Davos X Aeron - Tumblr Posts
“Sweet nothing”

Pairing: Benjicot “davos” blackwood x fem!reader
Benji masterlist
Between war, blood and chaos, your husband founds himself running home to your sweet nothing.
Nsfw, Benji being a tease but absolutely feral for you, bath chamber hinted sex, kissing and biting, nudtidy, groping, consent is sexy, domesticated!ben, fancast! Benji.
“ Darling, did you miss me ? ” You opened your eyes to find your lord husband strolling in your bath chambers.
All the servants were walking out with their head bowed down and knowing closed smiles, Benji grinned when he caught your eye, before he trailed his gaze down at your naked body, drinking you in with a smug tug of his lips, rubbing his jaw.
“ I missed you.” you breathed, feeling your heart ache to touch him, to hold him, to breathe him in.
You were beginning to get out of water when Ben shaked his head, mouthing a 'love' before stripping off his clothes, one by one.
He was being torturous with the pace, he knew well how driven you were, your mouth agape as you saw him, so so long. He tossed his tunic, because teasing you was one of his greatest amusement, but then again, he was dying to be in your embrace and let everything mute in the background, and regardless to say how pretty you looked, like those sirens they talked about, luring him and he would, he would crawl and beg and plead and surrender, for you he was insane.
“ My lord.” you whispered, giving him that, ‘I'll never sleep with you again’ look and it only took a moment before he was stepping down in the bath, beaming.
His naked body disappearing in the mist of water, you followed his movements, his smile climbing to a grin as he reached you, taking your hand and pressing it to his chest. Beneath your palm his heart was beating for you, loud and rhythmic.
“ You have no idea how much I missed you.” you pressed a soft kiss on his chest, just near a bluish bruised wound. You hoped they were all dead, all of them who hurt him.
“ you can always give me a idea, don't you think my lady.” He pouted, sensing your worry as he lifted you chin with his finger tip, eyes sparkling with mischief, you pushed forward your hands to cup his face, needless to say about him. He was everywhere, cupping your ass cheeks to kneading your breast, pulling your waist as he placed sweet kisses all over, like a starved man and he was, a very starved man for your love, your affection, your body and all of your sweet nothings.
“ I missed this.” he bited at the crook your neck, you arched back, allowing more access.
“ And ? ” you asked because Benji liked that, liked knowing everything that swirled in your mind, to know what you thought about everything and nothing.
You couldn't see him as he was sliding down your body, open mouthed kisses all over your skin while you tugged at his soft hair, but you knew how stupidly he would have smiled.
“ And this.” he bumped his nose to your navel, looking up to meet your gaze.
“ Tell me more.” you whined, dropping your head back, Benji wrapped your legs around his waist, taking you out of the water as he laid you on the floor, climbing over you.
“ More ? ” He smiled, leaning to kiss your nose tip, then claiming your in hard embrace and clatter of souls, his lips soft and warm and sweet.
You were flushed under him, you didn't dare look between him and you because the hard length that pressed against your thigh was enough proof of how madly you drived him crazy.
Benji watched as your breath hiccuped in your throat, watching your heart swell and eyes dazed with lust, like blown back.
“say it my sweet love.” He was propped on his elbows on either side of your head, his own voice shaky, he wanted nothing less to dive inside you, take you all and leave nothing, to devour and to worship you. But he needed you to say it first. “c'mon sweetheart” He nuzzled his nose at the side of your neck, breathing in your scent, humming along.
“ yes...Ben.” you bited your lower lip as his shaft was leaking with pre cum, weakening your legs and the pressure in your pit grew, dazing your senses.
“ huh.” Ben perked up, relaxing in a smirk, pecking down your jaw as he raised one eyebrow, like he didn't listen. Bastard.
“ T-take me.” you demanded and pleaded and that was all he needed to hear, before his lips parted in a gasp, He's bloody going to moan every sweet nothing out of you. Oh, how sweet.
“The great war”

Pairing: Benjicot “davos” blackwood x fem!reader
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Benji masterlist
“Take one step ahead—” you hoisted your dagger forward, “ —and I will slit that pretty throat of yours.” Benji smiled, cocking his head to sideways, his face gleaming with blood of your men. “ I would like that sweetheart.” he said, “ you like my throat ? ”
~ Bloody Ben living upto his name, too much blood and violence, Benji isn't morally obliged, Bracken! Reader, knife kink, Benji being flirty, physical pain, enemies to lovers kinda flirting.

“ He's looking at you ! ” one of the girls squealed, tugging at your skirt while you looked the other way.
“ Shh, you're being loud.” the other hissed, you nodded, smiling to yourself.
“ C'mon, give him one look—”
“ —what if he marries you ? ”
“ shut up.” you glared at them, despite the blood that rushed in your cheeks, your heart thudded as your risked a glance at him.
And there he was, Benjicot blackwood with his young chiseled jaw, looking right at you.
His glint only sparkled when he caught you looking, mouth tugging at the corner of his beautiful face.
“ You are blushing! ”
“ Stop gawking, it doesn't suit a lady.”
But you ignored all calls as Benji raised his goblet of wine along with several others in the hall, your brother amongst them.
“ To peace.” someone said, all drunk and slurred but the hall echoed with oaths of peace, it was spectacular how Benji said them with his eyes just on you.
“ You're drooling.” the girl next to you smirked, pushing her grease stained hands on your face.
“ I am not droo—”
And the chaos broke lose.
There was a high pitched scream and somewhere, someone was dead. Suddenly everyone was aware, drunkards sleeping on the table were on their feet, their swords shivering in their hands, harem were no where to be seen, hiding down the table, mothers rushing with infants clinging to their chest. You froze in your skin, the girl next to you was suddenly screaming as she was dragged away, no, no, no—
The air around you was suddenly too metallic and damped to breathe in, you looked up at the bloodshed, Where are you brother ?
Instead you found the young blackwood lord, he was still looking at you, his grin high on his face, his face— you saw, blood sprayed across and dripping, not his. Oh.
“ To peace.” Benji mouthed, before someone yanked you back and you passed out, everything grey and white — going black.
It's been years now, but sometimes it felt like only a moment, when you could close your eyes and see his face, sniff the metallic air, almost touch his face, his bloody face —bloody Ben.
The forest of Riverdales were to be avoided at all cost, so your brother chose the northern aisles — not the safest route but bandits were seriously no one's concern.
That night you saw him again, you never dreamt of it, it was just a glimpse and your yearning to touch his bloody face would take over, to feel it under your tips and you would wake up with shame and sweat and sometimes both.
But this time it started with scream, a loud shearing sound like one would give if his throat was slashed to the bones.
It took you moment to realise that it's not your dream, that you were very much awake, that there has been an attack.
“ Oh no.” you got up, throwing the fur that kept you warm aside as you saw fire and man running around, there were screams and cries. “ shit, shit, shit.” you breathed, grabbing your cloak as you rushed outside.
“ Miss, please go back inside ! ” one man said, he was holding a spear that was drenched in blood and flesh.
“ I need to find my brother.” You were standing at the flap of your tent, another cloaked man came rushing, his chestplate bobbling as he reached you.
“ It's his orders.” one said, the other one nodded, taking his stance at the opening of your tent.
“ But—”
A woman screamed as she fell, that sigil, oh my god, you thought but before you could do anything, the flap closed.
You could make out their silhouettes, they were standing with their spears, sword clinging to their armour.
There was a click and you would have missed it if you weren't looking too much, you took a step towards the opening, watching their shadow and your throat bobbled when one of them fell, just like that.
You blinked, the other knight met the same fate, one moment alive, the other gone.
Everything became too real and crumbled and you weren't really thinking when you grabbed the dagger you always kept under your pillow, it's coldness gripping and tugging under your skin, chilling your bones.
The flap opened and your breath hitched.
You were so doomed.
“ Did i interrupt your sleep ? ” Benji smiled, his sword was drenched in blood and his face met the similar fate, he was dragging it forward, a straight bloody line forming on the ground, as his face illuminated with the afterglow.
“ Take one step ahead—” you hoisted your dagger forward, “ —and I will slit that pretty throat of yours.”
Benji smiled, cocking his head to sideways, his face gleaming with blood of your men.
“ I would like that sweetheart.” he said, “ you like my throat ? ”
Your face grew warm, the back of your knees hitting the cot with a thud.
“ I will hurt you.” you said, taking a sharp breath, Benji ran a hand through his hair, wiping some blood with the back of his hand as he scrunched his nose.
“ You didn't answer my question.” He pouted casually, taking steps ahead at you.
“ Your false queen wouldn't protect you ! ” You snarled at him, trying to hide the tremor in your veins and you expected him to launch, to take that sword and swing it in your head but that would easy, no fun at all.
“ You have only gotten prettier.” He said instead, dropping his sword with a clang, shuffling his blood smeared hands in the fruit basket, picking up an apple while dropping all the other contents down with a ckatter, taking a bite from the apple he picked up, amused when he saw you bristle.
“ c'mon, you do remember making eyes at me.” He accused, dropping the apple with satisfied grin, he jabbed a finger in your direction and you shaked your head, feeling your defenses crumble against him.
“ I do not remember making—” and last sounds drowned in your throat as he advanced at you, you raised your dagger that met the sharp metal of his chestplate, a clashing sound ripped apart, knocking you back on the cot, your dagger fell along, banging against the floor.
He smiled, in victory before his eyes widened as you lept at him, sending both of you down with loud thud that sent some satisfaction inside you when you strangled him.
He laid still, blinking, as you pinned his shoulders with your arms, keeping his waist secured by your knees.
“ What are you going to do ? ” He asked, as few moments passed with nothing but glaring on your side, your chest heaved with the stunt you pulled, drawing a breath before setting your lips in thin line, despite the utter joy that rushed through you in having him under control.
“ Remember what I said about your throat ?”
“ That it's pretty ? ” He cocked his eyebrow, smugness settling into his features. For seven heaven's sake, he's pinned down, bastard.
“ No.” You rolled your eye, “ The slitting part.”
“ So you are gonna slit my pretty throat ? ” He gasped when you pressed forward on his chest, leaning closer until your nose almost brushed. Lips few inches apart.
“ Just your throat.” you whispered down at him, deep inside, you were shaking, feeling your heart hammering against your ribs, you were scared, excited and feeling brave all the same time, it was confusing.
“ You might want something sharp... except your beauty, it can kill too...” He tried to lift his face to claim your lips before you pulled away with a red face, He winked.
“ shut up.”
“ I would love a knife against my—” Ben made eye contact, “— pretty throat.”
“Bloody annoying.” you muttered under your breath, he chuckled while you looked at your dagger that was too far, then the table knife caught your gaze, It fell at some point, it was just a few paces from you and him and if you could just grab it, just a little stretching, and Just when you had—oops.
You knew it was bad move, that you should've known the moment he suggested you to get a weapon to cut his pretty throat
how could you have forgotten ?
He was the same man who said, “ To peace.” before uprising the bloodshed. A bloody traitor.
One moment you were on top of him, in charge, going to kill him and the next he threw you over, shattering everything you believed in, turning your whole world upside down, he pinned your whole body down with his arm while the other rested under your head before it hit the floor, a crack — probably his knuckles.
He grinned like maniac, his eyes glistening as he did so, taking a look of your flushed face, your neck prickled at his gaze.
“ I will hurt you.” he mimicked you, taking the sharp knife away from your hands in one jerk, his other hand pinning you down on the floor.
“ I hate you.” you blinked, pain shooting up your spine as his weight dropped on you, heavy and suffocating.
“ Oh no sweetheart, you don't.” he said.
yes, maybe not that much—shut up,
He grabbed your chin, lifting it forward before he got up from you and outstretching his hand.
“ c'mon, can't lose you another time, can I ?”
You looked at his fingers, covered in blood of your men, you tried not to think but...but perhaps your brother.
“ Kill me if you want to.” you gulped, “ But I will not go anywhere with you.”
“ You will survive the great war.” He smiled, taking your hand as he jerked you up, your when body leaning against him before you pulled away.
“ Don't touch me.” you bristled, pulling your night gown closer to your body.
“ While I would very much like to talk more darling, but I fear we don't have time.”
And just when he said it, a fire erupted on the other side of the tent, blazing flames roaring with more screaming.
“ C'mon.” he grabbed your hand, rather forcefully as you tried to squirm away.
“ NO.” you roared at him, smoke filling the space, as one wall burnt down to ashes, you could see more shadows of people running.
Dead bodies lying around like they were mere things, but not people with lives and memories, or people who had lives and memories.
“ I won't hurt you.” Ben said above the flames, not dropping your hand despite the scratching and screaming.
“ Leave—” you sinked your nails in his flesh, “ me alone ! ” you gritted your teeth.
He sighed, for the first time he was truly disappointed, his eyes blazing and the blood gleaming on his skin, dropping your hand as you looked at with a bewildered look.
Did he just do that for real ?
“ How feral you are darling.” He said, before he knocked you out and everything was black again.
“Come back, be here ...”

Pairing: fancast! Benji blackwood x Bracken!reader
Benji masterlist
“ You and Benji meet when sky goes blaze and sun comes up, by the woods. But this time somthing hits different.
Nsfw 18 +, sexual content ahead ( blow job ) and hinted sex, enemies with benefits, smug! Benji, gn! Bracken! Reader, choking, physical shoving and rough reader, Benji being adorable, fluff, sprinkle of fairy dust ( angst ) some team black vs green dispute.
“ What are you doing here ? ”
The twigs crunched by your soles echoed in ten empty woods, the sun was coming up from the horizon where land met sky.
“ You're late.” Benji said, rubbing his eye like he had fallen asleep, bones cracking as he got up from the bottom the trunk where he was sitting, a leather pouch discarded.
“ This wasn't even meant to be.” You spat, eyeing him as he grinned at your anger, already making his way towards you.
“ Why ? ” He said nonchalantly, knowing how much you hated that tone, slurring the ends, “ Because your coward king—”
“ Shut your mouth.” You shoved him, his back hitting the nearest bark, wrapping your fingers around his throat, his eyes locked in yours.
“ or what ? ” He challenged, every sound resonating back in your skin, waves shooting up and down, rippling your heart, he was very much amused when you had no answer.
“ Go, before I kill you traitor. ” You loosened your grip, satisfied to see the four red marks clinging to his cartilage rings, adam apple bobbling when he swallowed hard.
“ Why are we doing this ? ” He pulled you by the back of your neck, his face turning to a scowl.
“ Doing what ? ”
Benji shaked his head like you were being an idiot, “ This.” he said, with more urgency and you huffed before he caught you off guard.
He kissed you, not the first time and as you hoped, not the very last.
But it was different, like all your kisses were more crashing and shearing and reaching for each other while this, this— it was everything the rest weren't. Soft and sweet, a breeze on your mouth, slow and musical, like you had all the time, it was how lovers kissed, so close that his heart was beating in your ribs, so close that sides didn't matter and he was all along in you, with you.
“......” You pulled away when your chest ached for breath, his face was beaming with the crimson patches and lips swollen by you.
“ Do you...” He started, biting his lower lip, you looked away, “ ...you happen to have time.”
“ Not much.” you grabbed at his tunic, pulling it away while his face only heated up like the sun itself.
The moment you took him in your mouth was the moment you changed what has changed, ofcourse, Benji slipped into another person while you were at it, sometimes he would call you ‘darling’, ‘love’ and all those sweet names lovers had the luxury of, but it was forgotten as soon as both of you were in your clothes and senses.
But when he tugged at your hair, whispering sweet nothings with moans only you could make him gasp, or you hoped ( you wished ).
He was praising and guiding as your mouth devoured him whole, sniffing in his musky scent and drowning in his thick juices, he came with cursing “ oh love...” so loud that neither of you could forget it didn't happen.
There was hardly any talking, speaking meant acknowledge of what you were doing and in that case — you both were clueless. You hardly remember how and when this became something that was meant to be.
To meet by the horizon and fuck daylights out of each other wasn't the most fierce rivalry, to speak ill and crude before pulling each other for a kiss that could last lifetimes.
To hold hands as one reached heaven, or presumably hell, each thrust driven with hate, passion and anger and most of all — hope.
Benji and you never kissed after, it was only the initialisation, the ‘ hey, let's fuck.’ and a glare or pathetic attempt to insult was used as ‘ now get the fuck out of my territory ’ with an unsaid, ‘ but be back to me, soon’
So when Benji helped you up your knees, his head leaning against the bark as he show stars in morning blazing sky, before his eyes met you, flushed and pink lips pressed in warm summer sun, softly and sweetly.
“ You are getting good.” and here it was, his pathetic attempt but you were so wrong because that smile, which reached his eyes could never be an insult, and he was still clasping your hand.
You swallowed hard, the sun came up and he was looking at you, his gaze was softer when you looked back, was it today or was it all this time and you never saw, too afraid to fall in those devastingly beautiful eyes, lighting up like mischief.
“ Now get out.”
He chuckled as you pulled, clutching your wrist near your heart, arching your brows because that made you feral — another useless fact Benji had told you.
“ Don't be late—” he bent down, picking his leather pouch along with cloak, displaying his fine ass, shit “ — next time, there's more I want to do. ”
Despite you struggled, keeping the blush under control, or to blame the sun, you felt your whole body stiffening with the mere thought, arousal lurching in your stomach.
“ If you really want to do something,” you took three step back, facing his forward, the sun almost in the sky, blazing his whole face, “ then you could tell your troops on the western front to calm the fuck down, it's annoying.”
“ You didn't answer my question.” He pouted to himself, waving you off.
“ which question ? ” you blinked.
“ Nevermind, next time.” He smirked, you nodded, so there's going to be next time, you held the smile clutched in your cheeks.
“ Right.” you said, nodding while he bobbled in chin in courtesy and walked out of the woods to the blackwood fields.
“ My leige” A beaded man came rushing, his hand waving a parchment that was crumbled around the edges.
“ Make sure the mother is provided good care —” you turned to him, “ yes ? ”
“ The Blackwood troops dreaded the west aisles... there's been no dispute.”
Something inside you soared high, like bird's first flight and dropped like a free fall, no certainly just a hope.
“...” The said man stared at you, that's when you realised you were smiling your brightest.
“ that's... that's very nice.” You stood up, the woods awaited you.
“The Great War : Part 2”

Pairing: Benjicot “Davos” blackwood x Bracken!fem!reader
Part 1 of “The great war”
Part 3 of “The great war”
Benji masterlist
“ Benji makes a move, Aeron demands his sister back, you learn the truth—prehaps you would survive the great war after all ”
~ fluff, food feeding, flirty Benji, ‘Darling’ is basically his love language, mention of abduction, bashing Aeron Bracken ( loml)
Wc: 2k
There will be one more part consisting: wedding, smut and jealousy, a happily ever after. Join the taglist<3 xoxo
Request for Aemond, Jace and Aegon are open <3

Two days, you sighed, two days living on false hopes and whispered prayers, the smell of smoke still fresh on your skin.
Bright light shimmering inside and took refuge in your darkness as the flap opened, you looked up from your blood soaked gown and feral watery eyes, sore from tears and hopes.
“ Won't you eat anything darling? ” Benji smiled, despite his words carrying a tone of disappointment, his gaze lingering off the untouched food as he reached you.
Sitting down next to you, his back pressed against your cot, floor cold under your bodies.
“ C'mon, you will die if you won't eat.” His fingers brushed your jaw and you pulled back, turning your face to the outside chatter.
“ Wouldn't that be better ? ” you turned to him, He only beamed more, always flattered to have your attention.
“ No.” He said, bringing the plate towards you, “ Because your brother wouldn't like that and me ? I would be wrecked without you sweetheart.”
“ My brother ? ” you perked up, Benji shredded the loaf, dipping it in the cherry crushed jam.
“ Yes, your brother.” Benji cocked his head, bringing the loaf to your mouth, “open” he mouthed, you hesitated but eventually obliged.
“ When will he come ? ” you asked instantly, feeling your throat dry from days refusing food and water.
“ Bracken's were seen on the east fronts, if everything —” He brought another bite to you, “ — plays out good then he would be here by tommorow.”
“ Oh.” Your lips brushed his finger, Benjy's mouth twitched, “ I can eat by myself.” you said hurriedly, avoiding his eyes that could easily devour you.
“ I know darling.” He said calmly, Ben looked different in this light, his face clear from blood and gore, eyes not blinded by war and chaos but just himself, he was feral, you knew it, knew damn well all his bloodiness but this Benji who visited you everytime in these past two days, his skin clear, his youth shining, his words sweet, his tactics new to feed you, it felt like the very first time. You felt more dirty in the clothes he abducted you, refusing to bathe or change or eat, fingers dirty under your nails. It was a relief he was feeding you.
“ Then let me.” You didn't open your mouth when he brought the sweet loaf to you, his eyes softening as he shaked his head.
“ You are in my care, so you don't get to fret.” He pushed his thumb on your mouth, parting your lips in a gasp, too stunned to form any sentences, let alone for a comeback, you ate.
“ No.” you said, when he started spreading cheese on another peice of bread, his fingers red with cherry jam, like blood.
“ Huh ? ” he looked up, placing tomatoes on the loaf along with cooked meat.
“ Not hungry.” you looked away, not that you weren't, but you hated how your heart raced everytime he was near, hated how you would do anything if he said it the right way, hated how stupid he made you feel.
He dismissed as your stomach churned, embarassing you but he made no note of it, busy in making a flower with his toppings.
“ I thought about asking for your hand in marriage, the first time we met.”
“ We never met. You saw me and I saw you.” you snapped at him, Benji chuckled as he bit his lower lip, you looked away.
“ I thought you didn't remember making eyes at me.”
“ I was just looking ! ” your face grew warm, your heart lept inside your ribs, you wondered if he could hear it.
And sometimes you thought he did, Benji could breathe your hunger, sense your desires and it left you spiralling — did he know ?
“ ofcourse you were just looking, darling.” He was finished decorating the loaf like it wasn't going to be eaten but preserved through the centuries.
“ Stop calling me darling.”
“ Why ? Don't tell me you don't like it.”
“ I don't like it.” you glared at him, he waved you off, pouring wine in two goblets.
“ Then don't blush like that.” He sucked at his cherry smeared fingers, his mouth was warm and pink, soft like a breeze, how soft and sweet...so soft on your lips—fuckity fuck.
You flushed, feeling heat shoot up your spine, slowly crawling it's way to your face.
You grabbed the goblet, downed it one swig, ‘it's the wine’ you would jab at him if he pointed the crimson glow of your skin.
But he never did, Benji watched with his smug face, as your throat bobbled down the whole drink in one go, smiling to himself.
“ It would've been nice if your brother wasn't an idiot.”
“ Say that again.” You frowned at him, ready to bang his head with the decorated loaf if you had to, how dare he ?
“ No offence darling.” He shifted closer to you, running a hand through his hair, you winced at his sticky fingers but it was Benji, he would look good doing anything, stupid or immoral, anything and you shuddered at the feeling he tingled inside you. Stop !
“ but your brother ruined everything, first he declared for the cun—unworthy Aegon and then when I tried to make peace—”
“ oh, the bloodshed ? ” You glanced at him and he looked hurt for a moment before he recovered with a widened shit eating grin of his, streching from ear to ear.
“ It was your Brother and his plan.”
“ No.”
“ Well you have got no reason to believe me and you shouldn't until I prove myself to you, House Bracken and house Blackwood never got along and on that table when I saw you, I saw hope, I didn't mind if Aeron asked for lands or rivers or people or glory as long as he would bless us but...” You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw his face crinkling,he wasn't crying but it was there, a proof that he could, “...He and his gitty lords betrayed my trust, no honour, no word keeping—”
“ Stop, please stop.” You brought your knees to your chest, feeling your insides hollow as he spoke and spoke, making you wonder whose sword it was that swinged first that day, his or Aeron's, which man died first, his or your own, because every word he said felt true to his soul and Benji did many things to you, kidnapped you, threatened you, played his silly little games with you but all and all, he never lied, not even to feed you, not even to gain your trust.
You were so doomed.
“ You should rest, darling.”
“ Go away.” You buried your face in the dip of your knees.
“ Right.” He closed his mouth, getting up from the floor, “ Aeron will come for you and this time we could actually talk about peace.”
He added sincerely, before smoothening your hair as you refused to look at him, feeling everything you believed crumble, going upside down.
“ Eat that when you're hungry.” and with that he left.
Benji was true to his word, By afternoon two maids came in, holding a dress, it was just a simple cotton gown with red flowers embroided and despite almost three days of refusing to do anything that was told,
You finally gave in, feeling your body melt in the hot water as soft hands brushed your back, combing through your hair.
Blood, smoke and many other things rubbed off your skin, you were finally clean.
Your eyes widened, heart bloomed as two men in cloak escorted you in front of a tent, biggest in the whole camp after where you were kept.
“ Go inside.” One said and you reasiled she was a woman, you weren't going to be told twice before you entered, it was lit only with candles. You squinted your eyes and before them stood your brother.
Aeron looked up, his eyes moistened as he saw you, joy knew no bounds as it filled inside you.
“ Sister.” He was already on his feet, circling the room as he ran and took you in his arms, picking you off the floor and swinging you midair.
“ you're okay ? ” you asked him, once he let you down and he nodded, bumping your nose, “ I should ask you that.” He said grimly, shooting a glare towards Benjicot, who was watching the whole reunion with a scowl on his face.
His scowl disappeared as you followed your brother's gaze to him, smiling brightly as he waved at you.
“ Now that we are all here,” Benjicot announced, and you were suddenly aware of many other unrecognisable faces in the room, all with pride and loyalty in their eyes, “let us discuss some very important matters that have continued to become a pain in our ass.” Benji looked at Aeron, who bristled away, taking your hand as he went to sit opposite from Benji on the council table amongst his important men.
“ Not there.” Benji said sweetly to you, immediately the chair next to him was pulled, “ Little dove, here.”
You blinked, glancing at your brother whose face was clamped in a bitter line.
Remembering your place and territory, you walked to his side, sitting next to him.
“ Did you sleep well last night, darling ? ” He leaned back as wine was poured to each lord, some of them were eyeing Aeron and his men very suspiciously, some only smiled with smirks plastered to their hard faces.
You gave him one pointed look before turning back to your brother.
The council began with a very drunk man howling how House Bracken took everything from him, fluent in curses as he threw one after another before you groaned.
“ Take Lord Hawthorne away, he clearly needs rest.” Benjicot said, as two hands helped the said lord out, still telling Aeron how he could fuck himself.
“ Now that we are back again—”
“ I want my sister back.” Aeron made his point, slamming his fist, his hair falling down from his bun at the force.
“ very well.” Benji smiled, all the lords hummed or tutted, like they knew something only the Brackens didn't.
“ last time when we talked about any exchange, you stabbed me in the back.” you watched Aeron for any sign of denial, you were disappointed, shit, “ which is a metaphor, ofcourse, you talked about peace, killed my men, offered your sister and took her away from me.”
“ There was no betrothal.” Aeron said simply, avoiding your gaze. Benji's laugh was humourless, more threatening.
“ You promised and I am asking for that promise back.”
“ In no life I would let that happen.”
“ Then you will face consequences lad.” one man spoke, he was older, his skin slacked around his arms and nerves popped up blue.
“ Your brother is stupid.” Benji leaned and whispered to you, as the council crackled at the old man's words.
“ What are your terms ? ” You asked him instead, knowing Aeron's eyes on you.
Benji's mouth curved in a smirk, his nose almost brushing yours.
He looked towards your brother, to catch his eye and when he did, he became the man you met on that table years ago for the first time, chiseled jaw, mischievous eyes, beautiful and crazy.
“ Marry me.”
Something dropped and you wondered if it was your heart, but that was just Lord Fester who passed out with wine pouring out on his face, and ofcourse your heart too.
You might still survive the great war.
Davos: Are you flirting with me?
Aeron: My sword is pressed against your throat, Blackwood
Davos: ....
Davos: That’s why I asked
Aeron is def Brazilian, we can't stand the word "duvido" (I doubt/you wouldn't do that), it has the same effect as "you wouldn't dare" because OH SWEETIE YES WE WOULD
sure, sure.
aeron is pretty and a little prissy. maybe too weak to be an effective knight. but everyone has to admit he’s got NERVE.
he’s obviously scared of Davos but he doesn’t back down when they are literally nose to nose.
“you wouldn’t dare!” davos says.
aeron’s silence seems to say “watch this.”
then the entire field is stacked with bodies and the mill’s burning because he HE DID DARE!

They're so in love, they could've solved this whole thing with a lil smooch
The song of achilles except it's Davos Blackwood and Aeron Bracken