FAR FROM HOME - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

i can't take jake gyllenhaal seriously in far from home cause its like,,,, imagine ur in venice, some dude fucks up this thing tryna destroy the town, and ur all terrified, and then he takes off his helmet and it's the bitch from brokeback mountain. id lose it.

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5 years ago

Thought’s after Far From Home

My initial thoughts after getting out the cinema were “holy shit” and “that was incredible” I really loved it, and i would say equally to Homecoming. 

Warning for Spoilers :)

They really nearly made me cry with that Whitney soundtrack

They used a picture of Bucky in the collage of heroes on the school video

Tony really trusted Peter with everything he had to do with Stark Industries/Shield& The Avengers.


Peter fancying MJ came out of nowhere… (still kinda shipped it)

Mysterio really was an incredible villain, like so cunning

Peter’s so naive bless him

“im super strong and sticky”

the whole scene with like 100 spideys


MJ with that Mace, fuck yeah girl

I got so mad when Peter gave Beck the glasses, and im so so glad he got them back.

I love Happy and Aunt May

Happy’s development with Peter and he saw how hurt and broken he was , i loved it.


That whole illusions scene was so trippy, like i couldnt tell what was real or not.


“Peter Tingles”

Ned and Betty are so cute

It makes me so happy they showcase not only Spider-Man’s powers, but also Peter’s intellegence. 

The whole suit making sequence.

“I love Led Zepplin” HUNNY THATS ACDC

Every Peter / Tony parallel

The whole scene with Mysterio and the ex Tony employees. that was harsh.

Peter’s breakdown killed me, Tom’s acting in that part was so incredible.

His just so strong


Never ever thought that i would here the OG avengers theme after Endgame. but they really did that huh

The kiss was adorable.

Peter taking out the Drones and then the Gun on pure instinct, im so proud of how he developed.

The whole bus scene really


Happy’s face when his watching Peter be a Mini Tony.

Not enough Aunt May.

Not enough Ned being the guy in the chair.

I love Flash okay.

Peter in the glasses is hot

That whole scene where he jumps out of the bus and destroys the drone, so good.

The action in this was just insane.

Beck’s just a theatre kid with a dark side truly.

Mj tryna sneak a peak at shirtless Peter - adorable

Peter being terrified happy was an illusion


His spider parachute

Just everything was so so good, im so glad we got to see so much action.

Ok, i’ve ran out of thoughts right now.

I dont know where it stands on my overall ranking of Marvel films, or Spider-Man films, but never the less it was incredible.

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5 years ago

me: i know my basic comic knowledge. i know mysterio is a bad guy. he wants to destroy spiderman. i know this. this is a thing i know.

also me: i love mysterio. he would never hurt a fly. the mcu is doing something different. it’s cool. i like it. quentin and peter’s relationship is nice— FUCK

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1 year ago

can you give us rare irondad facts ---and basic facts pls--- so fanfic writers can use them? pls and thank you


Of course!

Irondad rare facts for your fanfics:


Tony Stark met Peter Parker on May 23, 2016.

Even if Tony took Peter to Germany he strictly asked him to keep his distance and web people up. He’s always going to be overprotective in battles/missions.

Peter Parker knows about the Sokovia Accords as his school; Midtown of Science and Technology presented an entire lecture to inform students about it. 

Stark Industries celebrates important events for all kinds of tech to help the world such as Earth Day with intellicrop technology, the annual NYC Tech convention, they do displays of fireworks for events like the 4th of July.

Peter Parker is an official intern at Stark Industries.

Here are some projects Stark Industries work within the canon MCU that may help you think about projects Tony and Peter can make together. Stark Industries wants to debut low-powered miniature arc reactor tech to fuel line of hybrid vehicles, offers scholarships from urban city schools to MIT promising students

Tony picked Peter Parker to go to Germany on Thursday 23rd June and returns him the very early hours of Sunday 26th June.

Tony is a big fan of movies like Big Hero 6, Back to the Future and many others.

Peter Parker stopped a man from stealing important equipment such as boxes of Chitauri weaponry, robotic parts of Ultron, Arc Reactors, various armors from the Iron Legion, all of this all worth millions on the black market from Stark Industries and the Avengers.

Tony Stark wants Peter Parker to go to MIT. 

Two months after Civil War, May, and Peter relocated to a new apartment.

Peter’s apartment address is 15th Street, Queens, New York City, New York.

Peter attends Midtown of Science and Technology for academically gifted students and the school is considered one of the most prestigious schools for Science and Technology in the New York area.

Peter’s teacher, Mr. Harrington was a Culver University student being one of the smartest ones in the class and is friends with Bruce Banner. In case you want to write a Field Trip fanfic.

Peter Parker is his school’s most intelligent member, since Liz Toomes, former captain of the Decathlon of Midtown stated Peter was the smartest person she’s ever met and his classmates were worried about Peter dropping out of the team. Michelle Jones named Peter a ‘walking brain’. 

Peter Parker is an expert in Engineering, Science, Technology, and Physics. He’s well-versed in the multiverse theory, he’s well-read, good at math and he is his Decathlon team’s anchor on Physics. His intellect is so impressive to the point that it reminded Happy Hogan of Stark’s engineering genius.

Peter Parker’s IQ is north of 250 and Tony Stark’s IQ is estimated as 270.

The Daily Bugle exists in the MCU.

Peter speaks a little bit of Spanish and knows Italian. Tony can speak French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Dari.

Tony Stark is trained in unarmed combat by Phil Coulson and Happy Hogan.

Tony Stark hacked the Pentagon’s firewall on a dare when in high school, Peter Parker hacked the most secure facility on the Eastern Seaboard using a code written with a calculator while in high school.

Tony Stark’s official net worth stands on $12.4 billion.

Tony has his own flavor of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream called Stark Raving Hazelnuts.

Tony is willing to kill to protect Peter as he was willing to kill Drax in IW if Starlord did something to him.

EDITH is Tony’s way of handing control of Stark Industries’ weapons and information gathering technology to Peter.

I’ll add more later!


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5 years ago

Jake gyllenhaal *trying to convince everyone that Spider-Man is a menace and tried to kill for no reason* : And his name is Peter Parker!

The photo he chose :

Jake Gyllenhaal *trying To Convince Everyone That Spider-Man Is A Menace And Tried To Kill For No Reason*

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5 years ago

Avengers Reassemble Ch 1


“This is a terrible idea,” Peter Parker gulped, looking outside of his aunt’s car.

It was a peaceful evening in Queens as the teen watched his classmates dart into the building of Midtown High School. With the student’s senior year ending tomorrow and graduation in a week, the staff decided to hold a farewell party.

The problem was that the school begged Peter not only to attend, but to also give a grand speech to everybody there. Peter still remembered the class presentations, the charity balls and the court trials, and he remembers screwing up every one of them. But he wasn’t the type to say no to teachers, so here he was.

“Well, no turning back now, kiddo,” Aunt May grinned, “Come on. I overheard you rehearsing it in the bathroom for the past week. It sounds great!”

Peter blushed, tugging at his tie, “It really doesn’t.”

May sighed, placing a hand on the kid’s face. This boy’s been through so much. He’s lost his parents, Uncle Ben, Mr. Stark. He’s lost any chance of a normal life, but he still kept fighting. Even after his secret came out to the world, he still hasn’t given up.

“Hey, Peter, you deserve this,” May smiled, “A break from supervillains and world-ending disasters can’t hurt, right?”

Peter chuckled, “Guess not.”

“You’ve got this, kid,” May pecked a kiss on his cheek.

The boy opened the car door and began to walk towards the building. Students greeted him on the way in. A lot of them brought him into group selfies and asked for autographs. All Peter could do was put on a fake smile and put on a facade.

Peter began to mutter to himself, “Okay, Pete, you can do this. You’ve taken on Thanos, Vulture, asshole reporters. It’s just a simple graduation speech. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Once Peter reached the doors of the gymnasium, he groaned, “Oh, I am so screwed...Alright. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man.”

He pushed open the door to hear the sound of blaring music and bright neon lights. The gymnasium of Midtown High was buzzing with energy as the class of 2025 was partying it up. He recognized everyone there, including a few members from his decathlon team.

The young boy walked towards the podium, chest out and back straight. People began to clap for him as felt his classmates patting him on the back and congratulating him. What was only a few feet away from him felt like an eternity away.

Once Peter finally got there, he began to fumble with the microphone. Loud noises screeched from it as he tried to set it up. The audience cringed, but at least he got their attention, right?

He laughed nervously before clearing his throat, “Hello, class of 2025! How’s everyone doing tonight?”

The response he received was applause. He heard people cheering out his name, cheering for Spider-Man. It wasn’t easy after his identity was revealed, but with time, he was able to regain at least a little of the people’s good will.

He giggled a little, “Well, I know we’ve all got things to do and, uh, places to be, so I’m keeping it short. Kind of like me, heh!”

The lack of laughter caused Peter to begin to worry. He pulled out a stack of notecards and began to read them out loud.

“Now, I want you to go out there-Wait, no. That’s the, uh, last part. Must’ve mixed it up,” the boy stammered, “Let me just resort them.”

As he tried shuffling them back in the right order, he accidentally dropped the pile, causing the cards to fly away. Peter cursed at himself as he tried desperately to get them back together. The awkward silence caused him to start shaking as he nervously stuttered apologies to the audience.

Before Peter’s anxiety could completely engulf him, he finally noticed a certain someone in the crowd. His girlfriend, the amazing Michelle Jones.

The usually somewhat dour woman looked beautiful that night (hell, she looked beautiful every night) as she gave him a reassuring smile and a knowing look. MJ knew he was Spider-Man even before the incident with Europe and she’s been helping him with his job ever since.

One look from her reignited the boy’s confidence in himself as he dropped his cards, got back up, and leaned towards the microphone. He could do this.

“Now, I know we’ve been through a lot,” he started, “Europe, the Battle of New York...The Snap.”

He noticed the uneasy glances some of the students gave to one another as the memories of these events flooded back. They were raised in a world of iron men and god, where their city could be destroyed at any moment. Hell, they lost five years of their lives to a maniacal alien overlord.

Peter nodded, “Yeah, I know. It can be overwhelming, the world we live in. We thought we would never make it out alive. We thought we were doomed. But we made it. We persevered, we worked our asses off, and we got to where we are now. Well, as it weird as it may sound, that’s honestly no different from adulthood. We think that this is the end of our lives, that we won’t have any future, but...if we can survive Thanos, I think we can survive college!”

Laughter erupted through the audience, reassuring the child that everything was going well.

He smiled, tears of joy starting to well up, “I am so grateful, not only for having been your classmate, but also for being...your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Thank you, Midtown High!”

The sound of clapping and cheering almost deafened Peter, as everyone was chanting his name. As he stepped down from the podium, he waved to everyone, almost like a president would wave to his citizens.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!,” he grinned, “I’ll be here all week! Well, not literally, but...you know what I mean.”

Peter walked across the room to finally embrace one of the people he cared about the most. MJ buried her neck into the boy’s shoulder as Peter stood on his toes to reach her.

Peter sighed, “Well, that could’ve gone better.”

“Well, it was better than that bio presentation from last month,” MJ pointed out.

“You ever gonna let me forget that?,” he asked.

“Not in a million years, Web-Head,” she placed a hand on his shoulder, “Better than being the Menace of Queens, right?”

“Oh, I’d rather not think about Jameson right now,” Peter groaned.

“Yo, Pete!,” cried a voice from behind Peter. He turned to see his best friend, Ned Leeds, standing behind him, wearing his fedora and everything.

“Ned, holy crap, man!,” he hugged his friend, “I heard about you getting the Osborn Scholarship, congrats!”

“Thanks, Peter!,” Ned beamed, “Looks like you’re not the only one working for a billionaire!”

“Ey, last time I checked, Stark Industries is still on top,” Peter bragged. He was happy that even after the passing of Mr. Stark, his wife, Mrs. Potts, still wanted Peter to work for her at Stark Industries. It was only as an intern, but it was still nice to be working for the company he idolized for years.

“Whatever, man,” Ned scoffed, “By the end of this year, Oscorp’s gonna be the best of the best all thanks to yours truly.”

“Well, I’m sure your plans for a fully-functioning Lego Death Star will thoroughly impress your boss,” Peter commented.

“Don’t give Oscorp any ideas,” MJ snickered, “Knowing them, that’s totally something that overly-patriotic, corporate douchebag would build.”

As Ned and MJ went about their usual back-and-forth on Oscorp’s beliefs and policies, Peter could only watch and smile. This was what he loved about this school. This was what he was going to miss.


After a few years, the night ended and everybody began to head out. Ned headed out with Betty a half-hour before the party was over, leaving MJ and Peter on their own. 

Everybody was heading over to Flash Thompson’s house to keep the party going. MJ wasn’t the type to party, but she did like skulking in the back to creep out the party-goers. Peter usually liked to watch, but he was just dying to go out and fight crime.

The two walked out, hand-in-hand, as Peter begin to fiddle with his web-shooter on his left arm.

MJ couldn’t help but notice the gadget on the boy’s wrist, “You are just itching to get out of here, aren’t you.”

Peter gulped, quickly tugging his sleeve down to hide the object, “Oh, I, uh, I’m sorry, MJ, this speech’s just got me thinking.”

After a moment of silence, the taller girl scoffed, “Well, you gonna share with the class?”

Peter shook his head, “It’s just that...it’s starting to hit me. I’m now the only superhero still working in New York. I mean everyone else is either retired or...gone. It’s just me.”

The somber look on the boy’s face prompted the young woman placed an arm on his shoulder, “Hey, loser, you might be the only one in this city running around in spandex, but you sure as hell aren’t alone.”

“Thanks, MJ,” Peter said as he embraced the girl he cared about.

“Don’t stay out too late,” the girl commanded to him.

“I make no promises,” he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He only walked a few steps before rushing back, giving MJ a kiss on the cheek. The sight of her blushing got him to snicker as he hopped over the gates of his school and started swinging away.

MJ slowly lifted a hand to her face, “Oh, that nerd.”


The boy sat on the roof of a building in downtown Queens. Crime in the city was lax tonight, so Peter didn’t even have anyone to fight. He took of his mask and sighed, looking over the place that raised him.

Peter couldn’t help but feel alone now. He hasn’t had contact with any of the Avengers in about two years, not since Mr. Stark’s funeral. He knew that there were other heroes out there, but he hasn’t heard about them in news in a while.

Dr. Banner and Mr. Barton retired, Thor’s in space, Captain Rogers is in hiding, and Agent Romanoff and Mr. Stark are...gone. No one’s guarding the planet now.

The world needed protectors. Was Peter going to be the only one to step up for that role?

He sighed, “How did Mr. Stark do this?”

“You know, usually a guy getting out of high school would be out partying.”

Peter quickly turned around to see a man in a giant grey suit floating behind him. The guy was so large that even when his slow landing created a loud thud. The helmet popped off of his face to reveal a familiar face.

“Sup, Pete. Been a while,” greeted James Rhodes, the War Machine.

Peter met the soldier briefly during Tony’s funeral. He was nice, helped comfort him during the process.

The boy stuttered, “Rhodey, hey! I mean, Mr. Rhodey! I mean, Mr. Rhodes! Or is it Colonel Rhodes?”

The older man raised his hands up, “Whoa! Slow your roll there, kid. Rhodey’s fine. What are you doing up here?”

“Uh, just patrolling the neighborhood, keeping the city safe, the usual.”

“I saw you walk out of your school,” the colonel said, “You know, when Tony got of high school, the end of the year party he held at his place was something out of a dream. It was the type of thing older Tony would regret.”

“Yeah, figured,” the kid nodded, remembering the stories of Tony from before he became a superhero.

“Not that big of a party guy, huh?”, Rhodey noticed the shy look on the boy’s face.

“Pfft, before tonight, the last real party I had ended with me almost getting killed my homecoming date,” Peter laughed before regaining his composure, “Yeah, I...Parties have never really been that great for me. With everything that’s happened...I’m really not in the mood, you know?”

Rhodey nodded. He was more the type who would get dragged to parties instead of going on his free will, “I can get that. Sorry, I couldn’t help you with that whole Europe thing.”

“It’s cool. I know you’ve been busy,” Peter nodded sympathetically, “So, what brings you to Queens?”

The man in the armored suit began to shuffle awkwardly, “Well this is gonna sound crazy, but…I’m here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative.”

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4 years ago
I Really Like MJ, Man, Okay? Shes Awesome, Shes Super Funny In Kind Of A Dark Way And Sometimes I Catch
I Really Like MJ, Man, Okay? Shes Awesome, Shes Super Funny In Kind Of A Dark Way And Sometimes I Catch
I Really Like MJ, Man, Okay? Shes Awesome, Shes Super Funny In Kind Of A Dark Way And Sometimes I Catch
I Really Like MJ, Man, Okay? Shes Awesome, Shes Super Funny In Kind Of A Dark Way And Sometimes I Catch
I Really Like MJ, Man, Okay? Shes Awesome, Shes Super Funny In Kind Of A Dark Way And Sometimes I Catch
I Really Like MJ, Man, Okay? Shes Awesome, Shes Super Funny In Kind Of A Dark Way And Sometimes I Catch
I Really Like MJ, Man, Okay? Shes Awesome, Shes Super Funny In Kind Of A Dark Way And Sometimes I Catch
I Really Like MJ, Man, Okay? Shes Awesome, Shes Super Funny In Kind Of A Dark Way And Sometimes I Catch
I Really Like MJ, Man, Okay? Shes Awesome, Shes Super Funny In Kind Of A Dark Way And Sometimes I Catch

I really like MJ, man, okay? She’s awesome, she’s super funny in kind of a dark way and sometimes I catch her looking at me. 


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4 years ago
ZENDAYAas Michelle Jones/MJ In Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
ZENDAYAas Michelle Jones/MJ In Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
ZENDAYAas Michelle Jones/MJ In Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
ZENDAYAas Michelle Jones/MJ In Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
ZENDAYAas Michelle Jones/MJ In Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

ZENDAYA  as Michelle Jones/MJ in Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

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2 years ago
Im Just Going To Figure It Out. Ive Done It Before, I Can Do It Again.
Im Just Going To Figure It Out. Ive Done It Before, I Can Do It Again.
Im Just Going To Figure It Out. Ive Done It Before, I Can Do It Again.

I’m just going to figure it out. I’ve done it before, I can do it again.

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1 year ago
Tom Holland & Zendaya As Peter Parker & Michelle Jones Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Dir. Jon Watts
Tom Holland & Zendaya As Peter Parker & Michelle Jones Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Dir. Jon Watts
Tom Holland & Zendaya As Peter Parker & Michelle Jones Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Dir. Jon Watts
Tom Holland & Zendaya As Peter Parker & Michelle Jones Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Dir. Jon Watts
Tom Holland & Zendaya As Peter Parker & Michelle Jones Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Dir. Jon Watts
Tom Holland & Zendaya As Peter Parker & Michelle Jones Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Dir. Jon Watts
Tom Holland & Zendaya As Peter Parker & Michelle Jones Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Dir. Jon Watts
Tom Holland & Zendaya As Peter Parker & Michelle Jones Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Dir. Jon Watts

Tom Holland & Zendaya as Peter Parker & Michelle Jones – Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019) dir. Jon Watts

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1 year ago
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You
I Dont Really Have Much Luck When It Comes To Getting Close To People So I Lied. I Didnt Just Watch You

I don’t really have much luck when it comes to getting close to people so I lied. I didn’t just watch you because I thought you were Spider-Man.

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