Dang Heng - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
"My Past Enemies Are Either Dead Or Captured, And Mypast Friendsare Scattered To The Winds. Now That
"My Past Enemies Are Either Dead Or Captured, And Mypast Friendsare Scattered To The Winds. Now That
"My Past Enemies Are Either Dead Or Captured, And Mypast Friendsare Scattered To The Winds. Now That
"My Past Enemies Are Either Dead Or Captured, And Mypast Friendsare Scattered To The Winds. Now That

"My past enemies are either dead or captured, and my past friends are scattered to the winds. Now that I think about it, I am indeed an old man..."

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1 year ago

honkai star rail summary

#expresstrio ???? cause they're ot3 polybabies

Honkai Star Rail Summary
Honkai Star Rail Summary

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1 year ago

How to Make the Most of a Rainy Day(SFW)

A/N: Ding Dongggg! I finally finished my gift for squealing santa! Here is my gift for @xsezzie! So sorry you are just getting your gift love, but I hope you like it and enjoy, and I hit all the points on the list for you! Also speaking and claiming you have a wonderful New Year hun! This was so much fun and my first time writing for Honkai Star Rail and my most fav characters! Thank you so much at @squealing-santa Hypah for hosting the event this year and being gosh darn amazing!!!

Prompt for Honkai Star Rail: Rainy day in bed cuddles. One in the mood for tickles and trying to get them from the other. 

Pairing: Jing YuanxDan Heng

Synopsis: On a stormy day Jing Yuan is living up to his moniker Dozing General a bit too much. Dan Heng feels he should challenge that title and make the most of this quiet moment indoors.


With the sound of rain and thunder pounding outside, it was the worst weather to be out in if you were trying to run errands and complete tasks and objectives. Yet, it was the best type of weather if you were indoors, in a dark cool bedroom wrapped in the embrace of your lover sleeping so soundly.

A wonderful way to enjoy a lazy and relaxing day in bed after a long mission.

Dan Heng was starting to stir, yet refused to get up from his current position. He laid curled against Jing Yuan, the general having his arms wrapped around his waist, providing an ample amount of warmth that made him snuggle more into his embrace, sighing contently. Though as he laid there he felt himself begin to wake up more.

“Mmn..” Jing Yuan barely stirred and only pulled Dan Heng closer, his sigh tickling Dan Heng’s ear as the air whistled past.

The raven released a quiet chuckle as he gazed at the general in fondness and amusement. “You’re really living up to the moniker of Dozing General…” he reached up and brushed bangs from his brow. “Jing…” The other still did not stir leaving Dan Heng to quietly stare at the other. Making a note of certain things as he continued gentle caresses across his face. He smiled when the other’s brow twitched at his touch. He trailed his finger light to the bridge of Jing Yuan nose and the man groaned lightly. “Jing Yuan…how long do you plan to sleep?” He asked softly sitting up.

“Mnn…” Jing Yuan opened one eye, still full of sleep, as he gazed at the raven with all the warmth. “Are we due to be anywhere any time soon?” He asked his voice groggy and low, tinted with teasing.

Dang Heng raised a brow at his question. “Uh…No.” As soon as he answered he gasped as he was pulled back down into the covers. “Jing Yaun do you really plan to sleep all day?” He asked, only to blush as his forehead was kissed.

Grinning, he moved close and whispered in his ear. “No, I plan to spend all day with you…Right here… In this room.” He nipped at his ear, chuckling when the raven flinched. “And maybe fall asleep again.” He nuzzled his face in the crook of his neck.

A puff soft laughter left him as his neck was nuzzled. “We can’t stay in bed all day…”Dang Heng rolled his eyes yet his stare softened as he ran fingers through his long white hair. It was moments like these that he enjoyed, content he was the only one privy to them. He blinked and began to squirm when he felt little kisses and nibbles to his neck making him release small puffs of chuckles. “Pft…haha J-Jing!”

“Mnn…Can’t we…” He mumbled against his neck as he continued his actions.

The raven didn’t mind the actions, in fact he very much enjoyed the cuddling and tickles he received. The playful touch wasn’t requested by word of mouth but more with action. Sometimes Jing Yuan had this knack to be too perceptive in picking up his unspoken requests. 

So, if they were going to spend the day like this together in each other's arms whispering some words here and there, with some teasing added. 

He wasn’t against being in bed all day.


“Ah Jing? Jing Yuan? Are you sleeping?” A light snore and mumble was his answer. “You started and didn't even continue…” He mumbled flicking the charioteer on the nose, watching as he scrunched up his face, but did not wake up. 

‘That won’t do.’ Dang Heng thought with a small sigh. He really wanted for things to continue. He could go read, or go to the training hall, or-.


He didn’t feel like training or reading. Smiling with a bit of coyness, Dan Heng had something much better in mind.

Teasing his lover awake.

Dan Heng adjusted in his lover’s grasp, from the position they were in, it would be easy to carry out what he wanted. To begin, he let a finger trace a feathery path from his cheek to his brow.

“Mnn…” Jing Yuan mumbled hiding his face in Dang Heng’s neck. “Dan-Dan…quit…” was the tired response before the general was snoring again.

Perking up only to deflate, Dan Heng thought of what to do next. “Hmm…?” Ah, his ear was peekng out from white tresses. Eyes sparkling he let his finger scratch under the ear lobe before dragging along the shell he was pleased when Jing Yuan flinched.

“Erm…” Jing Yuan released a breathy laugh yet did not stir further, only rubbing his ear.

Dan Heng let his other hand trail to his side clawing lightly and dragging his nails down his back, he could feel the white haired man flinch with each light tickle he gave. Usually he was the one on the receiving end, so to find out that his dear dozing general was ticklish too. Heh, this was better than any training or book. “Hmm...won’t you wake up?” He asked softly blowing on a pale ear, and his fingers lightly dancing down to his lower back.

“Pft..hrmf…” A grumbled chuckle left past his lips. As Jing Yuan wiggled his body to get away from his touch, Dan Heng hands followed. Alternating between soft and hard tickles, his hands moving fast one moment then slowly.

“Hahaha…” The deep and velvety laughter that he loved came forth. “D-Dahaha-stop thahahat…” His body shook adding to Dan Heng mirth.

“Mnn stop what?” He asked softly, whispering in his ear and nipping his ear lobe. Suddenly his hands were seized and pinned and he was staring up into gilded gold.”Ah…oh… you woke back up.”

“You mean you woke me up,” Jing Yuan responded, laughter still present in his voice. “It seems I need to entertain you…throughly.” He emphasized his soothing voice masking his mischief.

“You don’t have to,” Dan Heng said though his words were the opposite of what he wanted.

Jing Yuan shook his head.“Oh no no dearest,” His voice still held sleep but all the promise to return what was given. “Who am I to deny my lover attention that he obviously craves.” He leaned in close releasing Dan Heng’s hands. “I’m quite surprised by such pluck, but I’ll happily give you what you want.” He purred in Dan Heng’s ear, his hand slowly clawing his side traveling to his back.

Dan Heng was so caught up in his voice, he had no time to react. “Hgn pft-W-Wait…pft!” He bit on his lip to stop the laughter that wanted to spill out, his shoulders shaking as he squirmed to get out of the general’s hold.

“Oh? Are you trying not to laugh?” He moved his hands to his ribs. “That won’t do!” His soft smile remained as his hands dug into his sides and stomach.

“Haha! Mmnf haha!” breathy and smooth laughter left him in spurts as he twisted in the general’s hold, yet he never tried to push him away or stopping his actions. “Nhahahaha!”

“Oh it seems you like when I do this.” Jing Yuan vibrated his fingers in divuts of his hips, smiling at the way the raven’s face was flushed with tint of red. Also his laughter wasn’t boisterous or overly loud, but quiet, airy, and not too deep. There was also a hiccup in his laugh each time he pinched his hips. Chuckling as Dan Heng turned on his stomach, Jing Yuan couldn’t help, but curl his fingers against the Vidyadhara’s torso keeping up his tickling. At the same time, he kissed the back of his neck and tangling their legs together.

“Ahahaha ahh mnn J-Jing!” He put his face in the pillow to smother his laugh yet the kissing to his neck made him shiver in delight. Jerking slightly on initial contact, his clothes were thin, not providing ample protection as he felt the tickles starting. "A-aahah....ah!" He was instinctively holding it in as much as he could, but knew in no time that this man was skilled with his hands. "Eheheheh ahJihihihc-hic ahah oh ohh my goshhaha!" Giggles broke out soon enough, the raven's legs twisting and his arms finally coming in somewhat as a defense mechanism.

“Yes?” the general drawled out, his own ears heating up a little as he leaned down again, peppering the other man's neck in kisses to his hearts content. "Oooh tickle tickle mmmwah mwah mwah mwah hahaha!" He was delighted to keep this up, hands working to get under the man and tickle at his belly, feeling his shirt riding up and aiming to taste that delicate skin with his fingertips. At the same time his opposing hand shot up into one of Dan Heng's armpits the second he had an opening.

“HYAH!” Shoot up like a stalk a silent yelp left Dan Heng and he squirmed trying to clamp his arm down. “Hahahaha plehehehease!” He bounced. "Nohohohooh!" As he laid there being tortured out of his mind late into the rainy day when both of them should be doing something productive.

Dan Heng felt himself grow warm and giddy at this physical attention he was getting. This is what he what he wanted and desired but he was too stubborn to confess or even demand such a thing. Despite loving the playful action from his lover, too shy to ask for something like this on the regular so he would simply tease or initiate the play. Always loved the reaction from his lover. "Puahaha JinGiGIHIHIHIHI!NOHOHOHOHOHO! STAHAHAHAHAP!" he cackled as his hips and knees were targeted. "It Tihihihickles!" He wiggled and squirmed.

“Hahaha it's supposed to tickle my Dan-Dan.” Jing Yuan laughed softly himself and toned down the tickles to rubbing. His warm gaze settled on the red face of the panting raven beauty before him. “My how the tables have turned heh,” He gave a sweet kiss to panting lips. “I’ll give you a break for now, yet later I’m going to explore more of those tickle spots on you.”

Dan Heng gave a small grin as he released snickered at the idea. “Mnn, haah that’s fine,” he reached up caressing his cheek. “At least, I know how to keep you awake.” He said with some coyness making the general chuckle before they were wrapped up in each other’s arms again.

The storm outside continued to rage, yet the sound of quiet whispers of words and the occasional laughter filled the room adding to the atmosphere.

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1 year ago
The Most Beautiful Vidyadhara

The most beautiful vidyadhara

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