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The fucking 1000-yard stare 💀

Mecha Mecha Kyun!
Mecha Mecha Kyun!

Mecha mecha kyun!

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11 months ago

anyone else get bored and take morality quizes as chracters they like? No? Just me? Anyways heres the results

Anyone Else Get Bored And Take Morality Quizes As Chracters They Like? No? Just Me? Anyways Heres The

(more precise info under cut)

here's the quizz in question btw:

and the more precise results!

The lawful good peeps are,

March 7th (100% good 39.2% lawful),

and Welt (85% good 47.5% lawful)

Acording to the testn; people who are Lawful Good believe that an orderly, strong society with a moral government can work to make life better for the great majority of the people. When the laws are fair, the people respect them,and try to help one another, humanity as a whole prospers. Therefore, people who are Lawful Good strive for a social order that will bring the greatest benefit to everyone and cause the least harm. Lawful Good personalities may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma of whether to obey the law or do good when the two conflict. For example, when upholding the law of the land would lead to unfairness or harm or when there is a conflict between two orders of what is right, such as between the ways of their community and the law of the government.

the Neutral good queen is Himeko (47.5% good and 30.8% chaotic)

According to the test being neutral good is for people who are guided by their conscience and typically act altruistically, with only secondary regard for whether their actions are lawful or in line with cultural expectations or traditions. Neutral Good individuals have no problems with what is lawful as such, and nor are they rebels by nature, but they believe in furthering kindness and good deeds through whatever means seem necessary to them. If fostering good means supporting an organized society, then that is what must be done. If good can only come about through the overthrow of the existing social order, then so be it. For many who are Neutral Good, insistence on either lawfulness or rebellion is seen as detriments to or distractions from the greater goal of promoting true kindness in the world.

Obviously the trash racoons where gonna be chaotic good so Caelus and Stelle both score 68.3% in the good catergory and 43.3% in the chaotic department (lower then I thought tbh-)

this implies that

The are strong individualists marked by a streak of benevolence. They believe in the greater good and being kind to others but have little use for laws and regulations. Their actions are guided by their own moral compass which, although benevolent, may not always align with the rest of society. They place a high value on freedom, not only for themselves but for others as well. Chaotic Good individuals intend to do what is right, but their methods are generally disorganized and may lead to conflict when they come into contact with those who prefer extensive organization and planning.

and least but not least the grumpy man in true neutral Dan Heng (22.5% good and 14.2% lawful)

Meaning that people who are true neutral such as Mr. Dan Heng himself believe in the ultimate balance of forces, and they refuse to see actions as either good or evil. True Neutral individuals do their best to avoid siding too strongly with any one force, whether that force is good or evil, lawful or chaotic. For this reason, True Neutral personalities sometimes find themselves drawn into rather peculiar alliances, friendships, and life paths. To a great extent, they side with the underdog, sometimes even changing sides as the previous loser becomes the winner. Such people often see good, evil, chaos, and laws as simply prejudices that lead to dangerous extremes. Like the Taoist masters of ancient China, they tend to believe that the universe functions best when the light and the dark, the yin and the yang, are in balance.

Anyways thats all and I'm still bored so expect our buds the stelleron hunters soon

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7 months ago

The Astral Express (Family) 🥺🥺

The Astral Express (Family)

By themselves!

The Astral Express (Family)
The Astral Express (Family)
The Astral Express (Family)
The Astral Express (Family)
The Astral Express (Family)
The Astral Express (Family)

Extra trash sibs duo bc why not lol

The Astral Express (Family)

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1 year ago


I Will Make Him A Third Wheel

I will make him a third wheel

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I Just Want A Beautiful Hot Evil Woman That Would Care For Me Even If I Was A Broke Trash Racoon Am I

i just want a beautiful hot evil woman that would care for me even if i was a broke trash racoon am i asking too much

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1 year ago



⚠🐉 eaten

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10 months ago

I just thought of a little fun Stelle/Trailblazer headcannon

When the Trailblazer is excited: Little yellow sparkles float around their head from the path of harmony

When the Trailblazer is angry: Little sparks of flames sprout from their hands, hot enough to melt only a little metal from the path of preservation

When the Trailblazer is pumped: they glow a dim silver reminiscent of their bat from the path of destruction

Etc. Etc. When more paths are unlocked

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10 months ago
Racoon!Stelle X Artist!Lumine, But Poorly Drawn And Done Lazily (photo Taken By Photographer Yours Truly

Racoon!Stelle x Artist!Lumine, but poorly drawn and done lazily (photo taken by photographer yours truly March 7th, I mean). Have what you will :) also Lumine is standing on an invisible step ladder.

I'm going to release a fic based on this on AO3 (probably, don't quote me on that). Stelle x Lumine = Stellumi. Please help me keep this ship alive :(

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5 months ago

Honkai Star Rail x Sims 4 | Trailblazer

The Trailblazer (mc) does not have a room on the astral express so i recreated the Goethe hotel room they stay in belebog (their first actual room)

Honkai Star Rail X Sims 4 | Trailblazer
Honkai Star Rail X Sims 4 | Trailblazer
Honkai Star Rail X Sims 4 | Trailblazer

for reference ~

Honkai Star Rail X Sims 4 | Trailblazer
Honkai Star Rail X Sims 4 | Trailblazer
Honkai Star Rail X Sims 4 | Trailblazer

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5 months ago
... In My Head It Was Better.

... in my head it was better.

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6 years ago
Quando Cammini Cercando Di Scomparire Tra La Folla Non Funziona, Come Se Tu Portassi Un Segno, Una Melodia

Quando cammini cercando di scomparire tra la folla non funziona, è come se tu portassi un segno, una melodia dentro di te, una di quelle che non si sente con le orecchie, ma si guarda con gli occhi

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