586 posts
Nerdyparker616 - Kei - Tumblr Blog

I’d walk through fire for my daughter. Well not FIRE, because it’s dangerous. But a super humid room. But not too humid, because my hair.

fascinated by people claiming that deadpool is straight meanwhile here's how they marketed Deadpool 3:

deadpool & wolverine is one of those films where i thought everyone was joking or exaggerating about the homoeroticism and then i went to the cinema and watched a 2 hour long gay sex metaphor. what the hell was that. we need more of that kind of film in society
relax bro ain’t nobody takin it from u

LMAOOO i tried to post the car fight from deadpool 3 on youtube with casual playing in the background and it immediately got copyrighted. marvel your homophobic side is showing /j
anyways here it is cause i'm not a pussy
I have seen gay porn less erotic

“Every Deadpool has a Peter!”

Nowadays, people just don’t know how to go on a normal date.

Hello Deadpool and Wolverine fandom

I'd like to bring this golden post back in light of the Honda Odyssey scene

this is how i imagine hughs mind was during the press tour

Spideypool brainrot part 4 (with deadpool stealing the spotlight)

Hugh/Logan being compared to a Twink is not how I expected to start my day (I'm not disagreeing with it tho)
Screw telling GRRM about feudalism! Tell him to get up here and squash all the Jon is a bad swordsman takes with immediate effect! Tell him to post on his blog that Jon is 100x better than Samurai Jack could ever wish to be!! Tell him to hold a press conference and say that Jon is better than Jaime, Barristan, both Daemons, Arthur, and the Dragoknight COMBINED!!! Tell him to say Jon is swordmastering Goku!!!! Tell him to powerscale Jon so hard we have to create a new category for him beyond multiversal!!!!!
Rhaegar: You get hurt, hurt ‘em back.
Jon: You get killed? Walk it off.

#bisexuality tbh
It was Wolverine coming in between my Spideypool ship, now it’s Spider-Man coming in between my Poolverine ship, things changed.
deleted scene from deadpool and wolverine actually
Ok but y'all need to stop being cowards and start embracing comic book Logan instead...
As the two apples-tall gremlin that he is.

Wade's top is pocket sized, and I think that's beautiful.

loved deadpool & wolverine I wish gay people were real

Let's just join them in their madness