Dark Webs - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Dark Webs - Chapter Four (Dark! Peter Parker x Reader)


Warnings:  Topics of death, PTSD and depression,  substance abuse, angst, violence (this chapter does get a little graphic for those sensitive to gore and violence) ignoring some of the MCU timeline/AU, Also this chapter has a pinch of smut

Word Count: 5562 (A bit longer - but I promise, it’s worth it!)

Summary: You begin to give Peter some space even though this is probably the worse time to do that as Peter finally begins to hit his rock bottom…

A/N: I really am hoping the tags work this time (slowly but surely becoming like Tom when it comes to work social media!). Let me know what you guys think, I’ve been loving all of your kind words! If you want to be added to the tag list, please send me a message and I’ll add you on for next week! Xx

Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three

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5 years ago

Dark Webs - Chapter Ten (Dark! Peter Parker x Reader)


Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine

Warnings:  Topics of death, some fluff, angst, PTSD and depression, substance abuse, language, violence, gore, language, ignoring some of the MCU timeline/AU

Word Count: 4910

Summary: Peter grows more and more worried about you as you try to heal from your wound.

A/N: Ya’ll wanted fluff, so I’m giving it to you in typical Dark! Peter Parker fashion, so I really hope you enjoy it! Send me your feedback back I’ve been loving hearing what you guys have been saying.  If you wish to be added to the tag list, you can reply to the post or DM me. (Also I found this .gif on google, so if you made it, or know who did, let me know and I will credit!) Thank you xx -N

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5 years ago

Dark Webs - Chapter Eleven (Dark! Peter Parker x Reader)


Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten

Warnings:  Topics of death, some fluff, angst, PTSD and depression, substance abuse, language, violence, gore, language, ignoring some of the MCU timeline/AU

Word Count: 5853

Summary: Being on lockdown can only mean one thing; the truth begins to come out even more…

A/N: I’m not sure you guys like teasers or not, so if you do let me know. I’m not sure if the tags are working, tumblr is a bit screwy today, so please reblog to spread the word! Also, PLEASE SEND ME FEEDBACK! Not to be needy AF, but I love love loveee hearing what you guys think, it means so much to me you literally have no idea!  If you wish to be added to the tag list, you can reply to the post or DM me. (Also I found this .gif on google, so if you made it, or know who did, let me know and I will credit!) Thank you xx -N

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5 years ago

Dark Webs - Chapter Fifteen (Dark! Peter Parker x Reader)


Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen

Warnings:  Fluff, Topics of death, blood, angst, PTSD and depression, substance abuse, language, violence, gore, language, ignoring some of the MCU timeline/AU

Word Count: 8155

Summary: The end isn’t near, it’s here. 

A/N: I can’t believe this is the last chapter. Yes, there will be an epilogue, but this is the final lengthy chapter in the series. I’m so sad, ya’ll. It took so much to write this, so I really hope you guys love it like I did. I’d love your feedback, so please send me an ask with your kind words if you have any! Thank you all so so so much for reading, I hope you all enjoy it! (Also I found this .gif on google, so if you made it, or know who did, let me know and I will credit!) Thank you xx -N

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