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Eahravinqueen - Ravin'Queen - Tumblr Blog
this is gold!
“Just part Big Bad Wolf, Sir.”
“I knew it. I’m done, everyone stealing my thunder. I’ll call the huntsman myself. I don’t want to deal with this. I didn’t even catch lunch. smh. “.
“Wait. I have the most fabelous meat pie ever and it’s a family recipe and can feed like 5 people. I’m sure grandma won’t mind. Wait, where is she?”
”The bed was empty when I came So IDK.”
”Oh no. Grandma prob went to terrorise some sheep again or blow the pig’s homes down or BOTH.“
”I- Those were my jobs. Ya know what, I quit. After I have some pie. Then I’m relocating.”
”Ooooh! I heard Camelot’s great this time of year.”
”Are ya suggesting I become a Knight?“
“Eh, why not. Probably more fun than doing a couple things over and over again.”
A Thought
The Grandma from Little Red Riding Hood is an interesting role in Ever After High because EITHER -There is someone out there whose entire destiny is to be eaten by a wolf OR -There is a possibility that Ramona Badwolf could be the next Grandma.
i deddd reading this post. Defo. Milton’s like maybe if I am imposing people gonna listen to me. This seems like it could be a rumour at EAH (started by Kitty or Sparrow or Ramona probs) and then now people can’t help but burst into laughter when they getting scolded by him which makes him rant more. Like all the people who were scared of him (probs Hopper? Idk he seems the type. maybe Ginger too) are now pretty neutral and confident around him. I can imagine them losing their ish when Milton mistakenly stomps his foot like a child. Thank you for this beautiful and amazing post.
I like Milton Grimm's tendency to loom ominously at basically every available opportunity because it's just funny. He's supposed to be this composed, knowing man of power and instead he has to resort to intimidation that a teenage bully wouldn't use to get people to listen to him. Beautiful.
To anyone reading this. Reblog this! You all matter and I’m here for you. So proud of ya. Dms open if ya need anyone
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So I be posting differently from my blog type content ish. I hope ya’ll don’t mind. I am still into EAH and love it so much and am working on a lotta fics behind the scenes so I be busy. I have a many many fandoms. So I made the family tree for Mal and her big fams.

only OC on this is morgana tbh the rest are canon descendant characters!
aight so update and a sorta plug but omg I have a tumblr side blog now: @descendants-extended for this sorta stuff! (Should get to posting more on there 😆 lols.
Hope ya don’t mind me adding my thoughts. Was supposed to be a small comment but evolved into a long post so.
I love love love Ever After High and kinda liked Descendants but defo has many flaws and missed opportunities. Still annoyed that Descendants ended EAH smh.
Competition be brutal. And descendants was a quick cash grab. To be fair EAH started around the time once upon a time ended so idk. EAH is leaps and bounds better don’t get me wrong. I am just tryna analyse it from diff angles.
The love potion and no consequence was icky. Them getting married young was random. Mal and Ben were sorta cute but also pretty rushed. Liked the Benevolent and Malevolent symbolism and the light and dark thing. Yin and Yang thing. It seemed so cool but failed pretty bad.
Ben had more chemistry with Evie tbh. The 2nd movie is evidence of this. They seemed so chill and Ben seemed more focused. Mal and Evie also had more chemistry cause they spent more time together.
EAH’s canon ships Dexven and Hunterlynn are very unproblematic and cute. Though I find Hunterlynn pretty meh cause I’d have liked to see em more as individuals before they got together but I can live with it. And Dexter in the webisode was not shown outside him being shy, a love interest of Raven and him being a bro to Dare and Darling. Dex and Rae were cute and awkward and sweet and I was so happy when they got together but justice for Dex having more to him!
Jane and Carlos are kinda okay. Jay and Lonnie have an interesting premise.
There’s so many hints of ships in EAH and also a lil bit in DD.
DD didn’t try as much cause they were banking on nostalgia which sadly worked. So much wasted potential!
So many more characters we could’ve been added. Frozen characters, Enchanted characters (though we’d have to have a lotta editing and explanation, better off in book form). Merida and Moana also being here. Tinkerbell and her movie series being part of it. If they made the tangled series canon there could be more conflict! And if they made Cinderella 2 canon. Cass and VarIan being good but still being put on the Isle and same with Anastasia, she married her baker and had a few kids and was great sisters with Cindy but still taken away.
I love the core 4, Mal, Jay,Carlos and Evie are lovely. But the movies doesn’t even give Jay and Carlos much bonding time with the gals, it feels like the group spilt off while coming to the isle.
One thing Descendants did better than EAH, was how the girls and boys are pretty equal in DD. Not blaming EAH since they wanted to show off the multitude of designs and it reminds me of like Sims, gals have so much more stuff in terms of things.
Disney had pure nostalgia so it should put backgrounders like Easter eggs. Wanted to see more Auradon kingdoms. It did what Disney didn’t let the characters do previously. It let the Disney princesses grow up. And it’s a world with so many places from the multiverse.
But also why are Belle and Adam such tyrants and outta character. They don’t even explain it or acknowledge it! Why did they mess with death and bring villains back from there. Why not flesh out the world and add more Easter eggs.
Adam hates magic cause he and his staff were cursed long ago or maybe there were harsh consequences for messing with death that befell him and they vowed not again?
Check out the books and tie em into canon. I wanted to see more isle kids and Auradon kids. Like in the first movie in rotten to the core, maybe we could’ve seen Anthony Tremaine in the back up dancers. What about people walking about? Maybe hinting bout Dizzy (her carrying supplies)? Mother Gothel walking about. Other villains?
EAH did this pretty well. Check out the Royal and Rebel Pedia for more research. We have Lily Bo Peep and son of hero of Harlem, we have Cari Pillar in wonderland high maybe. We have a girl that can be the daughter of the Midas king. We have a lot of somethings.
Art and naming and Dolls and designs:
EAH’s art and visuals and aesthetic was something else entirely. They made it kinda modern without losing the old fairytale theme.
Obv EAH and DD are told through diff things. DD is live action and has pretty bad graphics and cgi at time but the outfits and hair look decent and the acting is good.
Both have book series on the side and I love both but get this feeling of extra wonderment from EAH like what’s gonna happen? And the books focus on other characters in EAH
EAH made the world feel alive and the characters had really unique beautiful names.
DD’s names were basic, kinda bland but somehow worked. The names being close to the parents showing how narcissistic the parents are and how they saw the kids are little them, meant to be exactly like them and a means to an end. The amount of toxicity and torment these kids must’ve had to deal with tbh. Did the villains have kids to seem sympathetic? It sorta worked I suppose. They got their kids to try and do their dirty work and Ben felt super sad and was like the kids don’t deserve to suffer for what their parents did.
Like Op said DD’s punk style looks interesting and I love the intricate detailing on EAH’s characters. I have a few EAH dolls and no DD ones. EAH dolls stand alone in terms of doll quality and are leagues above the rest.
Descendants songs are BOPs though. My fave EAH song was the theme. No tea or shade to anyone who likes the other songs.
I have always loved fairytale retellings. So I appreciate both. I have fics for both. The descendants one is a major major fix it fic. Adding more characters and side characters and fleshing the world out. Both still WIPs do wish me luck. If ya wanna discuss more with me, please do so.
This is barely the tip of the iceberg in discussion of these two. This was my personal opinion and I was not tryna attack anyone or undermine anyone’s points. The fanfic writers of both be top tier btw!
descendance sucks
descendance is like a worse version of ever after high. its b a d. i watched it while babysitting for a family friend. the main characters design looks like a bad cosplay of some ugly punk girl. then thereś the half baked romance in the first movie. to me it felt like they had no chemistry at all. just a love spell and children getting married. ever after high is simply superior in every way. the designs are miles ahead of descendance. they actually look like the children of the characters there supposed to be. and the writing is way better to. they also have cool dolls. the one thing i like about descendance is that they had a kinda punk looking character but again they failed. so yea i hate descendance and ever after high is wayyyy better.
I got Ro and I love Ro so muchhhh!
Got bored and made a barbie quiz!
I'll reblog with the link!
I forget which tale said fairys had long lives but a few tales did so it's pretty interesting how the world of EAH will have diff rules and such. I haven't read Peter Pan the book but was searching quotes for this DarlingPan songfic and did find that. Lemme try and find it. Fairies don’t live long, but they are so little that a short time seems a good while to them Also poor Peter but I think remembers and suffers in his dreams and such but obv forgets and can't remember much bout it just that he has nightmare. a quote from the og book: "Sometimes, though not often, he had dreams, and they were more painful than the dreams of other boys. For hours he could not be separated from these dreams, though he wailed piteously in them. They had to do, I think, with the riddle of his existence.”
~More stuff for this!~
So in the book Peter Pan this adorable exchange happens when he first meets Wendy:
[She also said she would give him a kiss if he liked, but Peter did not know what she meant, and he held out his hand expectantly.
"Surely you know what a kiss is?" she asked, aghast.
"I shall know when you give it to me," he replied stiffly, and not to hurt his feeling she gave him a thimble.
"Now," said he, "shall I give you a kiss?" and she replied with a slight primness, "If you please." She made herself rather cheap by inclining her face toward him, but he merely dropped an acorn button into her hand, so she slowly returned her face to where it had been before, and said nicely that she would wear his kiss on the chain around her neck. It was lucky that she did put it on that chain, for it was afterwards to save her life.]
(It does this by blocking an arrow Tinkerbell jealously tricked the Lost Boys into firing at Wendy while she was flying so she wouldn’t get between her and Peter.)
And nobody asked, but my EAH version of Peter has kept Wendy’s ‘kiss’, the thimble, likewise on a chain necklace, wears it everywhere and is very protective of it, getting defensive and uncharacteristically quiet when asked about it, because it’s the last thing he has of her and the time before the legacy system. The gifts from her descendants just don’t make his heart hurt the same way. Those Darlings weren’t trying to be themselves with him, they were trying to be her, but they weren’t. No one is.
Reblogging, hopefully not slowing ya down if ya tryna make a full on long string post. Your hand writing is beautiful and i could imagine it so well. And ayeeee mention of Wonderlandiful World which be one of my fave books. Peter has such leadership tbh, he's charismatic. Also Fairies do live long/ are kinda immortal so Tinkerbell being here is realistic. I love how deep and thought out this is!
~More stuff for this!~
So in the book Peter Pan this adorable exchange happens when he first meets Wendy:
[She also said she would give him a kiss if he liked, but Peter did not know what she meant, and he held out his hand expectantly.
"Surely you know what a kiss is?" she asked, aghast.
"I shall know when you give it to me," he replied stiffly, and not to hurt his feeling she gave him a thimble.
"Now," said he, "shall I give you a kiss?" and she replied with a slight primness, "If you please." She made herself rather cheap by inclining her face toward him, but he merely dropped an acorn button into her hand, so she slowly returned her face to where it had been before, and said nicely that she would wear his kiss on the chain around her neck. It was lucky that she did put it on that chain, for it was afterwards to save her life.]
(It does this by blocking an arrow Tinkerbell jealously tricked the Lost Boys into firing at Wendy while she was flying so she wouldn’t get between her and Peter.)
And nobody asked, but my EAH version of Peter has kept Wendy’s ‘kiss’, the thimble, likewise on a chain necklace, wears it everywhere and is very protective of it, getting defensive and uncharacteristically quiet when asked about it, because it’s the last thing he has of her and the time before the legacy system. The gifts from her descendants just don’t make his heart hurt the same way. Those Darlings weren’t trying to be themselves with him, they were trying to be her, but they weren’t. No one is.
You go fam and yessss that cute interaction. DarlingPan feels tbh. I feel sorry for em. Also this is my fav EAH au like it's my canon. I like to think they also exist in the canon (just sadly didn't get accepted into EAH) Poor Peter. The Darling fam descendants were just actors in the role they had to play. I like to think the Darling family and Tinker Bell's families do have a saying like 'Never ever fall for Peter since it's never meant to work' so they literally don't even try to form a deep connection in fear of catching feelings and such. If anyone ever had a crush on em, they never told him. Hope ya don't mind me reblogging and fangirling over this! Also thanks for posting more bout this! Also another thing, Peter's line to Wendy: Just always be waiting for me. ^said to be the last line Peter ever told Wendy likeeeee 😭😭 Also: Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. Can't wait for your fic!
~More stuff for this!~
So in the book Peter Pan this adorable exchange happens when he first meets Wendy:
[She also said she would give him a kiss if he liked, but Peter did not know what she meant, and he held out his hand expectantly.
"Surely you know what a kiss is?" she asked, aghast.
"I shall know when you give it to me," he replied stiffly, and not to hurt his feeling she gave him a thimble.
"Now," said he, "shall I give you a kiss?" and she replied with a slight primness, "If you please." She made herself rather cheap by inclining her face toward him, but he merely dropped an acorn button into her hand, so she slowly returned her face to where it had been before, and said nicely that she would wear his kiss on the chain around her neck. It was lucky that she did put it on that chain, for it was afterwards to save her life.]
(It does this by blocking an arrow Tinkerbell jealously tricked the Lost Boys into firing at Wendy while she was flying so she wouldn’t get between her and Peter.)
And nobody asked, but my EAH version of Peter has kept Wendy’s ‘kiss’, the thimble, likewise on a chain necklace, wears it everywhere and is very protective of it, getting defensive and uncharacteristically quiet when asked about it, because it’s the last thing he has of her and the time before the legacy system. The gifts from her descendants just don’t make his heart hurt the same way. Those Darlings weren’t trying to be themselves with him, they were trying to be her, but they weren’t. No one is.
Well there's room for so much angst tbh. Like the line of the actual book starts with 'All of this has happened before and will happen again' so this boy legit goes in loops with the Darling girls. It's hinted that even Wendy's mum knew him and had adventured with him. And in the end it's mentioned he take Wendy's daugethers for adventures too. Plus the quotes i checked out for this other project i have as pretty bittersweet.Again I love this elaboration and seriously need more lols!
Some OC and Canon Character Relationships for my Peter Pan/Ever After High AU
Peter is an irrepressible extrovert. Why do you think he periodically left his island to make new friends and bring them over before the legacy system? He will be friends with anyone who doesn’t rub him the wrong way first, and even them if they say sorry and he thinks they mean it. (Prejudices like sexism and the bias against villains’ children are just more silly grownup nonsense to him. You should make people sad only for perfectly logical reasons, like if they hurt puppies for fun or won’t give totally deserving immortal boys chocolate they totally deserve. But he’s never properly got the ‘sins of the parent’ thing. Yeah, he fought every Hook from the cycle’s start, but that’s ‘cause every Hook was themselves bad and wanted to fight him first! Right? …Isn’t that how it went?) This whole ‘maturing’ thing is very, very New and Hard and Scary, and he develops a deep fear of losing his nerve on it after coming so far, aware he’s had a consistent habit of forgetting any emotional growth he got in the past. His personal affections are fickle and impulsive day to day, especially in the beginning. His strongest bonds are undoubtedly with Scarlet and Fire Lily. Peter’s beloved or at least admired and appreciated by the masses for his innumerable daring feats, generally nice disposition and of course singlehandedly keeping the cycle of destiny in Neverland turning all this time. However, it can be difficult for him and others to discern between his friends and mere fans. At first, he doesn’t care. What matters is people think he’s cool. The more attuned to how bad the status quo is and how important others’ needs and rights are he becomes, the more he favours Rebels like Raven, Maddie, Kitty, Darling, Cerise, Ramona, Ginger (if you give him good food, he is your friend for life), and Melody. He still loves plenty of Royals as people and slowly learns how to see the world in less black-and-white terms to maintain his friendships with them. Some will find him annoying or bratty, but it’s difficult to truly hate him because, well, if you have an ounce of self-awareness as the Hooks are famously lacking, it seems absurd to hate a child who probably neither knows why you do nor is bothered that you do. Hating people is Not Fun, so he’s reluctant to commit to it, so it’ll tend to be an unsatisfyingly one-sided animosity on your part.
Blondie is eager to interview the illustrious Peter Pan. Always glad to talk about himself, he doesn’t see much problem with her nosiness, pickiness and lack of respect for privacy and appreciated her ability to put an entertaining spin on anything. He sometimes assists her collecting gossip.
Duchess is one of the few who actually do hate Peter. She cannot stand that she’s doomed to a tragic end of loneliness and heartbreak, while his life is an endless procession of fun, freedom and happily ever afters. Plus, he’s a loud, tactless nuisance. He mistakes this for a tongue-in-cheek rivalry and accordingly enjoys teasing her for a long while. Eventually he does figure out Duchess is really hurting, regretfully dropping it, but his usual tactics to make people feel better don’t work with her. Left no other options, he confesses he was kinda attracted to the first Wendy Darling and it hurt him deeply to say goodbye to her forever, so he can’t imagine how awful her destiny would feel. Then they just keep their distance from each other in strange understanding.
Sparrow and Peter get along great. The boy is happy to be a diversion or nimble fellow pickpockets in Sparrow’s thefts. He might want to keep one or two shiny things, but often the look of revelation on the victim’s face is payment enough. This friendship mildly strains Sparrow and Duchess’s relationship.
Scarlet and Faybelle are instant BFFAs. They both noticed they were the most genuinely enthusiastic and happy kids in the first General Villainy lesson and struck up a conversation. Now when Scarlet needs a truly understanding ear (well, it’s more that Faybelle lets her vent and then changes the subject to something different, usually herself, but talking to her always makes her feel better) or just wants some no-questions-asked, no-strings-attached mischief, she knows the Dark Fairy’s daughter has her back. Faybelle cheers her on during her sports games. They help each other with work in their several shared subjects.
Scarlet: I mean, I’m honoured to inherit my father’s role and all, but I don’t want to be just another Captain Hook, you know? I want to be that Captain Hook.
Faybelle: Right? And the Evil Queen stole my mother’s part, so I’m stuck in the shadow of two villains! I can enjoy being evil and still want to be special.
Scarlet: That’s exactly it! You are so much better than the fairies in Neverland.
Faybelle: Of course I am. I’m better than everyone.
Scarlet: Except at piracy!
[They laugh and high five.]
Faybelle isn’t impressed by Peter at first, but after he tells the story of the original Tinkerbell trying to kill Wendy as a funny anecdote in an interview with a very underprepared Blondie, she realizes his moral code is also pretty flexible. So she allows him to tag along with her and his sister a few times, and warms up to him. As long as she stays nice to him and Scarlet he’s cool with all her villainous… quirks and he has many lifetimes’ experience in troublemaking. He has no idea why more people don’t like her. She seems similar to him and almost everyone at school likes him. Having real friends who trust and accept her helps Faybelle a lot, not that she’ll admit it. The chaotic trio confide in each other their respective gradual turns toward morals and the worries and insecurities they give them, like Faybelle’s dissipating hostility to her classmates and crush on Briar, Scarlet’s interest in and protectiveness of her identity besides villainy and piracy and Peter finally catching up on the remorse and empathy he’s been delaying.
Scarlet also befriends Darling (her favourite fencing partner) and Ramona.
Meghan is friends with Ashlynn, who shares her kindness and love of nature, Blondie, who shares her curiosity and secretly wanting more out of her destiny, and Briar, who shares a pack of younger siblings and knows a lot of ways to have pure, undiluted fun. Since she can plan all those parties so flawlessly and keep up with her work while having narcolepsy, Briar must have hextremely efficient organization and time management skills. She’s a mentor of sorts to Meghan.
Fire Lily has never needed a lot of friends, he’s most comfortable with just a few people who understand him and he can come to when he needs to while able to do the same. So he only has a couple friends other than Peter - a childhood friend he’d lost touch with and now becomes a responsible big brother to - Scarlet - a childhood rival annoyingly good at antagonizing him and getting his flawless facade to crack, who he comes to see as a sister through association with Peter - and Meghan - who he has seamless platonic chemistry with on his first day. He bonds with Cedar over their love of art. Her honesty is refreshing and forces him to face and resolve his mistakes and problems; it isn’t always fun, but he knows there’s more to life than fun unlike certain people, and doesn’t back down from the challenge. Ashlynn and Hunter are his allies in environmental activism. Neverland has much better harmony with nature than Ever After, so seeing the mainland’s level of harmful industrialization is quite a culture clash.
TBH we defo needed a long movie so the focus could be on many things. Like this is a major, major thing for the series. The STORYBOOK OF LEGENDS, the book that generations signed and have lived based upon, the book that caused the main conflict of the show. And Raven gives the pages of destiny to people and know they get to choose but also some people who afraid of their destiny must've so scared. Like the villians of some stories and they must be like 'this be nice and all but we aren't as strong to overcome this'. Also i wanna see headmaster grimm lose his ish kinda. Snow and the fairytale kingdoms having a meeting bout this. Apple and Raven were like let's shelf this book and like did the little kids of some fairytales also get their tales from the getgo, that would shape their life a lot. Plus Rae should've been rewarded for saving wonderland twice.
I think the thing with Way to Wonderland was that they tried to fit in a major plot development that just seemed wayy to rushed in the end. The Story Book of Legends is what caused the main overlaying plot in EAH because Raven refused to sign it leading to the whole "Royals vs Rebels" but then in the last like 20 minutes of the movie not only does Raven sign it but she also destroys the book and it just felt so.... underwhelming 🥴
1000000% underrated and underdeveloped characters tbh:
I agree with ya on this! It’s brilliant btw! Justine being bad at some dances like ballet would be good and realistic.
Crystal being the baddie we needed. Also Jackie Frost and her bro need help cause they were so cringey and rushed.
Jillian – She does need some fears. Also I find her crush on Tiny cute. The stuff ya said bout Farrah is amazing.
Agree with what ya said bout Meeshell too!
Bunny and Alistair – I remember I was so angry when their characters weren’t focused on and all we knew was that they liked each other. They seemed so bland to me. But thank goodness for fans who elaborated on em.
Nina – so I checked the thumbalina fairytale right now to see the themes and got quite a bit so buckle in fam. She’s gotta keep travelling around quite a bit.
In the tale, thumbalina gets kidnapped by a frog and then runs away from em, then is on the run from different things ever since. She gets helped by bugs throughout the tale so maybe Nina calls on bugs and spiders and such instead of woodland creatures like the other princesses with the exception of her shallow ‘bird’ friend.
She rooms with this nice mouse and tells him stories and cooks for him. Then the mouse’s good friend who is the richest and the rich mouse is smittened with her and asks her to marry him. (she’s irrestible like all these creatures wanna marry her!)
She had to go along with it and reclutantly went to his home with her roommate. On the way there, in a tunnel was an injured shallow (bird) and the rich mouse kicked it and told it, it deserved its injuries. Thumbalina is disgusted and shocked and runs away from the mice and then comes back to tend to the bird when they are gone.
She took care of it till it could fly again and it was spring time by the time the bird was better and the bird asked her to come along to where the bird would reunite with her friends. Thumbelina is tired of adventure and declines.
The lovesick rich mouse finds her again and asks her to marry him once again. She tells him to let her bask in the sun before they’d have to live underground for most of their life. (Thumbalina has a problem with telling people no I suppose? Maybe being a people pleaser.) She is roaming the fields one last time when her shallow friend comes and asks her to come away with her. This time she agrees. On their travels, she meets a ‘young, handsome’ king who for some reason has wings and she gets wings too when she marries him. She can feel like she belongs nowhere cause she was always on the move.
And the tale never mentions her reuniting with her mother. Plus the thumbell family can all deal with infertility and all. Fairytale conceptions methods do be interesting like eating roses for kids or in this case, planting a grain of barley and then kissing the petals of the flowers that grew.
The beginning of the tale says that the lady lost her husband and was lonely thus wanted a kid she never had. So would Nina have to lose her future spouse and then have a kid she will inevitably lose? Tragic af There’s a lot that can be explored. Also we needed Chase Redford at EAH ngl,like would be so cool and fun to explore more bout him.
Characters I think had a lot of potential but were heavily underused
Disclamer this is just my opinion and how I'd 'fix' them
Justine - She's shown to be good at every dance style, but that's so boring... what if instead she was horrible at ballet and wanted to befriend Duchess so they can practice together? (Duchess at first sees this as some kind of rivalry)
Also I hate what they did to Duchess on Justine's diary, she'd never cheat on a dance performance
I like her sleepdancing and her potential relationship with Ramona tho
Crystal - I've made a previous post about this but basically I find her to be very bland. I want character development; from cold Ice princess to her finally learling to love other people
Jillian - I like the fearless adventure girl trope and her interactions with Humphrey. Apart from that I don't have a lot of opinions, maybe add her one fatal fear that she overcomes? I don't know
Farrah - I don't have strong opinions about her, I like her. Maybe add more struggles regarding her wishes? Like people abuse them or something and maybe Ashlynn (or Crystal cof cof @crystals-gun-supremacy ) are the ones that help the rest realise that Farrah doesn't want to grant wishes all day.
Meeshell - I like her shy personality, I just wish she had more. Maybe she doesn't tell people her tragic destiny because she's too shy to talk about it and doesn't want other people worrying about her?
Also maybe her and Duchess can bond over their tragic destinies
Ramona - I want more interaction between her a Cerise! I want them to act as sisters. Also I want to know what happened to her and why was she sent to prision.
Bunny and Alistair - put them together because apparently that's what mattel thinks of them. Thank you fandom for making them actual characters and not just "girl and boy are in love with each other but are too shy to confess"
Nina - I literally have no opinions about her. She just exists
Exactly, It was heartbreaking. Like instead of a compelling character we got some super rushed stuff.I was hoping for another Villian and seeing how she was raised and stuff. Like make it make sense. Not the crystal we deserved. Like the og tale has lots of potiental and can be cool to draw from but nah. Also the show tying thing was pretty outta the left field
epic winter is so comical its like. what the fuck happened
Thanks for the tag @feline17ff
Nickname: Rae, Fifu, *flower related stuff in general*
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: I legit dk. Pretty tall. 5’10 (imma edit to the exact one that this bracket will be gone when it happens)
Last movie I saw: Oof I watch so many movies that I was stumped but in actuality perfect timing. I sat and watch Disney’s animated Beauty and the Beast with my little cousins yesterday! It was their first time and kinda perfect time was I was in the fairytale mood and I was working on my EAH fic bout Brair and Rosabella’s grandparents who are from the tales Sleeping beauty and Beauty and the beast!
Last thing I googled: I had quite a few tabs on cause I was researching for my fics yesterday. But just now I googled Tumblr to get here cause I don’t have the app cause storage cause of my numerous photos and my writings and fics
Fav musicians: I bounce around a bit so I don’t have any fav. Got back to music cause inspo and background for my fics and ships (plus ambience helps too)
Songs stuck in my head: Problem by Ariana Grande (the ‘Got my head in the clouds got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser and realise I got one last problem without ya’ part)
Other blogs: N/A, this be my one and only blog here for far
Blogs following: in the twenties right now but defo gonna get higher cause there’s so many amazing people on here!
Sleep patterns: Tragic. Kinda nocturnal ish nowadays. Chilling in the night is very fun and I get a lot of needed me time. Gap year so ayeee but also nerves if I am utilising my time well. Fluctuates. I got my sleep schedule right a few weeks ago but got it wrong again cause of having to go somewhere.
Lucky numbers: l really don’t have one. My favourite numbers are 2,6,7,9 (idk something noice looking bout em)
What am I wearing: long maroon comfy gown that goes till my shins with 3 black stripes on the half-sleeves (gives it some athletic vibes) and with POCKETS! Oh and black slacks. And clear blue glasses (the colour of Ashlynn Ella’s glass slippers in her normal wear coincidentally )
What would I do if capitalism didn't exist: Probs stress less, have less pressure and worries and have less things to cry about.
Dream trip: Hmm, Turkey (heard it’s an amazing place and also the foodie part of me is like Turkish cuisine be great!). Me and my friends want to travel together one day. Maybe going to Morocco, to the Philippines, to Indonesia!
Fav food: a foodie so a lottt. Ice cream- cookies and cream. Mango milkshake! Pinna Coloda (the general combo of Pineapple and Coconut both together and apart!)
Love Indomie (they nostalgic and great ramen noodles! Obv not sponsored or anything (random YouTuber-like clarification)
Chocolate milk!
Love pastas
Languages I speak: English, Urdu/Hindi, Arabic. Tiny bit Turkish cause has quite a few words in common with Urdu!
learned French from 2nd to 4th grade but forgot it again
Instruments I play: My bro plays the guitar and I don’t (unless my voice/singing which ain’t that good can be counted as an instrument, looking at you
Barbie:Diamond castle for that analogy)
Fav song: Quite a few. Both in English and in Hindi and Korean ones.
In English ones, everybody talks (currently cause of this one ship and how it plays out in my head), Levitating! Killing me softly, I’m still standing, I will survive, once upon a December from Anastasia, lots of old songs like Dark horse without the pointless added rap that doesn’t match or harmonise (went offffff)
Wanna One’s Energetic is my fave. Korean drama osts be bops. The show Goblin’s theme was kinda ethereal. The entire soundtrack of Cinderella and the four Knights is nostalgic. Loved the main Theme of Kill me, Heal me and it’s called auditory hallucinations.
Love the songs Khamoshiyan, Dhakak’s title track (though I never watched the movie and heard people say it was eh (tea)),
Childhood shows’ themes be nostalgic and hit hard. The ‘We are W.I.T.C.H’ will never not slappp.
Random facts about me:
Love writing and have a lot of Work in progress fics from so many fandoms. Love ships! Idk how I sometimes land into rare pair territory tbh.
Up for friendly fandom discussions, (respect our diff opinions too obv) they are very fun. Feel free to dm me btw, I don’t mind and it’s nice making some more friends.
Was a literature student, and loved musicals cause I love reading between the line and analysis. Youngest child of my parents but one of the elder cousins ish. Love the colour blue, pink, a lot of colours tbh.
Have a lotta hobbies.
Love shoes and currently watching Hilda which I recommend!
love games!
Got a haircut a few days ago in layers and digging it!!
Have cats and love em. Have had pets all my life.
I rambled on for too long! Thanks for reading you guys!
I’ll tag @ankicacicero , @small-white-bird , @curseofbunny , @whateverafterhigh , @everafterbi , @everafterblog , @wehiddendesires @demigirlravenqueen
+ anyone who wants to do it!
20 questions tag
hello!! i was tagged in this by @aqua-girl-4ever so thank you for the tag!
Nickname: ezzy! or banana if yall are into that ig
Zodiac Sign: cancer. i am crabbo
Height: 5'10" i think?? maybe 5'9"??
Last Movie I Saw: in theaters i think was Frozen 2 but in general the last movie i watched was Vertigo
Last Thing I Googled: ‘how to sleep’ for my friend so they stop texting me at fucking one in the morning about their insomnia
Favorite Musician: don’t have one! i don’t listen to a whole lot of music other than show tunes or disney songs but i think just about every song i hear is a good song. but also Freddie Mercury.
Song Stuck In My Head: surprisingly it’s actually kinda quiet in my head right now, but Maybe This Time from Cabaret and Maybe from Annie are both kind of floating around somewhere in the back
Other Blogs: none babeyyy y’all get everything here. one stop shop.
Blogs Following: i just follow back people who follow me. so. y’all can check that list if you’re interested.
Sleep Patterns: as of now it’s usually about 3-4am to 2pm. i always wake up at 2 because i have an alarm but i can fall asleep basically anywhere between 3 and 5 am
Lucky Numbers: 8 and 28 but not 18. also i hate the numbers 7 and 10
What Am I Wearing: my jammies! which aren’t actually jammies just comfy clothes. kk slider socks, black leggings, undies, and a big t-shirt
What Would I Do If Capitalism Didn’t Exist?: fucking live man. go places. be happy. but if we’re talking careers i would kill to be, like, a mattress tester or smth. i just like to rest
Dream Trip: y’all i live in ohio just get me out of here and i’m happy. but i’ve always wanted to go to norway, or somewhere in south america
Favorite Food: nearest. but also strawberries and pasta. not together tho
Instruments I Play: uh… i was a percussionist in band in middle school so… drums, and i also play handbells and sing. and also i played piano for like two years but i never practiced so i don’t know how to play piano
Languages I speak: English. and i studied Spanish for like four years but it was also in the american public school system so we all know what kind of quality that had, and i’ve tried duolingo just so many times and never gotten past a certain point
Favorite Songs: pretty much anything i listen to! i’m not big on rap and things like that bc i have auditory processing issues and can’t understand what they’re saying but if i can understand it i usually like it
Random Facts About Me: ooh um… i have chronic hiccups, i just chopped off a lot of my hair for charity, i have a cat, and i have a lot of weird ancestors/relatives
tagging @etchedstars @primordialsoupy @imperatrixtumby
Arthurian Legend in EAH
It's wild to try and construct cause everyone is possibly related to everyone and not much be concrete.It depends from writer to writer.. Suppose that's kinda the fun of it.Ideas just buzzing around my head rn. Plus the names of the characters are pretty iconic so it's kinda interesting to research and make up similar names
Highly highly recommend Overly Sarcastic Productions for a pretty cohesive version of it (recommend OSP in general love em. They are the coolest)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_jgF-S746o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBpkqS68xlk
10000000% worth it! One's stories are meant to be told. If you anyone is wondering if they should write that fic, let the idea come alive on paper or even go for it and publish the fic, here's your sign to go for it!
Reblog if you think fanfiction isn't a waste of time.
Reblog if you think it’s a good way to practice writing.
Reblog if you have made friends because of fanfiction.
My sister called it a waste of time and I want to prove her wrong.
I was going through hopper's tag and found this and this is such an intriguing thing. Also turns out 'Raven Queen' is a DND thing too but it sounds cool. I like to think that cause Raven saved Wonderland in Way Too Wonderland, that they grant her the title of Raven (Black) Queen aka legit give her a title, land and other stuff as a reward (though wonderland already got a lotta queens lols) I explore this idea in my fic. Would've been so cool if the new 'Snow White'( I call her Ebony White) from 'Snow White and Rose Red' would be dark haired instead of 'fair-haired' like the og tale so there's rumors the two gal have been switched at birth. (Explore this in my fics too (haven't published it yet. Oof numerous tangents, i Think 'Apple White' came out iconic. Maybe in unverse didn't name her Ivory White cause it was like 'Rose Red' naming tradition (the same colour repeated as a name thing if it makes sense) I was like oof if Apple named her kid 'Poison' or something one time when i was younger cause she was obsessed with being poisoned lols XD (most random thought ever, still proud of younger me) Also for the hopper thing i googled it i cause why not and now i deddd: Hopper Name Meaning English and Scottish: occupational name for a professional tumbler or acrobat, or a nickname for a restless individual with plenty of energy, Middle English hoppere, an agent derivative of Old English hoppian ‘to hop’. German: nickname from an agent derivative of Middle High German, Middle Low German hoppen ‘to limp or stumble’. Dutch: occupational name for a hop grower or seller, from Middle Dutch hoppe ‘hop(s)’ + the agent suffix -er.
Can someone explain the reasoning behind the following names to me?
Apple White - Sure I get it but why Apple? Why not something white like snow (e.g. Ivory) or based on the original description (e.g. Ebony) for example, or a shade of white like with Cerise. If it was Ebony then it could show us the pressure she's under coz she doesn't fit her story's description.
Raven Queen - Where is the Evil Queen's motif a raven? Same with Raven's dragon Nevermore. It's more Wonderland than Snow White.
Hopper - I know coz frogs hop, but is Hopper a common English name or nickname?
Faybelle - Why is it based on a generic word "fable" than specific to her role in her story like the other characters?
Please and thank you! 💖
Edit: Edgar Allen Poe not Wonderland, my mistake :)
Which character has your favourite design from EAH? They have gorgeous designs so it’s probably hard to choose. I love detailing and amounts of accessories. What’s the best look of your favourite character?
I love how fancy Lily Bo Peep looks and wish she was focused on tbh. Loved Lizzie and Raven’s style. Melody piper was hexcellent too.
Jillian Beanstalk looks kinda cute.
I like Briar’s normal outfit but also her spring unsprung look cause it looked pretty and midly loved her dark lipgloss. Also loved Raven’s ‘Maddie’s Hattastic Tea Party look cause of her hair, something bout her bangs and the diff hair colour was so fun
Love Hopper’s patterned coat and totes stan the headcanon that @whateverafterhigh made that just cause of Hopper’s amazing coat, his kingdom’s main thing of trade is fabrics and all
Who’s the most underrated character in your opinion? Someone you would’ve loved to hexplore the story of.
There are other tales too! Also there's Giles and Milton in this world. So I like to think there's other fairytale author's descendants too. Like they could be storybook adapters to make stories go seamlessly but they pretty much don't get to do anything. Headcannon that the lesser known tales are very confusing to try and follow. Charlotte Perrault, Gabriel de Villeneuve, and Jean-Mario Leprince de Beaumont are cousins And second cousins of Andrea Lang and Monsieur d'Aulnoy. The key story their ancestors adapted was Beauty and the Beast. They like historians to help the tale be easy to follow and live. Lesser known tales are usually harder to live through because of how unadapted it is. Story simplifiers or adapters aka Storytellers They don't go to EAH and they a shunned secret cause Milton thinks they not needed anymore (Gatekeeping to the max)
but what exactly is a fairytale? does it HAVE to be Grimm? what about Anderson? Meeshell, Nina, and Crystal imply that Hans Christian Andersen is also allowed into the EAH canon, despite Milton and Giles. I am sick today and staying home from school so will attempt to categorize exactly what is in the EAH universe and how I can twist this to include whichever manner of beast I please (these posts will be tagged “#EAH spellbook” bc I couldn’t come up with anything better)
Which EAH book would you like to see animated? I would like to see A Wonderlandiful World, that book is amazing, I mean, it has moments like:
Maddie and her struggle with The Narrators, seeing her father in danger and not being able to intervene. I like to see this side of Maddie, proving that she's not just the crazy girl who is there to cheer everyone up.
Cedar experiencing what it is like to have a human body.
The theater play with Daring and Lizzie acting. That was fun.
Daring and Lizzie's friendship. They were very cute and funny. I would have liked to see them more.
Lizzie with the Vorpal sword. She's just badass ... sometimes I forget she didn't actually kill the Jabberwock but that could have been epic..
Facts 10000000%. A diary of Chase would be so interesting and give a new preseptive. He probs felt lonely. I think he a 'sheltered' prince to the public's mind. When in actuality he obv the red knight is his duty so he knows of people but doesn't get time to mingle. I was so shook when Lizzie and the wonderlandians didn't know him. He knows of people but was really unknown to em and not close
ever think about how not only were we deprived of most of the guys' dolls, but we were also deprived of their diaries? like. can you imagine if we got actual depth to sparrow? humphrey? hopper? they could've found a way to pull off one for tiny if they just thought abt it for long enough. hell, daring got two dolls and yet no diary. can you imagine if we got daring from his own point of view? all the accounts we have of him are either laced with resentment bc he's the golden boy or played for laughs. there's soooooo much wonderland lore in the diaries, can you imagine if we got one from chase, who actually stayed in wonderland after it got sealed off?
Peter Pan in Ever After High
Years ago I made some rough draft Ever After High OCs for Peter Pan years ago but then deleted them because they were too cringey. This was before I learned to EMBRACE THE CRINGE (you know, online and anonymously). They were exchange students from Neverland. I can’t remember much, but from what I do I have reconstructed these fanfic concepts and OCS.
Peter Pan is the Peter Pan. His whole character is the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up. He wasn’t planning to grow old, let alone have kids, anyway, and once the legacy system was implemented he was bound by destiny not to too. So while the Hooks and Darlings and (now unisex) Lost Kids and even his fairy sidekicks come and go, Peter never changes. At least, he’s never supposed to. So he’s just been reenacting the events every generation for hundreds of years (the system has to be a good few centuries old) and doing whatever in between, and he thought he was fine with this because the thing a lot of adaptations forget about Peter is he isn’t a straightforward good person. He’s childhood incarnate. Eternally immature. In the original story he doesn’t really understand the weight of death; not just his own, simply saying dying will be “an awfully big adventure”, but others’, thinking nothing of murdering pirates and risking the Lost Boys’ lives in battle on a regular basis. He ambiguously ‘thins out’ the Lost Boys who grow up on him, unable to stand them becoming the what he so hates. In the darkest versions he kills them, in others including this one he just expels and disowns them, but either way it gets the point across. It’s all a game to him. That’s why the Darling kids need to leave him and face the future in the end: the harshness and responsibilities of adulthood come with a much more sophisticated theory of mind, sense of empathy and general grasp of reality. It isn’t that he’s malicious, he just can’t understand that his actions have consequences and sees everyone as side characters or antagonists in his story. Peter doesn’t have good and evil, he has fun and boring. This is all JM Barrie’s characterization. Barrie explicitly says young children are ‘heartless’ by adult moral standards and gain hearts as they grow.
Were he to evaluate the legacy system for a few seconds, all the decidedly un-fun strict repression and burdensome duty, he’d absolutely despise it. He distantly remembers life pre-scripting and it was fine. He’s pretty sure Ever After was fine. He should realize more than anyone how artificial it is. Trouble is he’s a hyperactive, selfish, impulsive preadolescent boy to the power of a thousand, so very easily distracted and bribed by Ever Afterian authorities into compliance before he can do that. All he needs to do is keep living his dream life and act out what he essentially already saw as an extended, dramatic game over and over, after all. They even let him throw in a couple small twists each time! Another factor is that he signed the real Storybook of Legends way back when the first signing event occurred (he drew little stick figure Lost Boys and pirates on the page). And based on how it gave Raven access to the full depth of her magic power, this book, unlike the one Apple signed, is supernaturally effective. So Peter’s inability to learn from his experiences or emotionally mature has partly been enforced by the book. He doesn’t think too hard and stays stagnant in his childishness.
What changes is the current Captain Hook sees an opportunity. Though he hates Pan, he hates the thought of his daughter Scarlet losing her hand and being tormented by a crocodile for the rest of her days even more. Peter is naive and malleable enough to be swayed against the legacy system and powerful and influential enough to possibly get their story removed from the list. He doesn’t care for Peter or anyone else outside his family (‘Freedom from destiny but only for me I think. The rest of you are on your own.’). Swallowing down the urge to stab the boy on sight, he encourages Scarlet to become his friend at a young age. The island is pretty insular between the retellings of the story so he gets away with it. For comedy points, Hook instructs Scarlet on how to hide her heritage, painfully aware Peter is cleverer than he looks, and then Peter just never asks her last name. She’s soon practically a Lost Girl. She eventually starts to wear pirate clothes again and phase in pirate slang and lead sailing trips around the bay and expertly fend off jealous mermaids with her cutlass. Peter never bats an eyelid. Until Scarlet is called for the generational transfer of plot-important kids to Ever After High.
Peter: You’re a Hook?!
Scarlet: You didn’t know? I just thought you were being cool and nonjudgmental!
Peter: How was I supposed to know? You didn’t say anything!
Scarlet: I do pirate stuff all the time! I literally wear the red Hook heirloom coat every day!
Peter: A lot of pirates like that kind of coat, I assumed you were some average, background pirate’s daughter!
Scarlet: But you still made me an honorary Lost Girl.
Peter: I’m pert - perpetu - purpley - I’m innocent for forever, duh! Why would I not like you based on how you look and where you’re from? That’s a stupid thing grownups made up.
Scarlet: Then… why do you care?
Peter: (crying) Because now we’re gonna have to not be friends anymore!
Scarlet: Why?
Peter: (furrows brow and stares intensely) Because… well… the grownups from the mainland…
Scarlet: Because they said so?
Cut to Milton Grimm sipping tea in his office, ready to commence the school year.
Milton: I suddenly feel something is terribly wrong.
So the requested Neverlandians arrive and to everyone’s surprise living legend Peter Pan tags along! They convince Milton he’ll be a positive influence on the students. Who knows more about following the script than him? He’s actually lived every rerun! The inherent PR boost of the fabled, incredible Peter Pan approving of the school and students’ excitement to meet him doesn’t hurt. Thus Peter is given lodging and exemption from most school rules and on paper social norms. From there, it spirals.
Peter Pan, professional chaos gremlin. Biologically, he appears to be ten. Mentally, he’s… complicated. He has tanned rosy skin, brown hair matted and spiky with mud, full of leaves and twigs. He will not wash. That’s both a statement and a threat. His forest green eyes are wide and bright and almost always have a smile in them. His outfit resembles a crude green, brown, black and gold scout leader uniform, cobbled together out of rough organic fabric and fur, complete with a sloppy Lost Kids insignia badge (his teammates have their own, each insignia a unique, unrelated design). He’s a force of nature capable of being stopped only by emotional tactics and his own hubris. Freedom is his most fundamental and initially basically sole value. That and friendship. Impatient and temperamental he may be, with push coming to shove for the first time in centuries he ultimately proves an incredibly loving and loyal friend. He has never been to school, so while his intelligent is sharp it manifests as cunning, disarming social skills provided whoever he’s talking to humours him, and borderline supernatural intuition. He loathes school with a passion. Move over Hook, Milton Grimm is his new nemesis. He’ll make him beg to just have his hand cut off. Unless you’re branded a villain in his story, which in fairness you do have to be actively, repeatedly cruel to earn, Peter genuinely doesn’t have a mean bone in his body and is quick to trust and forgive. Part of the reason the harm he causes doesn’t register at first is his assumption everyone shares his lighthearted worldview and is playing along with him. Over the course of the story he’s dragged kicking, screaming and in utter horror into being able to properly listen to and empathize with people, even when they conflict with him; take things seriously; handle philosophical nuance; respect others’ perspectives and judgements; admit when he’s wrong and work to fix it. All the while he must overcome the crushing identity crisis of ‘I’m the Boy Who Never Grow Up! If I grow up, who am I?’ learn how to preserve the good qualities of childhood and balance them healthily with his new maturity.
Scarlet Hook, daughter of Captain Hook. She has light skin, the Hooks’ trademark long black curls, piercing blue eyes, and wears stereotypical pirate clothes mostly in red and white with a rigging-like skirt and her dad’s coat tied around her waist. She’s a Rebel. Her stated reason is that she doesn’t want to get dismembered and all that, and being a talented athlete who would be set back by the loss of her dominant arm doesn’t hurt, but less vocally she couldn’t bear to betray her playful, teasing yet tight friendships with the others. She’s a big sister to Peter and his accomplice in neutral-to-good self-serving chaos. She has a shrewd pragmatism that offsets his fancifulness. Her favourite sports are fencing, obviously, tennis, British football and hockey. She loves her father, who’s a pretty decent parent if you discount his education in ruthlessness and spite, and the thrill and power of a pirate captain’s life and cared where it counted in his own way. The more violent aspects of it do secretly disturb her, having inherited her dad’s fear of the sight of blood. Plus having a conscience and empathy deep down. But overall taking the Jolly Rodger’s helm someday excites her. She admires Raven Queen for her courage in directly challenging the legacy system whereas Scarlet is more comfortable working from the shadows, using subterfuge, pulling strings and manipulating people. She learns to value others’ rights and fight for the overarching Rebel cause to give all free will, coming into her own as a leader. She simultaneously gradually loses her aversion to openly displaying affection.
Meghan Darling, daughter of Wendy Darling. She has several younger siblings affectionately nicknamed the Darling Horde, busy parents and is widely expected to be mature due to her destiny involving becoming a mother figure to the Lost Kids and later turning down endless youth. This has made her responsible and caring to a fault. She’s on the surface an archetypal ‘mum friend’, but a very exasperated one and actually rather sick of it. It’s left her highly sensitive, easily stressed and with fragile self-esteem - she isn’t as levelheaded as people assume she is. To compensate for her worries she’s developed an escapist side. That’s why she’s a Royal in the destiny debate, because she can’t wait to visit Neverland and have unbridled, fantastical childish fun, although she knows she’ll need to leave afterward. She hopes her experiences there will give her whatever the key to proper maturity is she doesn’t currently have. Meghan is friendly and sociable and tries to show kindness to all. She is also an academic bookworm and massive nerd on the topic of magic, especially its intersection with biology. Her favourite subject is Science and Sorcery. Her growing romantic feelings toward Fire Lily stress her out at first, but she comes to embrace them just in time to see the destiny debate resolved.
Fire Lily, son of Tiger Lily. He is quiet, reserved, dislikes expressing anger and is often misunderstood in Ever After; however, in Neverland he stands out for being sensible and logical (it’s notably different from Wonderland eccentricity, but mainlanders agree there is something off about Neverlandians). The truth is he simply has a steady enough core of self-confidence he doesn’t feel much need for social validation. At his worst, he can be prideful. That said, people usually either listening to him blindly because of his status or dismissing him as a side character without bothering to get to know him does grate on him; he wants to earn every ounce of respect he receives and is a Rebel out of distaste for judging people based on the holes they’re supposed to fit into rather than their individualities personalities. He’s intelligent and perceptive. Being the heir to the Native American community, therefore an important figure in the island’s internal politics, Fire Lily’s life has thoroughly exposed him to human and supernatural drama, leading to sharp sarcastic streak and expecting himself to be able to take new information in stride. When he can’t understand or adjust to something, he tends to panic and want to avoid it. He has a creative spirit and loves to paint and draw. He’s most content doing this. He reciprocates Meghan’s romantic feelings and they officially get together at the concluding party of “Way Too Wonderland”.
New To Tumblr
Got on here for commenting on ships and such. Missing Ever After High a lot. I be writing fics. Fell down the rabbit hole again. Got a lot on my mind. This is my first post. Ravin’ Queen is a triple entendre to symbolize my faves: Raven Queen, Lizzie Hearts. Briar Beauty.