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9 months ago

It is funny, my definitive twenties went by me figuring out where I belong.. and then the world caught fire, now anywhere I look like I belong, they are gonna throw me out..

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7 months ago

Have you ever felt healed over the most random thing in your life??

So, I was going through some shit a year and half back. I remember we had this discussion at office when I was totally zoned out. Just finished crying, focussed on hiding it, exhausted, barely listening.. when my boss looked at me and said

"Even if something is fixed to a hard concrete wall, if you keep fidgeting with it, it will definitely fall apart. You've got to let time play out."

For some reason, I focussed on myself after that. But in reality, we were just discussing how the client was worried about the toilet fixtures might become loose over time. It's so weird, how perception works, how the world works, how words work. Very weird how I remind myself of what he said often and choose 'it is what it is' .

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7 months ago

I believe the heart listens to you. Takes a long hard process sometimes, takes less than a second sometimes but he does. You hold him in silence for a minute and tell him 'Everything will be good'.. Naive, Ugly muscle believes it, pumps for everything good from the moment on. It's such a great ruse, that your blood and bones reflect it too. There will be no other choice for your brain then, than to fall for your own lie!

Now,that my friend is way of life . It's simple ! A big elaborate lie, you created and you ended up living!

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7 months ago

Whoever chose to associate our conscience with heart. Why couldn't it be spinal cord? Why is it always "listen to your heart" .. 'the ugly 4 chambered blood pumping muscle'.. ?!

Why not listen to your spinal cord?. The clean strong fundamental structure that holds you up right?

I mean who was in charge of naming organ to your conscience...

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7 months ago

Well, the world was always ending. Save yourself.

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