? Ya gotta name tag on ya. I’m Rocky. Rocky Balboa" He said. I look down at my shirt and realize he’s right “That famous boxer?” I asked surprised. “Yea, that’s me. Where ya headed?” “Maybe Harrisburg?” “Oh ok. That’s where I’m headed too.”

I explained my situation briefly before asking why he had been on his way there anyway. Why didn’t he just drive straight to his destination? “No offense, but the city is dangerous. More so than you might realize. So we’re gonna travel together in the hopes of staying alive, ya know?” I nod with surprise before saying “Oh. Well, that’s smart of you, I mean you’re kind of odd. But yeah I agree. Maybe if we stick together and watch each other’s backs, we’ll make it through all of this…” I said before he stopped at a red light. Before I knew it, he turned to me and asked “Where are you staying?” I frowned, remembering my hostel from last night.

“Actually, I’m not sure.” He looks at me for a moment before nodding “Well we can find a place together. Maybe a motel?” “Yea,” He continued driving, and soon after, I dozed off.


We finally made it to our destination and went inside. I fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning, I woke up feeling warm. It was like waking up from a good nap, which I suppose it was. Soon, I heard footsteps coming toward my room, followed by the door opening. Before I could look up, he starts talking. “Come on downstairs, breakfast is ready.” I stumble out of bed and get myself ready before going down to the kitchen. I sat at a table that had a small stove across from it and placed myself against the wall near a window, while two cups of coffee were poured. “This is how I make coffee,” He stated proudly. As I take a sip, I can see him smiling at me. “It’s not bad. It’s kind of strong, but maybe just add a dash of cream next time.”

When we finish eating, we go and sit on the couch. A hard and loud bang brings me out of my thoughts as Rocky stands up to get his gun. He motions for me to stay quiet as he walks towards the door.

                                         Cliffhanger :)

Word count: 1,187

Authors note: Hii! I don’t know why this took me so long to write but it’s done now. I’m praying that this is better than my first one so let me know what you think!

By the way this was barely prof read so if you see a typo or something along those lines ignore it. :)

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