multi-fandom chasm phantasm *NOT a "safe" grown-up*
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Olddirtybadfic - Free Spork Fodder - Tumblr Blog
ppl trying to make some of these ships all cute n domestic dont seem to understand these characters are insane. they would have sex by standing on opposite sides of the room fully clothed playing mind games
i hope i am not only a mutual to you but also someone you can point at a fictional character and go "oh shit that guy on tumblr is super fucking mentally unwell about that one" about
Brotherly Love: The Musical (Part five of seven)
Behold, teen!me's definition of "zany, happy, wacky."
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
Content Warning: Consensual romantic relationship between two siblings; mpreg; aged-up characters; questionable knowledge of psychology; usage of mid-noughties slang that aged like milk (which Yakko will not be drinking); very off-color jokes; oh dear gods an author avatar and her avatar’s furry friend; attempts at song parodies; author’s notes to give track listings; attempt at writing Scratchansniff’s accent out phonetically; big emotions, including: *extremely Gonzo voice* GUILT and *extremely Septa Unella voice* SHAME SHAME SHAME (ding ding); animane-y, totally insane-y, Dot is slut-shame-y
Yakko lay in bed after their appointment with Scratchy.
Sleep wouldn’t come easily to him now that he’d gotten washed up and dressed already. However, if Wakko was up to it, he could easily take care of the later….
“Stop it, Yakko,” he told himself. “Your brother is in the bathroom, puking his guts out and all you can think about is sex.”
He would go in the bathroom and comfort Wakko—except Wakko had told him not to come in the bathroom yet. What he could be doing in there was beyond Yakko, but Yakko wasn’t about to disrespect Wakko’s privacy.
Plus, the sight of Wakko throwing up was not exactly something one would want to see less than two hours after breakfast.
So Yakko lay in his bunk, staring at the bottom of Dot’s empty bunk. “I wonder how a picture of Wakko would look taped there.”
In the bathroom, Wakko was staring at a little plastic stick with a pink screen.
“Well this ain’t faboo, is it?” he thought, tossing the box into the trash. “Dot’s not going to like this.”
He looked out the door, down the hall towards the bedroom. “I don’t even know if I should tell Yakko.”
Wakko stuck his head back in the door. “That’s stupid. Of course I should tell him. It’s his. Unless something happened that one night I sleepwalked. I never did remember why I ended up naked in Plotz’s office. Definitely nothing happened, though, since he wasn’t very happy to see me there.”
In the bedroom, Yakko chastised himself once again after he was able to find similarities between the way Wakko moved when climaxing and when vomiting.
“That’s absolutely disgusting! Why can’t I just be a normal pervert and stare at people naked in the shower?”
He sighed when he gazed up at the newly taped picture of Wakko on the bottom of Dot’s bunk.
“There’s no point in fighting it,” he thought, tracing the outline of Wakko’s face with his finger. “If loving you is wrong, then being right is sorely overrated.”
Yakko sat up. “That incredibly clichéd line sounds like a lead-in for a song.”
A dark room slowly came into view as the music from the synthesizer filled the air. A single spotlight shone on a mirrored cross in the middle of the room.
As the music played into the first verse, the cross rotated to reveal Yakko, duct taped to the front, as he began to sing. (Author's Note: to the tune of "Live to Tell" by Madonna)
“I have a tale to tell.”
He suddenly glanced at his arm and saw a hickey from two nights ago.
“Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well.” He smiled sheepishly.
“I was not ready for the fall.”
The duct tape gave out and Yakko fell off the cross and landed on his face. He got up, brushed himself off and continued singing.
“Why couldn’t I just get a blow-up doll?”
A blow-up doll of Bugs Bunny fell at Yakko’s feet. He sighed and popped it. It flew around the room, landing draped over the cross.
“I don’t care if it is unwise Or if I go to hell; Hope I live to tell if things will turn out right, Because….the suspense is killing me!”
Yakko dramatically did a fainting gesture in front of the cross. A few yards away, Wakko sat on a toilet in the middle of the room, illuminated by a second spotlight. He spun the little plastic stick on a gloved finger as he sang:
“The test was positive. Don’t need Maury, I know who the dad is.”
Wakko put another finger on top of the stick to stop its spinning. The stick stopped, pointing to Yakko, who was still in the dramatic “fainted” pose. Wakko continued to sing:
“The light that Dot will never see, It shines in him, in fact, it’s blinding me.”
The spotlight shone directly on the mirrored cross, casting the glare directly into Wakko’s eyes. He continued singing while groping around, blinded.
“We couldn’t hide from Dot’s sharp eyes So I’ll just say ‘Oh well.’ Hope I live to tell if things will turn out right Because….This light is burning me!”
Wakko ran around on fire until he remembered to stop, drop, and roll. Once extinguished, he rolled over on top of Yakko, who woke up from his pose to sing:
“The plot, it seems so far behind. This story’s gone to hell. Could somebody tell me if the plot will bend Because….this song should really end.”
The spotlight turned off as Yakko finished singing.
“Did the studio forget to pay the light bill again?”
Yakko and Wakko were sitting on Yakko’s bunk, staring at the oh-so-unfaboo plastic stick.
“So….yeah,” was all Yakko could say.
“Yeah.” Wakko responded.
Yakko scratched his head. “How did this happen, anyway?”
“Well, when two people love each other—”
“Not that way,” Yakko said. “I mean, how did you get pregnant if you’re a boy?”
“You know how there’s cartoon physics?”
“It was cartoon biology.”
“Oh.” Yakko wondered where the heck he was when Wakko learned this. More importantly, where did he get the pregnancy test from?
“Where’d you find that thing, anyway?”
“It came out of my gag bag.”
The brothers continued to stare at the stick.
“Shouldn’t we do something other than just staring at this stick?” Yakko said.
“Like what?” Wakko asked.
“Like, telling Dot?”
“She’s not going to like it.”
“Well, she doesn’t like going to the dentist and we make her do that anyway. She’ll find out about it sooner or later, it might as well be sooner.”
“What if she decides to stay away from us? Or run even farther away?” Wakko asked fearfully.
“I doubt she’d do that. We’re her brothers. We’ve never been apart for longer than a week; we practically need each other. And besides,” Yakko continued, “even if she does leave, we’ll still have each other.”
“That’s sweet. Unbelievably clichéd, but sweet.”
“I think it’s time for another song.”
A whimsical tune set to the beat of a waltz played on a synthesizer. Around the brothers, the scene changed from the bedroom to a meadow of bright green grass and day-glo flowers. The sky shone a technicolor blue.
In the middle of the field, there was a brightly-colored structure that looked like a carousel, but was really a funhouse.
Yakko now wore an electric blue tunic with his khaki slacks. A laser necklace sat on his head like a halo, and glow sticks dangled from his shirt and pants. Wakko still wore his red cap, but instead of his blue sweatshirt, he wore a day-glo violet tunic. (Author's Note: to the tune of "Witch in the Ditch" by Erasure)
Yakko began skipping backwards in the direction of the funhouse as he sang:
“No, I could never Give up on the fight Just because Dot is being a hater. We’re looking and searching For a place we can love in Why am I dressed like a raver?”
Yakko shrugged it off, then knelt down in front of Wakko, continuing:
“But it was you, bruder, that turned my world around. Yes, it was you, mein lieb, with whom I have laid down.”
The music reached its crescendo as Yakko jumped up and began to dance wildly around singing:
“Rules were meant to be forgotten, Broken and laid down to die. Man, that line sounded so trite. Oh, to you I will be faithful, Cross my heart and hope to die. What’s up with the neon lights?”
Yakko and Wakko were now standing in the funhouse. Neon signs lit the dark area, along with lava lamps, strobe lights, and glow sticks. They looked around at the display that was sure to blind someone, then shrugged as Wakko began singing:
“We dropped our britches Then Dot had to ditch us For Hello Nurse, what a surprise. But I love you still For your wit and your will And not just for your great ‘shoe’ size.”
Yakko blushed with a humongous cheesy grin on his face as Wakko pressed himself against him and sang:
“Yes, it is you, mein herr, that makes me less unsound.”
Both Yakko and Wakko sang as they danced around a strobe-light maypole:
“Rules were meant to be forgotten. The author has got to be high. Let’s frolic through the strobe lights. Who cares if we aren’t ravers? Let’s not even wonder why What’s up with all the strobe lights?”
Wakko pulled Yakko closer and sang:
“Wanna go at it tonight?”
Yakko nodded vigorously. All the lights shut off.
The next morning, Yakko and Wakko lay in each other’s arms, blissful from the events of the previous night. They were getting better at doing their thing—at least it seemed better. They were certainly louder, what with Yakko yelling that he’d entered the “Valley of Light” and Wakko so far into a climax, he started talking backwards.
Of course, there was the nipple-honking as well.
Yakko looked over at the clock. It was about 10:30 AM, which meant their appointment with Scratchy was in about an hour. Originally, it would have been the next day, but Wakko decided that Dot needed to know about her future niece or nephew sooner. Yakko willingly rescheduled the appointment, wanting to quickly get things resolved.
When they arrived at Scratchy’s office, Dot was already there. She sat on the couch, arms crossed. Though she looked a lot less angry than she had a couple days ago, Yakko still thought they should approach with caution.
Yakko and Wakko took their places on the couch next to Dot. Dot shot a dirty look at Wakko, who, still sore from their argument, temporarily turned into a magic mirror and reflected the look right back (but with his face instead of Dot’s).
Dot gave a dirtier look, shattering the mirror and turning Wakko back to normal.
Wakko stuck his tongue out.
Dot made an akanbe face at Wakko.
Wakko stuck his tongue out and turned his eyes into spirals.
Dot flipped Wakko the arm.
Wakko flipped Dot the bird. The Goodfeathers were scandalized.
“Hey, we’re making progress already! They’re communicating through hand gestures!” Yakko exclaimed. “Now if only they’d use their words.”
Currently, Wakko and Dot were flipping each other off, while flipping their own bodies, in a contest to see who could raise their middle finger higher. Dot started doing the Cabbage Patch with both her middle fingers raised. Wakko did the Bogle with his own two middle fingers.
“How are they doing that with only four fingers?” Yakko wondered aloud.
“Zhat is quite enough,” Scratchy commanded gently. “Now, Dot, please tell your brozers vhy you are so angry vith zhem.”
“I’m mad at them because they’re shacking up with each other, duh!” Dot rolled her eyes.
“Dot, does it really make you zhat angry?” Scratchy prompted.
“Of course it does! They’re brothers! That’s totally gross!” Dot made a face (not at Wakko this time).
“But Vakko has done gross things in zhe past und it has not angered you so.”
“Yeah, well….This is different,” Dot tried to explain.
“How so?”
“Well….They were having sex! And….Did either of you really even know what you were doing?”
“Did we ever,” Yakko beamed. Wakko’s heavy-lidded, blissed-out expression was his answer.
“See how they’re acting, Scratchy? They’re just blatantly throwing it around like Wakko’s underwear!”
“Hey, I resent that!” Wakko yelled. “I don’t even wear underwear!”
“And there it is again! Just no shame whatsoever!”
Yakko then realized that he’d barely said anything the entire appointment. He decided he’d better remedy that.
“Oh, we have plenty of shame. And it’s all towards how you’re behaving right now!” Yakko responded. “You’re supposed to talk to us like a normal person, not shout and hurl insults!” Yakko noticed Wakko sitting quietly on the couch next to him. He leaned in close and whispered, “This is your cue to defend yourself against her calling you a whore.”
“I’m not going to,” Wakko stated simply. Both Dot and Yakko stared shocked, as did Scratchy.
“You’re right, Dot. I have no shame. I love my brother and I want to make sweet, hot love to him every day. In fact, I want him in me right now. And if that makes me a dirty whore, then fine.”
Scratchy was utterly speechless. He’d never heard such language from Wakko, especially not directed at Dot.
“And I have no problem with the fact that I’m pregnant with his child,” Wakko continued casually, as Dot’s jaw dropped further. “That’s right—I’m knocked up and it’s Yakko’s.”
Dot continued to star in horror. Scratchy followed suit. Yakko sat back and watched the show.
The office went dark and a single spotlight shone on Wakko, who was now wearing a black shiny leotard, not unlike one Madonna had worn in a certain music video. Scratchy, Dot, and Yakko watched in horror (or in Yakko’s case, amusement) as the music began and Wakko sang:
(Author's Note: to the tune of "Papa Don't Preach" by Madonna)
“Dot, I know that you’re already upset, Because I’m always acting gross. But you should know by now, That’s just how I am. You think that this whole thing is wrong. Well, I don’t care my love is way too strong. I may be young at heart But I know what I’m saying. Our brother knows how to turn me on. We’ve been making love while you were gone. We really can’t help ourselves, And I don’t mean maybe. So please…. Dottie, don’t freak; He makes my heart scream. Dottie, don’t freak; He is my wet dream And I’ve made up my mind, I’m keeping my baby, yeah.”
By the time the music ended, Dot had unhinged her jaw like a snake. Scratchy, who had gotten over the initial shock, asked Yakko, “I zhought she did not like to be called ‘Dottie.’”
“Well, judging from her reaction, I don’t think she cared,” Yakko answered, waving a hand in front of Dot’s face.
“This ending sucks, and you’re to blame. You’re giving fic a bad name,” Hrothella critiqued. “Try again.”
Fae balled up the pieces of paper and started over. “I guess that don’t impress her much.”
And the moral of today’s story is: When you can't talk it out, sing about it instead.

Fandom Problem #5033:
It sucks when all the content for your OTP solely consists of one of the members third-wheeling for a much more popular ship
The elementary school I attended wouldn't let anyone use the water fountains because they thought (1) if we drank water, we'd always be asking for more water and (2) they were afraid we'd cut class somehow (by the water fountain). They also wouldn't open the windows on a really hot day during sixth grade graduation rehearsal (there was no air conditioning in the auditorium) and we weren't allowed to sit down to take breaks between songs.
Then one day, I passed out during rehearsal and they decided to alter their policies. My mom might've yelled at them; I don't remember.
This was in New York City in the early noughties, so you'd think they'd know better, but I guess not.

I saw goatse when I was around twelve and I think I turned out fine (much to my acquaintances' shock).
Your mileage may vary, though. I would not recommend seeking it out.
https://www.tumblr.com/just-antithings/752278496116670464/now-i-never-want-to-doubt-victims-however-when?source=share I've told people I saw kinky/strange media as a kid and they acted like it was THE WORST THING EVER TO EVER HAPPEN TO SOMEONE when it reality, at that time, I was safe bodily, and either curious or disturbed mentally. If I had someone to calmly explain to me, what the deal was, I think I would have been even better.
Though I wonder how many people in anti spaces are tricked into thinking that things are worse than they really are. Egg on each others sensitivity to ridiculous levels, rather than trying to help each other recognise that while it may not have been pleasant to see such things, it wasn't the end of the world.
If someone was genuinely traumatised by media I feel sorry for them, but I think a lot of it is coercion and over-reaction
adding to this idea:
Dark Pinky and Snowball get all citrus scale and Dark Pinky insists on doing the horizontal do-si-do to the Hamsterdance.
Brotherly Love: If There Must Be Mpreg, Warn a Brotha (And Warn a Sista) (Part four of seven)
Warner brothers? More like War-garyen brothers.
Except without the dragons or pseudo-medieval politics.
Part one is here. Part two is here. Part three is here.
Content Warning: Consensual romantic relationship between two siblings; mpreg; aged-up characters; questionable knowledge of psychology; usage of mid-noughties slang that aged like milk (which Yakko will not be drinking); abortion mention; oh dear gods an author avatar and her avatar's furry friend; a fourth Warner; attempt at writing Scratchansniff’s accent out phonetically; big emotions, including: *extremely Gonzo voice* GUILT and *extremely Septa Unella voice* SHAME SHAME SHAME (ding ding); animane-y, totally insane-y, Dot is slut-shame-y
Yakko was just coming back from getting the newspaper. This entailed annoying Ralph, the security guard, until he balled it up and threw it at Yakko.
He was walking along, tossing the balled-up paper up and down with each step when he noticed Hello Nurse entering the psychiatric building.
“Wait a minute….Dot went to the convention with Hello Nurse,” Yakko thought.
He thought back to how the bathroom door was closed when he walked past—it couldn’t have been Wakko in the bathroom, because he’d just left him in the bedroom. Then it hit Yakko.
Dot was home.
Yakko shoved the paper in his pocket and ran the rest of the way home.
“How long has she been home?” he wondered. “And when did she come in? Oh my god…Did she see us in bed, naked?!”
Yakko flew up the ladder and into the tower.
Everything was quiet. There was no sign of Dot or Wakko in the front room.
Yakko went to the kitchen. They weren’t there either.
The bathroom door was closed and Yakko could hear the sound of a blowdryer from within. That had to be Dot.
Yakko entered the bedroom, where he found Wakko, sitting on his top bunk, crying softly.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Yakko said, scaling the bunks. He reached a hand out to comfort Wakko, but he pulled away. The sobs racked his small body.
“Dot knows,” Wakko sobbed.
Yakko was afraid of that. However, he was still shocked. A tiny part of him still had hope that she hadn’t found out.
“She…knows?” Yakko said, his horror growing each second.
“I don’t know how, but she knows. I thought she was gone for the weekend,” Wakko continued to sob.
“Well….It’s not that bad. At least we don’t have to sneak around anymore,” Yakko said, forcing optimism. “She’ll probably give us lots of space.” Yakko realized the minute he finished speaking that this was the wrong thing to say.
“It’s all my fault. I seduced you into doing this. I’m such a whore.” Wakko hid his face in his pillow.
“Those were Dot’s words, weren’t they?” Yakko thought, suddenly angry at his sister. “No. If I hadn’t told you about my feelings, you wouldn’t have acted the way you did,” Yakko explained, desperately trying to stop his brother’s tears. He reached out a hand to hold Wakko, but Wakko gently pushed it away.
“We can’t,” he said simply.
“We….can’t touch?”
“If we touch, I’ll only be tempted to seduce you again. I’ll just ruin you.”
“I’m already ruined, and none of it is your fault,” Yakko started.
“Yes, it is!” Wakko snapped. “Please, just….Let’s not touch each other anymore,” he whispered, his voice cracking.
“Okay.” Yakko had to comply, but on the inside, he was fuming at Dot.
He caught Dot coming out of the bathroom. Dot only stopped to glare at him for a few seconds, then stomped away. Yakko grabbed her by the shoulder before she could disappear down the hall.
“Shouldn’t you and your brother be heading out to a shack in the woods now?” she spat, trying to shake Yakko off.
“Dot, we have to talk,” Yakko stated firmly. “And besides, he’s your brother, too.”
“Not after what he did with you, he’s not. I don’t even know that boy,” Dot hissed.
“Well, we still need to talk.” Yakko refused to give up. Even if it took him all night, he’d get Dot to apologize for yelling at Wakko.
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“Are you shiggity-sure about that?” Yakko leaned in close to Dot.
Dot crossed her arms and glared at a point off to the side for a few seconds. Then she sighed angrily and turned her glare on Yakko. “Y’know, I’d expected better from you.”
“Pardon?” Yakko raised a non-existent eyebrow.
“For god’s sake, Yakko, you know what people think of incest. You understand how gross it is to be attracted to your blood relatives. You know better than to try to seduce your brother!” Dot scolded.
“And Wakko doesn’t?” Yakko found his anger rising again.
“Yakko, I don’t think Wakko even knows what galaxy we live in. I seriously doubt he could grasp such a complex issue as incest.”
Yakko couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Did she seriously think Wakko was stupid?
“But that’s not the point. If he started making advances on you, why didn’t you stop him? If you understood what would happen if you went too far, why didn’t you do something?”
“Maybe I didn’t want to!” Yakko said sharply. “Maybe I enjoyed it! Yes, you heard correctly. I enjoyed it!”
Dot’s glare dropped and was replaced by an expression of pure horror. “What….How could you?!”
“How could I? Maybe because I love Wakko! Not in that way, in that way. It was all me; I told him I loved him and he was just reacting to it. Did you get that? I made the first move. It was my fault.”
“Oh my god….” Dot’s expression was now one of disgust rather than horror.
“And because I love Wakko, I don’t appreciate you putting him down like that. He may not seem it to you, but he is just as smart as either of us and is perfectly capable of understanding incest. Do you know that he’s the one who thought to hide it from you so we wouldn’t get caught? Did you ever think that just maybe he might be hurt by you calling him a whore? Did you ever think that maybe he might have regrets over the whole thing? I’m sure you didn’t because you don’t know shit about our brother!” Yakko yelled.
They were right outside the bedroom door, but he didn’t care. if he couldn’t touch Wakko, he could find other ways to show his love.
“Well, after that little rant, I do know something about both of you. You’re both perverts and I want nothing to do with you. I’m going to stay with Hello Nurse.” With that, she wrenched herself away from Yakko and stomped off to pack her things.
Yakko’s first instinct was to grab Dot again, sit her down, and give her a long talk about this whole thing. His second instinct was to give her a good slap.
It was his third instinct, the one that told him to walk away, that won. He set off towards the bathroom to take a nice hot shower to relax his nerves. Or maybe a nice cold shower to relax his….other muscles.
As he was walking, the closet door next to the bathroom suddenly opened and Yakko was pulled inside.
Yakko groped around, trying to get his bearings, until a flashlight turned on. He looked towards the source of light and saw Wakko, sitting behind a box. Immediately, Wakko threw himself at Yakko.
“I couldn’t take it anymore,” Wakko said softly, pressing himself against Yakko. A few seconds later, Yakko could feel Wakko’s tears wetting his fur.
“It’s okay now. I’m not against continuing this,” he soothed, stroking Wakko’s ears. “We’ll find some way to work it out.”
“How can you be so sure?” Wakko stared up at Yakko with teary black eyes.
“I’m the oldest brother. It’s what I do,” Yakko responded. He looked around. “Since when do we have a closet here?”
Wakko sniffled. “Since now.”
“All righty then.” Yakko went back to holding Wakko.
The door swung open and they were met with a very disturbed and angry Dot.
“You two are seriously fucked up and not in the good way,” she hissed before stomping away.
Wakko turned away from Yakko, curled into a little ball, and continued to cry.
“Wakko…” Yakko reached out for his brother, but Wakko pulled away.
Yakko didn’t care; he pulled Wakko towards him in a warm embrace. This time, Wakko didn’t resist as Yakko half cradled him in his arms, half held him in his lap.
“Don’t worry. Everything’ll work out,” Yakko soothed. “Somehow.”
By the next morning, Dot had packed up and spent the better part of the early morning at Hello Nurse’s house.
Yakko and Wakko spent the night in Yakko’s bunk. It would have been too weird, being in their own bunks, knowing that Dot wasn’t sleeping between them. Sure she’d been away at night earlier that week, but they'd known she would come back. Now, they weren’t so sure she’d ever want to talk to them again.
Wakko fell asleep quickly, having worn himself out with the crying. However, Yakko lay in bed, awake, until at least 3:00AM.
“Is what we’re doing really so wrong? I mean, society says it’s wrong, but society says that premarital sex is wrong, and people do that anyway. There are so many people out there who don’t love each other the way Wakko and I do, and they have sex and go through the motions of being in love, even to the point where they’ll get married! And we’re not hurting anyone so what’s wrong with it?” Yakko pondered.
In a flash, it came to Yakko. He knew who could help them.
He ran to the phone to leave a message on Dr. Scratchansniff’s answering machine.
The next morning, Yakko somehow managed to wake up at 8:00AM. He was about to roll over and go back to sleep when he realized something was missing.
Wakko wasn’t in bed with him.
Yakko sat up, worried. What if Wakko had run off? What if he decided it was best for them to not even live together? What if he went to go get Dot?
“Dot was pretty pissed off at us,” Yakko thought. “Who knows what she’s capable of doing to Wakko?”
Yakko sprang out of bed and through the bedroom doorway. As he was walking down the hall, he heard a sniffle coming from within the bathroom.
The door was open a crack so Yakko could see Wakko, kneeling over the toilet, his body heaving. A few seconds later, he began to vomit into the toilet.
Yakko pushed the door open and quietly entered. “You okay in here?” he asked, just before Wakko started vomiting again.
“I’m fine now, I think,” Wakko responded, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “It was probably just something I ate. That green cheese in the back of the fridge did look a bit dodgy.”
Yakko gave Wakko a sideways look. He’d seen Wakko eat worse things (like gum from under a theater seat), and he’d been perfectly fine afterwards.
“Are you sure you’re not coming down with something?” Yakko asked, putting a hand on his brother’s forehead. No sign of a fever.
“I’m sure. I’ll be fine in a few minutes.” Wakko closed the toilet lid.
“Would you be up to a visit with Scratchy, then?”
Wakko perked up. “What are we gonna do to him this time?”
“Slow down, Wakko.” Yakko put his hands on Wakko’s shoulders to calm him. “We won’t be doing anything like that this time. Scratchy’s going to help us get Dot back, and he’s been helping me since before I told you about my feelings for you, so we should take it easy on him. Besides, I don’t want you to overexert yourself and start getting sick again.”
“Yakko, I’m fine. But I’ll be good.” A little halo appeared over Wakko’s head.
The brothers had an early appointment at around 9:00, so they had to leave shortly.
Yakko was beginning to have second thoughts about scheduling the appointment so early. He hadn’t gotten a full night of sleep, but he was fine. It was Wakko that he was worried about. He didn’t think his brother was as “fine” as he said he was. He’d seen Wakko run to the bathroom a couple more times. He’d said that he “just had to go really badly,” but when Wakko told him he’d pass on having breakfast, Yakko knew something wasn’t right.
It was around 8:30 when Yakko was fully convinced that Wakko was a little more than under the weather. He’d had to wake his brother up after he’d fallen asleep—while standing at the front door.
It was too late to cancel and reschedule the appointment. Besides, they needed help now. The sooner they got Dot back, the better.
Still, he couldn’t have Wakko climbing down the ladder in such a condition. Yakko conjured up an elevator and the two rode down without difficulty.
By the time they got to the psychiatry building, Wakko was leaning weakly against Yakko. From his glassy-eyed expression, Yakko could tell Wakko was just barely aware that they had arrived.
They took a seat on the couch in the waiting room, instead of their usual chairs. It would be too weird, sitting in those chairs without Dot, and the couch would definitely be more comfortable right now.
For once in his life, Yakko actually sat quietly in the waiting room. This was because the minute they sat on the couch, Wakko fell asleep.
Yakko gazed down at him. Although he was sleeping, Wakko’s expression was anything but peaceful. Yakko could see tiny beads of sweat on the tense face.
Yakko was just as tense about the whole situation as Wakko; he just didn’t show it as much. If he freaked out, Wakko would freak out more than usual, and there had to be at least one rational person around. Usually that would be Dot, if both of the brothers were incapacitated, but of course she wasn’t speaking to them.
“If Scratchy can’t help us, nobody can,” Yakko thought, almost ready to just throw in the towel. Clearly, his feelings for Wakko weren’t going to change. Dot was pretty set in her ways, so she wasn’t going to suddenly start liking their relationship. If they really couldn’t get Dot back, then to hell with it.
Not that Yakko wanted to live without his sister. He just realized that sometimes you had to know when to quit.
Looking down at Wakko again made Yakko realize he couldn’t quit. If they couldn’t get Dot to even speak to them, Wakko would continue to blame himself for the whole thing. Yakko realized that it was probably nobody’s fault, but carrying this kind of emotional burden could seriously harm a person—and it would be made doubly heavy, considering how emotional Wakko could get. Would he start punishing himself? To what extent?
“No,” Yakko thought. “We’re gonna get Dot back, whether she likes it or not.”
Just then, Hello Nurse came into the waiting room. “Dr. Scratchansniff is ready to see you now,” she announced.
In his office, Scratchy began to mentally prepare himself for the visit. Sure, the Warners seemed to be backing off on the zaniness lately, and Dot wasn’t with them this time, but the brothers could be pretty boisterous on their own. In fact, they might be even zanier as Dot was sometimes the force that curbed their insanity.
So Scratchy was more than a little surprised to see Yakko walk in quietly, supporting a sleepy-looking Wakko. He watched as the brothers climbed onto the couch and settled in, Wakko leaning heavily on Yakko. Yakko slid his arm around his little brother, then looked up at the psychiatrist.
“He’s not feeling very well,” Yakko explained.
“I see,” Scratchy responded, examining the glazed-over look in Wakko’s eyes. “Are you sure you don’t vant to reschedule?”
“I’m fine. Really,” Wakko insisted, his voice quiet.
“All right.” Sratchy sat back down in the chair in front of the couch. “So if you don’t mind my asking, vhy is Dot not vith you?”
“That’s what we needed to talk to you about,” Yakko answered, looking a little pained. “You know how I told you about my feelings for Wakko?”
“And you told me to write them down?”
“Well, I did, and it helped. For a while. Then my feelings started to get stronger, and well….”
“Here we are,” Wakko concluded, cuddling up to Yakko.
“Here you are? Vhat do you mean, ‘here?’” Scratchy was confused.
The brothers realized they’d skipped a lot of vital points. It wasn’t that obvious that they loved each other in a romantic way based on their actions right now.
“I told Wakko that I loved him, fully expecting him to be disgusted and hate me,” Yakko started.
“But then I told Yakko I loved him back,” Wakko continued.
“So we were all happy and in love until Dot found out. She yelled at Wakko, called him a whore—”
“Among other things,” Wakko interjected.
“And then she verbally ripped me a new one. Then she said she wanted nothing to do with us, and left.”
“And here we are,” Wakko finished.
Scratchy was shocked. Not by Yakko and Wakko’s incestuous relationship, but by Dot’s reaction. He never thought he’d see the day the Warner trio broke up. He’d thought nothing could get in the way of their bond. Plainly, he’d been wrong. Now, sanity be damned, he needed to fix it.
They continued to discuss the details of the past few days until the timer beeped. Their hour was up.
“Vhat I think you should do is come in for a group appointment, maybe a few days from now, ja? Dot is staying vith the Nurse right now, but maybe you should take a short break from each ozher before confronting her.”
Yakko perked up. Yes! That was exactly what he needed. He was only likely to yell at Dot right now, which wouldn’t help them make amends any faster. He wondered why he hadn’t thought of it himself. And Wakko….Well, if Dot was still angry at him, he didn’t seem to be in any condition to take her on right now.
Yakko scheduled an appointment for two days from the present one.
The brothers arrived home shortly after 10:15. Tiredness finally kicked in, prompting Yakko to go back to bed until noon.
Wakko tried very hard to cuddle up to Yakko and do the same, but his body wouldn’t let him. Running to the bathroom to toss his cookies was really getting annoying, especially since he hadn’t even gotten to eat yet.
As he was wiping his mouth for what felt like the 785th time that morning, he noticed his gag bag behind the toilet. He also noticed that something was nearly falling out of it.
Wakko picked up the something, which was a small box with the words, “Mistake-Free Test” written on it. He recognized it as the pregnancy test from that commercial that only came on late at night; it was the one with the stream hitting the little plastic stick. He snickered inwardly. He never knew what would come out of the gag bag, did he?
Then Wakko’s thoughts came to a screeching halt. Usually, he pulled things out of the gag bag because he instinctively knew he needed them. Sometimes he didn’t know what exactly he needed, but just reached in and got the perfect tool for the situation.
The next few thoughts came slowly, but surely. He always pulled what he needed from the gag bag. He’d just pulled out a pregnancy test. A few days ago, he and Yakko did the dirty. Toon gestation was very different from human gestation….
Almost without thinking, Wakko sat on the toilet, pulled out the plastic stick, and peed on it. Then he waited the obligatory one minute for the results. While he was waiting, he read the instructions. Blue meant negative, pink meant positive.
Wakko checked his watch (which magically appeared on his wrist). Only twenty seconds had gone by. It was only a minute, yet it was taking a week.
Wakko alternated staring at his watch and staring at the stick. The last second of the minute ticked away. The result screen was still blue. Wakko’s heart soared.
Then it hit the ceiling and came plummeting back to earth as the screen suddenly turned from blue to pink.
Wakko snatched up the box. “Works in….one minute and one second?!” he read. “What the hell kind of random waiting time is that?!”
In the bedroom, Yakko couldn’t sleep. Despite his outward behavior, he really didn’t hold out much hope for getting Dot back. Sure, Scratchy was a good psychiatrist, but this whole incest thing was too big to be solved. Yakko couldn’t get rid of his feelings for Wakko using his journal, and Dot would never approve of their relationship. But what the hell, he’d give it a try. What did they have to lose?
Yakko finally realized that he wasn’t going back to sleep. He was too wired. So he decided to go in the bathroom and splash water on his face. Then maybe he’d stare intensely at his reflection while piano music played, possibly with a spinning effect.
When he got to the bathroom, the door was mostly closed, but through a tiny crack, he could see Wakko sitting in front of the toilet.
“Wakko?” Yakko called softly. Wakko didn’t answer. He seemed to have not even heard Yakko.
Yakko pushed open the bathroom door, fearing his brother was hurt, or even worse, that he’d hurt himself on purpose. “Wakko, are you okay?” he asked.
Wakko was sitting on the floor in front of the toilet, staring at something in he held in his hands. As Yakko came closer, he walked around in front of Wakko to see what he was holding, then stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what it was.
It was a pregnancy test.
Thinking fast, Yakko saw the instructions sitting on the counter, snatched them up, and started to speed-read them until Wakko spoke.
“It’s positive.”
Yakko turned around, absolutely speechless. Personally, he didn’t like these times when he could think of absolutely nothing to say and he didn’t like that they were becoming more common.
Then Wakko turned to look up at him with an utterly destroyed look on his face and the words came rushing back.
“Oh my god….I can’t believe I did this to you….It’s mine isn’t? Of course it is, you’ve never done that with anybody else. Oh god, I never wanted to hurt you. This is all my fault. What have I done? I never meant for you to go through all this. Oh god, what about Dot! She’s going to find out about it sooner or later. She’ll never approve. What have I done to you….”
To Wakko’s complete surprise, Yakko broke down and began to cry. Yakko had always tried to be the strong, fearless older brother, never letting anything bother him, always the optimist. And most importantly, he never cried. Now, he was curled up in the fetal position, bawling his eyes out. Wakko knew exactly what his brother needed and it wasn’t in the gag bag.
Yakko suddenly looked up to see Wakko walking towards him and putting his arms around him.
“Let me be the strong brother this time,” Wakko whispered.
Yakko succumbed to the embrace. His tears subsided slightly as Wakko quietly comforted him, assuring, “Everything’s going to be all right.”
The next day, they went to their group appointment and it went horribly. Dot showed up, no less angry about the situation. They had started to talk about the whole thing, until Yakko said that Dot had to know about a recent discovery.
The minute Wakko told Dot he was pregnant and it was Yakko’s child, any chance they had of getting Dot to move back in hurled itself out the window. She instantly went into “destroy Wakko mode,” calling him a “filthy strumpet” and then yelling at Yakko for being a “disgusting pervert.” Then she yelled about how Wakko should abort the fetus because no child deserved to have the disgrace of having such perverts for parents. Wakko ran crying into the inner office, while Yakko shouted Dot down for saying such horrible things. Soon, blows were exchanged and Scratchy had to pull Yakko and Dot off of each other while Hello Nurse comforted a wailing Wakko.
In the end, Dot refused to ever speak to her brothers again. A week later, she packed up her things and left Hello Nurse’s house for Domino City—located on the east coast of the United States, a whole continent’s width from Burbank.
Five years later, Yakko looked across the water tower at Wakko playing with their son, Zakko. He was a very healthy, happy child, especially since the nature of his parentage was kept a secret from him. Both brothers decided that until Zakko was old enough to understand, he was better off not knowing. They didn’t want to scar his little brain and make him feel like it was his fault Dot left, because it wasn’t. It wasn’t anyone’s fault.
Yakko gazed admiringly at Zakko. He was an adorable little pup; he looked just like Wakko, but he’d clearly inherited Yakko’s personality. He’d been talking since he was little more than a year old and he could always think of something funny to say. But sometimes, when he was lost in thought or asleep, his tongue would slip out of the corner of his mouth and he’d look even more like a mini-Wakko.
Then, if Zakko struck a cute pose after saying something particularly funny, he remind Yakko of Dot.
Yakko had to wonder how Dot was doing. Was she faring as well as he, Wakko, and Zakko were? Was she happy? Would they ever see her again? Would she change her mind if she could see how wonderful her nephew was?
Zakko came to sit on the couch and watch TV while Wakko went to check on dinner. Yakko had noticed that Wakko had changed significantly since Zakko was born. Sure he was still wacky, but not as much as he’d been before. He’d toned down the gross behavior as well, and seemed overall more mature. The only things that hadn’t changed was the fact that he kept his gag bag and he still wore his cap.
Yakko had changed, too. He was still talkative, but he greatly toned down the amount of off-color jokes he made. He’d also put his talents to use teaching Zakko the countries of the world, but of course, he had to update his song a little. And he and Zakko could talk for hours on end, while Wakko added to the conversation from time to time.
He’d also started wearing a shirt, but that was really not a big deal.
During a commercial break, Zakko went to go set the table. As he was going back into the living room, he noticed a picture hanging on the wall by the doorway. It was a peculiar picture. He figured it was from when his father and uncle were younger. Actually, they didn’t look too different from the way they did in the photo, so that was why he could recognize them.
In the photograph, three kids were posing. Yakko, on the left seemed to have a knowing smile on his face, like he’d just figured out something really funny. He had one hand in the pocket of his slacks, which were still too big for him. In the middle was Wakko, in his blue sweatshirt and red cap. He had a blissful expression on his face, his tongue dangling from the corner of his mouth. He held a humongous mallet behind his back.
The third kid, a girl, puzzled Zakko to no end. She resembled Dad and Uncle Yakko, but he’d never seen her before. In fact, he’d never even heard Wakko or Yakko mention a female Warner.
Yakko noticed Zakko looking at the picture and had to sigh. He’d tell him about Dot one day, he swore. But he just wasn’t ready right now.
“Uncle Yakko, who’s that girl with you and Dad?” Zakko finally asked.
Yakko gazed at the picture a few seconds longer before answering, “Someone we knew a very long time ago.”
The End
“Wait, wait, WAIT!”
In a white void, a tiny mammoth was yelling. The mammoth sat next to a teenaged girl, sitting cross-legged. The girl held a clipboard with a stack of filler paper and almost too-short-to-use pencil, which she’d dropped when the mammoth started yelling.
The mammoth, whose name was Hrothella, stood up, her hands on her hips. “You cannot end the story like that!”
The girl (whom we will call Fae), having recovered from the (very) slight surprise of the mammoth yelling, was unaffected. “And why not?” she responded dryly.
“Because it’s terrible! Sure, it’s written okay, but it’s the most depressing thing I’ve seen since I read Les Miserables!” Hrothella answered. “The Warner siblings break up forever? What kind of ending is that?”
“Uh….An emotionally moving ending?”
“Yes, but a really, really sad one!” Hrothella continued.
“So what’s your point?”
Hrothella sighed, exasperatedly. Humans could be so dense. “My point is that, yes, it’s okay to throw in a sad ending to a story here and there, but not in an Animaniacs fanfic! The Animaniacs are all about fun and zaniness—not this drama-soaked, so-soapy-you-could-wash-dishes-with-it depress-fest you just wrote! It has to be funny, wacky, happy!”
Fae raised an eyebrow. “So you want ‘zany?’”
“Happy?” The eyebrow twitched.
“Wacky?” The mouth twitched.
“Hells, yeah!” Hrothella jumped a foot off the bed, then noticed the crazy grin on Fae’s face. “Wait…What are you doing? What are you writing? Hey, don’t you ignore me, Missy! You’d better not cut me off with the next chapter—”
And the moral of today’s story is: Never go full Targaryen.
I haven't seen anyone else ponder this, so I guess I will.
Below are four screenshots from "Mouse Congeniality." Pinky and Brain have just gotten back from some crazy alternate timeline adventure that will remain unseen by the audience and Pinky just has a baby mouse covered in blue slime (that looks exactly like him) fall out of his ear and crawl away.

Also, apparently there was an octopus love interest. That Pinky was married to.
Did Pinky just brain-birth a clone baby like Zeus birthed Athena?
Further question: is this clone baby a mouse-passing tentacle boi?

a funny thing about small/niche fandoms--especially old ones-- is that you can easily become "the [x] weirdo" by accident simply by posting 3-5 fanfics of similar theme in the fandom over the space of a few months, and none of them have left the front page of the AO3 or tumblr fandom tag.
Now I just need to yell this at the critic inside my head.

Any character can be mpregged if you're not a fucking coward
Any pairing can be aroace if you're not a fucking coward
the point of art is not to be great but to make it transparently obvious that there is something wrong with you
Brotherly Love: All Three Warner Siblings Have Questionable Taste in Men (part three of seven)
Might as well release more of that old Yakko x Wakko fic into the world.
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Part one is here. Part two is here.
Content Warning: Consensual romantic relationship between two siblings; aged-up characters; questionable knowledge of psychology; godsawful usage of mid-noughties slang; citrus scale: lime (adult fun-time happens, but is not shown); however, the lead-up to the adult fun-time is described in detail; big emotions, including: *extremely Gonzo voice* GUILT and *extremely Septa Unella voice* SHAME SHAME SHAME (ding ding); animane-y, totally insane-y, Dot is slut-shame-y
For the next few days, the Warner brothers kept their romance on the D.L. Even when Dot was not in the room or asleep, they refrained from attempting to get in a quick kiss or cuddle.
However, the more they tried to hide it, the harder it got. Yakko wasn’t sure he could keep himself from giving Wakko seductive winks from across the room. Wakko wasn’t sure if he could keep himself from flat out glomping Yakko.
One day, Dot exclaimed, “There’s a Mel Gibson lovers’ convention this weekend!”
They were all sitting at the table, eating pizza for dinner. When Dot turned to look at the calendar, Wakko couldn’t help himself. He snuck a quick kiss on Yakko’s nose, then went back to devouring his pizza (and the box) long before Dot turned around again.
“I’ll definitely have to go to that,” Dot continued. “It starts on Friday and lasts until Monday.” She turned to her brothers. “Think you can survive without me for four days?”
Yakko and Wakko looked at each other. Four days….With nobody but themselves around.
“It’ll be tough, but I think we’ll manage,” Yakko said. “We wouldn’t want to keep you from your ‘future husband.’” He twiddled his fingers to add air quotes.
Dot playfully flicked Yakko’s nose. “A girl can dream, can’t she?” she said with a smile, then went to pack.
When Yakko was sure she was gone, he gently touched Wakko’s hand. “We’ll have the tower to ourselves for four whole days. Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
“Way ahead of you,” Wakko responded.
The next night, Friday, Dot left for the convention with Hello Nurse, who was also a fan. There weren’t any waterworks, but it still felt weird for the siblings, as they had never really been separated before.
However, Yakko and Wakko didn’t let the (very) slight separation anxiety get them down for long. First, they took their bath—with no interruptions and plenty more kissing.
That night, they sat together on Yakko’s bunk. They didn’t cuddle, they just sat in silence, enjoying the mere fact that they were alone together. It was almost as if they were waiting to see how long they could last without physical contact—or waiting for something to interrupt them just as it was getting good.
They weren’t waiting long, because after a few minutes, the brothers sprang up and went at each other more vigorously than they had before. Yakko ran his hands over Wakko’s ears, kissing his head as Wakko pulled Yakko on top of himself, licking Yakko’s neck as he moved.
Yakko began to get really into it. He eventually began to work his hands down Wakko’s body. He caressed the blue-clad arms, wishing he could touch the actual flesh. Wakko had moved south to kissing Yakko’s chest.
Yakko worked his way down until he got to Wakko’s waist. He suddenly stopped. Did he really want to undress his little brother? Was this really the right thing to do?
Wakko looked up at Yakko, puzzled. “Why’d you stop? It was getting really good.”
Yakko backed off, then sat back on his feet. “I think I got into it too much.”
“What do you mean?”
“I lost myself in the moment. I….I wanted to touch your body, and not just through your clothing, but I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do.”
Wakko lay in front of Yakko a few seconds longer, then took off his shirt. Yakko could almost feel a certain area in his pants start to grow. He looked down and realized that the protrusion was not, in fact, baloney in his slacks.
Wakko looked at Yakko’s crotch, then back up at Yakko. “We can take care of that.”
“That’s all well and good that you feel the same, but if we do this now, there’ll be no turning back. We’ll be up to our necks in the type of situation only allowed if our names were Ptolemy,” Yakko said, trying desperately to get it down. It wasn’t working. Wakko was being so calm, it was scary.
“Do I get to be Ptolemy I or do I have to play Ptolemy II?” Wakko asked. “Anyway, I don’t want to go back.”
“And we’re basically kids! I mean, we’re not really kids, seeing as how we’ve been around since the ‘30s, but we don’t exactly age normally, so we’ll always be forever young,” Yakko started rambling again.
Wakko sat up, his tail working its way up Yakko’s body.
“And what if you don’t like it? I mean, I’ll probably be fine, but what if we’re just not ready to go this far? It’ll be like I’m rap—”
Yakko was cut off by Wakko giving him a long sultry kiss, using that incredible tongue of his.
“I’m ready. You wouldn’t be raping me, we’re technically both adults, I don’t care if you’re my brother, and nobody’s going to find out. Really, Yakko, it’s going to be okay. Now please,” Wakko’s voice shook slightly, “just give it to me.”
Yakko felt a slight pressing on his leg. It took him a while to realize that that wasn’t Wakko’s tail.
He looked back at Wakko. He could see the longing in his eyes. He began to wonder how long he’d felt this way. Was he feeling this way longer than Yakko had? How much longer?
“You’ve felt this way for much longer than I have, haven’t you?” Yakko found himself asking. “You’ve had to hide it all this time.”
Wakko looked away. “You’re having second thoughts, aren’t you? You think I’m disgusting.”
“No, I don’t. I just didn’t want to do something that might hurt you,” Yakko soothed, putting his hands on Wakko’s naked shoulders. “But clearly not doing this now would be detrimental to your sanity.”
Wakko grinned up at Yakko. “I have no sanity.”
“Which is why I’m concerned. It’s illegal to do the horizontal hokey-pokey with a crazy person,” Yakko said.
“You’re not exactly sane yourself.”
“Right you are, little brother.”
And with that, Wakko proceeded to show Yakko just how insane he could get.
Dot entered the dark water tower as quietly as possibly, in case her brothers were asleep.
The convention hadn’t been as fun as she’d thought it would be. Sure, Mel Gibson was there, but with the huge lines of people, one could barely get five seconds with the guy. Then he had to leave early to work on another movie—something about “passion.”
“Speaking of passion,” Dot thought, taking out her newly autographed photo of Mel Gibson, “I wonder where I could put this up. I’m running out of room over my bed.”
Dot shrugged, put the picture back in its folder, then continued to her room. “I’ll figure it out later.”
As she was putting her things away, she noticed Yakko and Wakko in the same bunk again. Wakko was snuggled up against Yakko, surprisingly not wearing his red cap.
“Well, that’s a first. He never takes that thing off,” Dot thought.
Just like the other night, Yakko had his arm around Wakko in the same protective manner.
“Wakko seems to be having a lot of nightmares lately,” Dot thought, climbing onto her bunk. “I wonder what he and Yakko have been watching while I was gone.”
Had Dot looked more closely, she would have noticed that both Yakko and Wakko were naked.
The next morning, Yakko didn’t get to watch Wakko sleeping at all, because Wakko woke up first.
Wakko stared up at his sleeping brother, his eyes travelling up and down the arm around his own body. He smiled just as lovingly as Yakko had when he was in this situation, only Wakko’s smile was more dopey due to his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.
He was deeply in love with his older brother. He’d still be in love with Yakko even if they weren’t doing all these fun things together. But Wakko needed to get physical with Yakko. He’d never been much for words, but if he could show Yakko how much he loved him, his message would get through.
He felt the arm under him stir as Yakko began to wake up.
Yakko carefully moved his arm so he could prop himself and look at Wakko. “So, about last night,” he started with a grin.
“Was I good?” Wakko asked hopefully.
“Good? You were wonderful! I don’t really have any idea of how it should have gone, but I don’t care! The nipple-honking was a nice touch, too.” Yakko moved in closer.
Wakko moved even closer to Yakko. “Are you up for another round?”
“When do you want it?” Yakko took his brother into his arms.
Dot was in the bathroom, going about her cuteness routine. This involved showering, washing her hair, blow-drying and combing, a blood sacrifice to Venus, and brushing her teeth before finally picking an outfit and flower scrunchie.
Just as she was about to get into the shower, she realized she’d forgotten her blow-dryer in the bedroom. She could always get it after her shower, but then her hair would drip all over the floor and leave a wet trail, and they had a house rule about no pratfalls before 10:00 AM.
“I’d better get it now.” She headed to the bedroom.
When she arrived at the door, she sensed she should stop. She stopped and heard Yakko and Wakko talking through the partially opened door.
She peeked through the crack and saw Wakko standing, stark naked, in front of Yakko. And Yakko didn’t seem as freaked out as he had the last time Wakko stood around naked. In fact, he looked like he liked it.
“Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Yakko was saying, fanning himself, supposedly at Wakko.
“It’s both of us.” To Dot’s shock, Wakko’s voice had taken on a sultry tone.
Then Wakko went over to Yakko and began to kiss him—on the lips.
Dot watched in horror as Yakko picked Wakko up and put him on the bed, while Wakko had his hands firmly around Yakko’s waist. By the looks on their faces and the movement of their mouths, she could tell that Wakko’s tongue had decided to pay Yakko’s mouth a visit.
Dot turned away from the door. She couldn’t go in there now. She couldn’t even think of what to say.
“What the hell was that?!” Dot thought. “Yakko and Wakko—disgusting! How could they do such a thing?! I thought Yakko knew better than that! And Wakko’s pretty gross, but even that’s nasty for him!”
Dot wanted to kick the door down and yell at them, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. “I don’t even know what to say to them, I’m so angry. I can’t even bear to look at them right now.”
Dot ran back to the bathroom to take a nice long shower.
Wakko sat in the kitchen, in his pajamas.
Shortly after they’d finished kissing, Yakko went out to get the paper. Wakko spent time finding his cap (it’d fallen under the bed the night before) and made the bed, something he rarely did.
Whe he finished, he went to brush his teeth, but the bathroom was occupied. He’d figured Yakko had gotten the paper and needed to go, so he decided to eat first, since he was pretty hungry.
They had forgotten to buy cereal, so Wakko found a box of ramen noodles and nuked them (in the microwave, not with a literal nuclear weapon).
He was about halfway finished when a half-soaked figure marched into the kitchen.
It was Dot.
“You tongue-sucking harlot!” Dot screamed. She’d been unable to quit thinking about her brothers and as she showered, she’d only gotten angrier.
“How could you do that with Yakko?! Don’t you have any decency?! He’s your goddamn brother, for Pete’s sake! You just seduced him like some twopence trollop! Do you even understand what you’ve done? You don’t, do you?! I thought you were just gross, but now I know you’re an incestuous WHORE!” Dot shouted. She’d never been so angry at her brothers in her life.
There was silence as she caught her breath and Wakko stared at her with a look of absolute terror on his face.
“And you’re not a college student, so why are you eating ramen for breakfast?!” Dot hollered before stomping out of the room.
And the moral of today's story is: If you catch your brothers making out with each other, take a shower, but be careful not to drip water everywhere. Safety is important.
i fucking hate that chicken nugget meme so much. it is butchering a classic song. what did the catalogue of rednex ever do to deserve this. why. WHY. cotton eye joe is an absolute banger masterpiece and this travesty happens to it. absolutely PISSED all over it like an elephant drinking a swimming pool. no, to make that comparison is an insult to the elephant. it is an insult to elephant piss. the elephant's urethra is offended. disgraceful. DISGUSTING.
Disclaimer these are just a small sampling of some possible writer traits I’ve noticed either in myself or in fics I read. Also consider a rb for sample size !
oh oh another one
(reposted here because I think this is too good to be attached to that insane oldfic I posted)
I have this theory that the Warner siblings are Set animals (like from ancient Egyptian lore), so the rules of mere mortals don't apply to them. One of Set's many domains is disorder and chaos, so I think it checks out.
Or, maybe they're the offspring of Set (conceived while he was in his animal form, so that's why they resemble Set animals) and the Hounds of Tindalos. That's why they have to be kept in the round Warner Brothers Tower--there are no corners through which they can escape (but they've found other ways of getting out).
But they're not malicious like the Hounds are said to be; they're just a little mischievous.
Or maybe there's some Fair Folk in there too, I don't know.
Animaniacs headcanon
While other people are sent into a gibbering spiral at the sight of eldritch beings, Dot can just calmly carry on a conversation with them. Sometimes, they even decide to go home with her and be her pet.
She would charm the tentacles off of Cthulhu.
look at his little face

Day 825 of posting pictures of elephants.
Source: Instagram