smashalcbkwndbdkand you'll get the joke in the future, future me
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Laxxarian - Feylin - Tumblr Blog
I like the idea that Clockwork who was new to the job was a little bit of a troublemaker and forgetful at times.
(I'm imagining that he used to be a human who just really loved clocks and used time to his advantage, planning and scheduling and stuff like that. And when he died, he became a ghost whose obsession is time and over time, he became a master. It's kinda like Danny who keeps getting new powers and gets stronger by the day)
Meaning that he'd forget about watching over the timelines or that he forgets what he was supposed to watch out for while seeing one timeline getting wrecked.
Meaning that the Observants are always there with Clockwork parenting him how to do the job.

Each time Clockwork says that question, it's either
A. Clockwork forgot his duties after playing hooky
B. Clockwork failed to save a timeline and now he's hiding that fact
C. Clockwork got tired and went high because he got no day-off
D. Other
Tim Drake-centric fic prompt that I really really wanna read about specifically but can't find one
Where after Tim got beaten up by this new guy Red Hood, Tim already knew that he was Jason and let's Hood beat him up and after that, Tim plans to let Hood slowly come back to the family.
Just stable enough for Bruce and Jason to talk once more and that's when Tim will slowly fade from the Wayne family.
Tim believed himself as only a business partner, a colleague and employee, not a family. And besides, he only became Robin because Batman needed Robin but now that Red Hood came back, there was no need for Tim. But he has to stay for a few more days or so just in case (or maybe it's him not wanting to give this up).
And then Damien came who then pulled a Red Hood on Tim again for the Robin title.
Tim let's Damien have it by the end of it tho since he remembers that his original plan from the very beginning of becoming a Robin was to only help Batman stabilize and Batman seems to have got it already.
Now Tim starts to see the Wayne's less and less and the family starts to notice this too so they try and investigate (stalking) Tim by observing where he's going, what he does and what new hobbies his got going.
The family found him dating someone.
The family caught Tim something something really big and surprising that I can't even say
Danny Phantom gets to join the JL and the team thinks he's a literal ghost since whenever they have fought an enemy, Danny never seemed to bleed red but then something happened.
Danny started screaming and even bleeding red, and the one who took a shot at him was the GIW.
The only reason why Danny wasn't fully harmed before because no one has an ecto gun to actually harm him but the GIW does.
And then, GIW placed a collar on him that turns him back into a human.
Fun Danny at a gala with Vlad
Vlad is on his way of his redemption arc and invited Danny at a gala that Vlad was invited on at Wayne Manor, and Danny thought splitting would be okay again.
So now Danny is here.... The Fun Danny and Fun Danny is not having fun cuz of the suit and all.
Where is the Hero Danny? He's floating around the Manor invisible just in case he sees a villain trying to mess things up cuz apparently, villains tend to attack.
Vlad said it's unnecessary since, you know, Vlad "Ex-creep dracula villain" Masters is here to protect if anything bad happens.
But anyways, Vlad didn't want to meet Bruce but had to come cuz Vlad's got a reputation to keep and Danny was curious about this and sees Brucie Wayne persona and reminded him a liiitttllee bit of Jack Fenton so Fun Danny came to relax a bit and talked with Brucie while Vlad avoids the man and went to get some punch.
Brucie: I didn't know Vlad had a son?
Fun Danny, who likes to exaggerate a lot and mess around: He wished I was so he kidnapped me.
Brucie, thinking it was some inside joke: Oh? When did that happen?
Fun Danny: When he finally stops trying to kill my dad, marry my mom and cloning me.
Brucie, who is now realizing that this kid may not be lying but also lying: That's... That's strange...?
Fun Danny: Could be worse— *Cue on the ceiling gets broken due to Hero Danny's impact falling*
Hero Danny, who is wrestling a villain: Run, weak humans! Theres a villain!
Fun Danny, who is looking at Hero Danny and Hero Danny catching the eye contact: Oh no.
Hero Danny: You! Normal citizen I never heard or met before! You gotta help me!
Fun Danny: Really?! Me?? Why not Vlad!?
Hero Vlad: I see no hero in him
Vlad: I heard that!
Skulker went to Danny and Denny expected a fight
But Skulker only asked Danny for his help, Skulker wanted peace —as in rest in peace. He doesn't want to be a ghost much longer but he doesn't know how to complete his "Greatest Hunter" obsession, he isn't even sure if he's doing it right. Most ghosts don't.
Danny suggested to look his last with CW but no ghosts could find CW so Danny took it upon himself to look through it himself.
Skulker actually died as a child.
His father was a hunter.
Clockwork could only show Danny how Skulker died which is through starvation. Why starvation? Because during the hunting season, Skulker and his father were in the woods when the father was accidentally shot by another hunter. The hunter who shot the father ran away, not knowing that there was a child next to the bleeding father.
Skulker was sickly, frail and isn't really fit to hunt, he was even using prosthetic legs to help himself to walk.
Skulker tried to get help but the father stopped him, saying that it's too dangerous and that bears and reindeers could be anywhere in this deep woods, and Skulker might get lost. So, in order for Skulker to survive, the father used up his very last energy to find a hiding spot for the boy to wait out for any rescuers.
Rescuers didn't come and Skulker could only weep and cuddle on his father's corpse. It felt like he was home again, safe and sound with his father.
Dani grew up and became a mother
Danny finally lifted the ecto-laws with the help of Jazz, Sam and Tucker a few years back just so Dani could live and explore freely without hiding. And the law that is being added now is about meta protecting thing and Dani is considered as one.
Now, Dani's life became peaceful, finds a man and ends up marrying and gave birth to a son named Bruce.
Last name? Wayne.
When Danny found out that Dani was killed, he mourned for her death and wanted to care for her child that was left alone in the world but couldn't because he was finally fully dead and also a king so all he could do was ask CW for a favor.
Clockwork knew that this would happen and that's why Alfred exists in the Wayne Manor.
Danny was planning a way to get to the living realm since there's no longer a portal that his family made.
So when he did manage to find one, a side effect got him de-aged and turned back to his 13 years old self when he should be around 30-40's already. He theorized that it may be because that's when he became a halfa.
But anyways, Danny tries to visit by knocking on the door. That's what he remembers.
Danny vividly remembers knocking on the door first only to be swiped fast by multiple hands of kids by the oldest to youngest.
Apparently, they all saw him walking up to the gate and saw his features, noting that he may be the next child of the manor.
Dick: Hey, B. You gonna adopt the guy?
Bruce: *stares at the oddly, eerily, familiar boy* do I know you from somewhere?
Danny: Baby B, it's me, your grandma's brother, Danny.
Tim: *Drinking his fifth coffee* Excuse me, what?
Danny: These must be my great-grandnephews/nieces! It's nice to know you're doing well then.
Bruce: You're alive?!?
Danny: No. But I came back to see if you're good. I'm sorry it took me long to get here.
Jason: Hold it. What do you mean by that?
Danny as a background npc of Tucker's and Sam's stream
It all started with Tucker and Sam having an idea to go live streaming to promote their beliefs like Sam with her eco-friendly stuff and her defense technique tidbits and Tucker's meat importance and also some tech tidbits.
Both streams were getting views, a whole lot to a point where the two were so popular that some haters would try and expose them, even tried to hack but is shamefully failed because for some reason, each time they tried to search about this Amity Park, their screens would glitch and the like. It's like the firewall is protecting all residents from the outside world which got the viewers questioning but Tucker and Sam didn't know anything about that, not even Danny who suddenly popped in on their stream.
slam12kki: WHOS THAT???
dragonobsessed_coffee: ....someone needs some explaining to do...just in case.
animalkingdom123: No
Bruce_W: Hey, the kid's look a lot like...
animalkingdom123: NO
blueM0nk3y: YES
Llupex0x: only one things that needs to check out
While the chat was booming, Sam and Tucker is in a collab this time and is in Danny's house when Danny first popped in and so is Jack and Maddie with some snacks, and seeing Jack's features and personality the chat went wild.
Llupex0x: lmao, nvm
viviran76: we're gonna hav to weyt
OPrtx: wats wrong wit u??
Everyone is thinking that Jack may be a cousin or something but the thing is, the Fentons are in no way related to Bruce at all. Sam and Tucker was confused but shrugged it off.
Anyways, continuing on, another collab was set again and this time, Danny popped in casually with an angry look, not noticing that Sam and Tucker was still live but the two didn't mind and had their focus shifted to Danny and Danny started complaining about ecto-acts and how he can't go a day without getting shot and hunted down by Skulker who wants his pelt.
The Batfam who watches this got concerned.
Then another collab was set outside and Danny was seen in the background with a strange belt on and he looks like he's being chased and beaten up, Danny wasn't just running, he was also fighting back and all. The one who is fighting him is Vlad who also has a strange belt on and is now using an ecto gun, but nobody knows that, what they do know is that the man is carrying a gun and is actively shooting it at Danny and Danny also has a gun with him and a bat.
Vlad and Danny exchanges blows, the JL are now concerned.
Sam and Tucker are just continuing their live cuz they thought it would be perfect if they could ask for help with this type of proof (they can't seem to find anyone to come help in their aid and was dismissed as kids prank)
Another collab was set up once more, and this time, Sam and Tucker wasn't shown. What it did show was Maddie and Jack trying to fight the men in white while Jazz tries to get Danny out of.... chains?? and Danny is also inside of a cage??? looks beaten up and bleeding.
Sam and Tucker was sending proof.
But that was in 1990's and the heroes and the viewers saw the video in 2020's already
I still don't get why Vlad was spared even after Dan was all powerful already and could've killed the guy. But then again, I don't remember much from that episode.
I just thought that maybe after killing Danny, Dan actually sobered enough to be able to stop himself from killing Vlad or because Plasmius was powerful enough to make Dan not kill Vlad.
Then I thought, maybe Vlad is only alive because Dan didn't mind killing Danny and Plasmius isn't really there anymore and Dan spared Vlad because there's this obsession thing that people talks about like Danny has an obsession to protect so Dan protects Vlad but Plasmius has an obsession to probably do evil so now Vlad is spared while Dan lays waste everywhere.
Graves Are A Gateway
After everything the Amity Park went through, they all became more used to Danny Phantom as Danny Fenton.
Now they're all just accustomed and adapted to the ghost fights and even advised Danny how to fight without destruction in the town while Danny's parents would go around building some ghost repellent in others home in case an actual evil ghost would come and also built a training room for Danny to practice his powers without destroying anything.
They discovered and enhanced Danny's powers and one of them seemed to intrigue Sam.
A power to go to a far place by using Danny's grave as his teleporter and they could build at least three graves for him at max.
And Sam suggested to build one in Gotham since Sam usually visits Gotham because of charity and all that and also in Metropolis since the hero there could help Danny if anything went wrong.
Sam doesn't know about Batman since she's more focused on the gothic themes.
The third one would be at his parents backyard so that Danny could go home quickly.
And so, it was decided.
One in Gotham.
One in Metropolis.
And one in Fenton Works.
One day, Sam went to Gotham and invited Danny and Tucker to test out the grave she built a few months back and the trio plans to meet at Wayne Enterprises. Sadly, Tucker can't go with Danny, not because he was busy, but because the grave only works for the owner which is Danny. Graves are a personal thing.
So Tucker took a plane instead and Danny went to his grave. But as he came out of his grave, he saw two men who looked like a thief, and the two were tied up by the people who were in costumes.
Robin (Damien) was right behind Danny's grave and saw the whole thing.
A ghost coming out of his half-dugged grave.
Before Danny came, Batman, Nightwing and Robin were on patrol. Nightwing is there to catch up.
And the three just saw a grave digger so they went and easily apprehended the criminals.
Nightwing read the tombstone for whose grave that they were to dig up, it was Danny Fenton's and he died quite young. Close to Damien's age.
Nightwing was mad and questioned the criminals while Batman called for the police and stuff while Robin was just right behind the grave when he saw the ghost boy coming out.
I really wanna see more of Fun Danny and Hero Danny acting like siblings

Imagining that Danny split himself up again but this time, when he did, Clockwork thought it would be funny if Fun Danny got sent to Gotham and Amity Parkers really doesn't know about Gotham and stuff since they all don't travel outside much unless you're a Manson.
Fun Danny tried to explain that he has a family at Joker who tied up Fun Danny at a chair, seemingly relaxed and all that.
Hero Danny freaking out that his Fun Danny self is sent to who knows where.
Clockwork is seeing two dramas at once while the Observants are nagging at him from behind but Clockwork used the "They're-not-there-justsu"
The Fentons and friends are trying to track Danny bub since there are two of them, the trackers keep locating Hero Danny.
It's gonna take a while.
And that while led to Fun Danny now explaining that he has a family and needs to go home.
Fun Danny said Amity Park but no searches were found.
Amity Park is officially a hermit town.
Now all Fun Danny could do is wait for his family and friends to track him down.
And hopes they hurry cuz the adoption paper man isn't kidding around.
Imagining that in a life or death crisis, Fun Danny was in the middle of the crisis.
The Bats tried to reach Danny but was too far or too caught up from the fight and Joker is laughing cuz a helpless civilian was about to get mauled but then out came Hero Danny who saved Fun Danny at the nick of time.
Hero Danny: Have you lost half our mind?! Why didn't you try to dodge?!
Fun Danny: Duh! I'm a human? Can't dodge, can't fight?
Hero Danny: You're going to get our only half of life gone!
Fun Danny: Chill dude, at least I'm alive.
Hero Danny: Ughh...
Mr. Lancer actually owns a school in Gotham back in the years but due to the crime rate, he moved to Amity Park. Still a teacher in a humble school.
He just really likes to teach his students, if he were a ghost, teaching is his obsession.
And like his life depended on it to a point where he actually created a half-assed sympathetic backstory of him crossdressing as a woman but dubbed it as his sister.
And it works like a charm, no one found out, not even Danny so when he heard a request from Danny that there's a person out there who always wanted to go to college and see if Lancer could get that person admitted, Lancer agreed.
The person in question was Jason Todd.
He recognize the man.
Lancer wasn't fooled by the "Oh, my names Peter Jay." act. He's been fooled once, he doesn't wanna be fooled twice.
But, Lancer knows to pretend, fine, anything for his new student to learn comfortably in his school then shall so be it.
Jason moves to Amity Park since it's more peaceful, Danny even suggests the move so that Jason doesn't have to worry about attacks everyday.
Jason and Danny only know their civilian identities, not the hero versions of themselves so when Jason sees Danny always somehow getting beaten up and wrecked more often than not, he starts to get worried.
Jason doesn't know about ghosts and Phantom so when he sees them in action, he itched to fight but Mr. Lancer told Jason not to worry since they were only playing and that was how ghosts tend to communicate.
Jason was told of the history between the ghosts and Amity Park and the hero.
Jason noticed that everyone here doesn't seem to do any crime, the opposite of Gotham. Even the past rogues are now redeemed and this play fighting was safely done to the sky where no one gets hurt, and when they do crash, the ghosts help to fix it or go intangible not to destroy everything.
Kon sees Danny in Metropolis thinking it was Tim but as he got closer (to say hi), he was mistaken.... But then he hears Danny's lack of heartbeat.
In growing concern, he wanted to ask if he was a meta too so he went up and tapped on Danny's shoulder, causing Danny to turn 180 to face Kon.
Kon asks and Danny is puzzled, he has no idea what a meta is.
When Kon was about to explain, Danny was called by Tucker who was waving at him excitedly to come over.
As it turns out, Amity Parkers rarely gets out of their town/city, making it seem like everything is new when they get out and also making the Parkers seem like an innocent child wanting to explore the world. But of course, there were some exceptions like Vlad, Jack, Maddie and Sam.
Anyways, Danny was about to bid farewell to Kon when Kon asked if he could come with. Danny didn't mind so now Ko is with the trio having fun with Kon observing the trio.
Danny's ghostly powers got short circuited when he was in a scuffle with Vlad.
Good news, Danny won and Vlad is inside a thermos, which Danny is currently carrying.
Bad news, he's in Gotham that's racked with criminals left and right.
Neutral news, Danny's looks were passable to be a homeless kid (cuz he was in a fight) and a batdoption bait for Bruce.
The Bruce who is now facing Danny and Danny who is facing Bruce.
Bruce was shopping together with his sons while Danny was together with Vlad in a genie thermos.
Dick:.... You gonna adopt him or what?
Bruce: Not now for the jokes, Dick.
Danny, who heard the convo: Excuse you???
Danny has 3 hours to get his powers back and it has been 2 hours and thirty minutes left till he gets it back but first, he has to escape the Wayne Manor. He can't just go ghost out of nowhere and leave without saying a proper goodbye.
DCxDP Prompt - I Stand Corrected
Danny is such a sweetheart and no one thinks he's sus or capable of wrong until they each run into something off.
Example. Jason wants to attend a college class and Danny tries to encourage him to sign up. Jason say's he can't, legally dead and all. Danny offers to get him a new identity and Jason has to do a double take and gives strong side eye. Danny is just like, "What? I have friends." Like that explains literally anything.
Please take any and all of this because I don't think I can write it with all my other WIP's. Do tag with any results though!
Thanks! Couldn't have thought about it without ur part 😌😌🥹
Danny lost his memories and he was in Gotham. All he remembered was that he died and turned into a ghost who can 'disguise' himself like he was still a human living being.
He also remembers his relationships with the ghosts were more of enemies to friends to enemies to a looping cycle kind of way.
Now, Danny doesn't know where he is and how he got here. He needed to get back to his haunt but doesn't know where, his home, forgotten, he doesn't remember his human name.
So, without furtherado, Danny was walking blindly to the crime alley till he encountered some muggers. He's not afraid since he can't just die twice, am I right?
So he just stays still and turned intangible not knowing Red Hood was watching from above but Danny's ghost sense went off, finally noticing a comrade.
The feeling of familiarity made him just transform back to a ghost and floated to Red Hood, "Friend!" Danny cheerfully said, "I'm so glad to find one of my kind!"
Danny lost his memories and he was in Gotham. All he remembered was that he died and turned into a ghost who can 'disguise' himself like he was still a human living being.
He also remembers his relationships with the ghosts were more of enemies to friends to enemies to a looping cycle kind of way.
Now, Danny doesn't know where he is and how he got here. He needed to get back to his haunt but doesn't know where, his home, forgotten, he doesn't remember his human name.
So, without furtherado, Danny was walking blindly to the crime alley till he encountered some muggers. He's not afraid since he can't just die twice, am I right?
So he just stays still and turned intangible not knowing Red Hood was watching from above but Danny's ghost sense went off, finally noticing a comrade.
The feeling of familiarity made him just transform back to a ghost and floated to Red Hood, "Friend!" Danny cheerfully said, "I'm so glad to find one of my kind!"
Okay, instead of Clockwork disliking the Speedsters, he's actually loving them cuz they made his work so fun and interesting, I mean, he knows everything and he also knows that the Speedsters would fix it sooner or later and the timeline would be alright.
And the plus side of it all, is that he gets to see it in his cog mirror shaped portal thing directly with popcorn in hand.
The dramas, the angst, the comedy, the romance and things. Its just a full blown telenovela to him.
So when the day came where he finally found a smidge of time to go on a vacation, he brought Danny with him, so much for the boy's confusion in Clockwork's sudden invitation to drag him along to Gotham then to space of all place.
Turns out, Clockwork just needed the 'human' Danny for a sec and trolled around in the watchtower that he got a human hostage while Danny was just confused as hell as to what's happening.
Danny: Clockwork??? Hello??? What's happening?!?
Clockwork and his cryptid speech: Unnatural of a fog, the forest has changed. This time, the flow of the clock is mine.

And then the JL just thinking that the human is in distress from being a hostage by this entity while Clockwork just wants to have fun.
And this is why the Observants wants to keep Clockwork at bay because of his trolling tendencies.
Danny lost his memories and he was in Gotham. All he remembered was that he died and turned into a ghost who can 'disguise' himself like he was still a human living being.
He also remembers his relationships with the ghosts were more of enemies to friends to enemies to a looping cycle kind of way.
Now, Danny doesn't know where he is and how he got here. He needed to get back to his haunt but doesn't know where, his home, forgotten, he doesn't remember his human name.
So, without furtherado, Danny was walking blindly to the crime alley till he encountered some muggers. He's not afraid since he can't just die twice, am I right?
So he just stays still and turned intangible not knowing Red Hood was watching from above but Danny's ghost sense went off, finally noticing a comrade.
The feeling of familiarity made him just transform back to a ghost and floated to Red Hood, "Friend!" Danny cheerfully said, "I'm so glad to find one of my kind!"
Danny and Valerie went to space, on the moon, the two were working on a portal from earth to the moon since Danny's parents and the GIW suggested to make a base and a satellite of their own in order to locate rogue ghosts so they were going to make one right after Phantom and Valerie created and stabilized a portal for them to go through.
The GIW are redeemed in this AU.
While being there, Phantom saw a green person like a ghost with a cape. Phantom told Valerie that he was going to scout for a bit thinking it was a ghost not noticing that his ghost sense didn't activate.
While he followed, the green guy displayed 'ghostly' powers like going intangible or invisible a few times to get rid of Phantom but the boy had his eyes locked in.
The more Phantom followed, the closer he gets to a trap that was set by the JL.
The other members were waiting for Phantom to get to the trap while Valerie watches the JL and Phantom going to the trap.
Valerie is recording.
Lel, thinking about ghosts can't go intangible in the batcave or any other places that Batman would operate his work like the watchtower or something cuz the ghosts have a similar power to Martian Manhunter.
So when Skulker was tasked to steal something cuz he made a deal with Vlad, he got shocked to find that he couldn't get through.
Skulker investigated a little more before finding out that it's different compared to Vlad's and Fentons machines in keeping ghosts out. Don't know what it is but it's working and this got Skulker interested in this device.
Skulker: I could use this to trap that Royal Whelp!
Cue on laughing like a maniac but the sounds still goes off like a friendly way.
Skulker ended up visiting a few more times when Ember, Box Ghost and Desiree got curious of what has Skulker has been up to. After finding ot, the three wants to hover around to investigate with him.
All the while the JL are stalking about in the bushes since they couldn't see them in cameras, they had to use this resort.
My hat dropped when I found out Jason only died and wasn't saved all because of some damn poll....
And the votes weren't even fair T0T0T I found out later that a one man called and voted a hundred times
Jason could've lived but oh well, brings angst more tbh
Danny, Tucker and Sam were all in Gotham, going in a cafe for lunch or a snack when they saw Tim and Dick at a table while the trio was finding one.
Danny, who was about to say something, got his eyes blindfolded by Tucker: Wha—!
Tucker, who covered his friend's eyes: Watch out, Danny! It's a doppelganger!
Sam, whose hands are blocking Danny from the 'doppelgangers': Did Vlad send you?!? Speak to me, you —possibly or not possibly— clones of Danny!