Danny Doesnt Know Bruces Other Identity But When Danny And Batman Are At The Watchtower - Tumblr Posts
Some silly thoughts that I randomly got while my eyes are growing heavy....
Bruce had not (or probably forgot to) announce that he had a new kid, which is Danny Fenton so now, Danny has three secret identities.
Also, Bruce doesn't know about Fenton being Phantom.
And also, Danny got adopted solely because right after he fought Skulker and Desiree, he ended up being in Gotham. With his powers being short circuited a few times during the fight, he looked like a homeless beggar, beaten up and everything in his human form. Even at the end of the battle, his powers had not let up just yet, fortunately he was able to soup both of the ghosts with his thermos.
So while walking down the streets, it was night time, some thug came and tried to mug the boy only to be rescued by Batman since he was on patrol.
And Danny being Danny, lies elegantly. Now, Batman and his best friend Paranoia, advised and guided Danny to a manor and there, history begins.
All because Danny lied about having no parents when in truth, Maddie and Jack were all waiting for him to come back for dinner. (they knew of his ghostly powers)
Danny doesn't know Bruce being Batman, and Batman doesn't know Danny being Phantom.
Danny Fenton
Danny Wayne
Danny Phantom
Danny kept persuading Bruce to let him go to Amity Park since he always wanted to stay there (also cuz he can't stay out of his Haunt for too long) and Bruce let's him.... Without forgetting to give him allowance.
Sooner or later, Danny gets a call from Bruce, the man usually calls or Danny calling him cuz their family now and all that and they would talk casually and stuff cuz for some reason, Bruce can't get past a firewall that's protecting Amity Park and all of its residents are there getting their online acc being protected as well.
And Danny expected Bruce to ask him how it was going on his side but then was taken aback cuz the man invited him to the manor for a family night.
With much consideration, Danny agreed. Only to be surprised that Danny wasn't the only kid cuz there are other look-alikes sprawling around the manor.
So the guilt he has inside his heart dissipated cuz a part of the reason why he signed the adoption papers was that he thought Bruce was a lonely man and he had a different vibe than Vlad and on the plus side, he could show off the adoption papers at Vlad.
The Batkids stared at the new kid, glaring at Bruce as to who is he while the man himself was confused as well, did he not tell them? He thought. And no, no he did not.