Darlingpan - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Here is some of my shippings that count as Hero X Villain ship that I like.

. Zelgan

. Darklina

. Darlingpan ( once upon a time tv series )

. Sauron X Galadriel

. ulquiorra X Orihime

. Doflamingo X Viola

. Obito X Rin

And I have three more shipping that I like but I not sure if they count as Hero X Villain ship.

. Buffy X Spike

. Thomas X Edith ( Crimson peak )

. Ferriswheelshipping

Oh i almost forgot one shipping

. Zutara

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3 years ago

You go fam and yessss that cute interaction. DarlingPan feels tbh. I feel sorry for em. Also this is my fav EAH au like it's my canon. I like to think they also exist in the canon (just sadly didn't get accepted into EAH) Poor Peter. The Darling fam descendants were just actors in the role they had to play. I like to think the Darling family and Tinker Bell's families do have a saying like 'Never ever fall for Peter since it's never meant to work' so they literally don't even try to form a deep connection in fear of catching feelings and such. If anyone ever had a crush on em, they never told him. Hope ya don't mind me reblogging and fangirling over this! Also thanks for posting more bout this! Also another thing, Peter's line to Wendy: Just always be waiting for me. ^said to be the last line Peter ever told Wendy likeeeee 😭😭 Also: Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. Can't wait for your fic!

~More stuff for this!~

So in the book Peter Pan this adorable exchange happens when he first meets Wendy:

[She also said she would give him a kiss if he liked, but Peter did not know what she meant, and he held out his hand expectantly.

"Surely you know what a kiss is?" she asked, aghast.

"I shall know when you give it to me," he replied stiffly, and not to hurt his feeling she gave him a thimble.

"Now," said he, "shall I give you a kiss?" and she replied with a slight primness, "If you please." She made herself rather cheap by inclining her face toward him, but he merely dropped an acorn button into her hand, so she slowly returned her face to where it had been before, and said nicely that she would wear his kiss on the chain around her neck. It was lucky that she did put it on that chain, for it was afterwards to save her life.]

(It does this by blocking an arrow Tinkerbell jealously tricked the Lost Boys into firing at Wendy while she was flying so she wouldn’t get between her and Peter.)

And nobody asked, but my EAH version of Peter has kept Wendy’s ‘kiss’, the thimble, likewise on a chain necklace, wears it everywhere and is very protective of it, getting defensive and uncharacteristically quiet when asked about it, because it’s the last thing he has of her and the time before the legacy system. The gifts from her descendants just don’t make his heart hurt the same way. Those Darlings weren’t trying to be themselves with him, they were trying to be her, but they weren’t. No one is.

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3 years ago

Thanks for the tag @feline17ff ! 💖

Hmmm, thinking bout food, writing, EAH, Disney and friends and sims 4. Sims 4 cause I had this project with my friends to make this save file.

Currently thinking bout how I’m gonna pull off my Wendy Darling X Peter Pan musical fic where these two finally end up together (yep Peter decides to grow up, Sadge for him but obv he remains ever exciting, chill, and in tune with his inner child.) It was supposed to be a songfic one shot but like my numerous supposed-to-be-one-shots it evolved. (Send help lols)

I’m excited for the weekend and relaxation and for writing some more. And talking to friendos!

@hunterxassasin @iamannettecresselion @inamindfarfaraway @lizziedaring @ankicacicero @wehiddendesires

Respond to this ask with what's currently on your mind right now, and then tag 5 ppl to see what they're thinking of too

I’m thinking of sad Thai commercials right now?

@cascadingfloralwaterfall @theboxfort @soapycocacola @saintsugoi @kirstenonic05

What about you guys?

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