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"You must have many questions.
You'll understand it all... when it's time to understand.
Tick, tock. Tock, tick. Tock" © Dark season 3 teaser
Dark Season 3 teaser theories & thoughts:
If in the parallel universe where there is no Jonas, Martha is a main protagonist and a main time traveler, does it make Martha not an alternative Martha, but an alternative Jonas?
Who is this new person that we have seen in three different time periods? Could it be Hannah's child who she raised to end everything?
Okay, and now all the thoughts and the reaction more or less chronologically ordered as the teaser goes:
Why there is no one in the Time Church, while those three versions of a person were setting the whole thing on fire? Where are the adult versions Magnus and Franziska?
Who wrote that letter to Jonas? Was it the same young Noah gave to the adult Jonas? Nah, but it looked quite freshly written. Was it from the alternative Martha?
Why Martha looks so terrified and a bit disgusted? Who's she talking to?
Why there is the phrase "Can we change the course of events" during Michael's suicide?! Excuse me? For two seasons you were telling us that we cannot, cause when we try - we make things worse. So can we, or can we not?
Oo, good to know that Magnus and Franziska will be together in the alternative universe too. Teens deserve some piece of happiness in this mess.
Oh, everything is on fire, but the candles!! That's my life this year.
Okay, the adult Jonas is in the old house, so I presume it's more or less 1888.
Why are they shushing Claudia's secretary? (That woman must be protected, she is a ray of sunshine)
Is it Mikkel's look alike hitting someone with a rock? I can't imagine Mikkel doing that... Judging by the outfits it's 80s though...
Hello, Alternative Claudia or an adult Claudia in the alternative world, it that the moment you were telling us about? Being in the world without Jonas? I'd like to see how that plays out.
Why in the name of sanity Elizabeth is covered in blood & dirt and trembling with fear? I know she'll be a badass when she grows up, but please don't traumatize the child...
Why this new person (3 in 1) is trying to kill Bernd Doppler?
*Gasp* I thought that old Helge was dead!
Too many colours at once, moving on...
Martha is wearing the yellow raincoat... Wait, what? Martha is wearing the yellow raincoat!! It's the ultimate symbol of a naïve time-travelling protagonist. But what does it mean for the plot..?
Is it Martha's grown up version of herself who she was talking to? Is she Eve, or something?
When is Adam?? Is it still 2020 or 2053 already?
That's pretty much sums it up...
Let me know your thoughts and theories in the note section:)
P.S.: I love that no matter what, the season release dates are matching the main event dates of the previous season.
And hey, they predicted the Apocalypse in 2020. Sure looks like it.
We've finally got the official trailer and it looks absolutely stunning!

Dark Season 3 trailer gifs (part 1/?)

Things that you probably shouldn't answer to the question: "What kind of a story Dark is?".
Actually, you know what? That's exactly what you should tell them.
It's a story of a bunch of teenagers who probably died of old age long before they were born.
It's a story of a mother who never abandoned her daughter, despite being gone for 33 years.
It's a story of a woman desperate to find her parents, who have been born more than a century apart from each other.
A story of a boy, who's son took him back in time to ensure his own existence. And a story of a man, who loved his son more than anything else in this world.
It's a story of a girl, who loved one boy so much that she ruined his life and traveled to a different time to be with him, just to realise that one only person she really cares for is herself.
It's a story of a man who found his brother and his son, both still kids, but 33 years after they went missing, yet failed to save them.
It's a story of a girl, who fell in love and lived a happy life with a guy who treathened a couple of teenagers with a gun when they first met.
It's a story of a man who desperately tried to make things right, but forgot to start the change for the better from himself.
And a story of girl who couldn't fall out of love after realising the dark truth, only to become a collateral damage and ensuring an existence of The Looped Time War between three versions of her lover.
Feel free to continue this thread, let's sum it all up before the Season 3 will air :)
The full Dark trilogy trailer is here!
They beautifully wrapped up the story of several years into one final trailer.
P.S.: Guys beware of the spoiler about the pendant, it kind of blew my mind!
there are reviews out by seeing them what I can say is a tragic love story which means Jonas Nd martha will die or they just get erased in a new world so what do you think of a tragic loss story??
To be fair, Dark always had a bit of a greek tragedy in it, so I don't see a reason why it will stop being a part of the show in season 3.
On the contrary, I expect their story to have even better development, to deepen their bond and lead the viewers to an epic, poignant finale that will cut to the heart.
I have no clue how exactly a story of Jonas and Martha will end, but I have a feeling that loosing his Martha won't be the hardest thing for him to overcome. I definitely don't see a happy ending for them. I want to, I really do, but Dark doesn't strike me like a show that would have something like that. They probably will lose each other, or themselves while trying to change everything and break the loop. I wonder if they will even experience something worth then death of each other. Maybe there will be a betrayal, when one's instinct of self-preservation will be be higher than anything else on the priority list. Maybe the price of breaking the loop will be erasing both of them from the existence. Or maybe one's love is deeper than the other's and there will be unspeakable things one would do for the other and that will change a lot in their relationship. Or maybe their love is strong enough to change it all and... Oh, was I daydreaming again? A happy ending would be a huge plot twist I won't be ready for. Can one be prepared to find out they all will be ok in the end? No! We are here for the tragic mind-twisting paradoxes and revelations and of course for discovering the human nature.
About how story will turn out for Jonas and Martha...We can only guess.
Nevertheless, I am sure the ending would be logical and everyone will stay true to their characters, cause it's Dark, and that's how they make it. With a huge quality sign.

Becoming Adam
A tribute to Andreas Pietschmann (part 5 of ∞)
Photo source: https://instagram.com/baranboodar?igshid=11ofsykr81jmp
Dark S3E1
I am 34 minutes in and am not okay.
I think I am having a breakdown. I just paused it, made several laps around the room, reminding myself how to breathe. It's too much, I can't handle it.
It's like if you woke up one day, and all the mirrors are somehow showing you not-mirrorred version of yourself. And it's confuses you to the core.
Also I can sum up my thoughts about the half of S3E1 to:
"Oh, so it's ok here, different but so similar.
*3 seconds later*
Wait, what? Man, just hold on a minute, just..."
Dark S3E1
Extreme spoiler alert!
Just finished the episode.
Definitely need to share my thoughts about the final scene. (And the whole episode)
My God, he doesn't know who she is!! Does it mean that it never happened before? Or did he lose his memory? It breaks my heart how happy he was to see her, and how his hope was taken away from him again. Because it's not his Martha.
However, the fact that she wants help him to find the origin and to begin it all gives me the vibe that Martha 2.0 is also being manipulated by her older self, otherwise how whould she know what exactly to do and where/when to search for The Stranger?
Should we also talk about all the same or mirrored events and details worth mentioning?
Let's go:
The mirrored date of "the beginning"
The house exterior/interior (it really is mirrored)
Martha waking up like Jonas
Martha sniffing the milk to be sure it's safe to drink it (like Jonas did)
Morning routine of a Nielsen family shown in a long take
A family photo with a ripped out family member
Morning sex in a red house with someone interrupting it and one of the partners escaping through a window in a hoodie
Ulrich is coming back to his wife much later, explaining it by a line in a bakery. (And I am surprised by Hannah's looks... For a moment there I thought he wasn't cheating, I've got that tiny light of hope, but then this happened)↓
"Ich liebe dich"..."Schön bist du" (That explained me everything I needed to know about their relationship)
A protagonist in a yellow raincoat riding a bike and seeing a note about missing of Eric
"Don't forget to breathe" - well, that's old. "Don't forget to think" - oh, that's new. Glad Martha is standing up for herself here.
Martha is kissing someone and the other person who likes her, standing there uncomfortably
The headmaster
"It will happen again", and gosh, I expected it to be your ear
Doppler's marriage presumably having issues
Oh, Wöller, it's so lovely to see you in one piece! (*a second later* Are you effing kidding me?!)
A hair on your husband's hoodie that isn't yours
An explanation about how the black holes are formed by a diligent student
Someone is asking how the other person is doing after the death of his/hers partner in a conversation with a power plant director.
A meeting between Katharina and Hannah that actually leaves Katharina smiling
A kiss in the evidence room between Ulrich and his mistress
The play rehersal
Franziska and Magnus doing it in a small room mirroring their first time in Jonases world, but there is small plot twist too! (And I also love that they have strong feelings for each other)
The talkative Doppler girl! At last!
A visit to a graveyard
Alexander and Erik's dad are up to something again
Oh. The "déjà-vu" déjà-vu. I have seen it and I have heard it somewhere. You know... "Das Licht. Der Wald... Oder ein Fehler in der Matrix"
The meeting under the bridge
The cave incident
Protagonist falling and seeing & hearing someone covered in black paint
The appearance of Mads
The protagonist's possible love interest recognises the older version of the protagonist.
Jonas is terrified, confused and happy at the same time because he sees Martha, being sure that she is his Martha, only to be left heart broken and more confused.
I would call this episode "a way to mirror-recap two seasons in one over adding more details that will blow your mind"
An absolute effing masterpiece.
I am thrilled to bring able to watch it.
And a bit tired of typing 😂
Dark S3E2 thoughts & theories
Extreme spoiler alert
A couple of small things before we jump into the madness of the episode:
I am glad Katarina and Ulrich got to see each other. Also, the situation in 1888 is a bit tense, don't you think? As well as in 2020 and 2053...
Anyway, the madness: 🌳∞🌳
The family tree left me speechless. I paused it to look closer and it gave away too much. I am not sure if everyone who finished S3E2 saw it, but let me tell you what I noticed.
Like... Are you telling me that Bartosz is not only the daddy of it all, but he and Hannah's & Egon's daughter (Silja Tiedemann, apparently, and btw isn't that a girl that saved Jonas in 2052?) gave birth to Noah and Agnes? And because Regina is Tronte's daughter (by the way, Tronte, you are a horrible dad, I just want you to know it), all this Bartosz situation is connecting Tiedemanns to Nielsens and to Kahnwalds and to Dopplers.
It's not a family tree, it's a loop. Again!
Everything is a loop. They are everywhere!
Btw, does it mean that Noah kills his Dad? That's really sad. I don't like it. But at least I understand Bartosz-Noah dynamic of previous seasons better.
Anyway, I am jumping into episode 3 to see if I understood that whole thing correctly. Because without a time loop most of them cannot exist at all. If you break the loop - you erase them all, no?
Let's see.
Dark S3E3
Oh, it's the web of manipulation, no one can be trusted and they are guiding each other and themselves to the ending and the beginning of what they want.
Dark S3E4
Ohh, so this is the beginning... Makes a lot of sense one I have seen it.
All this careful manipulations, directing them to do this one thing.
Well, as they say, we are not free in what we do, because we are not free in what we desire.
P.S. Also loved all the interactions in '54. A lot of my questions have been answered.
Dark S3E5
Heartbroken and grief stricken, I was crying for about 15 minutes after the ending of this episode.
After I calmed down a bit, and started to think about what I have seen, I realized that I missed one important detail.
Major spoiler alert!
I warned you!!
If this Jonas dies here, he cannot become neither The Stranger not Adam. I would love to jump to conclusion that they have finally changes something, and the loop is broken, but no. There must be something that we are missing, or something that we don't know. The Stranger we know haven't met Martha 2.0 when he was young. It actually might not have happened to him, which makes me wonder that maybe there are some key points that are changing from one circle to the other. Or that there are other versions of Jonas we don't know about. Or maybe, anything is possible at the end of the loop, because if will start anew and the last details of the last days won't matter that much.
What if that's exactly what needed to be done to create the redemption path for Martha? I guess we'll see the reason for everything in the following episodes.
P.S. Also, the whole Katharina and her mother situation are heartbreaking. However, it made a lot of sense about the pendant that Jonas has found and gave to Martha, eventually becoming a symbol of travelers. I am so sorry for Peter too... And Eli, poor soul, the shit she went through in several months and especially that day is just too much.
I don't know if I am ready for what's about to happen.
Me after Dark S3E5:

Dark S3E6
Spoiler alert!
Okay, so there actually is an explanation to why everything is happening in such a double way.
Good to finally see who are the representatives of the Light and the Shadow.
It's awesome to get a confirmation of my theory about Bartosz which I had from the moment I saw him in the beginning S2.
I also don't know what kind of a fucked up reality it is to constantly murder someone you used to love and say that it's okay.
Also I am really intrigued by the Unknown because he might be a powerful player in this Time-Space War. If I got what the series was pointing at, he is the beginning, the son of the most messed up love story I have ever watched.
I wonder what happens with Martha inside the Particle...
She must give birth to their son, so I assume she is going to be okay. Or at least some version of her. I don't know... It's really confusing.
But I like every second of it.
Dark S3E7
In between time...
The most wonderful recap and explanation of what happened during the centuries and what lead us to this moment.
Full of surprises and unexpected plot turns, and yet designed so everything will find it's place and be exactly where and when it needs to be.
Dark S3E8
Spoiler alert!
It's perfect. They made it possible. They made it right. They finally put what their heart wished for aside and helped to restore the world. It is the paradise. Everyone is happy. They all stay in touch.
No more pain, no more lies, no more missed kids and cycles of violence.
I am glad with how Jonas & Martha were together in the end, and even though they had strong feelings for each other - they let it go, erasing it all. In that moment they were perfect together: pieces of what is wrong, finally making it right. One of the most beautiful, dramatic and deep moments I have seen on screen.
It is unbelievably sad. Nevertheless, it's absolutely brilliant and beautiful in every way imaginable.
I am so happy. It's perfect, every bit of it.
I cried a river here, but I am in a superposition of being sad and happy at the same time.
Thank you Baran Bo Odar and Jantje Friese as well as the cast and everyone who made this masterpiece possible. The finale you gave us is everything.
Finally! A proper official Dark website!
There's a website where you can check out the whole Dark family tree and it contains NO spoilers. You can choose the episode you've finished and it will display you the info accordingly.
It's wonderful! Despite the fact, that I watched the whole show mindfully, I did miss a detail about who's Tronte's father really is. Now I've finally got the whole picture.
Anyway, if you have just finished watching Dark and you want to organise this information in your mind - check it out. It's really helpful!